1537 tuotetta löytyi hakua vastaavaa tuotetta lumilauta 4 kaupoissa:
Burton Lumilauta - 156 Fish 3D Directional Flat Top - Multi - Male - 156 cm
Myyjä: Junkyard.com Hinta: 524.96 € (+5.95 €)Burton Fish 3D Directional Flat Top Snowboard. - Flex: 4/10. - Muoto: Directional. - Profiili: Directional Camber Top. - 30mm Taper mahdollistaa kellumisen ja kääntymisen. - Directional Flex. - Super Fly II 700G -ydin. - Dualzone EGD -puukuituydin. - 45° Carbon Highlighs -lasikuitu. - Sintrattu WFO-pohja. - Channel® Board Mount on suunniteltu auttamaan asennon valitsemisessa ja on yhteensopiva useimpien siteiden kanssa. Laskutyyli: Freeride.
CAPiTA The Black Lumilauta Of Death 2025 Lumilauta musta
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 699.95 €Capita's legendary all-mountain and freeride machine . For 20 years, the Black Snowboard Of Death has been constantly refined, making it an absolute all-terrain icon. The balanced Directional Shape, combined with Capita's Alpine V1 profile, provides control, edge hold and uplift for steep lines in the backcountry or on hard slopes. The Black Snowboard Of Death has been continuously developed over time and accompanies you in all terrain and conditions.The Black Snowboard Of Death is made in Austria by hand in the first snowboard production facility powered by 100 % clean energy. It is a Good Wood and Best Of Test (Snowboarder Magazine) Award winner.Riding styleAn all-mountain/freeride board for experienced riders. A reactive, precise snowboard for high-speed turns and steep powder lines. This snowboard gives you the performance for expert-level snowboarding in any terrain.ShapeThe tapered directional shape is perfect for all-mountain and freeriding. The nose is slightly wider than the tail for controlled turns in any terrain. The offset of the bindings in the direction of the tail (setback) makes the nose a little longer for even more uplift in powder.ProfileThe Alpine V1 profile consists of a camber between the bindings, a large rocker area in the nose and a smaller rocker in the tail. This keeps the board extremely manoeuvrable in the pow and gives it enormous uplift. The camber offers you good edge hold and fast power transmission.FlexThe medium-stiff flex ensures precise control and fast board response.ConstructionThe FC Hover Core™ is an energetic woodcore with carbon strips that is extremely light and strong with excellent cushioning properties. The Carbon Fleece Power Shield™ is a blended fabric and is located in the binding area to improve overall performance and stability. Carbonflex™ amplifiers are strips made of carbon and flax. These strips run from the inserts to the contact points, stiffening the nose and tail while cushioning vibrations. The sintered Hyperdrive™ ADV XT base is very fast, hard and absorbs a lot of wax for more durability and more speed.
Stiga Wild -aloittelijan lumilauta, vihreä
Myyjä: Cdon.fi Hinta: 24.45 € (+0.29 €)Stiga Wild on täydellinen ensimmäinen lumilauta lapsille, jotka haluavat kokeilla lumilautailua pienissä rinteissä ja kehittää kykyjään. Lumilaudassa on helposti säädettävät siteet ja laudalla voi laskea joko vasemmalla tai oikealla jalalla eteenpäin. Lumilaudan koko on 98 x 22 cm.Ominaisuudet:Aloittelijan lumilautaSäädettävät siteetKoko: 98 x 22 cmValmistettu RuotsissaVäri: vihreäIkäsuositus: yli 6-vuotiaille1 x Stiga Wild -aloittelijan lumilauta, vihreä
CAPiTA The Black Lumilauta Of Death 2025 Lumilauta musta
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 699.95 €Capita's legendary all-mountain and freeride machine . For 20 years, the Black Snowboard Of Death has been constantly refined, making it an absolute all-terrain icon. The balanced Directional Shape, combined with Capita's Alpine V1 profile, provides control, edge hold and uplift for steep lines in the backcountry or on hard slopes. The Black Snowboard Of Death has been continuously developed over time and accompanies you in all terrain and conditions.The Black Snowboard Of Death is made in Austria by hand in the first snowboard production facility powered by 100 % clean energy. It is a Good Wood and Best Of Test (Snowboarder Magazine) Award winner.Riding styleAn all-mountain/freeride board for experienced riders. A reactive, precise snowboard for high-speed turns and steep powder lines. This snowboard gives you the performance for expert-level snowboarding in any terrain.ShapeThe tapered directional shape is perfect for all-mountain and freeriding. The nose is slightly wider than the tail for controlled turns in any terrain. The offset of the bindings in the direction of the tail (setback) makes the nose a little longer for even more uplift in powder.ProfileThe Alpine V1 profile consists of a camber between the bindings, a large rocker area in the nose and a smaller rocker in the tail. This keeps the board extremely manoeuvrable in the pow and gives it enormous uplift. The camber offers you good edge hold and fast power transmission.FlexThe medium-stiff flex ensures precise control and fast board response.ConstructionThe FC Hover Core™ is an energetic woodcore with carbon strips that is extremely light and strong with excellent cushioning properties. The Carbon Fleece Power Shield™ is a blended fabric and is located in the binding area to improve overall performance and stability. Carbonflex™ amplifiers are strips made of carbon and flax. These strips run from the inserts to the contact points, stiffening the nose and tail while cushioning vibrations. The sintered Hyperdrive™ ADV XT base is very fast, hard and absorbs a lot of wax for more durability and more speed.
