40 termék találtunk a keresésedre: beyond a 3 üzletek között:
Maxi-Cosi Ava Beyond Grey
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 32,190.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Etetőszék Maxi-Cosi Ava Beyond Grey:Etetőszéket tervezel vásárolni? Akkor felkeltheti figyelmedet az elsőrangú MAXI-COSI etetőszék, amely komfortos ülést garantál etetés alatt. Fém és műanyag anyagból gyártották. Gyerekek számára újszülött kortól ideális. Maximális teherbírása 15 kg. Óriási előnye, hogy a tálcáját leszerelheted. Így jobban odateheted az étkezőasztalhoz. Felülete probléma nélkül letörölhető. A módosítható magasságú és fekvő pozícióba is helyezhető MAXI-COSI etetőszék perfekt választás azon babáknak, akik még nem tudnak maguktól ülni. A modern 5-pontos biztonsági öv gondoskodik a gyermeked rögzítéséről. Maxi-Cosi Ava Beyond Grey lényegesebb jellemzői A minőségi MAXI-COSI etetőszék komfortos ülést garantál etetés alatt Anyag: fém és műanyag Magassága igény szerint módosítható A megbízható 5-pontos biztonsági öv gondoskodik a gyerkőcöd biztonságos rögzítéséről Szükség esetén a tálca eltávolítható Felülete letörölhető, így nem probléma tisztán tartani A pozícionálható etetőszék nagyszerű választás azon babáknak, akik még nem...
Maxi-Cosi Kori 2 az 1-ben Beyond Grey
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 53,890.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Pihenőszék Maxi-Cosi Kori 2 az 1-ben Beyond Grey:A nagyszerű MAXI-COSI pihenőszék hasznos eszköz és biztonságos hely, ahol a kicsi játszhat, pihenhet, vagy egyszerűen csak megfigyelheti a körülötte lévő világot. Újszülött kortól felel meg, és a gyermek nem lehet nehezebb, mint 15 kg. A pihenőszék gyengéd ringatással nyugtatja meg a babát. Amint meglököd kissé, máris elkezd himbálózni. Nem kell aggódnod a babád biztonsága miatt. Egyszerűen bekötheted egy hárompontos biztonsági öv segítségével. A pozíciók száma, amelyek közül választhatsz 3, így tökéletesen alkalmazkodik a baba igényeihez. A fantasztikus szürke szín kiemeli a stílusát. A remek Maxi-Cosi Kori 2 az 1-ben Beyond Grey baba pihenőszék leglényegesebb jellemzői A nagyszerű MAXI-COSI baba pihenőszék megnyugtatja és lefoglalja a kis csirkefogót Újszülött kortól javasolt 15 kg a legnagyobb teherbírása Puhán ringatózik, ha finoman meglököd A bababiztonságról 3-pontos biztonsági öv gondoskodik A remek MAXI-COSI pihenőszék 3 pozíció állatható be rajta A csúszásmentes lábaknak köszönhetően nem mozdul el...
Maxi-Cosi Kori 2 az 1-ben Beyond Green
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 51,190.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Pihenőszék Maxi-Cosi Kori 2 az 1-ben Beyond Green:A remek MAXI-COSI pihenőszék egy olyan remek megoldás, amelyben a baba biztonsága garantált pihenés és játék közben, vagy ha egyszerűen csak figyeli, hogy mi történik körülötte. Újszülött kortól vehető birtokba a baba számára, legnagyobb teherbírása pedig 15 kg. Mivel kellemes ritmusban hintáztatja a babát, nyugtatásra is alkalmas. Mindössze egy kis lökést kell adnod, hogy elkezdjen ringatózni. Nem kell amiatt aggódnod, hogy kisgyermeked biztonsága van-e. Gyorsan és könnyedén bekötheted egy hárompontos biztonsági öv segítségével. A pozíciók száma 3, így pont úgy állíthatod be, ahogy az a lehető legkényelmesebb a babádnak. A szuper zöld szín hangsúlyozza a stílusát. A jól kihasználható Maxi-Cosi Kori 2 az 1-ben Beyond Green baba pihenőszék legfontosabb tulajdonságai A nagyszerű MAXI-COSI baba pihenőszék lefoglalja a babát, és ha arra van szükség, meg is nyugtatja Újszülött korú is idősebbek számára ajánlott 15 kg a maximális teherbírása Finoman ringatózik, ha óvatosan meglököd A bababiztonságról 3-pontos...
