Se han encontrado 1577 productos que coinciden con su búsqueda de outstanding en tiendas de 7:
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV (Condition: Good)
Proveedor: Precio: 954.00 € (+16.95 €)Continuing on in their legacy of powerful workhorse cameras, Canon has released the 5D Mark IV DSLR which is an outstanding still photography option and an able 4K-capable video machine. This multimedia maven offers a newly developed 30.4MP full-frame CMOS sensor paired with the DIGIC 6+ image processor in order to balance fine detail and resolution with low-light performance and sensitivity. It is able to work within a native range of ISO 100-32000, which can then be expanded to an impressive ISO 50-102400, for sharp, low-noise images in a variety of conditions. Along with these improvements to image quality, users will enjoy a performance boost across the board with an enhanced AF system, built-in Wi-Fi, NFC, and GPS, and much more.
PUPA Milano Ojos Eyeliner & Kajal Vamp! Eye Pencil 202 Outstanding Brown
Proveedor: Precio: 16.19 € (+4.95 €)¡Delineador de ojos y eyeliner en uno: El Vamp! Eye Pencil de la marca italiana PUPA Milano es un lápiz de ojos 2 en 1. Por un lado, es un lápiz de ojos con punta giratoria y, por el otro, un delineador de ojos. ¡Con el Vamp! Eye Pencil garantiza un control total y líneas precisas. Seguro que triunfas con cualquier maquillaje. Productos de maquillaje innovadores con el factor sorpresa de PUPA MilanoLa empresa PUPA Milano se fundó en Milán en 1975 y es sinónimo de productos excepcionales y diseño impresionante. La marca es conocida sobre todo por sus sets de belleza con forma de animales. Desde hace años, los aficionados a la belleza están entusiasmados con el maquillaje de la marca, que incluye bases, polvos y máscaras de pestañas, así como eyeliner & kajal y sombras de ojos en una gran variedad de tonos y acabados.¡El Vamp! Eye Pencil se caracteriza por su fuerte pigmentación y alta calidad. Crea una línea de eyeliner perfecta o traza tu línea de agua con kajal para dar a tus ojos una intensidad especial.
PUPA Milano Labios Lipstick Vamp! Lipstick Outstanding Orange
Proveedor: Precio: 14.95 € (+4.95 €)¡Con la barra de labios Vamp! Lipstick de PUPA Milano, puedes acentuar tu maquillaje con confianza y seducción. La exclusiva barra de labios acentúa tus labios con una selección de colores intensos para que todos en la sala te miren. Para horas inolvidablesSuave y sensual en los labios y fácil de aplicar gracias a su fórmula sin parabenos, la barra de labios de PUPA Milano con su lujosa fórmula se caracteriza por una gran comodidad de aplicación. Se caracteriza por la alta calidad de sus ingredientes y los efectos visuales que crea. ¡La barra de labios Vamp! Lipstick, enriquecido con un ingrediente rellenador especial, no sólo hace que los labios parezcan más voluminosos, sino también más moldeados y definidos. Al mismo tiempo, acentúa la sonrisa de forma especialmente seductora. El complemento perfecto para el resto de su maquillaje, la barra de labios de PUPA Milano crea un look impresionante gracias a su pigmentación, forma y larga duración. Encante a su pareja con este lujoso y selecto artículo de sensualidad, cuyos colores cautivan por su intensidad, pureza y profundidad sin resultar recargados. ¡La barra de labios Vamp! Lipstick deja que sus labios sean los protagonistas, hará que su aspecto sea inconfundible y le garantizará horas inolvidables.
