176 tuotetta löytyi hakua vastaavaa tuotetta sister 12 kaupoissa:
Funko Pop! Disney Star Wars - Reva (Third Sister) #542 Bobble-Head Vinyl Figure
Myyjä: Vpd.fi Hinta: 21.99 € (+0.95 €)IDEAALINEN KOKO - Noin 9,5 cm korkea vinyyliminifiguuri täydentää muita keräilytuotteita ja sopii täydellisesti vitriiniin tai pöydälle. PREMIUM VINYL MATERIAALI - Tämä korkealaatuisesta ja kestävästä vinyylistä valmistettu keräilyesine on tehty kestämään
Sister Act/Sister Act 2 - Back in the Habit (Import)
Myyjä: Cdon.fi Hinta: 15.95 € (+2.90 €)Whoopi Goldberg double bill. In 'Sister Act', Deloris Van Cartier (Goldberg) is a lounge singer with aspirations to be a star, but instead becomes the star witness to a mob murder. She goes to the police, is put into the state witness protection scheme and sent to a nunnery run by a starchy Mother Superior (Maggie Smith). Whilst there Deloris tries to fit in, but finds that everything she does seems to annoy her fellow nuns - until she discovers the choir. In 'Sister Act 2 - Back in the Habit', Deloris is asked to resume the habit of a nun so that she can help raise funds for an ailing ghetto school. Deloris agrees to go undercover as the school's new music teacher.
Jones Twin Sister U 155 - U - Female
Myyjä: Freshfarm.it Hinta: 434.99 € (+35.99 €)JONES TWIN SISTERHey rider, here you will find in summary everything you need to know about the JONES TWIN SISTER BOARD.Hi I'm Giuditta I've been snow riding for a few years, I hang out on the slopes with my friends and I like to do some jumping, if there is fresh air I'll gladly get in. Ok get yourself a Twin Sister and never show up again, because you won't need any other board for the next few years. Combining all aspects of snowboarding into one board had never suited anyone as well as Jones, and the Twin Sister is the true all-mountain board that everyone should have to stop thinking today it's -4 degrees with 60 percent humidity, light powder, no park, what the hell kind of board do I bring?TWIN SISTER JONES BOARDTWIN SISTER, WOMEN 'S BOARD by JONES that rocks. Slab colors can be randomly alternated from those offered in the product image.TWIN SISTER Camrock Profile: with this fully twin profile, maneuverability in park and on the edge of the slope become a real pleasure. Rocker in the tip and tail to avoid unpleasant inconveniences in landings and quick changes of direction, the camber underfoot allows the board to always have excellent pop and responsiveness.TWIN SISTER FSC Control core Core: composed of two parts paulonia and one part poplar, this core remains very light but super dampening.TWINSISTER Biax Fiberglass : thanks to the fiberglass fibers positioned at 90 the board gets pop without affecting maneuverability and ease in tricks.TWIN SISTER Sintered 8000 : high-density polyethylene slab combined with carbon provides Y2K falcon performance and excellent wax retentionTWIN SISTER Eco-Plastic Topsheet : topsheet composed of bio plastics that make it super light, scratch and impact resistant and water repellent. Plus, it saves whales.TWIN SISTER Oversized recycled edges : Oversized recycled steel edges for increased durability and production sustainabilityTWIN SISTER Wend Natural Wax : Jones boards are ready to ride right out of the store and are waxed in production with WEND Natural WaxTWIN SISTER Factory Tuned : All Jones snowboards are de-tuned at the tip and tail, so you can go straight from the store to the mountain.TWIN SISTER Forever Flex : Forever Flex is a manufacturing process that helps stabilize a board's flex and rocker profile throughout its life. Our boards finish the early stages of production lightly watered and then are run-in with specialized machinery that specialized machinery that simulates extreme use of the board. By flexing the fresh fibers of the board and epoxying at the factory, the materials settle into their final arrangement as if we were using the board for 20 days. This process helps us to reduce manufacturing tolerances so that the board you buy has a more precise flex and rocker profile, which will change less as the board is used.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh...
Twisted Sister You can't stop Rock ´n´ Roll Twisted sister Pipo
Myyjä: Cdon.fi Hinta: 19.90 € (+2.90 €)Twisted sister 100% virallinen fanituote. Lämmin pipo miehille ja naisille. Valmistettu EU: ssa. Valmistettu akryylistä. Lämmin talvivaate, korkealaatuinen. Viralliset bändi- ja elokuvavaatteet.