DAVID BECKHAM Beyond EdT 90 ml
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 6,090.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Eau de Toilette DAVID BECKHAM Beyond EdT 90 ml:A David Beckham Beyond illat a férfi vonzerő, karizma és önbizalom szimbóluma. Próbálja ki, és fedje fel a valódi énjét! Az illat azonnal megörvendezteti az érzékeit a mojito friss árnyalatával, dinamikus karaktert ad a fűszeres grapefruit és a kardamon. A parfüm szívét a fekete bors, a cédrusfa férfias illata és a muskátli adja. Az egész kompozíciót a pacsuli zárja le a vanília meleg tónusaival vegyülve.David Beckham BeyondKarizmatikus férfias illatÖnbizalmat és vonzerőt adMojito és grapefruit friss tónusaiA pikantériát a kardamon és a fekete bors jeleníti megAz illat összetétele:Fej: mojito, kardamon, grapefruitSzív: muskátli, cédrus, borsBázis: vanília, bőr, pacsuli
Maxi-Cosi Cassia Beyond Grey
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 101,290.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Pihenőszék Maxi-Cosi Cassia Beyond Grey:A neves MAXI-COSI pihenőszék egy olyan biztonságos megoldás, ahol a kicsi lefeküdhet, pihenhet, játszhat, vagy csak nézheti a körülötte lévő világot. Újszülött kortól vehető birtokba a baba számára, a maximális súlyhatár pedig 9 kg. Az automatikus hintáztatás arra is jó, hogy másra is marad időd. Csak nyomd meg a rajta lévő gombot, és a pihenőszék helyetted hintáztatja a babát. Ne félj attól, hogy a babád nem lesz biztonságban. Gyorsan és egyszerűen be tudod kötni egy hárompontos biztonsági öv segítségével. A választható pozíciók száma 2, így úgy állíthatod be, hogy az a babának a lehető legkényelmesebb legyen. A mesés szürke szín kiemeli a kialakítását. A remek Maxi-Cosi Cassia Beyond Grey pihenőszék leglényegesebb előnyei A népszerű MAXI-COSI baba pihenőszék szórakoztat és nyugtat Újszülött kortól használható 9 kg a maximális teherbírása Automatikus hintázással A bababiztonságról 3-pontos biztonsági öv gondoskodik A jól kihasználható MAXI-COSI pihenőszék 2 helyzet állítható be rajta Hála a csúszásmentes...
Maxi-Cosi Cassia Beyond Grey
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 65,790.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Pihenőszék Maxi-Cosi Cassia Beyond Grey:A neves MAXI-COSI pihenőszék egy olyan biztonságos megoldás, ahol a kicsi lefeküdhet, pihenhet, játszhat, vagy csak nézheti a körülötte lévő világot. Újszülött kortól vehető birtokba a baba számára, a maximális súlyhatár pedig 9 kg. Az automatikus hintáztatás arra is jó, hogy másra is marad időd. Csak nyomd meg a rajta lévő gombot, és a pihenőszék helyetted hintáztatja a babát. Ne félj attól, hogy a babád nem lesz biztonságban. Gyorsan és egyszerűen be tudod kötni egy hárompontos biztonsági öv segítségével. A választható pozíciók száma 2, így úgy állíthatod be, hogy az a babának a lehető legkényelmesebb legyen. A mesés szürke szín kiemeli a kialakítását. A remek Maxi-Cosi Cassia Beyond Grey pihenőszék leglényegesebb előnyei A népszerű MAXI-COSI baba pihenőszék szórakoztat és nyugtat Újszülött kortól használható 9 kg a maximális teherbírása Automatikus hintázással A bababiztonságról 3-pontos biztonsági öv gondoskodik A jól kihasználható MAXI-COSI pihenőszék 2 helyzet állítható be rajta Hála a csúszásmentes...