Pags Editors, S.L. Outstanding Catalan Contributions
Proveedor: Precio: 74.10 €Libro: Outstanding catalan contributions de Triadú Font, Joan Pags Editors, S.L. 978-84-9975-652-3 746p. 74,10 EUR Comprar Libros de
PUPA Milano Ojos Eyeliner & Kajal Vamp! Eye Pencil 202 Outstanding Brown
Proveedor: Precio: 16.19 € (+4.95 €)¡Delineador de ojos y eyeliner en uno: El Vamp! Eye Pencil de la marca italiana PUPA Milano es un lápiz de ojos 2 en 1. Por un lado, es un lápiz de ojos con punta giratoria y, por el otro, un delineador de ojos. ¡Con el Vamp! Eye Pencil garantiza un control total y líneas precisas. Seguro que triunfas con cualquier maquillaje. Productos de maquillaje innovadores con el factor sorpresa de PUPA MilanoLa empresa PUPA Milano se fundó en Milán en 1975 y es sinónimo de productos excepcionales y diseño impresionante. La marca es conocida sobre todo por sus sets de belleza con forma de animales. Desde hace años, los aficionados a la belleza están entusiasmados con el maquillaje de la marca, que incluye bases, polvos y máscaras de pestañas, así como eyeliner & kajal y sombras de ojos en una gran variedad de tonos y acabados.¡El Vamp! Eye Pencil se caracteriza por su fuerte pigmentación y alta calidad. Crea una línea de eyeliner perfecta o traza tu línea de agua con kajal para dar a tus ojos una intensidad especial.
Pearson Educación Level 5: Outstanding Short Stories Book And Mp3 Pack
Proveedor: Precio: 11.83 € (+2.95 €)Libro: LEVEL 5: OUTSTANDING SHORT STORIES BOOK AND MP3 PACK (978-1-4082-7644-0) de Poe, Edgar Allan (Pearson Educación ) Comprar Libros de Libros de Texto .Libros de texto Bachillerato .Otros .. This collection brings together some of the best examples of late nineteenthand early twentieth-century short stories. Some are about ordinary people to whom something unexpected happens. Others are about unusual characters or events. Some of the stories are funny and others are more serious. All of them are highly enjoyable. 0
Flormar Maquillaje de ojos Delineador de ojos Smoky Eyes Waterproof Eyeliner 006 Outstanding Bronze
Proveedor: Precio: 6.63 € (+4.95 €)El innovador delineador de ojos Smoky Eyes Waterproof de Flormar es un compañero fiable en todas las situaciones. Gracias a su naturaleza resistente al agua, no se emborrona. Las lágrimas o el sudor no suponen ningún problema para este delineador. Su color negro intenso permanece intacto incluso cuando se expone a la humedad. Esto significa que puedes utilizarlo maravillosamente para maquillarte mientras haces deporte o para largas noches de baile. Con su intenso color negro, el Smokey Eyes Waterproof Eyeliner es también un auténtico talento para las combinaciones. Consejos para tu miradaEl delineador de ojos Smoky Eyes Waterproof Eyeliner de la marca de maquillaje Flormar es especialmente adecuado para el look smudge. Por un lado tiene una mina con la que puedes aplicar el delineador alrededor de los ojos. El otro lado sirve para difuminar. Así podrás crear el típico look smokey eye. Puedes completar tu look fácilmente con una máscara de pestañas negra.
Comercial Grupo Anaya S.a. Plpr5:outstanding Short Stories Book And Mp3 Pack
Proveedor: Precio: 12.21 €This Collection Brings Together Some Of The Best Examples Of Late Nineteenthand Early Twentieth-cent
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV (Condition: Well Used)
Proveedor: Precio: 714.00 € (+16.95 €)Continuing on in their legacy of powerful workhorse cameras, Canon has released the 5D Mark IV DSLR which is an outstanding still photography option and an able 4K-capable video machine. This multimedia maven offers a newly developed 30.4MP full-frame CMOS sensor paired with the DIGIC 6+ image processor in order to balance fine detail and resolution with low-light performance and sensitivity. It is able to work within a native range of ISO 100-32000, which can then be expanded to an impressive ISO 50-102400, for sharp, low-noise images in a variety of conditions. Along with these improvements to image quality, users will enjoy a performance boost across the board with an enhanced AF system, built-in Wi-Fi, NFC, and GPS, and much more.