Sister Young OVIA BLUE selvitysharja 1 kpl
Myyjä: Verkkoapteekki.fi Hinta: 17.46 € (+2.95 €)SisterYoung-sarjan hiusten selvitysharjat selvittävät kaikenlaiset hiukset tehokkaasti mutta hellästi.OVIA BLUE -selvitysharjassa on luonnonharjakset (wild boar) antistaattisilla nailonpäillä. Ergonomisesti muotoiltu. Harjan runko on ilmaa läpäisevä. Luistamaton varsi.Sopii kaikenlaisille hiuksille - kuiville tai märille.Toimiva pakkaus upealla designilla on täydellinen lahja toiselle tai itsellesi.
Ps4 The Sisters 2: Road To Fame
Myyjä: Vpd.fi Hinta: 40.99 € (+0.95 €)<div data-enable-parallax="0" data-parallax-speed="0.5" data-background-images="{}" data-background-type="image" data-video-loop="true" data-video-play-only-visible="true" data-video-lazy-load="true"
Twisted Sister You can't stop Rock ´n´ Roll Twisted sister Pipo
Myyjä: Cdon.fi Hinta: 1.99 € (+0.29 €)Twisted sister 100% virallinen fanituote. Lämmin pipo miehille ja naisille. Valmistettu EU: ssa. Valmistettu akryylistä. Lämmin talvivaate, korkealaatuinen. Viralliset bändi- ja elokuvavaatteet.
Ps5 The Sisters 2: Road To Fame
Myyjä: Vpd.fi Hinta: 40.99 € (+0.95 €)<div data-enable-parallax="0" data-parallax-speed="0.5" data-background-images="{}" data-background-type="image" data-video-loop="true" data-video-play-only-visible="true" data-video-lazy-load="true"
ICONIC LONDON Fuller Pout Sculpting Lip Liner Sister Sister (1,028 g)
Myyjä: Bangerhead.fi Hinta: 1.52 €Rajaa, muotoile ja korosta huuliasi ICONIC-huulenrajauskynien luonnollisella värillä. Saatavana kuudessa sävyssä. Jokainen puinen kynä on täynnä kermaisen pehmeää väriä ne ovat täydellisiä huulien rajaukseen ja muotoiluun. Lisäksi jokaisessa kaksipäisessä kynässä on sieniapplikaattori se on ihanteellinen huulirajan häivyttämiseen, mikä luo pehmeän pullean huulten ilmeen. Käytä yksinään, huulipunan tai -kiillon alla saadaksesi upean rajauksen. Tärkeimmät ainesosat: Erityinen peptidi lisää huulten luonnollista volyymia ja lisää kollageenin tuotantoa, mikä tekee huulista täyteläisemmän näköiset. Hyaluronic Filling Spheres - kosteuttava aine, jonka ansiosta huulet tuntuvat pehmeiltä ja sileiltä. Luonnolliset vahat ja öljyt - Tämä ICONIC-sekoitus luo samettisen koostumuksen ja saa tuotteen tuntumaan mukavalta huulilla kuivattamatta niitä.
Neptunia: Sisters Vs Sisters (Nintendo Switch)
Myyjä: Vpd.fi Hinta: 41.99 € (+4.99 €)Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters (Nintendo Switch)
Jones Snowboards Twin Sister Lumilauta musta
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 450.00 €Leikkisä ja hauska lauta jokaiseen maastoon. Jones Twin Sister on leikkisä lauta naisille, jotka haluavat päästellä höyryjä sekä parkissa että puuterissa - freestyle kohtaa vapaalaskun. Koe leikkisä ja luotettava lumilautailu Twin Sisterillä, joka sopii kaikkiin maastoihin!TyyliTwin Sister mahdollistaa koko vuoren leikkisän murskaamisen nopeudesta ja vakaudesta tinkimättä. MuotoTwin Sisterin Directional Twin -muoto on täydellinen switchinä laskemisen parantamiseen. Syvässä lumessa laudan tylppä kärki takaa, että laudan sivujen yli pääsee vähemmän lunta kuin mitä normaalin laudan kärjen muodon myötä pääsisi. Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että saat perinteisen pidemmän kärjen edut ilman ylimääräistä painoa. Traction Tech 3.0, aallotetut kantit takaavat parhaan pidon kaikissa lumiolosuhteissa.ProfiiliTwin Sisters CamRock -profiilissa on rokkia nosessa ja tailissa helppoja pressejä varten sekä camberia siteiden alla, mikä lisää popin, voiman ja reunan pitoa.JoustoKeskijäykkä flex antaa tarkan ja hallitun tuntuman, jotta voit keskittyä siihen, mitä edessäsi on.RakenneFCS™ Control Core on tuplatiheyden omaava puuydin, jossa keisaripuu- ja poppelipalkkeja. Biax-lasikuitu tarjoaa anteeksiantavan, leikkisän tuntuman lautaan. Biohartsi on kasvipohjaista ja sitä käytetään öljypohjaisen epoksin sijasta, mikä tekee tuotannosta hieman ympäristöystävällisempää. Sintratun 8000-pohjan materiaali on valmistettu UHMW-PE:stä ja hiilikuidusta. Se on nopea, helppo korjata ja imee vahan erinomaisesti. Freeride Freestyle Insert Packin avulla voit ajaa laudalla keskiasennossa tai takaperin. ECO-Plastic