381 tuotetta löytyi hakua vastaavaa tuotetta suksi 6 kaupoissa:
Suksien Ja Lumilautateline Thule 732200
Myyjä: Motointegrator.fi Hinta: 179.38 € (+10.95 €)Indeksi: THU 732200. Valmistaja: THULE. Valmistajan numero: THU 732200.
4FRNT Ski Msp 99 2025 Sukset kuviotu uni 181 Miehet
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 599.00 € (+12.90 €)Performance for all terrain and all snow conditions. The MSP 99 delivers impressive performance across the entire mountain, offering swift turn initiation and a smooth, stable ride. Its camber profile and pronounced sidecut make turning effortless, boosting confidence even at high speeds. When fresh snow falls and you’re on the hunt for powder, the adaptable waist width and gradual tip rocker provides ample float.Riding StyleFrom high-speed carving turns on firm groomers to surfy turns in deep powder, this ski performs perfectly all over the mountain.ShapeThe directional shape has a slightly wider nose than tail. The binding and sidecut are set back slightly. This increases stability at higher speeds and flotation in soft snow. ProfileThis Ski comes with a classic camber under the binding, combined with a rocker in the tip. This profile offers precision and pop for groomers, with a good float in powder. The rocker in the nose makes the ski less likely to catch an edge.?ConstructionThe aspen and maple core is loaded with unmatched energy. This pure hardwood core guarantees a smooth, damp ride, long-lasting durability and incredible binding retention. Edge to edge titanal laminate sandwiches the wood core, increasing torsional rigidity without sacrificing liveliness. The vulcanized rubber tip foil quiets the chatter that results from skiing in firm or bumped up terrain.FeatureDirectional ShapeCamber profileAspen / maple coreTitanal laminateVulcanized rubber tip foilUHMW sidewallsSintered base
Fischer Pohjoismaiset Sukset Scs Skate Jr Mounted Musta 131
Myyjä: Cdon.fi Hinta: 175.49 €Nuoret luistelijat pääsevät hyvin alkuun SCS Skate -suksien avulla, jotka ovat kestäviä ja joiden suorituskyky on todettu. Aerodynaaminen kärki auttaa uusia luistelijoita pitämään rytmin tasaisena.Tiedot:- Paino per suksi: 890 g- Pohja / nousualue: SintecTeknologia:Air Channel:- Lasikuitupuuhun integroidut ilmakanavat säästävät painoa verrattuna puhtaisiin puuytimiin ja ovat kestävämpiä. Parempi paineen jakautuminen.Sidecut World Cup Skate:- Nuolimainen sidecut parantaa suorituskykyä ja dynamiikkaa erityisesti 1:1 -luistelutekniikassa.Ultra Tuning:- Vapaa luistelu. Siirretty pohjarakenne tekee suksista nopeat ja sopivat kaikkeen käyttöön.
4FRNT Ski Msp 91 2025 Sukset kuviotu uni 187 Miehet
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 639.00 € (+12.90 €)Refined resort-perfection. Built with 4FRNT's top-notch titanal laminate and aspen-maple core, the MSP 91 provides energy and stability for optimal performance on the slopes. Whether you are looking to improve on your carving abilities or you're a veteran, you’ll find yourself right at home with the 91.Riding StyleAn all-mountain ski for intermediate to advanced level riders. This ski is ideal for mastering long turns as well as fast carving turns in all types of snow conditions on the slopes.ShapeThe directional shape has a slightly wider nose than tail. The binding and sidecut are set back slightly. This increases stability at higher speeds and flotation in soft snow. ProfileThe traditional camber profile is a single positive camber from tip to tail. This profile offers high stability, good edge control and plenty of pop.ConstructionThe aspen and maple core is loaded with unmatched energy. This pure hardwood core guarantees a smooth, damp ride, long-lasting durability and incredible binding retention. Edge to edge titanal laminate sandwiches the wood core, increasing torsional rigidity without sacrificing liveliness. The vulcanized rubber tip foil quiets the chatter that results from skiing in firm or bumped up terrain.FeatureDirectional ShapeCamber profileAspen / maple coreTitanal laminateVulcanized rubber tip foilUHMW sidewallsSintered base
Atomic Bent 100 2025 Sukset musta black / multicolor 165 Miehet