PUPA Milano Labios Lipstick Vamp! Lipstick Outstanding Orange
Proveedor: Precio: 14.95 € (+4.95 €)¡Con la barra de labios Vamp! Lipstick de PUPA Milano, puedes acentuar tu maquillaje con confianza y seducción. La exclusiva barra de labios acentúa tus labios con una selección de colores intensos para que todos en la sala te miren. Para horas inolvidablesSuave y sensual en los labios y fácil de aplicar gracias a su fórmula sin parabenos, la barra de labios de PUPA Milano con su lujosa fórmula se caracteriza por una gran comodidad de aplicación. Se caracteriza por la alta calidad de sus ingredientes y los efectos visuales que crea. ¡La barra de labios Vamp! Lipstick, enriquecido con un ingrediente rellenador especial, no sólo hace que los labios parezcan más voluminosos, sino también más moldeados y definidos. Al mismo tiempo, acentúa la sonrisa de forma especialmente seductora. El complemento perfecto para el resto de su maquillaje, la barra de labios de PUPA Milano crea un look impresionante gracias a su pigmentación, forma y larga duración. Encante a su pareja con este lujoso y selecto artículo de sensualidad, cuyos colores cautivan por su intensidad, pureza y profundidad sin resultar recargados. ¡La barra de labios Vamp! Lipstick deja que sus labios sean los protagonistas, hará que su aspecto sea inconfundible y le garantizará horas inolvidables.
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV (Condition: Good)
Proveedor: Precio: 954.00 € (+16.95 €)Continuing on in their legacy of powerful workhorse cameras, Canon has released the 5D Mark IV DSLR which is an outstanding still photography option and an able 4K-capable video machine. This multimedia maven offers a newly developed 30.4MP full-frame CMOS sensor paired with the DIGIC 6+ image processor in order to balance fine detail and resolution with low-light performance and sensitivity. It is able to work within a native range of ISO 100-32000, which can then be expanded to an impressive ISO 50-102400, for sharp, low-noise images in a variety of conditions. Along with these improvements to image quality, users will enjoy a performance boost across the board with an enhanced AF system, built-in Wi-Fi, NFC, and GPS, and much more.
Outstanding - Compresor Aire Silencioso Sin Aceite 50L OTS550W x 2-50L
Proveedor: Precio: 217.80 €Compresor Aire Silencioso Sin Aceite 50L OTS550W x 2-50L Descripción: - Esta es una tecnología avanzada - Compresor de aire silencioso sin aceite - Ahorro de energía Especificaciones: - Potencia: 1100W - Tamaño: 68,5 x 30 x 53 cm (L x W x H) - Velocidad: 1380rmp - Cilindro de aire: 63.7 x 10.6 x 4 mm - Capacidad del tanque: 50L - Presión: 7.0 Bar - Voltaje 220V - Peso: 32 kg. - Desplazamiento de la bomba: 80L/min
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV (Condition: Good)
Proveedor: Precio: 934.00 € (+16.95 €)Continuing on in their legacy of powerful workhorse cameras, Canon has released the 5D Mark IV DSLR which is an outstanding still photography option and an able 4K-capable video machine. This multimedia maven offers a newly developed 30.4MP full-frame CMOS sensor paired with the DIGIC 6+ image processor in order to balance fine detail and resolution with low-light performance and sensitivity. It is able to work within a native range of ISO 100-32000, which can then be expanded to an impressive ISO 50-102400, for sharp, low-noise images in a variety of conditions. Along with these improvements to image quality, users will enjoy a performance boost across the board with an enhanced AF system, built-in Wi-Fi, NFC, and GPS, and much more.