Salomon Assassin 2024 Lumilauta kuviotu
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 450.00 €ALL-ROUND RATKAISU KAIKKIIN LASKUIHIN - SALOMON ASSASSIN. Assassinin kanssa et jää puolitiehen. Lauta on sekoitus edistyneimpää rakennetta puuteriin ja freestyle-laskuihin. Todellinen all-round talentti, sellaisilla teknologioilla kuten ABC Wrapper, EQ wheel, Rock Out Camber -profiili ja Popster Eco Booster. Olipa kyseessä rinne tai puuteri - Assassin tuhoaa kaiken, mikä tulee sen tielle.TyyliAssassin suunniteltiin tarjoamaan korkeaa suorituskykyä kaikilla laskualustoilla. Halusitpa sitten parantaa taitojasi parkissa tai huippunopeita käännöksiä rinteessä ja puuterissa. Tämä lauta tarjoaa sinulle tarvittavaa vaihtuvuutta.MuotoDirectional Twin on keskitetty, mutta siinä on directional flex tuomassa voimaa koviin vauhteihin. Siteiden stance (laskuasento) on hieman taaempana keskipisteestä.Quadralizer-sivuleikkaus on räjähdysmäinen sekoitus Equalizer- ja Quadratic-sivuleikkauksia, jotka tarjoavat suuren nopeuden käännöksiä ja ylivoimaista kanttipitoa tiukissa tilanteissa.ProfiiliRock Out Camber on tasainen siteiden välissä vakauden vuoksi, jalkojen lähellä oleva Camber tarjoaa reaktiivisuutta ja rokkeri kärjissä mahdollistaa 1a-pressit.JoustoKeskijäykkä jousto on juuri oikea sinulle, jos pidät nopeista käännöksistä ja vakaista alastuloista. Lisäksi voit silti tehdä buttereita ja laskea helposti.RakenneSintrattu EG-pohja on suunniteltu huippunopeaan liukuun millä tahansa lumella, tuoreesta puuterista pehmeään loskaan. Sintrattu materiaali pitää vahan erinomaisesti pinnassaan, gallium lisää iskunkestävyyttä ja Stone-viimeistely tekee superlikuvan pohjan. Salomonin popster-rakenne maksimoi puun luonnollisen jämäkkyyden ja popin Popsterin muotoilemalla ydinprofiililla. Tuntuu, kuin skeittisi kicktail olisi vihdoinkin yhdistetty lumilautaasi. Lisäksi hiilikuidut Popster-profiilissa siirtävät voiman jalkojesi alta suoraan noseen ja tailiin, lisäten poppia. Popster Eco Boosterin lisätyt bambu ruo'ot lisäävät suorituskykyä. Poppi eco-powerilla, bambun joustavuudella, korkkimaisten sivujen laskumukavuudella ja basaltin pomminvarmalla voimalla - ABC Wrapperissa yhdistyvät luonnon materiaalit, jotka luovat yliluonnollisen lumilaudan. Enemmän poppia, vähemmän muovia! Haapapuisen SLCT-ytimessä joka ikinen FSC-sertifioitu puulastu on valittu käsin, taaten lyömättömän laadun ja keveyden ytimen materiaalissa. Royal-korkkireilit suojaavat luontoa ja kanttejasi Royal Rubberin ekologisella versiolla.OminaisuudetFreestyle-lautaDirectional Twin -muotoRock Out Camber -profiiliQuadralizer-sivuleikkausBA MD kuituSinkitty EG-pohjaHieno kivihiontaviimeistelyAspen Select -haapapuuydinPopster Eco BoosterABC WrapperRoyal Cork Rails
CAPiTA The Black Lumilauta Of Death 2025 Lumilauta musta
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 699.95 €Capita's legendary all-mountain and freeride machine . For 20 years, the Black Snowboard Of Death has been constantly refined, making it an absolute all-terrain icon. The balanced Directional Shape, combined with Capita's Alpine V1 profile, provides control, edge hold and uplift for steep lines in the backcountry or on hard slopes. The Black Snowboard Of Death has been continuously developed over time and accompanies you in all terrain and conditions.The Black Snowboard Of Death is made in Austria by hand in the first snowboard production facility powered by 100 % clean energy. It is a Good Wood and Best Of Test (Snowboarder Magazine) Award winner.Riding styleAn all-mountain/freeride board for experienced riders. A reactive, precise snowboard for high-speed turns and steep powder lines. This snowboard gives you the performance for expert-level snowboarding in any terrain.ShapeThe tapered