SEGA Lust From Beyond - PC Digital
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 5,680.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)PC játék Lust From Beyond - PC Digital:Nincs kitöltve Alternatív szöveg a fotóhoz!A Lust From Beyond játékban okkult témákkal küzdesz meg a pszichológiai horror elemeivel és erotikus témákkal.Nincs kitöltve Alternatív szöveg a fotóhoz!Képes vagy egyesíteni a szexualitást és a rettegést? Ezt a világot a vágy, az elbűvölés, de a félelem is vezérli.Nincs kitöltve Alternatív szöveg a fotóhoz!Istenkáromlás és szexuális szokásokJátssz Viktor Holloway bőrében. Fedd fel az álmaid valódi jelentését. Mi fog történni, ha a világ örömei már nem elegendőek neked?Nincs kitöltve Alternatív szöveg a fotóhoz!Juss túl a valóság és a megértés határainA Lust From Beyond egy ezoterikus regény erotikus témákkal. Vizsgáld meg az okkult szektát, és élj át horror-forgatókönyveket.Nincs kitöltve Alternatív szöveg a fotóhoz!Mint egy igazi horrorfilmbenA Lust From Beyond-ban rejtvényeket fogsz megoldani, amelyek megzavarják az elmédet és próbára teszik az eszedet. Élvezd az elhagyatott épületek hangjait.Nincs kitöltve Alternatív szöveg a fotóhoz!Rengeteg erotika, erőszak...
Maxi-Cosi Cassia Beyond Green
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 99,790.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Pihenőszék Maxi-Cosi Cassia Beyond Green:A nagyszerű MAXI-COSI pihenőszék biztonságos választás, amelyben kisbabád lefeküdhet, pihenhet, játszhat, vagy csak megfigyelheti a körülötte lévő világot. Újszülött kortól ajánlott, és a gyermek nem lehet nehezebb, mint 9 kg. Az automatikus hintázásnak köszönhetően nincs felesleges aggodalmaskodás! Egy gombnyomásra van csak szükség, és a pihenőszék már hintáztatja is a babádat. Nem kell aggódnod a kicsi biztonsága miatt. Könnyen rögzítheted a pihenőszékben egy hárompontos biztonsági öv segítségével. A pozíciók száma 2, így tökéletesen alkalmazkodik a baba igényeihez. A szuper zöld szín kiemeli a stílusát. A jól kihasználható Maxi-Cosi Cassia Beyond Green baba pihenőszék leglényegesebb jellemzői A nagyszerű MAXI-COSI pihenőszék lecsendesíti vagy szórakoztatja a babát, épp amire szükség van Újszülött kortól felel meg 9 kg súlyt bír el maximum Automatikus hintáztatás A bababiztonságról 3-pontos biztonsági öv gondoskodik A praktikus MAXI-COSI pihenőszék 2 helyzetbe állítható A csúszásmentes lábak garantálják,...
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 154,012.03 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)BATALEON BEYOND MEDALSHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the BATALEON BEYOND MEDALS BOARD.For the first time ever, the Beyond Medals regaz get a board of their own. The fusion of the Whatever's playful style with some extra horsepower donated by the Goliath create this super fun new shape that floats great and offers unheard of freestyle intuitiveness. The new tool of choice for experienced riders who want to enjoy the all-around resort is here. BEYOND MEDALS BATALEON BOARDBEYOND MEDALS, BATALEON ' S BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be randomly alternated from those offered in the product image.Board for safe and stable all mountain use on-piste and performant off-piste freeriding. Standard width board suitable for feet up to about 45. Standard width board suitable for feet up to about 45. Twin like boards have a slight directionality due to the setback of the bushings, and a sidecut centered to the rider's position. They have properties very similar to twins, with excellent feel in switch as well. They are stable at speed and good flotation, favoring gait with your leading foot without disadvantaging the other too much. 3D base, working three-dimensionally results in a scooped tip and tail, adding maneuverability and flotation to any profile. the value that indicates the flex strength of a snowboard. A stiff board (high flex) is more responsive and gives a more immediate, confident and stable response while a soft board (low flex) is more maneuverable and devoted to performing freestyle maneuvers. The medium-soft flex provides good maneuverability and stability. Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your equipment and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 154,012.03 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)BATALEON BEYOND MEDALSHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the BATALEON BEYOND MEDALS BOARD.For the first time ever, the Beyond Medals regaz get a board of their own. The fusion of the Whatever's playful style with some extra horsepower donated by the Goliath create this super fun new shape that floats great and offers unheard of freestyle intuitiveness. The new tool of choice for experienced riders who want to enjoy the all-around resort is here. BEYOND MEDALS BATALEON BOARDBEYOND MEDALS, BATALEON ' S BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be randomly alternated from those offered in the product image.Board for safe and stable all mountain use on-piste and performant off-piste freeriding. Standard width board suitable for feet up to about 45. Standard width board suitable for feet up to about 45. Twin like boards have a slight directionality due to the setback of the bushings, and a sidecut centered to the rider's position. They have properties very similar to twins, with excellent feel in switch as well. They are stable at speed and good flotation, favoring gait with your leading foot without disadvantaging the other too much. 3D base, working three-dimensionally results in a scooped tip and tail, adding maneuverability and flotation to any profile. the value that indicates the flex strength of a snowboard. A stiff board (high flex) is more responsive and gives a more immediate, confident and stable response while a soft board (low flex) is more maneuverable and devoted to performing freestyle maneuvers. The medium-soft flex provides good maneuverability and stability. Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your equipment and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 244,465.93 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)BATALEON BEYOND MEDALSHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the BATALEON BEYOND MEDALS BOARD.For the first time ever, the Beyond Medals regaz get a board of their own. Fusing the Whatever's playful style with a few extra horsepower donated by the Goliath create this super fun new shape that floats great and offers unheard of freestyle intuitiveness. The new tool of choice for experienced riders who want to enjoy the all-around resort is here. BEYOND MEDALS BATALEON BOARDBEYOND MEDALS, BATALEON ' S BOARD that rocks. The colors of the insoles can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.BEYOND MEDALS Directional Twin 3BT Triple Base Tech: Boards of this type are made to enjoy the mountains in 360 degrees, the shape with the balanced proportions between tip and tail make the board great for freestyle and freeriding.BEYOND MEDALS Triax Laminate : fiberglass arranged in three directions is light, resistances and responsive. Increasing the flex of the board increases the control, precision, and power of your tricks.BEYOND MEDALS Ultra Light : using the best Swiss Pawlonia and Poplar woods in 70 and 30 percent combinations results in a light and strong core.BEYONDMEDALS Ultra Glide S Base : thanks to its very high molecular density the Ultra Glide S base is the top among the sintered ones for speed, strength and smoothness.BEYOND MEDALS Carbon Stringers : by placing the Carbon Stringers in specific spots the board gets explosive pop, precision edge control and amplified vibration absorption. That is, more control and precision in all situations you encounter in the mountains.BEYOND MEDALS D.R.S.T . : The D.R.S.T. system incorporates six hollow carbon inserts that run parallel to the board to give it even more pop and stability.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Maxi-Cosi Kori 2 az 1-ben Beyond Graphite
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 49,990.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Pihenőszék Maxi-Cosi Kori 2 az 1-ben Beyond Graphite:A neves MAXI-COSI baba pihenőszék hasznos eszköz és biztonságos hely, ahol a kicsi játszhat, pihenhet, vagy egyszerűen csak megfigyelheti a körülötte lévő világot. Újszülött kortól használható, és a gyermek nem lehet nehezebb, mint 15 kg. Nyugtatja a babát a kellemes hintáztatásnak köszönhetően. Egy kis lökés hatására máris elkezdi a hintáztatást. Nem kell aggódnod a kicsi biztonsága miatt. Könnyen rögzítheted a pihenőszékben egy hárompontos biztonsági öv segítségével. A választható pozíciók száma 3, így tökéletesen alkalmazkodik a baba igényeihez. A fantasztikus szürke szín kiemeli a kialakítását. A praktikus Maxi-Cosi Kori 2 az 1-ben Beyond Graphite baba pihenőszék legfontosabb jellemzői A nagyszerű MAXI-COSI pihenőszék megnyugtatja és szórakoztatja a babát Újszülött korú is idősebbek számára ajánlott 15 kg a súlyhatára Kézzel lökd meg, hogy puhán ringatózzon A bababiztonságról 3-pontos biztonsági öv gondoskodik A nagyszerű MAXI-COSI pihenőszék 3 pozícióba állítható Csúszásmentes lábakkal rendelkezik,...
