Der blev fundet 187 produkter som matchede din søgning efter welch i 2 butikker:
Winning - Jack Welch - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 174.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)”Winning” er den ultimative business-håndbog fra den tidligere CEO i General Electric, Jack Welch og hans kone, tidligere redaktør på Harvard Business Review Suzy Welch. ”Winning” undersøger de seneste års forandringer og økonomiske realiteter, og hvordan man med evigt-gældende principper kan skabe den gode forretning. Jack Welsh opfatter sin udgivelse som en håndbog for alle, der ønsker at udvikle deres virksomheder og økonomi. Med sin kolossale erfaring fra toppen af erhvervslivet uddeler Jack Welsh essentielle råd om arbejdet i en organisation, håndteringen af konkurrenter og balancen mellem privatlivet og karrieren. Med deres forskellige kompetencer har Jack Welch og Suzy Welch sammen skrevet en tilgængelig og brugbar guide til erhvervslivet med udgangspunkt.
Sælger: Pris: 148.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Article number: 0805147201521Artist: GILLIAN WELCH & DAVID RAWLINGSBarcode: 0805147201521Distributor: Warner MusicLabel: AconyMedia: CDRelease date: 2021-03-05Tracks: 1. OH BABE IT AIN'T NO LIE2. SEÑOR3. FLY AROUND MY PRETTY LITTLE MISS4. HELLO IN THERE5. POOR ELLEN SMITH6. ALL THE GOOD TIMES ARE PAST AND GON7. GINSENG SULLIVAN8. ABANDONED LOVE9. JACKSON10. Y'ALL COMEUnits in packaging: 1
Radford Kaffesked Blank 8-pack - Robert Welch
Sælger: Pris: 315.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Radford cutlery from Robert Welch has a classic design that fits all table settings. Spoons and forks are made with the highest quality 18/10 stainless steel. Knife blades are made of specially hardened stainless steel to give the best possible cutting edge.
Winning - Suzy Welch - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 104.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The ultimate business how-to book by the icon of American business and one of the world's most revered and respected leaders, Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric. WINNING explores the changes of recent times and the new economic realities and it identifies the central, immutable principals of doing business right and doing it well. WINNING is devoted to the real "stuff" of work, looking both inside the company, from leadership to picking winners to making change happen, and outside the company, at competition, strategy and mergers. And it focuses on managing your career - from finding the right job to achieve work-life balance.
Winning - Jack Welch - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 324.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Described as America's #1 manager, Jack Welch now lays out the real "stuff" of work in this new title that is destined to become the bible of business for generations to come. "Winning" clearly and succinctly lays out the answers to the most difficult, important questions people face both on and off the job.
Jack - Jack Welch - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 129.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Jack Welch was perhaps the greatest corporate leader of the 20th century. When he first became CEO of General Electric in 1981 the company was worth $12 billion. Twenty years later it is worth a total of $280 billion. But Welch was more than just the leader of the most successful business in the world. He revolutionised GE's entire corporate culture with his distinctive, highly personal management style: the individual appreciation of each of his 500 managers, the commitment to an informal but driven work style and the encouragement of candour were all part of the Welch approach. Following John Harvey Jones's Making it Happen and Troubleshooter , Jack has already become the businessman's bible for the 21st century - an inspiration for a new generation of corporate players.
Security - David A. Welch - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 229.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)How do we know when we are investing wisely in security? Answering this question requires investigating what things are worth securing (and why); what threatens them; how best to protect them; and how to think about it. Is it possible to protect them? How best go about protecting them? What trade-offs are involved in allocating resources to security problems? This book responds to these questions by stripping down our preconceptions and rebuilding an understanding of security from the ground up on the basis of a common-sense ontology and an explicit theory of value. It argues for a clear distinction between objective and subjective security threats, a non-anthropocentric understanding of security, and a particular hierarchy of security referents, looking closely at four in particular-the ecosphere, the state, culture, and individual human beings. The analysis will be of interest not only to students and scholars of International Relations, but also to practitioners.