päällinen on valmistettu risiininsiemenistä. Tämä biomateriaali on erittäin kevyt, naarmujen ja murtumien kestävä sekä vettä ja lunta hylkivä. Jonesin laudat on varustettu suurilla, kierrätetystä teräksestä valmistetuilla kanteilla, jotka lisäävät laudan elinikää ja valmistusprosessin ekologisuutta. Reunojen pehmusteena käytettävä kumi ja sivuseinien ABS on valmistettu 100-prosenttisesti kierrätysmateriaaleista. Kaikki Jonesin laudat ovat "ready to shred", ja ne vahataan tehtaalla luonnollisella WEND-vahalla sekä pyöristetään hiukan kärjistä, jotta ne ovat valmiita lähtemään vuorelle heti myymälästä lähdettyäsi. Materiaalin käytön tehostamiseksi Jones vaihtaa pohjan värejä, mikä vähentää tuotannossa syntyvää jätettä.OminaisuudetDirectional Twin -muotoCamRock-profiiliTylppä noseTraction Tech 3.03D Base Contour 2.0Progressiivinen sivuleikkausFSC Control ydinBiax-lasikuituaSintrattu 8000-pohjaECO-Plastic -päällislevySuuret kierrätetystä metallista valmistetut kantitKierrätetty musta ABSBio-epoksiFreeride Freestyle Insert paketti
Neptunia: Sisters Vs Sisters (Playstation 4)
Myyjä: Vpd.fi Hinta: 62.99 € (+4.99 €)Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters (PlayStation 4)
Jones Twin Sister U 152 - U - Female
Myyjä: Freshfarm.it Hinta: 434.99 € (+35.99 €)JONES TWIN SISTERHey rider, here you will find in summary everything you need to know about the JONES TWIN SISTER BOARD.Hi I'm Giuditta I've been snow riding for a few years, I hang out on the slopes with my friends and I like to do some jumping, if there is fresh air I'll gladly get in. Ok get yourself a Twin Sister and never show up again, because you won't need any other board for the next few years. Combining all aspects of snowboarding into one board had never suited anyone as well as Jones, and the Twin Sister is the true all-mountain board that everyone should have to stop thinking today it's -4 degrees with 60 percent humidity, light powder, no park, what the hell kind of board do I bring?TWIN SISTER JONES BOARDTWIN SISTER, WOMEN 'S BOARD by JONES that rocks. Slab colors can be randomly alternated from those offered in the product image.TWIN SISTER Camrock Profile: with this fully twin profile, maneuverability in park and on the edge of the slope become a real pleasure. Rocker in the tip and tail to avoid unpleasant inconveniences in landings and quick changes of direction, the camber underfoot allows the board to always have excellent pop and responsiveness.TWIN SISTER FSC Control core Core: composed of two parts paulonia and one part poplar, this core remains very light but super dampening.TWINSISTER Biax Fiberglass : thanks to the fiberglass fibers positioned at 90 the board gets pop without affecting maneuverability and ease in tricks.TWIN SISTER Sintered 8000 : high-density polyethylene slab combined with carbon provides Y2K falcon performance and excellent wax retentionTWIN SISTER Eco-Plastic Topsheet : topsheet composed of bio plastics that make it super light, scratch and impact resistant and water repellent. Plus, it saves whales.TWIN SISTER Oversized recycled edges : Oversized recycled steel edges for increased durability and production sustainabilityTWIN SISTER Wend Natural Wax : Jones boards are ready to ride right out of the store and are waxed in production with WEND Natural WaxTWIN SISTER Factory Tuned : All Jones snowboards are de-tuned at the tip and tail, so you can go straight from the store to the mountain.TWIN SISTER Forever Flex : Forever Flex is a manufacturing process that helps stabilize a board's flex and rocker profile throughout its life. Our boards finish the early stages of production lightly watered and then are run-in with specialized machinery that specialized machinery that simulates extreme use of the board. By flexing the fresh fibers of the board and epoxying at the factory, the materials settle into their final arrangement as if we were using the board for 20 days. This process helps us to reduce manufacturing tolerances so that the board you buy has a more precise flex and rocker profile, which will change less as the board is used.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh...