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 154,012.03 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)BATALEON BEYOND MEDALSHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the BATALEON BEYOND MEDALS BOARD.For the first time ever, the Beyond Medals regaz get a board of their own. The fusion of the Whatever's playful style with some extra horsepower donated by the Goliath create this super fun new shape that floats great and offers unheard of freestyle intuitiveness. The new tool of choice for experienced riders who want to enjoy the all-around resort is here. BEYOND MEDALS BATALEON BOARDBEYOND MEDALS, BATALEON ' S BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be randomly alternated from those offered in the product image.Board for safe and stable all mountain use on-piste and performant off-piste freeriding. Standard width board suitable for feet up to about 45. Standard width board suitable for feet up to about 45. Twin like boards have a slight directionality due to the setback of the bushings, and a sidecut centered to the rider's position. They have properties very similar to twins, with excellent feel in switch as well. They are stable at speed and good flotation, favoring gait with your leading foot without disadvantaging the other too much. 3D base, working three-dimensionally results in a scooped tip and tail, adding maneuverability and flotation to any profile. the value that indicates the flex strength of a snowboard. A stiff board (high flex) is more responsive and gives a more immediate, confident and stable response while a soft board (low flex) is more maneuverable and devoted to performing freestyle maneuvers. The medium-soft flex provides good maneuverability and stability. Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your equipment and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 244,465.93 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)BATALEON BEYOND MEDALSHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the BATALEON BEYOND MEDALS BOARD.For the first time ever, the Beyond Medals regaz get a board of their own. Fusing the Whatever's playful style with a few extra horsepower donated by the Goliath create this super fun new shape that floats great and offers unheard of freestyle intuitiveness. The new tool of choice for experienced riders who want to enjoy the all-around resort is here. BEYOND MEDALS BATALEON BOARDBEYOND MEDALS, BATALEON ' S BOARD that rocks. The colors of the insoles can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.BEYOND MEDALS Directional Twin 3BT Triple Base Tech: Boards of this type are made to enjoy the mountains in 360 degrees, the shape with the balanced proportions between tip and tail make the board great for freestyle and freeriding.BEYOND MEDALS Triax Laminate : fiberglass arranged in three directions is light, resistances and responsive. Increasing the flex of the board increases the control, precision, and power of your tricks.BEYOND MEDALS Ultra Light : using the best Swiss Pawlonia and Poplar woods in 70 and 30 percent combinations results in a light and strong core.BEYONDMEDALS Ultra Glide S Base : thanks to its very high molecular density the Ultra Glide S base is the top among the sintered ones for speed, strength and smoothness.BEYOND MEDALS Carbon Stringers : by placing the Carbon Stringers in specific spots the board gets explosive pop, precision edge control and amplified vibration absorption. That is, more control and precision in all situations you encounter in the mountains.BEYOND MEDALS D.R.S.T . : The D.R.S.T. system incorporates six hollow carbon inserts that run parallel to the board to give it even more pop and stability.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 244,465.93 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)BATALEON BEYOND MEDALSHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the BATALEON BEYOND MEDALS BOARD.For the first time ever, the Beyond Medals regaz get a board of their own. Fusing the Whatever's playful style with a few extra horsepower donated by the Goliath create this super fun new shape that floats great and offers unheard of freestyle intuitiveness. The new tool of choice for experienced riders who want to enjoy the all-around resort is here. BEYOND MEDALS BATALEON BOARDBEYOND MEDALS, BATALEON ' S BOARD that rocks. The colors of the insoles can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.BEYOND MEDALS Directional Twin 3BT Triple Base Tech: Boards of this type are made to enjoy the mountains in 360 degrees, the shape with the balanced proportions between tip and tail make the board great for freestyle and freeriding.BEYOND MEDALS Triax Laminate : fiberglass arranged in three directions is light, resistances and responsive. Increasing the flex of the board increases the control, precision, and power of your tricks.BEYOND MEDALS Ultra Light : using the best Swiss Pawlonia and Poplar woods in 70 and 30 percent combinations results in a light and strong core.BEYONDMEDALS Ultra Glide S Base : thanks to its very high molecular density the Ultra Glide S base is the top among the sintered ones for speed, strength and smoothness.BEYOND MEDALS Carbon Stringers : by placing the Carbon Stringers in specific spots the board gets explosive pop, precision edge control and amplified vibration absorption. That is, more control and precision in all situations you encounter in the mountains.BEYOND MEDALS D.R.S.T . : The D.R.S.T. system incorporates six hollow carbon inserts that run parallel to the board to give it even more pop and stability.