Succes - Brugt Bog- Jack Welch
Sælger: Pris: 45.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Succes er fyldt med imponerende indsigt, originale ideer, skarpe analyser og konkrete råd fra Jack Welch , der om nogen kender formlen på succes. Det hele er inspireret af ét gennemgående spørgsmål, som "Neutron Jack" har fået igen og igen: Hvad skal der til for at vinde? Svaret får du i Succes. Uden omsvøb. Til inspiration for alle, der drømmer om at få succes i rollen som chef - og som medarbejder. Bogen kommer omkring alle afgørende facetter af ledelsesmæssig succes. Fra godt lederskab over dét at finde de bedste medarbejdere til kunsten at skabe forandring. Fra strategi over fusioner til nødvendigheden af at holde et vågent øje med konkurrenterne. Og så sætter bogen selvfølgelig ikke mindst fokus på Jack Welch s egen forretningsfilosofi og hans bud på, hvordan du finder det rigtige job og får den rigtige balance i dit (job)liv. Bogen er skrevet af Jack Welch sammen med hustruen Suzy Welch . Jack Welch er for længst blevet en legendarisk lederskikkelse over det meste af verden. Og det med god grund. For under hans ledelse oplevede General Electic en værdistigning på mere end 400 milliarder dollars. Jack Welch er flere gange blevet kåret til verdens mest beundrede topchef, og af og til den mest frygtede. I 2001 gik han på pension og har siden rådgivet andre ledere, holdt foredrag og mødt tusindvis af mennesker over hele verden.
Winning Lp - Jack Welch - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 379.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)A champion manager of people, Jack Welch shares the hard-earned wisdom of a storied career in what will become the ultimate business bible With Winning, Jack Welch delivers a wide-ranging, in-depth, no-holds-barred management guidebook about the tough strategic, organizational, and personal challenges that face people at every stage of their careers. Loaded with candid personal anecdotes, hard-hitting advice, and invaluable dos and don'ts, Jack explains his theory of business, by laying out the four most important principles that form the foundation of his success. Chapters include: How to Get Promoted, How to Think about Strategy, How to Write a Budget that Works, How to Work for a Jerk, How Find Work-Life Balance and How Start Something New. Enlivened by quotes from business leaders that Welch interviewed especially for the book, it's a tour de force that reflects Welch's mastery of execution, excellence and leadership.
Ungdoms Sødme - Denton Welch - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 179.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)“Når man spørger mig, hvilken forfatter der har haft den mest direkte indflydelse på mit eget arbejde, kan jeg svare uden tøven: Denton Welch.” - William S. Burroughs “Måske findes der ikke en bedre roman her i verden end Denton Welchs Ungdoms sødme . Bare det at holde bogen i hænderne, så preciøs, så hinsides bøsset, så lifligt subversiv, er nok til at gøre analfabetisme til et større samfundssvigt end hungersnød.” - John Waters På et hotel i Surrey er den 15-årige Orvil Pym på sommerferie med sin far og sine to storebrødre, væk fra den forhadte kostskole. Den sky og sensitive Orvil savner sin afdøde mor og føler sig fremmed for både sin familie og deres påtrængende maskulinitet, for de jævnaldrende drenge på hotellet og for livet i det hele taget. For at undgå det frygtede samvær med andre går han på voyeuristisk opdagelse i det labyrintiske hotel, i de omkringliggende landskaber og i sine egne vildt associerende fantasier, hvor det frastødende og nydelsesfulde mødes. For Orvil er det ikke den ydre verden, der tæller; det gør idiosynkrasierne, interesserne og hans egne fikse idéer: Han smører sig ind i læbestift, han leger slave og fantaserer om en eremittilværelse. Han er optaget af antikviteter og nipsgenstande; af alt, der er ornamenteret og skrøbeligt og minder om fortiden; af grotter, forladte hytter og gamle kirker. Han er også optaget af