Neptunia: Sisters Vs Sisters (Playstation 5)
Myyjä: Vpd.fi Hinta: 53.99 € (+4.99 €)Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters (PlayStation 5)
Jones Twin Sister U 140 - U - Female
Myyjä: Freshfarm.it Hinta: 434.99 € (+35.99 €)JONES TWIN SISTERHey rider, here you will find in summary everything you need to know about the JONES TWIN SISTER BOARD.Hi I'm Giuditta I've been snow riding for a few years, I hang out on the slopes with my friends and I like to do some jumping, if there is fresh air I'll gladly get in. Ok get yourself a Twin Sister and never show up again, because you won't need any other board for the next few years. Combining all aspects of snowboarding into one board had never suited anyone as well as Jones, and the Twin Sister is the true all-mountain board that everyone should have to stop thinking today it's -4 degrees with 60 percent humidity, light powder, no park, what the hell kind of board do I bring?TWIN SISTER JONES BOARDTWIN SISTER, WOMEN 'S BOARD by JONES that rocks. Slab colors can be randomly alternated from those offered in the product image.TWIN SISTER Camrock Profile: with this fully twin profile, maneuverability in park and on the edge of the slope become a real pleasure. Rocker in the tip and tail to avoid unpleasant inconveniences in landings and quick changes of direction, the camber underfoot allows the board to always have excellent pop and responsiveness.TWIN SISTER FSC Control core Core: composed of two parts paulonia and one part poplar, this core remains very light but super dampening.TWINSISTER Biax Fiberglass : thanks to the fiberglass fibers positioned at 90 the board gets pop without affecting maneuverability and ease in tricks.TWIN SISTER Sintered 8000 : high-density polyethylene slab combined with carbon provides Y2K falcon performance and excellent wax retentionTWIN SISTER Eco-Plastic Topsheet : topsheet composed of bio plastics that make it super light, scratch and impact resistant and water repellent. Plus, it saves whales.TWIN SISTER Oversized recycled edges : Oversized recycled steel edges for increased durability and production sustainabilityTWIN SISTER Wend Natural Wax : Jones boards are ready to ride right out of the store and are waxed in production with WEND Natural WaxTWIN SISTER Factory Tuned : All Jones snowboards are de-tuned at the tip and tail, so you can go straight from the store to the mountain.TWIN SISTER Forever Flex : Forever Flex is a manufacturing process that helps stabilize a board's flex and rocker profile throughout its life. Our boards finish the early stages of production lightly watered and then are run-in with specialized machinery that specialized machinery that simulates extreme use of the board. By flexing the fresh fibers of the board and epoxying at the factory, the materials settle into their final arrangement as if we were using the board for 20 days. This process helps us to reduce manufacturing tolerances so that the board you buy has a more precise flex and rocker profile, which will change less as the board is used.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh...
ICONIC LONDON Fuller Pout Sculpting Lip Liner Sister Sister (1,028 g)
Myyjä: Bangerhead.fi Hinta: 15.20 €Rajaa, muotoile ja korosta huuliasi ICONIC-huulenrajauskynien luonnollisella värillä. Saatavana kuudessa sävyssä. Jokainen puinen kynä on täynnä kermaisen pehmeää väriä ne ovat täydellisiä huulien rajaukseen ja muotoiluun. Lisäksi jokaisessa kaksipäisessä kynässä on sieniapplikaattori se on ihanteellinen huulirajan häivyttämiseen, mikä luo pehmeän pullean huulten ilmeen. Käytä yksinään, huulipunan tai -kiillon alla saadaksesi upean rajauksen. Tärkeimmät ainesosat: Erityinen peptidi lisää huulten luonnollista volyymia ja lisää kollageenin tuotantoa, mikä tekee huulista täyteläisemmän näköiset. Hyaluronic Filling Spheres - kosteuttava aine, jonka ansiosta huulet tuntuvat pehmeiltä ja sileiltä. Luonnolliset vahat ja öljyt - Tämä ICONIC-sekoitus luo samettisen koostumuksen ja saa tuotteen tuntumaan mukavalta huulilla kuivattamatta niitä.