directional shape is perfect for all-mountain and freeriding. The nose is slightly wider than the tail for controlled turns in any terrain. The offset of the bindings in the direction of the tail (setback) makes the nose a little longer for even more uplift in powder.ProfileThe Alpine V1 profile consists of a camber between the bindings, a large rocker area in the nose and a smaller rocker in the tail. This keeps the board extremely manoeuvrable in the pow and gives it enormous uplift. The camber offers you good edge hold and fast power transmission.FlexThe medium-stiff flex ensures precise control and fast board response.ConstructionThe FC Hover Core™ is an energetic woodcore with carbon strips that is extremely light and strong with excellent cushioning properties. The Carbon Fleece Power Shield™ is a blended fabric and is located in the binding area to improve overall performance and stability. Carbonflex™ amplifiers are strips made of carbon and flax. These strips run from the inserts to the contact points, stiffening the nose and tail while cushioning vibrations. The sintered Hyperdrive™ ADV XT base is very fast, hard and absorbs a lot of wax for more durability and more speed.
Nitro Lumilauta - 156 Santuko - Multi - Male - 156 cm
Myyjä: Junkyard.com Hinta: 527.96 € (+5.95 €)Nitro Santoku Snowboard. - Flex: 5/10. - Muoto: All-Terrain Twin. -Profiili: Trüe Camber. - Reflex Core -profiili. - Timanttinauhat. - Powercore II. - Dual Degressive -sivuleikkaus. Maasto: Parkki: 8/10. All Mountain: 10/10. Freeride: 9/10.
CAPiTA The Black Lumilauta Of Death 2025 Lumilauta musta
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 699.95 €Capita's legendary all-mountain and freeride machine . For 20 years, the Black Snowboard Of Death has been constantly refined, making it an absolute all-terrain icon. The balanced Directional Shape, combined with Capita's Alpine V1 profile, provides control, edge hold and uplift for steep lines in the backcountry or on hard slopes. The Black Snowboard Of Death has been continuously developed over time and accompanies you in all terrain and conditions.The Black Snowboard Of Death is made in Austria by hand in the first snowboard production facility powered by 100 % clean energy. It is a Good Wood and Best Of Test (Snowboarder Magazine) Award winner.Riding styleAn all-mountain/freeride board for experienced riders. A reactive, precise snowboard for high-speed turns and steep powder lines. This snowboard gives you the performance for expert-level snowboarding in any terrain.ShapeThe tapered directional shape is perfect for all-mountain and freeriding. The nose is slightly wider than the tail for controlled turns in any terrain. The offset of the bindings in the direction of the tail (setback) makes the nose a little longer for even more uplift in powder.ProfileThe Alpine V1 profile consists of a camber between the bindings, a large rocker area in the nose and a smaller rocker in the tail. This keeps the board extremely manoeuvrable in the pow and gives it enormous uplift. The camber offers you good edge hold and fast power transmission.FlexThe medium-stiff flex ensures precise control and fast board response.ConstructionThe FC Hover Core™ is an energetic woodcore with carbon strips that is extremely light and strong with excellent cushioning properties. The Carbon Fleece Power Shield™ is a blended fabric and is located in the binding area to improve overall performance and stability. Carbonflex™ amplifiers are strips made of carbon and flax. These strips run from the inserts to the contact points, stiffening the nose and tail while cushioning vibrations. The sintered Hyperdrive™ ADV XT base is very fast, hard and absorbs a lot of wax for more durability and more speed.