dødsfantasier og erindringer om sin savnede mor. Og da en kano med en meget maskulin skolelærer kommer sejlende, optages han af også af ham. Ungdoms sødme er en roman fyldt med anspændt seksualitet og usikker kønsidentitet, med ensomhed og isolation. Det er den første bog af Welch, der er oversat til dansk. Vidt forskellige forfattere som E.M. Forster, William S. Burroughs og John Updike har beundret ham, mens Jack Kerouac harcelerede over, at det var Truman Capote og ikke Welch, der blev læst og var bredt anerkendt. Romanen er, ligesom Welchs øvrige udgivelser, primært selvbiografisk (han levede i en stadig frygt for sagsanlæg, fordi hans bøger lå så tæt på virkeligheden). Heri ligger måske en af grundene til, at Welch i eftertiden mest har været en forfatternes forfatter. For Welch skrev – i 1945 – temmelig åbent antydende om sin homoseksualitet og om Orvils spirende erkendelse af egen seksualitet, der viser sig med en blanding af fascination, voyeurisme og masochisme. Ungdoms sødme er en overdådig, sørgelig og humoristisk skildring af en dreng med ét ben placeret i barndommen og ét ben, der har vanskeligt ved at finde fodfæste i ungdommen; det er en roman, der som sin hovedperson på én gang er fuldstændig ukunstlet og umådeligt affekteret. Denton Welch (1915-1948) var engelsk billedkunstner og forfatter. Welch gik ud af skolen som 16-årig for at studere på kunstakademiet Goldsmiths i London. I 1935 blev han påkørt under en cykeltur til Surrey, hvor han vanen tro gjorde holdt flere gange undervejs for at studere gamle kirker og herregårde. Ulykken gav ham kroniske mén og førte i sidste ende til hans...
Useless Magic - Florence Welch - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 214.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The perfect gift for fans of Florence + the Machine, wi th additional lyrics, poems and a new chapter of sermons Songs can be incredibly prophetic, like subconscious warnings or messages to myself, but I often don't know what I'm trying to say till years later. Or a prediction comes true and I couldn't do anything to stop it, so it seems like a kind of useless magic. 'Pop's high priestess bares her soul in this candid collection of poems and lyrics' Observer 'A treasure . . . beautiful. Generous in its honesty, by the end you feel as though you have climbed into the colourful, and sometimes tortured, world of a passionate artist ' i 'Makes the reader feel as though they're peeking into a private journal ' Refinery29
Love & Luck - Jenna Evans Welch - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 139.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)A New York Times bestseller From the author of the New York Times bestselling Love & Gelato comes a heartwarming tale of a road trip through Ireland filled with love, adventure, and the true meaning behind the word family. Addie is visiting Ireland for her aunt's over-the-top destination wedding and hoping she can stop thinking about the one thing she did that left her miserable and heartbroken--and threatens her future. But her brother, Ian, isn't about to let her forget, and his constant needling leads to arguments and even a fistfight between the two once inseparable siblings. Miserable, Addie can't wait to visit her friend in Italy and leave her brother--and her problems--behind. So when Addie discovers an unusual guidebook, Ireland for the Heartbroken , hidden in the dusty shelves of the hotel library, she's able to finally escape her anxious mind and Ian's criticism. And then their travel plans change. Suddenly Addie finds herself on a whirlwind tour of the Emerald Isle, trapped in the world's smallest vehicle with Ian and his admittedly cute, Irish-accented friend Rowan. As the trio journeys over breathtaking green hills, past countless castles, and through a number of fairy-tale forests, Addie hopes her guidebook will heal not only her broken heart, but also her shattered relationship with her brother. That is if they don't get completely lost along the way.