Jones Twin Sister U 143 - U - Female
Myyjä: Freshfarm.it Hinta: 434.99 € (+35.99 €)JONES TWIN SISTERHey rider, here you will find in summary everything you need to know about the JONES TWIN SISTER BOARD.Hi I'm Giuditta I've been snow riding for a few years, I hang out on the slopes with my friends and I like to do some jumping, if there is fresh air I'll gladly get in. Ok get yourself a Twin Sister and never show up again, because you won't need any other board for the next few years. Combining all aspects of snowboarding into one board had never suited anyone as well as Jones, and the Twin Sister is the true all-mountain board that everyone should have to stop thinking today it's -4 degrees with 60 percent humidity, light powder, no park, what the hell kind of board do I bring?TWIN SISTER JONES BOARDTWIN SISTER, WOMEN 'S BOARD by JONES that rocks. Slab colors can be randomly alternated from those offered in the product image.TWIN SISTER Camrock Profile: with this fully twin profile, maneuverability in park and on the edge of the slope become a real pleasure. Rocker in the tip and tail to avoid unpleasant inconveniences in landings and quick changes of direction, the camber underfoot allows the board to always have excellent pop and responsiveness.TWIN SISTER FSC Control core Core: composed of two parts paulonia and one part poplar, this core remains very light but super dampening.TWINSISTER Biax Fiberglass : thanks to the fiberglass fibers positioned at 90 the board gets pop without affecting maneuverability and ease in tricks.TWIN SISTER Sintered 8000 : high-density polyethylene slab combined with carbon provides Y2K falcon performance and excellent wax retentionTWIN SISTER Eco-Plastic Topsheet : topsheet composed of bio plastics that make it super light, scratch and impact resistant and water repellent. Plus, it saves whales.TWIN SISTER Oversized recycled edges : Oversized recycled steel edges for increased durability and production sustainabilityTWIN SISTER Wend Natural Wax : Jones boards are ready to ride right out of the store and are waxed in production with WEND Natural WaxTWIN SISTER Factory Tuned : All Jones snowboards are de-tuned at the tip and tail, so you can go straight from the store to the mountain.TWIN SISTER Forever Flex : Forever Flex is a manufacturing process that helps stabilize a board's flex and rocker profile throughout its life. Our boards finish the early stages of production lightly watered and then are run-in with specialized machinery that specialized machinery that simulates extreme use of the board. By flexing the fresh fibers of the board and epoxying at the factory, the materials settle into their final arrangement as if we were using the board for 20 days. This process helps us to reduce manufacturing tolerances so that the board you buy has a more precise flex and rocker profile, which will change less as the board is used.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh...
Twisted Sister Bone Logo T-Paita
Myyjä: Cdon.fi Hinta: 21.90 € (+2.90 €)Twisted Sister Virallinen fanituote, T-Paita / bändipaita 100% puuvillaaTwisted Sister oli -yhtye, joka toimi vuosina 1972–2016. Yhtyeen viimeisen kokoonpanon 2010-luvulla muodostivat laulaja, keulahahmo ja pääasiallinen lauluntekijä , kitaristit French ja , basisti ja rumpali . Yhtye julkaisi useita levyjä joista tunnetuimpia olivat Stay Hungry, You Can¨t Stop Rock ´N´ Roll, Come Out And Play ja Love Is For Suckers. Tunnetuimpia kappaleita ovat "I Wanna Rock", "We're Not Gonna Take It", "The Price", "Stay Hungry", "You Can't Stop Rock 'N' Roll", "Come Out And Play", "Leader Of The Pack" ja "Burn In Hell". Nyt tarjolla olisi koko erilaisia oheistuotteita tältä hienolta orkesterilta.
Baby Born - Sister Styling Bathtub Head (830550)
Myyjä: Vpd.fi Hinta: 79.99 € (+4.99 €)BABY born - Sister Styling Bathtub Head (830550)
Twisted Sister You can't stop Rock ´n´ Roll T-Paita
Myyjä: Cdon.fi Hinta: 21.90 € (+2.90 €)Twisted Sister Virallinen fanituote, T-Paita / bändipaita 100% puuvillaaTwisted Sister oli -yhtye, joka toimi vuosina 1972–2016. Yhtyeen viimeisen kokoonpanon 2010-luvulla muodostivat laulaja, keulahahmo ja pääasiallinen lauluntekijä , kitaristit French ja , basisti ja rumpali . Yhtye julkaisi useita levyjä joista tunnetuimpia olivat Stay Hungry, You Can¨t Stop Rock ´N´ Roll, Come Out And Play ja Love Is For Suckers. Tunnetuimpia kappaleita ovat "I Wanna Rock", "We're Not Gonna Take It", "The Price", "Stay Hungry", "You Can't Stop Rock 'N' Roll", "Come Out And Play", "Leader Of The Pack" ja "Burn In Hell". Nyt tarjolla olisi koko erilaisia oheistuotteita tältä hienolta orkesterilta.
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