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 499.00 € (+1.29 €)Atomicin Do-It-All sukset - erittäin suorituskykyiset puuterissa ja takamaastossa. Atomic Bent Chetler 100 on All-Mountain -suksi, joka keskittyy puuteriin ja takametsien laskuihin. Suunnittelussa on keskitytty: maksimoimaan monipuolisuus. 100 mm leveys tekee laskuista todella mukavia jokaisessa lumiolosuhteessa ja se on erittäin hauska jokaisessa rinteessä. TyyliAll-mountain/puuterisukset kehittyneelle laskettelijalle ja ammattilaiselle. Muoto, design, profiili ja rakenne ovat erityisesti suunniteltu tuomaan paras mahdollinen suorituskyky puuterissa. Samalla ne tarjoavat erinomaiset laskuominaisuudet myös kovalla lumella ja monipuolisuutta maastossa kuin maastossa.MuotoSuksi on muodoltaan directional twin, jossa nose on muutaman millimetrin leveämpi kuin tail, ja siteet on sijoitettu suksien keskelle. Täten suksi tarjoaa samat laskuominaisuudet sekä etu- että takaperin laskettaessa. Toisaalta hieman leveämpi nose antaa enemmän nostetta tuoreessa lumessa.ProfiiliPowder Rocker -profiilissa yhdistyy molempien kärkien rocker sekä camber-profiili siteen alla. Tämä profiili antaa sukselle reilun määrän poppia ja kontrollia. Nosessa ja tailissa oleva rocker tekee suksista hieman anteeksiantavammat ja tarjoaa nostetta syvässä puuterissa.RakenneDura Cap Sidewall -rakenne tarjoaa hallitun voimansiirron ja erinomaisen kanttipidon. Pyöristetty muoto tekee suksista huomattavasti kestävämmät ja vähemmän alttiit naarmuille. Kevyt puuydin on valmistettu poppelista. Tämä puuydin vähentää painoa ja vaimentaa samalla tärinää ja tarjoaa tasaisemman laskukokemuksen. HRZN-teknologia suksen kärjissä muistuttaa muotoilultaan lusikkaa. Se kasvattaa suksen kärkien pintaa 10 % ja antaa sensaatiomaisen nosteen.OminaisuudetChris Benchetlerin suunnittelematDirectional-muotoPowder Rocker -profiiliHRZN-teknologia suksen kärjissäKevyt puuydinDura Cap SivuosatKuultava pintalaminointiResist Edge -kantit
4FRNT Ski Msp 107 2025 Sukset kuviotu uni 176 Miehet
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 539.00 € (+12.90 €)Devour all conditions. The MSP 107 allows you to step up to bigger terrain, steeper faces and aggressive all-mountain riding with more control and confidence than you’ve ever felt at the resort. The titanal laminate and the revised Aspen and Maple core ensure a reactive and agile ride. Riding styleAn all-mountain / freeride ski for advanced riders. Steep faces, fast descents and no-compromise freeriding.ShapeThe directional shape has a slightly wider nose than tail. The binding and sidecut are set back slightly. This increases stability at higher speeds and flotation in soft snow. ProfileThis ski has minimal camber underfoot and early rocker at the tip, with minimal rocker in the tail for occasional switch riding. ConstructionThe aspen and maple core is loaded with unmatched energy. This pure hardwood core guarantees a smooth, damp ride, long-lasting durability and incredible binding retention. Edge to edge titanal laminate sandwiches the wood core, increasing torsional rigidity without sacrificing liveliness. The vulcanized rubber tip foil quiets the chatter that results from skiing in firm or bumped up terrain.FeatureDirectional ShapeCamber profile with tip-rockerAspen / maple coreTitanal laminateVulcanized rubber tip foilUHMW sidewallsSintered base
Suksien Ja Lumilautateline Thule 732400
Myyjä: Motointegrator.fi Hinta: 291.24 € (+10.95 €)Indeksi: THU 732400. Valmistaja: THULE. Valmistajan numero: THU 732400.
4FRNT Ski MSP 107 2024 Sukset kuviotu uni 176 Miehet
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 500.00 € (+12.90 €)A new width with a design update - the new MSP 107. The 4FRNT MSP 107 is not only a revised version of the classic, it is also a new width for even steeper faces, faster descents and aggressive all-mountain riding. The new Titanal lamination and the revised Aspen and Maple core ensure a reactive and agile ride. Riding styleThe MSP 107 is ideal for riders who want to take their riding to a new level. Steep faces, fast descents and uncompromising freeriding are on the agenda with the MSP 107. ShapeThis ski comes with a Directional Twin shape, the nose is a few millimetres wider than the tail, with a central binding position. Thus the ski offers you the same skiing characteristics forward and switch. However, thanks to the slightly wider nose you get a little more uplift in fresh snow.ProfileThe MSP 107 offers a mix of minimal camber underfoot and early rocker at the tip, while the tail offers only minimal rocker for short switch sessions. FlexWith a flex of 8, this ski is relatively hard, which ensures precise control and stability, especially on fast descents and demanding conditions.ConstructionThe Aspen/Maple core in combination with Titanal lamination provides a reactive ride, cushioning and durability, ideal for hard and inconsistent conditions. The UHMW sidewall dampens vibrations and ensures durability. This ski is rounded off with a fast, sintered base.