Love & Gelato - Jenna Evans Welch - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 109.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Now a Netflix movie, starring Susanna Skaggs A New York Times bestseller The dying wish of 16-year-old Lina's mother was for her daughter to live in Tuscany and get to know her father, whom Lina has never met. "Howard is the best man I've ever known," her mother says, "he'll keep you safe." Why did her mother wait so long to tell her about him? Lina has a happy life in Seattle and doesn't want to leave. Shortly after she arrives at Howard's home, Lina meets Sonya, who gives Lina a diary that belonged to Lina's mother, the one she had kept while she was a photography student in Florence. While Lina is living her life and exploring Tuscany with her handsome neighbour, Ren, she follows in the footsteps of her mother and gets to know her as never before. She also finds out the truth about her father. Mostly she finds out about herself.
Small Animal Surgery - Theresa Welch Fossum - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 1,464.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 with "Essential Purchase" designation in Veterinary Medicine** From basic procedures like spays, castrations, and declaws to advanced surgeries like craniotomy, vertal slots, and lung lobectomy, Fossum’s Small Animal Surgery, 5th Edition is the go-to, full-color guide for everything that general veterinarians and vet students need to know about both soft tissue and orthopedic surgery. Five editors bring their expert perspective as they discuss the latest advances in key areas such as imaging modalities, regenerative medicine, minimally invasive surgery, and neurology. With each book adoption, you’ll also have access to the Expert Consult website, which includes a fully searchable version of the book plus step-by-step video clips and animations of surgical procedures, aftercare instruction handouts, case presentations, references linked to full text articles on PubMed, and an extensive image collection. There is no better resource to keep you up to date on the latest advances and techniques in small animal surgery! Well illustrated, step-by-step instructions for surgical techniques provide quick reference to practical how-to information in emergency and clinical situations. Anesthesia Protocols offer easy access to recommendations for anesthetizing animals with particular diseases or disorders. Coverage of cutting-edge imaging techniques, including radiographs, CT, MRI, and digital imaging, explores the most useful imaging modalities for demonstrating areas of surgical concern. Clinical tips boxes provide at-a-glance surgical and practice tips. Postsurgical care instructions provide customizable client aftercare handouts for many of the procedures in the book. Reference links to PubMed grant access to full-text articles. NEW! Expanded sections on thoracoscopy, arthroscopy, and laparoscopy reflect the significant growth in minimally invasive procedures in vet medicine. NEW! Significantly revised section on joint disease includes additional techniques and procedures. NEW! Revised chapter on regenerative medicine emphasizes application of stem cell and regenerative medicine technologies to clinical patients. NEW! Increased emphasis on differential diagnosis helps you learn how to avoid misdiagnoses that result in unnecessary surgery with the inclusion of boxes covering disorders that may mimic the more commonly encountered surgical neurologic problems that are not actual disorders requiring surgical repair. NEW! Correlation boxes highlight the advances in veterinary medicine that correlate with human medicine. NEW! Expanded chapter on neurologic examination cover how to perform a proper neurologic exam to detect problems in cats and dogs. NEW! Step-by-step procedure videos that walk through both basic and advanced procedures have been added to this new edition. NEW! Aftercare instructions and rarely performed procedures have been added to the Expert Consult.
Love & Gelato - Jenna Evans Welch - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 154.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Now a movie streaming on Netflix! A summer in Italy turns into a road trip across Tuscany in this sweeping New York Times bestseller filled with romance, mystery, and adventure. Lina is spending the summer in Tuscany, but she isn't in the mood for Italy's famous sunshine and fairy-tale landscape. She's only there because it was her mother's dying wish that she get to know her father. But what kind of father isn't around for sixteen years? All Lina wants to do is get back home. But then Lina is given a journal that her mom had kept when she lived in Italy. Suddenly Lina's uncovering a magical world of secret romances, art, and hidden bakeries. A world that inspires Lina, along with the ever-so-charming Ren, to follow in her mother's footsteps and unearth a secret that has been kept for far too long. It's a secret that will change everything Lina knew about her mother, her father--and even herself. People come to Italy for love and gelato, someone tells her, but sometimes they discover much more. Kirkus Reviews called Love & Gelato "a sure bet for fans of romance fiction," while VOYA said readers "will find it difficult to put this book down." Readers are about to discover a new place, a new romance, and a new talent.