Nitro Lumilauta - 146 Optisym x Eivy - Multi - Female - 146 cm
Myyjä: Junkyard.com Hinta: 415.96 € (+5.95 €)Nitro Optisym x Eivy Snowboard. - Flex: 6/10. - Muoto: ASym twin. - Profiili: Cam-Out Camber. - Dual Degressive -sivuleikkaus. - Powercore II. - Whiplash Core -profiili. - Powerwall. - Ureshred-sivuseinät. - -Bi-lite-laminaatit.- Suulakepuristettu Premium FH -pohja. - Railkiller-reuna.- Ilmastoneutraali tuote. - FSC-sertifioitu. - 100% luonnollista pikavahaa. Laskutyyli: Freestyle, Allround.
CAPiTA The Black Lumilauta Of Death 2025 Lumilauta musta
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 699.95 €Capita's legendary all-mountain and freeride machine . For 20 years, the Black Snowboard Of Death has been constantly refined, making it an absolute all-terrain icon. The balanced Directional Shape, combined with Capita's Alpine V1 profile, provides control, edge hold and uplift for steep lines in the backcountry or on hard slopes. The Black Snowboard Of Death has been continuously developed over time and accompanies you in all terrain and conditions.The Black Snowboard Of Death is made in Austria by hand in the first snowboard production facility powered by 100 % clean energy. It is a Good Wood and Best Of Test (Snowboarder Magazine) Award winner.Riding styleAn all-mountain/freeride board for experienced riders. A reactive, precise snowboard for high-speed turns and steep powder lines. This snowboard gives you the performance for expert-level snowboarding in any terrain.ShapeThe tapered directional shape is perfect for all-mountain and freeriding. The nose is slightly wider than the tail for controlled turns in any terrain. The offset of the bindings in the direction of the tail (setback) makes the nose a little longer for even more uplift in powder.ProfileThe Alpine V1 profile consists of a camber between the bindings, a large rocker area in the nose and a smaller rocker in the tail. This keeps the board extremely manoeuvrable in the pow and gives it enormous uplift. The camber offers you good edge hold and fast power transmission.FlexThe medium-stiff flex ensures precise control and fast board response.ConstructionThe FC Hover Core™ is an energetic woodcore with carbon strips that is extremely light and strong with excellent cushioning properties. The Carbon Fleece Power Shield™ is a blended fabric and is located in the binding area to improve overall performance and stability. Carbonflex™ amplifiers are strips made of carbon and flax. These strips run from the inserts to the contact points, stiffening the nose and tail while cushioning vibrations. The sintered Hyperdrive™ ADV XT base is very fast, hard and absorbs a lot of wax for more durability and more speed.
Nitro Lumilauta - 150 Beauty - Multi - Female - 150 cm
Myyjä: Junkyard.com Hinta: 535.96 € (+5.95 €)Nitro Beauty Snowboard. - Flex: 8/10. - Muoto: Twin. - Profiili: Trüe Camber. - Whiplash Core -profiili. - Bi-lite-laminaatit. - Powercore II. - Timanttinauha. - Ballistiset iskupaneelit. - Radial-sivuleikkaus. Maasto: Parkki: 10/10. All Mountain: 8/10. Freeride: 6/10.