Brooks Men’s Ghost 15 Delivers Outstanding Energy Return And Cushioning For Every Stride You Take
Proveedor: Precio: 121.32 €.Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel-Container { Position: Relative; } .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel-Hero-Container, .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel-Hero-Container > Div { Position: Absolute; Width: 100%; } /* Ensuring The Carousel Takes Only The Space It Needs. The Sizes Need To Be Set Again On The Absolutely Positioned Elements So They Can Take Up Space. */ .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel-Container, .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel-Hero-Container { Height: 625px; Width: 100%; Max-Width: 1464px; Margin-Left: Auto; Margin-Right: Auto; Overflow: Hidden; } /* This Centers The Carousel Vertically On Top Of The Hero Image Container And After The Logo Area (125px). Margin-Top = (Heroheight - Cardheight - Logoareaheight) / 2 + Logoareaheight */ .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Row-Inner{ Margin-Top: 149px; } /* Cards Need To Have A Width Set, Otherwise They Default To 50px Or So. All Cards Must Have The Same Width. The Carousel Will Resize Itself So All Cards Take The Width Of The Largest Card. The Left Margin Is For Leaving A Space Between Each Card. */ .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Card { Width: 362px; Margin-Left: 30px !Important; } /* Styling The Navigation Buttons So They Are Taller, Flush With The Sides, And Have A Clean White Background */ .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Left, .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Right { Padding: 0px; } .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Left .A-Button-Image, .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Right .A-Button-Image { Border: None; Margin: 0px; } .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Left .A-Button-Image .A-Button-Inner, .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Right .A-Button-Image .A-Button-Inner { Background: #fff; Padding: 20px 6px; } .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Left .A-Button-Image .A-Button-Inner { Border-Radius: 0px 4px 4px 0px; } .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Right .A-Button-Image .A-Button-Inner { Border-Radius: 4px 0px 0px 4px; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; }
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV (Condition: Good)
Proveedor: Precio: 989.00 € (+16.95 €)Continuing on in their legacy of powerful workhorse cameras, Canon has released the 5D Mark IV DSLR which is an outstanding still photography option and an able 4K-capable video machine. This multimedia maven offers a newly developed 30.4MP full-frame CMOS sensor paired with the DIGIC 6+ image processor in order to balance fine detail and resolution with low-light performance and sensitivity. It is able to work within a native range of ISO 100-32000, which can then be expanded to an impressive ISO 50-102400, for sharp, low-noise images in a variety of conditions. Along with these improvements to image quality, users will enjoy a performance boost across the board with an enhanced AF system, built-in Wi-Fi, NFC, and GPS, and much more.
Brooks Men’s Ghost 15 Delivers Outstanding Energy Return And Cushioning For Every Stride You Take
Proveedor: Precio: 121.32 €.Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel-Container { Position: Relative; } .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel-Hero-Container, .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel-Hero-Container > Div { Position: Absolute; Width: 100%; } /* Ensuring The Carousel Takes Only The Space It Needs. The Sizes Need To Be Set Again On The Absolutely Positioned Elements So They Can Take Up Space. */ .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel-Container, .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel-Hero-Container { Height: 625px; Width: 100%; Max-Width: 1464px; Margin-Left: Auto; Margin-Right: Auto; Overflow: Hidden; } /* This Centers The Carousel Vertically On Top Of The Hero Image Container And After The Logo Area (125px). Margin-Top = (Heroheight - Cardheight - Logoareaheight) / 2 + Logoareaheight */ .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Row-Inner{ Margin-Top: 149px; } /* Cards Need To Have A Width Set, Otherwise They Default To 50px Or So. All Cards Must Have The Same Width. The Carousel Will Resize Itself So All Cards Take The Width Of The Largest Card. The Left Margin Is For Leaving A Space Between Each Card. */ .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Card { Width: 362px; Margin-Left: 30px !Important; } /* Styling The Navigation Buttons So They Are Taller, Flush With The Sides, And Have A Clean White Background */ .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Left, .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Right { Padding: 0px; } .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Left .A-Button-Image, .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Right .A-Button-Image { Border: None; Margin: 0px; } .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Left .A-Button-Image .A-Button-Inner, .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Right .A-Button-Image .A-Button-Inner { Background: #fff; Padding: 20px 6px; } .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Left .A-Button-Image .A-Button-Inner { Border-Radius: 0px 4px 4px 0px; } .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Right .A-Button-Image .A-Button-Inner { Border-Radius: 4px 0px 0px 4px; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; }
Canon EOS 7D Mark II (Condition: Good)
Proveedor: Precio: 459.00 € (+16.95 €)Providing outstanding picture quality, the Canon EOS 7D Mark II Digital SLR Camera can provide the perfect platform into the professional market. With an outstanding picture quality you will always be able to keep up with the moment and capture it in clarity and outstanding detail. It's low light performance makes it possible to capture the darkest of scenes in beautiful detail.