Sukset C&A Pro MTX
Myyjä: Sledstore.fi Hinta: 524.99 €C&A Pro MTX suksi on sinulle joka haluat paljon hyvästä.Tämä suksi antaa sinulle maksimaalisen kelluvuuden ja todella hyvän polku ominaisuudet. Sukset ovat yksiä leveimpiä mitä markkinat tarjoaa mutta reunat on pyöristettyjä, että käsittely kuitenkin on helppoa. Nämä sukset ovat optimaaliset sinulle joka haluaa mukavan reissun edes takaisin koskemattomasta puuterilumesta.Säädettävä suksisilmukka jotta voisi valita kulman joka sopii juuri sinun ajotyylille.- 1" Köli.- 20,3cm leveä.- X Edge 90* suunnittelu.- Säädettävä suksisilmukka.- Painaa noin 3,2kg sis. suksikahvatLöytyy eri värisinä.Myydään pareittain.Ohjausraudat ja asennussarjat myydään erikseen.
4FRNT Ski Msp 107 2025 Sukset kuviotu uni 181 Miehet
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 539.00 € (+12.90 €)Devour all conditions. The MSP 107 allows you to step up to bigger terrain, steeper faces and aggressive all-mountain riding with more control and confidence than you’ve ever felt at the resort. The titanal laminate and the revised Aspen and Maple core ensure a reactive and agile ride. Riding styleAn all-mountain / freeride ski for advanced riders. Steep faces, fast descents and no-compromise freeriding.ShapeThe directional shape has a slightly wider nose than tail. The binding and sidecut are set back slightly. This increases stability at higher speeds and flotation in soft snow. ProfileThis ski has minimal camber underfoot and early rocker at the tip, with minimal rocker in the tail for occasional switch riding. ConstructionThe aspen and maple core is loaded with unmatched energy. This pure hardwood core guarantees a smooth, damp ride, long-lasting durability and incredible binding retention. Edge to edge titanal laminate sandwiches the wood core, increasing torsional rigidity without sacrificing liveliness. The vulcanized rubber tip foil quiets the chatter that results from skiing in firm or bumped up terrain.FeatureDirectional ShapeCamber profile with tip-rockerAspen / maple coreTitanal laminateVulcanized rubber tip foilUHMW sidewallsSintered base
Sukset Kimpex Rush Complete
Myyjä: Sledstore.fi Hinta: 459.99 €Rush on Kimpexin yleissuksi, joka sopii lähes kaikkiin markkinoilla oleviin moottorikelkkoihin.Myydään täydellisessä pakkauksessa, jossa on 2 sukset , ohjainraudat, joissa on 4 tuuman kartio, tupit ja yleisasennussarja. Asennussarjassa on useita erilaisia aluslevyjä, pultteja ja välilevyjä, joiden avulla sukset sopivat lähes mihin tahansa moottorikelkkaan. Sukset sopivat erinomaisesti monipuoliseen käyttöön, ja niiden hinta on edullinen. Mahtava hinta Todella kevyt – vain 1,8 kg Universal, sopii useimpiin merkkeihin ja malleihinValitse väri valikosta.
