40 products were found matching your search for shadowrun in 3 shops:
Shadowrun (Xbox 360)
Vendor: Onbuy.com Price: 21.88 £Shadowrun (Xbox 360)
Microsoft Shadowrun
Vendor: Onbuy.com Price: 25.50 £ (+3.00 £)Shadowrun
Microsoft Shadowrun (PC)
Vendor: Onbuy.com Price: 24.99 £Shadowrun (PC)
Catalyst Game Labs Shadowrun: Shadow Cast
Vendor: Magicmadhouse.co.uk Price: 34.07 £If the Sixth World Companion is about providing a options to make a wide range of Shadowrun characters, Shadow Cast is there to help you explore that range. The book features twenty character archetypes that go off the beaten path, people like an academic mage, a Dissonant technomancer, or a street doctor. For each archetype, you get information on how people might get into that line of work, with ideas on how to build skills and attributes for that character. There are also plot hooks for that archetype, quality paths, and advice on playing that archetype.
Catalyst Game Labs Shadowrun: Body Shop
Vendor: Magicmadhouse.co.uk Price: 34.50 £BUILD A BETTER YOUYou sculpt your body the same way you sculpt marblecut away all the wrong parts until what you are left with is purely, utterly you. You, but faster. You, but stronger. You, but smarter.If youre going to take on the powers of the Sixth World, you will need to be every bit of yourself that you can muster. Cyberware, bioware, geneware, and more can help you build the self you need to rise to the occasion and be the person who can withstand whatever the world throws at you.Body Shop is the core augmentation rulebook for Shadowrun, Sixth World.
Catalyst Game Labs Shadowrun: Wild Life
Vendor: Magicmadhouse.co.uk Price: 35.90 £A howl that cuts through the night. Bared fangs in a dark corridor. Talons piercing exposed flesh...Such scenes are the stuff of a shadowrunners nightmares. People can be bought or reasoned with, but critters? Critters just come at you, relentless and hungry. Whether used as corporate security or running wild, they can be a tremendous threat. They can also, however, be a source of reagents or wealth if you know what youre doingand you know how to steer clear of tooth and claw.Containing information on critters that can be found in a range of environments, Wild Life is the core critter rulebook for Shadowrun: Sixth World.
Catalyst Game Labs Shadowrun: Null Value
Vendor: Magicmadhouse.co.uk Price: 36.50 £Null Value provides information on ten Matrix threats in the Sixth World, including plot hooks and other details that can be useful for players and gamemasters alike. With entities and organizations that can be used as antagonists, allies, contacts, or other plot fuel, Null Value fleshes out the Sixth World and provides a fun read as well as a useful game supplement.
Catalyst Game Labs Shadowrun: Cyber Deck
Vendor: Magicmadhouse.co.uk Price: 11.60 £ (+3.49 £)ENHANCE & UPGRADEWhat does your body need? A boost of speed? A new look? Different ways of seeing the world? All these options and more are in this deck, which provides basic game information for augmentations taken from Body Shop. Grab this reference for easy tracking of essential gear!The Cyber Deck is for use with Shadowrun, Sixth World.
Catalyst Game Labs Shadowrun Sixth World - Shadow Points
Vendor: Magicmadhouse.co.uk Price: 11.55 £ (+3.49 £)A backdoor cyberclinic. A fast food joint. A police station. These are places shadowrunners might encounter across the globe, wherever they get their work done. Shadow Points features thirty such locations on handy cards, with an illustration to provide the basic look of each building, along with information entrances and exits, security profile, people who might be present, special features, and fun ways to use the location in your game. These can be dropped into any city where the gamemaster needs them to keep the game moving.
Catalyst Game Labs Shadowrun: The Needles Eye
Vendor: Magicmadhouse.co.uk Price: 35.90 £Can you negotiate a multi-million-nuyen deal while calmly sipping a martini? Do you know how to make money on the stock market with just about any insider info you hear? Most importantly, can you maintain your poise while the most powerful people in the Sixth World stare you down?Youre about the find out. The Grand Tour is underway, and Mr. Johnson is holding a spot on it for you. Youll eat lots of good food and stay in many wonderful hotels, but youll be surrounded by people who could send dozens of assassins after you with one snap of their fingers. Walk carefully, find the paydata, and discover the secrets that people on the Tour would prefer to keep hidden. Against all odds - dont get caught.The Needles Eye is a plot book advancing the story of Shadowrun, Sixth World.
Catalyst Game Labs Shadowrun: Astral Ways
Vendor: Magicmadhouse.co.uk Price: 36.50 £With vivid descriptions and details on a variety of metaplanes, as well as advice on exploring them, Astral Ways is an exciting metaplanar setting book for Shadowrun, Sixth World.