CAPiTA The Black Lumilauta Of Death 2025 Lumilauta musta
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 699.95 €Capita's legendary all-mountain and freeride machine . For 20 years, the Black Snowboard Of Death has been constantly refined, making it an absolute all-terrain icon. The balanced Directional Shape, combined with Capita's Alpine V1 profile, provides control, edge hold and uplift for steep lines in the backcountry or on hard slopes. The Black Snowboard Of Death has been continuously developed over time and accompanies you in all terrain and conditions.The Black Snowboard Of Death is made in Austria by hand in the first snowboard production facility powered by 100 % clean energy. It is a Good Wood and Best Of Test (Snowboarder Magazine) Award winner.Riding styleAn all-mountain/freeride board for experienced riders. A reactive, precise snowboard for high-speed turns and steep powder lines. This snowboard gives you the performance for expert-level snowboarding in any terrain.ShapeThe tapered directional shape is perfect for all-mountain and freeriding. The nose is slightly wider than the tail for controlled turns in any terrain. The offset of the bindings in the direction of the tail (setback) makes the nose a little longer for even more uplift in powder.ProfileThe Alpine V1 profile consists of a camber between the bindings, a large rocker area in the nose and a smaller rocker in the tail. This keeps the board extremely manoeuvrable in the pow and gives it enormous uplift. The camber offers you good edge hold and fast power transmission.FlexThe medium-stiff flex ensures precise control and fast board response.ConstructionThe FC Hover Core™ is an energetic woodcore with carbon strips that is extremely light and strong with excellent cushioning properties. The Carbon Fleece Power Shield™ is a blended fabric and is located in the binding area to improve overall performance and stability. Carbonflex™ amplifiers are strips made of carbon and flax. These strips run from the inserts to the contact points, stiffening the nose and tail while cushioning vibrations. The sintered Hyperdrive™ ADV XT base is very fast, hard and absorbs a lot of wax for more durability and more speed.
Lumilauta - Gnu Essential Service - Multi - Male - 159 cm
Myyjä: Junkyard.com Hinta: 374.96 € (+5.95 €)Pitkäikäinen, popahtava ja ympäristöystävällinen rakenne sekä monipuolinen, linjakas catch-free C2-hybridimuotoilu. Magne-Traction® takaa hämmästyttävän vaivattoman reunapidon. Flex: 5/10 Maasto: All Mountain, freeride
Vimana The Meta 2025 Lumilauta
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 599.95 €The award-winning Meta with a brand new shape. The Meta was redesigned by Vimana from the base to the topsheet. Its directional twin shape is ideal for freestyle-inspired all-mountain riding, while the camber and carbon stringer provide massive ollie power and stability. The wide tips also offer you a massive amount of uplift in powder. This snowboard is ideal for advanced riders who want to draw their creative lines all over the mountain.Riding styleA versatile all-mountain/freestyle board for every rider level. Carving turns on the piste, surf turns in the powder or creative runs in the park. With this board the good times never end.ShapeThe directional twin shape of this board is actually a perfectly symmetrical true twin shape, but with a slightly longer nose. This shape gives you the same riding characteristics both forward and switch, with a little more uplift in powder. ProfileThe traditional camber profile consists of only one positive camber from nose to tail. This profile offers high stability, good edge control and plenty of pop. However, camber boards tend to catch edge more easily than other profiles.FlexThe Continental's medium flex is optimally adapted to all aspects of freestyle. Hard enough to give you the stability you need to land big jumps and soft enough to master the down-flat-down rail.ConstructionThe Ultralight woodcore is a continuous, light poplar woodcore for lots of pop and snap. With the sintered 7200 base you are always the first at the spot. This base is one of the fastest available on the market. Carbon inlays offer you massive ollie power while reducing vibrations at the same time.
Bataleon Lumilauta - 146 Distortia - Multi - Female - 146 cm
Myyjä: Junkyard.com Hinta: 399.96 € (+5.95 €)Bataleon Distortia Snowboard. - Flex: 4/10. - Muoto: Twin. - Profiili: Medium Camber. - 3BT™ + Sidekick™ 3D-muoto. - Bi-Ax-laminointi. - Kevyt ydin - 50/50 Paulowniaa ja poppelia. - C.S.T Super Tube -ydin. - Hiilikuituvahvikkeet. - Hyper Glide S Solid Walls -sivuseinät. - SideKick™ Triple -pohja. Kärjen kantin nousu - Medium. Kannan kantin nousu - Medium. Laskutyyli: Freestyle, Allround.