Love & Olives - Jenna Evans Welch - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 214.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr) -
Love & Olives - Jenna Evans Welch - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 164.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)A New York Times Bestseller From the New York Times bestselling author of Love & Gelato comes a Mamma Mia -inspired tale about a teen girl finding romance while trying to connect with her absent father in beautiful Santorini, Greece. Liv Varanakis doesn't have a lot of fond memories of her father, which makes sense--he fled to Greece when she was only eight. What Liv does remember, though, is their shared love for Greek myths and the lost city of Atlantis. So when Liv suddenly receives a postcard from her father explaining that National Geographic is funding a documentary about his theories on Atlantis--and will she fly out to Greece and help?--Liv jumps at the opportunity. But when she arrives to gorgeous Santorini, things are a little...awkward. There are so many questions, so many emotions that flood to the surface after seeing her father for the first time in years. And yet Liv doesn't want their past to get in the way of a possible reconciliation. She also definitely doesn't want Theo--her father's charismatic so-called "prot g "--to witness her struggle. And that means diving into all that Santorini has to offer--the beautiful sunsets, the turquoise water, the hidden caves, and the delicious cuisine. But not everything on the Greek island is as perfect as it seems. Because as Liv slowly begins to discover, her father may not have invited her to Greece for Atlantis, but for something much more important.
Love & Gelato - Jenna Evans Welch - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 229.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)A New York Times bestseller A summer in Italy turns into a road trip across Tuscany in this sweeping debut novel filled with romance, mystery, and adventure. Lina is spending the summer in Tuscany, but she isn't in the mood for Italy's famous sunshine and fairy-tale landscape. She's only there because it was her mother's dying wish that she get to know her father. But what kind of father isn't around for sixteen years? All Lina wants to do is get back home. But then Lina is given a journal that her mom had kept when she lived in Italy. Suddenly Lina's uncovering a magical world of secret romances, art, and hidden bakeries. A world that inspires Lina, along with the ever-so-charming Ren, to follow in her mother's footsteps and unearth a secret that has been kept from Lina for far too long. It's a secret that will change everything she knew about her mother, her father--and even herself. People come to Italy for love and gelato, someone tells her, but sometimes they discover much more.
Radford Stekkniv Blank 4-Pack - Robert Welch
Sælger: Pris: 407.00 dkrRadford cutlery from Robert Welch has a classic design that fits all table settings. Spoons and forks are made with the highest quality 18/10 stainless steel. Knife blades are made of specially hardened stainless steel to give the best possible cutting edge.
Spells For Lost Things - Jenna Evans Welch - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 149.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)From the New York Times bestselling author of Love & Gelato comes a poignant and "beguiling" ( Publishers Weekly , starred review) novel about two teens trying to find their place in the world after being unceremoniously dragged to Salem, Massachusetts, for the summer. Willow has never felt like she belonged anywhere and is convinced that the only way to find a true home is to travel the world. But her plans to act on her dream are put on hold when her aloof and often absent mother drags Willow to Salem, Massachusetts, to wrap up the affairs of an aunt Willow didn't even know she had. An aunt who may or may not have been a witch. There, she meets Mason, a loner who's always felt out of place and has been in and out of foster homes his entire life. He's been classified as one of the runaways, constantly searching for ways to make it back to his mom; even if she can't take care of him, it's his job to try and take care of her. Isn't it? Naturally pulled to one another, Willow and Mason set out across Salem to discover the secret past of Willow's mother, her aunt, and the ambiguous history of her family. During all of this, the two can't help but act on their connection. But with the amount of baggage between them--and Willow's growing conviction her family might be cursed--can they manage to hold onto each other?
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