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 154,012.03 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)BATALEON BEYOND MEDALSHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the BATALEON BEYOND MEDALS BOARD.For the first time ever, the Beyond Medals regaz get a board of their own. The fusion of the Whatever's playful style with some extra horsepower donated by the Goliath create this super fun new shape that floats great and offers unheard of freestyle intuitiveness. The new tool of choice for experienced riders who want to enjoy the all-around resort is here. BEYOND MEDALS BATALEON BOARDBEYOND MEDALS, BATALEON ' S BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be randomly alternated from those offered in the product image.Board for safe and stable all mountain use on-piste and performant off-piste freeriding. Standard width board suitable for feet up to about 45. Standard width board suitable for feet up to about 45. Twin like boards have a slight directionality due to the setback of the bushings, and a sidecut centered to the rider's position. They have properties very similar to twins, with excellent feel in switch as well. They are stable at speed and good flotation, favoring gait with your leading foot without disadvantaging the other too much. 3D base, working three-dimensionally results in a scooped tip and tail, adding maneuverability and flotation to any profile. the value that indicates the flex strength of a snowboard. A stiff board (high flex) is more responsive and gives a more immediate, confident and stable response while a soft board (low flex) is more maneuverable and devoted to performing freestyle maneuvers. The medium-soft flex provides good maneuverability and stability. Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your equipment and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 100,216.40 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)BEYOND MEDALS HIGH TECH JKTHey rider! Here's everything you need to know about BEYOND MEDALS HIGHT TECH JKTHigh Tech's 3L laminate is no match for more famous and far more expensive fabrics. It arrives with a right loaded with 20k of waterproofing, followed by a left explosive of details designed at the table to give you the best practicality in the snow world. We're talking fully taped seams, adjustable hood, elastic cuffs with a thumb hole, removable gaiter, pockets for mask, phone, ski pass, underarm vents. Then it's completely unpadded, so you can adjust yourself by adding or removing layers depending on the outside temperature and you always have the perfect protection.SNOWBOARD JACKET BEYOND MEDALS HIGH TECH JKTHIGH TECH JKT,JACKETdaUNISEX byBEYONDMEDALSthatrocks.HIGHTECH JKT DWR Waterproofness: The DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment capable of keeping out water, moisture, bumps and bad jokes.HIGH TECH JKT 20K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 20,000mm, the usually laminated fabric combines exceptional waterproofness with perfect breathability to prevent sweat from accumulating and generating uncomfortable feelings.HIGH TECH JKT 15/20,000GR Breathability: Beyond the expected standard for technical garments, sweat evaporation is constant and guaranteed to make you feel total comfort when activity gets intense.HIGH TECH JKT SHELL Lining: No padding present in this jacket, usually garments of this type have perspiration far above the norm. Calibrating the underwear appropriately, these are the perfect garments to deal with intensive activity sessions while remaining perfectly dry.HIGH TECH JKT FULLY HIDDEN SEAMSFeatures: The heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, namely the entry of water from the seams. Fully sealed for your comfort.HIGH TECH JKT AIR VENTS Features: Convenient underarm zippers to vent excess sweat.HIGHTECH JKT MEDIUM POCKETFeatures: It's a pocket neither big nor small. It's medium. Come on what a joke, put ipod phone or stuff like that in it that is its life purpose.HIGH TECH JKT MICROFIBER CUFFFeatures: Comfortable microfiber inner cuffs, leave the snow out and your arms in. Delicate.HIGH TECH JKT SNOW GAITFeatures: Microfiber snow gaiter guards your butt from unwanted snow intrusion. The silicone edge clings to your butt to leave the gaiter in place, and the adjustment makes it adjustable. Lapalissian.HIGH TECH JKT MASK POCKET Features: Large, convenient pocket for storing your mask away from scratches and stealingChoose your gear and come try it on with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 100,216.40 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)BEYOND MEDALS HIGH TECH JKTHey rider! Here's everything you need to know about BEYOND MEDALS HIGHT TECH JKTHigh Tech's 3L laminate is no match for more famous and far more expensive fabrics. It arrives with a right loaded with 20k of waterproofing, followed by a left explosive of details designed at the table to give you the best practicality in the snow world. We're talking fully taped seams, adjustable hood, elastic cuffs with a thumb hole, removable gaiter, pockets for mask, phone, ski pass, underarm vents. Then it's completely unpadded, so you can adjust yourself by adding or removing layers depending on the outside temperature and you always have the perfect protection.SNOWBOARD JACKET BEYOND MEDALS HIGH TECH JKTHIGH TECH JKT,JACKETdaUNISEX byBEYONDMEDALSthatrocks.HIGHTECH JKT DWR Waterproofness: The DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment capable of keeping out water, moisture, bumps and bad jokes.HIGH TECH JKT 20K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 20,000mm, the usually laminated fabric combines exceptional waterproofness with perfect breathability to prevent sweat from accumulating and generating uncomfortable feelings.HIGH TECH JKT 15/20,000GR Breathability: Beyond the expected standard for technical garments, sweat evaporation is constant and guaranteed to make you feel total comfort when activity gets intense.HIGH TECH JKT SHELL Lining: No padding present in this jacket, usually garments of this type have perspiration far above the norm. Calibrating the underwear appropriately, these are the perfect garments to deal with intensive activity sessions while remaining perfectly dry.HIGH TECH JKT FULLY HIDDEN SEAMSFeatures: The heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, namely the entry of water from the seams. Fully sealed for your comfort.HIGH TECH JKT AIR VENTS Features: Convenient underarm zippers to vent excess sweat.HIGHTECH JKT MEDIUM POCKETFeatures: It's a pocket neither big nor small. It's medium. Come on what a joke, put ipod phone or stuff like that in it that is its life purpose.HIGH TECH JKT MICROFIBER CUFFFeatures: Comfortable microfiber inner cuffs, leave the snow out and your arms in. Delicate.HIGH TECH JKT SNOW GAITFeatures: Microfiber snow gaiter guards your butt from unwanted snow intrusion. The silicone edge clings to your butt to leave the gaiter in place, and the adjustment makes it adjustable. Lapalissian.HIGH TECH JKT MASK POCKET Features: Large, convenient pocket for storing your mask away from scratches and stealingChoose your gear and come try it on with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 154,012.03 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)BATALEON BEYOND MEDALS WIDEHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the BATALEON BEYOND MEDALS WIDE BOARD.For the first time ever, Beyond Medals regaz get a board of their own. The fusion of the Whatever's playful style with some extra horsepower donated by the Goliath create this super fun new shape that floats great and offers unheard of freestyle intuitiveness. The new tool of choice for experienced riders who want to enjoy the all-around resort is here. BEYOND MEDALS WIDE BATALEON BOARDBEYOND MEDALS WIDE, BATALEON 'S MALE BOARD that rocks. Slab colors can be randomly alternated from those offered in the product image.Board for all mountain use safe and stable on-piste and performing freeride off-piste. Boards wider than average, to accommodate boots larger than size 44 (290MP). Wider-than-average boards, to accommodate boots larger than size 44 (290MP). Twin like boards have slight directionality due to the setback of the bushings, and a sidecut centered with respect to the rider's position. They have properties very similar to twins, with very good feel in switch as well. They are stable at speed and good flotation, favoring gait with your leading foot without disadvantaging the other too much. 3D base, working three-dimensionally results in a scooped tip and tail, adding maneuverability and flotation to any profile. the value that indicates the flex strength of a snowboard. A stiff board (high flex) is more responsive and gives a more immediate, confident and stable response while a soft board (low flex) is more maneuverable and devoted to performing freestyle maneuvers. The medium-soft flex provides good maneuverability and stability. Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your equipment and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 154,012.03 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)BATALEON BEYOND MEDALS WIDEHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the BATALEON BEYOND MEDALS WIDE BOARD.For the first time ever, Beyond Medals regaz get a board of their own. The fusion of the Whatever's playful style with some extra horsepower donated by the Goliath create this super fun new shape that floats great and offers unheard of freestyle intuitiveness. The new tool of choice for experienced riders who want to enjoy the all-around resort is here. BEYOND MEDALS WIDE BATALEON BOARDBEYOND MEDALS WIDE, BATALEON 'S MALE BOARD that rocks. Slab colors can be randomly alternated from those offered in the product image.Board for all mountain use safe and stable on-piste and performing freeride off-piste. Boards wider than average, to accommodate boots larger than size 44 (290MP). Wider-than-average boards, to accommodate boots larger than size 44 (290MP). Twin like boards have slight directionality due to the setback of the bushings, and a sidecut centered with respect to the rider's position. They have properties very similar to twins, with very good feel in switch as well. They are stable at speed and good flotation, favoring gait with your leading foot without disadvantaging the other too much. 3D base, working three-dimensionally results in a scooped tip and tail, adding maneuverability and flotation to any profile. the value that indicates the flex strength of a snowboard. A stiff board (high flex) is more responsive and gives a more immediate, confident and stable response while a soft board (low flex) is more maneuverable and devoted to performing freestyle maneuvers. The medium-soft flex provides good maneuverability and stability. Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your equipment and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
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