Vimana The Meta 2025 Lumilauta
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 599.95 €The award-winning Meta with a brand new shape. The Meta was redesigned by Vimana from the base to the topsheet. Its directional twin shape is ideal for freestyle-inspired all-mountain riding, while the camber and carbon stringer provide massive ollie power and stability. The wide tips also offer you a massive amount of uplift in powder. This snowboard is ideal for advanced riders who want to draw their creative lines all over the mountain.Riding styleA versatile all-mountain/freestyle board for every rider level. Carving turns on the piste, surf turns in the powder or creative runs in the park. With this board the good times never end.ShapeThe directional twin shape of this board is actually a perfectly symmetrical true twin shape, but with a slightly longer nose. This shape gives you the same riding characteristics both forward and switch, with a little more uplift in powder. ProfileThe traditional camber profile consists of only one positive camber from nose to tail. This profile offers high stability, good edge control and plenty of pop. However, camber boards tend to catch edge more easily than other profiles.FlexThe Continental's medium flex is optimally adapted to all aspects of freestyle. Hard enough to give you the stability you need to land big jumps and soft enough to master the down-flat-down rail.ConstructionThe Ultralight woodcore is a continuous, light poplar woodcore for lots of pop and snap. With the sintered 7200 base you are always the first at the spot. This base is one of the fastest available on the market. Carbon inlays offer you massive ollie power while reducing vibrations at the same time.
Capita Lumilauta - 155 The Navigator - Multi - Male - 155 cm
Myyjä: Junkyard.com Hinta: 434.96 € (+5.95 €)Capita The Navigator Snowboard. - Flex: 5.5/10. - Muoto: Directional. - Profiili: Alpine V1. - Ydin: P2 Superlight-ydin. - Powerdrive -pohja. - Inlaid Cork -vaimentimet. - Hiilikuitunauhat. . Special Blend -hiilikuitusekoite + Magic Bean -hartsi. - PLT Topsheet™ -tekniikka. - 360 asteen HRC48 -teräsreunat. - Full ABS1000 sivuseinät. Laskutyyli: Allround, Freeride.
Gnu GWO 2025 Lumilauta kuviotu
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 469.95 €Valmiina kaikkeen, mitä hiihtohissistä näkee . Hauska, helppo laskea ja täynnä parhaita ominaisuuksia. GWO on vuosikymmenten ajan kehitetyn maastokäyttöön tarkoitetun freestyle-lumilautan lopputuote. Laudassa on anteeksiantava Hybrid Rocker -profiili ja poppia antava, ympäristöystävällinen rakenne, jossa on nopea ja vähän huoltoa vaativa pohja. Aallotetut Magne Traction® -kantit antavat vaivattoman pidon jäällä ja kovalla lumella. TyyliMonipuolinen all-mountain/freestyle-lumilauta aloittelijoille ja edistyneemmille laskijoille. Haluatko pitää hauskaa vuoren joka kolkassa? Tämä lauta sopii kaikkeen niin parkissa, rinteessä, kuin puuterissakin. Muotoilu tukee sinua kaikissa maastoissa ja sopii täydellisesti taitojesi jatkuvaan parantamiseen mahdollisimman nopeasti.MuotoTrue Twin -muoto on täydellisen symmetrinen ja mahdollistaa vakaan laskemisen, laskettiin laudalla kumpi jalka tahansa edellä. Magne-Traction®-teknologia tarjoaa parempaa kanttipitoa sahalaitaisilla kanteilla. Etenkin jäisillä rinteillä ne pääsevät täyteen potentiaaliinsa.ProfiiliAlkuperäisessä Banana-profiilissa on suuri rocker jalkojen välissä ja kevyt camber siteiden alla. Tämä tekee laudasta helpon laskettavan ja tarjoaa reilusti kelluvuutta puuterissa.JoustoMedium