Brooks Men’s Ghost 15 Delivers Outstanding Energy Return And Cushioning For Every Stride You Take
Proveedor: Precio: 121.32 €.Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel-Container { Position: Relative; } .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel-Hero-Container, .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel-Hero-Container > Div { Position: Absolute; Width: 100%; } /* Ensuring The Carousel Takes Only The Space It Needs. The Sizes Need To Be Set Again On The Absolutely Positioned Elements So They Can Take Up Space. */ .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel-Container, .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel-Hero-Container { Height: 625px; Width: 100%; Max-Width: 1464px; Margin-Left: Auto; Margin-Right: Auto; Overflow: Hidden; } /* This Centers The Carousel Vertically On Top Of The Hero Image Container And After The Logo Area (125px). Margin-Top = (Heroheight - Cardheight - Logoareaheight) / 2 + Logoareaheight */ .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Row-Inner{ Margin-Top: 149px; } /* Cards Need To Have A Width Set, Otherwise They Default To 50px Or So. All Cards Must Have The Same Width. The Carousel Will Resize Itself So All Cards Take The Width Of The Largest Card. The Left Margin Is For Leaving A Space Between Each Card. */ .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Card { Width: 362px; Margin-Left: 30px !Important; } /* Styling The Navigation Buttons So They Are Taller, Flush With The Sides, And Have A Clean White Background */ .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Left, .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Right { Padding: 0px; } .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Left .A-Button-Image, .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Right .A-Button-Image { Border: None; Margin: 0px; } .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Left .A-Button-Image .A-Button-Inner, .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Right .A-Button-Image .A-Button-Inner { Background: #fff; Padding: 20px 6px; } .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Left .A-Button-Image .A-Button-Inner { Border-Radius: 0px 4px 4px 0px; } .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Right .A-Button-Image .A-Button-Inner { Border-Radius: 4px 0px 0px 4px; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; }
Canon EOS 7D Mark II (Condition: Excellent)
Proveedor: Precio: 424.00 € (+16.95 €)Providing outstanding picture quality, the Canon EOS 7D Mark II Digital SLR Camera can provide the perfect platform into the professional market. With an outstanding picture quality you will always be able to keep up with the moment and capture it in clarity and outstanding detail. It's low light performance makes it possible to capture the darkest of scenes in beautiful detail.
Brooks Men’s Ghost 15 Delivers Outstanding Energy Return And Cushioning For Every Stride You Take
Proveedor: Precio: 121.32 €.Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel-Container { Position: Relative; } .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel-Hero-Container, .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel-Hero-Container > Div { Position: Absolute; Width: 100%; } /* Ensuring The Carousel Takes Only The Space It Needs. The Sizes Need To Be Set Again On The Absolutely Positioned Elements So They Can Take Up Space. */ .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel-Container, .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel-Hero-Container { Height: 625px; Width: 100%; Max-Width: 1464px; Margin-Left: Auto; Margin-Right: Auto; Overflow: Hidden; } /* This Centers The Carousel Vertically On Top Of The Hero Image Container And After The Logo Area (125px). Margin-Top = (Heroheight - Cardheight - Logoareaheight) / 2 + Logoareaheight */ .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Row-Inner{ Margin-Top: 149px; } /* Cards Need To Have A Width Set, Otherwise They Default To 50px Or So. All Cards Must Have The Same Width. The Carousel Will Resize Itself So All Cards Take The Width Of The Largest Card. The Left Margin Is For Leaving A Space Between Each Card. */ .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Card { Width: 362px; Margin-Left: 30px !Important; } /* Styling The Navigation Buttons So They Are Taller, Flush With The Sides, And Have A Clean White Background */ .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Left, .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Right { Padding: 0px; } .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Left .A-Button-Image, .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Right .A-Button-Image { Border: None; Margin: 0px; } .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Left .A-Button-Image .A-Button-Inner, .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Right .A-Button-Image .A-Button-Inner { Background: #fff; Padding: 20px 6px; } .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Left .A-Button-Image .A-Button-Inner { Border-Radius: 0px 4px 4px 0px; } .Aplus-V2 .Apm-Brand-Story-Carousel .A-Carousel-Col.A-Carousel-Right .A-Button-Image .A-Button-Inner { Border-Radius: 4px 0px 0px 4px; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; } .Aplus-V2 .Aplus-Review-Right-Padding { Padding-Right: 0.1rem; }
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