4FRNT Ski Msp 99 2025 Sukset kuviotu uni 176 Miehet
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 599.00 € (+12.90 €)Performance for all terrain and all snow conditions. The MSP 99 delivers impressive performance across the entire mountain, offering swift turn initiation and a smooth, stable ride. Its camber profile and pronounced sidecut make turning effortless, boosting confidence even at high speeds. When fresh snow falls and you’re on the hunt for powder, the adaptable waist width and gradual tip rocker provides ample float.Riding StyleFrom high-speed carving turns on firm groomers to surfy turns in deep powder, this ski performs perfectly all over the mountain.ShapeThe directional shape has a slightly wider nose than tail. The binding and sidecut are set back slightly. This increases stability at higher speeds and flotation in soft snow. ProfileThis Ski comes with a classic camber under the binding, combined with a rocker in the tip. This profile offers precision and pop for groomers, with a good float in powder. The rocker in the nose makes the ski less likely to catch an edge.?ConstructionThe aspen and maple core is loaded with unmatched energy. This pure hardwood core guarantees a smooth, damp ride, long-lasting durability and incredible binding retention. Edge to edge titanal laminate sandwiches the wood core, increasing torsional rigidity without sacrificing liveliness. The vulcanized rubber tip foil quiets the chatter that results from skiing in firm or bumped up terrain.FeatureDirectional ShapeCamber profileAspen / maple coreTitanal laminateVulcanized rubber tip foilUHMW sidewallsSintered base
Sukset Kimpex Rush Complete
Myyjä: Sledstore.fi Hinta: 464.99 €Rush on Kimpexin yleissuksi, joka sopii lähes kaikkiin markkinoilla oleviin moottorikelkkoihin.Myydään täydellisessä pakkauksessa, jossa on 2 sukset , ohjainraudat, joissa on 4 tuuman kartio, tupit ja yleisasennussarja. Asennussarjassa on useita erilaisia aluslevyjä, pultteja ja välilevyjä, joiden avulla sukset sopivat lähes mihin tahansa moottorikelkkaan. Sukset sopivat erinomaisesti monipuoliseen käyttöön, ja niiden hinta on edullinen. Mahtava hinta Todella kevyt – vain 1,8 kg Universal, sopii useimpiin merkkeihin ja malleihinValitse väri valikosta.
4FRNT Ski MSP 107 2024 Sukset kuviotu uni 181 Miehet
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 500.00 € (+12.90 €)A new width with a design update - the new MSP 107. The 4FRNT MSP 107 is not only a revised version of the classic, it is also a new width for even steeper faces, faster descents and aggressive all-mountain riding. The new Titanal lamination and the revised Aspen and Maple core ensure a reactive and agile ride. Riding styleThe MSP 107 is ideal for riders who want to take their riding to a new level. Steep faces, fast descents and uncompromising freeriding are on the agenda with the MSP 107. ShapeThis ski comes with a Directional Twin shape, the nose is a few millimetres wider than the tail, with a central binding position. Thus the ski offers you the same skiing characteristics forward and switch. However, thanks to the slightly wider nose you get a little more uplift in fresh snow.ProfileThe MSP 107 offers a mix of minimal camber underfoot and early rocker at the tip, while the tail offers only minimal rocker for short switch sessions. FlexWith a flex of 8, this ski is relatively hard, which ensures precise control and stability, especially on fast descents and demanding conditions.ConstructionThe Aspen/Maple core in combination with Titanal lamination provides a reactive ride, cushioning and durability, ideal for hard and inconsistent conditions. The UHMW sidewall dampens vibrations and ensures durability. This ski is rounded off with a fast, sintered base.
Sukset Kimpex Rush Complete
Myyjä: Sledstore.fi Hinta: 464.99 €Rush on Kimpexin yleissuksi, joka sopii lähes kaikkiin markkinoilla oleviin moottorikelkkoihin.Myydään täydellisessä pakkauksessa, jossa on 2 sukset , ohjainraudat, joissa on 4 tuuman kartio, tupit ja yleisasennussarja. Asennussarjassa on useita erilaisia aluslevyjä, pultteja ja välilevyjä, joiden avulla sukset sopivat lähes mihin tahansa moottorikelkkaan. Sukset sopivat erinomaisesti monipuoliseen käyttöön, ja niiden hinta on edullinen. Mahtava hinta Todella kevyt – vain 1,8 kg Universal, sopii useimpiin merkkeihin ja malleihinValitse väri valikosta.
4FRNT Ski Msp 107 2025 Sukset kuviotu uni 187 Miehet
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 539.00 € (+12.90 €)Devour all conditions. The MSP 107 allows you to step up to bigger terrain, steeper faces and aggressive all-mountain riding with more control and confidence than you’ve ever felt at the resort. The titanal laminate and the revised Aspen and Maple core ensure a reactive and agile ride. Riding styleAn all-mountain / freeride ski for advanced riders. Steep faces, fast descents and no-compromise freeriding.ShapeThe directional shape has a slightly wider nose than tail. The binding and sidecut are set back slightly. This increases stability at higher speeds and flotation in soft snow. ProfileThis ski has minimal camber underfoot and early rocker at the tip, with minimal rocker in the tail for occasional switch riding. ConstructionThe aspen and maple core is loaded with unmatched energy. This pure hardwood core guarantees a smooth, damp ride, long-lasting durability and incredible binding retention. Edge to edge titanal laminate sandwiches the wood core, increasing torsional rigidity without sacrificing liveliness. The vulcanized rubber tip foil quiets the chatter that results from skiing in firm or bumped up terrain.FeatureDirectional ShapeCamber profile with tip-rockerAspen / maple coreTitanal laminateVulcanized rubber tip foilUHMW sidewallsSintered base
Sukset Kimpex Rush Complete
Myyjä: Sledstore.fi Hinta: 464.99 €Rush on Kimpexin yleissuksi, joka sopii lähes kaikkiin markkinoilla oleviin moottorikelkkoihin.Myydään täydellisessä pakkauksessa, jossa on 2 sukset , ohjainraudat, joissa on 4 tuuman kartio, tupit ja yleisasennussarja. Asennussarjassa on useita erilaisia aluslevyjä, pultteja ja välilevyjä, joiden avulla sukset sopivat lähes mihin tahansa moottorikelkkaan. Sukset sopivat erinomaisesti monipuoliseen käyttöön, ja niiden hinta on edullinen. Mahtava hinta Todella kevyt – vain 1,8 kg Universal, sopii useimpiin merkkeihin ja malleihinValitse väri valikosta.