fleksi on leikkisä ja anteeksiantava, mutta siinä on silti tarpeeksi poppia hallittujen freestyle-temppujen mahdollistamiseksi.RakenneG1 Lite -rakenne on ympäristöystävällinen ja vankka rakenne Gnulta. Haapa ja keisaripuinen ydin on erittäin kevyt, vahva ja poppaava. Biaksiaaliset ja triaksiaaliset lasikuidut ympäröivät puista ydintä ja lisäävät tarvittua jäykkyyttä ja kestävyyttä. Ekosublimoitu poly-päällinen on tuotettu vastuullisesti. Co-pursotettu pohja on kova, nopea ja äärimmäisen helppohuoltoinen.OminaisuudetTwin-muotoOriginal Banana Hybrid Rocker -profiiliMagne-Traction® sahalaitaiset kantitG Lite 1 -rakenneYdin on valmistettu haapa- ja keisaripuustaUHMW-sivutEkosublimoitu Poly -päällinenBiaksiaaliset ja triaksiaaliset lasikuidutEkosublimoitu Co-Ex -pohjaKäsintehty USA:ssa
Bataleon Lumilauta - 151 Party Wave + - Multi - Male - 151 cm
Myyjä: Junkyard.com Hinta: 442.46 € (+5.95 €)Bataleon Party Wave + Snowboard. - Flex: 6/10. - Muoto: Directional. - Profiili: Low Camber. - 3BT™ + Sidekick™ 3D-muoto. - Tri-Ax-laminointi. - Super Ultra Light -ydin, 70/30 sekoitus Paulowniaa ja poppelia. - C.S.T Super Tubes -ydin. - Ultra Glide S. - Hiilivahvikkeet. - Kiinteät sivuseinät. - SideKick™ Triple -pohja. Super Tubes -ydin. Kärjen kantin nousu - Korkea. Kannan kantin nousu - Matala. Laskutyyli: Freeride, Allround.
Gnu GWO 2025 Lumilauta kuviotu
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 469.95 €Valmiina kaikkeen, mitä hiihtohissistä näkee . Hauska, helppo laskea ja täynnä parhaita ominaisuuksia. GWO on vuosikymmenten ajan kehitetyn maastokäyttöön tarkoitetun freestyle-lumilautan lopputuote. Laudassa on anteeksiantava Hybrid Rocker -profiili ja poppia antava, ympäristöystävällinen rakenne, jossa on nopea ja vähän huoltoa vaativa pohja. Aallotetut Magne Traction® -kantit antavat vaivattoman pidon jäällä ja kovalla lumella. TyyliMonipuolinen all-mountain/freestyle-lumilauta aloittelijoille ja edistyneemmille laskijoille. Haluatko pitää hauskaa vuoren joka kolkassa? Tämä lauta sopii kaikkeen niin parkissa, rinteessä, kuin puuterissakin. Muotoilu tukee sinua kaikissa maastoissa ja sopii täydellisesti taitojesi jatkuvaan parantamiseen mahdollisimman nopeasti.MuotoTrue Twin -muoto on täydellisen symmetrinen ja mahdollistaa vakaan laskemisen, laskettiin laudalla kumpi jalka tahansa edellä. Magne-Traction®-teknologia tarjoaa parempaa kanttipitoa sahalaitaisilla kanteilla. Etenkin jäisillä rinteillä ne pääsevät täyteen potentiaaliinsa.ProfiiliAlkuperäisessä Banana-profiilissa on suuri rocker jalkojen välissä ja kevyt camber siteiden alla. Tämä tekee laudasta helpon laskettavan ja tarjoaa reilusti kelluvuutta puuterissa.JoustoMedium fleksi on leikkisä ja anteeksiantava, mutta siinä on silti tarpeeksi poppia hallittujen freestyle-temppujen mahdollistamiseksi.RakenneG1 Lite -rakenne on ympäristöystävällinen ja vankka rakenne Gnulta. Haapa ja keisaripuinen ydin on erittäin kevyt, vahva ja poppaava. Biaksiaaliset ja triaksiaaliset lasikuidut ympäröivät puista ydintä ja lisäävät tarvittua jäykkyyttä ja kestävyyttä. Ekosublimoitu poly-päällinen on tuotettu vastuullisesti. Co-pursotettu pohja on kova, nopea ja äärimmäisen helppohuoltoinen.OminaisuudetTwin-muotoOriginal Banana Hybrid Rocker -profiiliMagne-Traction® sahalaitaiset kantitG Lite 1 -rakenneYdin on valmistettu haapa- ja keisaripuustaUHMW-sivutEkosublimoitu Poly -päällinenBiaksiaaliset ja triaksiaaliset lasikuidutEkosublimoitu Co-Ex -pohjaKäsintehty USA:ssa
1537 tuloksia 0.171 sekunnissa
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