Catalyst Game Labs Shadowrun: Whisper Nets
Vendor: Magicmadhouse.co.uk Price: 34.50 £Every Secret Has It's PriceKnowledge knows no allegiances. Financial moguls have been incarcerated for facilitating insider trading for crooked bankers. Government officials resign rather than answer the question What did they know and when did they know it. Having the data isn't enough; it's all in how you use it.Lately the Sixth World has been full of juicy secrets. In this campaign, runners are called to the corporate citadel of Manhattan to extract some valuable truths. In turn, they must answer another question: How to turn this information into a paycheck, before someone cashes in on your life? Whisper Nets is a campaign book for use with Shadowrun, Sixth World.
Catalyst Game Labs Shadowrun: Critter Deck
Vendor: Magicmadhouse.co.uk Price: 12.70 £ (+3.49 £)The Critter Deck accompanies Shadowrun: Wild Life with dozens of fully illustrated reference cards for a wide range of Shadowrun critters. The pictures and game stats make it easy to throw a range of critters into your game!Features:A full deck with critters ranging from the drop bear to the juggernaut to the megalodon.Has art and flavor text on one side, game stats and primary attacks on the other.Useful for anyone who wants easy reference and art on imaginitive creatures.
Catalyst Game Labs Shadowrun: Gun Rack (Weapon Cards)
Vendor: Magicmadhouse.co.uk Price: 11.95 £ (+3.49 £)LOCK & LOADThe Colt Secret Agent. The Ultimax 71. The Izom Artemis. These and many more are in this weapon pack, with each card having game stats and art. Includes weapons from Shadowrun, Sixth World and Firing Squad.Gun Rack features 55 cards, covering dozens of guns, swords and beyond, plus quick reference cards to help make combat easier for players!
Catalyst Game Labs Shadowrun: Johnson Dex (Mr. Cards)
Vendor: Magicmadhouse.co.uk Price: 12.95 £ (+3.49 £)Power PlayersYou love them, you hate them. They hire you, they try to kill you. Shadowrunners have a complicated relationship with the Mr. Johnsons of the Sixth World. Knowing their quirks, their methods, and what they can do for you can make their job smoother, and this deck has the info which you need profiles of almost 20 Mr. Johnsons, with stats, background, plot hooks, and more!This product is for use with Shadowrun: Sixth World.
Catalyst Game Labs Shadowrun: Art Portfolio
Vendor: Magicmadhouse.co.uk Price: 34.06 £The art of Shadowrun tells the story as much as the words do, and this book contains forty images that are easy to remove and display so you can immerse yourself in the sights of the Sixth World!
Catalyst Game Labs *Damaged* Shadowrun: Null Value (2)
Vendor: Magicmadhouse.co.uk Price: 33.99 £*DAMAGED* This product is damaged with an line of indention across the hardcover, small dents in the hardcover, and some light scratching on the cover too.Null Value provides information on ten Matrix threats in the Sixth World, including plot hooks and other details that can be useful for players and gamemasters alike. With entities and organizations that can be used as antagonists, allies, contacts, or other plot fuel, Null Value fleshes out the Sixth World and provides a fun read as well as a useful game supplement.
Catalyst Game Labs *Damaged* Shadowrun: Null Value (1)
Vendor: Magicmadhouse.co.uk Price: 34.49 £*DAMAGED* This product is damaged with scuffs, scratches, and small dents in the hardcover.Null Value provides information on ten Matrix threats in the Sixth World, including plot hooks and other details that can be useful for players and gamemasters alike. With entities and organizations that can be used as antagonists, allies, contacts, or other plot fuel, Null Value fleshes out the Sixth World and provides a fun read as well as a useful game supplement.
Catalyst Game Labs Shadowrun: The Third Parallel
Vendor: Magicmadhouse.co.uk Price: 34.07 £Where Man meets Magic and Machinethat was Shadowruns tagline from way back, and this campaign book explores how those three aspects of the Sixth World interact and overlap. Taking place in the Denver sprawl, this books bounces players back and forth from the meatworld to the Matrix to the astral and back again, looking at what changes and what stays the same as they try to uncover a plot that brings all three worlds together to possibly highly destructive effect.
Catalyst Game Labs Shadowrun: Assassins Night
Vendor: Magicmadhouse.co.uk Price: 27.19 £ (+3.49 £)EXECUTE.Authorization granted.Maneuver AF2B9.Go dark.Eliminate.Those words set a plan in motion, but what plan? Somethings about to go down in Barcelona. Someone is marked for death. But whos the target, and whos pulling trigger?Assassins Night is a campaign for Shadowrun, Sixth World where players can dive in and get involved in intrigue, action, and a plot that will shake the world.
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