Armada ARW 88 2025 Sukset kuviotu uni 176 Naiset
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 379.95 € (+12.90 €)Competition-proven park performance. The ARW 88, combines a poplar core with w3Dgewall construction for maximum edge hold and pop in the toughest conditions, from rutted inruns to icy pipe wall. With more camber and a shorter radius underfoot, the ARW 88 offers a more traditional feel compared to other ARWs, while an extended radius in the tip and tail prevents any snagging on take-off and landing.Riding styleA high-performance freestyle ski for park and pipe. Ideal for rails, gaps and big kickers. If you are looking for the ultimate park and pipe ski, the ARW 88 should more than fulfil all your wishes.ShapeThis ski comes with a Directional Twin Shape, the nose is a few millimetres wider than the tail, with a central binding position. Thus the ski offers you the same skiing characteristics forward and switch. However, thanks to the slightly wider nose you get a little more uplift in fresh snow.ProfileThis ski comes with a classic camber under the binding and an even rocker in nose and tail. This profile is perfect for any terrain. Precision and pop for park and slope, good uplift in soft snow. The Rocker in the nose and tail also creates an additional, loose, tilt-free riding experience.ConstructionStability, strength and lightness are the top priorities for the poplar woodcore. For those looking for predictability and smoothness, the poplar core delivers in all snow conditions. The w3Dgewall is a 3D-moulded, injected sidewall that is angled where it connects to the woodcore. This provides a stronger, more even connection between the sidewall and the core. The result is a ski that can withstand more stress and at the same time offers better edge grip with less weight.
Suksien Kahvat C&A Pro
Myyjä: Sledstore.fi Hinta: 99.99 € (+9.99 €)Laadukkaat muoviset kahvat CA Pro suksille. Monen eri värisiä ja muovi on parasta laatua. Täydelliset kahvat korvaamaan hajonneet tai jos haluat uutta ilmettä kelkallesi. Myydään pareittain.
Armada ARW 88 2025 Sukset kuviotu uni 166 Naiset
Myyjä: Blue-tomato.com Hinta: 379.95 € (+12.90 €)Competition-proven park performance. The ARW 88, combines a poplar core with w3Dgewall construction for maximum edge hold and pop in the toughest conditions, from rutted inruns to icy pipe wall. With more camber and a shorter radius underfoot, the ARW 88 offers a more traditional feel compared to other ARWs, while an extended radius in the tip and tail prevents any snagging on take-off and landing.Riding styleA high-performance freestyle ski for park and pipe. Ideal for rails, gaps and big kickers. If you are looking for the ultimate park and pipe ski, the ARW 88 should more than fulfil all your wishes.ShapeThis ski comes with a Directional Twin Shape, the nose is a few millimetres wider than the tail, with a central binding position. Thus the ski offers you the same skiing characteristics forward and switch. However, thanks to the slightly wider nose you get a little more uplift in fresh snow.ProfileThis ski comes with a classic camber under the binding and an even rocker in nose and tail. This profile is perfect for any terrain. Precision and pop for park and slope, good uplift in soft snow. The Rocker in the nose and tail also creates an additional, loose, tilt-free riding experience.ConstructionStability, strength and lightness are the top priorities for the poplar woodcore. For those looking for predictability and smoothness, the poplar core delivers in all snow conditions. The w3Dgewall is a 3D-moulded, injected sidewall that is angled where it connects to the woodcore. This provides a stronger, more even connection between the sidewall and the core. The result is a ski that can withstand more stress and at the same time offers better edge grip with less weight.
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