40 termék találtunk a keresésedre: hedgren a 4 üzletek között:
OTL Sonic the Hedgehog
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 8,190.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Fej-/fülhallgató OTL Sonic the Hedgehog:A zene szerelmesei imádni fogják ezt a minőségi OTL fülhallgatót. A fülhallgatót a fülre illeszkedő (on-ear) elhelyezés jellemzi, miközben nem érinti a fejet maga körül. Nem fedi le az egész fület a fejig, ezért könnyű és ideális utazáshoz. A zárt kialakításnak köszönhetően nem engedi ki a hangot, így csak a fülhallgatóval a füleden hallhatod a zenét. A kábel hossza ebben a változatban 0,9 m. OTL Sonic the Hedgehog fejhallgató - érdekes tulajdonságok Ezen OTL fülhallgató fülre illeszkedő (on-ear) formában készült Konstrukció: zárt A minőségi hangvisszaadást 30 mm méretű jelátalakítók garantálják Színkivitel: kék és narancssárga Súlya 86 g A kábel hossza: 0,9 m PC platformhoz készült Minőségi zenehallgatás a praktikus OTL Sonic the Hedgehog fejhallgatóval 20 - 20000 Hz frekvencia-tartományának köszönhetően a fülhallgató kiváló zenei élményt nyújt. A fülhallgató érzékenysége 85 dB/mW. Az impedancia értéke 32 Ohm, ami kedvezően hat az akkumulátorra, és a zene még mindig elég hangos lesz. A minőségi...
Lego Sonic the Hedgehog™ Shadow, the Hedgehog szökése 76995
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 6,690.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)LEGO LEGO® Sonic the Hedgehog™ Shadow, the Hedgehog szökése 76995:LEGO® Sonic the Hedgehog™ 76995 Shadow the Hedgehog szökéseNincs kitöltve Alternatív szöveg a fotóhoz! Shadow elmenekülKészülj fel egy újabb őrült kalandra Shadowval. Szökésre készül a fantasztikus motorján. Nincs kitöltve Alternatív szöveg a fotóhoz! Gyors utazásShadow felpattan a motorjára, átszáguld a barikádokon, elpusztítja badniket és az orrszarvú robotot, és elmenekül. Nincs kitöltve Alternatív szöveg a fotóhoz! Szórakozás Sonic-kalA LEGO® Sonic The Hedgehog® készlet a népszerű kék sündisznó minden rajongóját szórakoztatja. Nincs kitöltve Alternatív szöveg a fotóhoz! 196építőelem8+ajánlott életkorHasználati útmutatóa csomag részét képeziNincs kitöltve Alternatív szöveg a fotóhoz! LEGO® Sonic the Hedgehog™ 76995 Shadow the Hedgehog szökéseAzzal, hogy Shadow elpusztította badniket és az orrszarvú robotot, Cluckyt is kiszabadította. Hogyan fog ez a történet végződni? Vajon Shadow képes lesz elmenekülni? Ez csak rajtad múlik. Nincs kitöltve Alternatív szöveg a fotóhoz! Akció móka Shadow-valShadow...
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 47,667.58 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)OAKLEY PEAK RC 18L BACKPACKHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the OAKLEY PEAK RC 18L BACKPACK mountaineering backpack.OAKLEY PEAK RC 18L BACKPACK MOUNTAINEERING BACKPACKPEAK RC 18L BACKPACK, UNISEX mountaineering backpack by OAKLEY that rocks.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 62,335.78 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)OAKLEY PEAK RC 25L BACKPACKHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the OAKLEY PEAK RC 25L BACKPACK mountaineering backpack.OAKLEY PEAK RC 25L BACKPACK MOUNTAINEERING BACKPACKPEAK RC 25L BACKPACK, UNISEX mountaineering backpack by OAKLEY that rocks.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 18,331.18 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft) -
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 39,111.13 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)QUIKSILVER SUMMERHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the QUIKSILVER SUMMER PANTS.I look for Summer all year long and suddenly here it is, it's back and it's cooler than ever. 10k is perfect for staying dry, the padding keeps you warm without making you sweat like a macaque, and the regular fit is perfect on any outfit. Secccsi.QUIKSILVER SUMMER PANTSSUMMER, QUIKSILVER MEN 'S PANTS that rocks. If you are in doubt about the size check the manufacturer's directions.SUMMERDWR Waterproofness: DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment capable of keeping out water, moisture, bumps and bad jokes. SUMMER 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it is able to ensure all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.SUMMER 10,000gr Breathability: Able to evaporate 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h it is able to leave you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.SUMMER Standard Lining: Padding between 10 and 100gr per square meter, it is the ideal compromise between warmth and comfort. Perfect for any situation on snow, from days with your ass always on the ground to endless powder surfing.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 39,111.13 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)QUIKSILVER SUMMERHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the QUIKSILVER SUMMER PANTS.I look for Summer all year long and suddenly here it is, it's back and it's cooler than ever. 10k is perfect for staying dry, the padding keeps you warm without making you sweat like a macaque, and the regular fit is perfect on any outfit. Secccsi.QUIKSILVER SUMMER PANTSSUMMER, QUIKSILVER MEN 'S PANTS that rocks. If you are in doubt about the size check the manufacturer's directions.SUMMERDWR Waterproofness: DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment capable of keeping out water, moisture, bumps and bad jokes. SUMMER 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it is able to ensure all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.SUMMER 10,000gr Breathability: Able to evaporate 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h it is able to leave you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.SUMMER Standard Lining: Padding between 10 and 100gr per square meter, it is the ideal compromise between warmth and comfort. Perfect for any situation on snow, from days with your ass always on the ground to endless powder surfing.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
SCAMP Párna Hedgehog New
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 5,990.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Párna SCAMP Párna Hedgehog New:Élvezd a jól megérdemelt pihenést egy fárasztó nap után, és kényeztesd fejedet és nyakadat kiváló minőségű párnával. A hasznos Scamp anatómiai párna pozitív hatással van az alvás minőségére, és biztosítja a nyugodt éjszakát. Speciális, az átlagosnál keményebb kialakítása optimális azok számára, akik nyaki gerinc- vagy hátfájdalmakkal küzdenek, mivel képes alkalmazkodni a fej alakjához, és így csökkenti a gerincre nehezedő nyomást. A párna formája atipikus, a mérete pedig: 40 × 30 cm. A huzat gyártásához a gyártó által használt anyag a kiváló pamut. Az anyag, amelyből a töltet készült: poliészter. Érdekes és színes, látványos design, amelyet kiemel a nagyszerű állatok. A csomagban található egy darab Scamp párna. A kiváló SCAMP Párna Hedgehog New legfontosabb jellemzői A nagyszerű Scamp párna kényelmes pihenést biztosít a fejnek és a nyaknak Párnaváltozat: anatómiai A párna atipikus formájú kialakítást kapott A párna méretei: 40 × 30 cm A töltethez használt anyag: poliészter A gyártó által megálmodott...
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 51,334.63 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)QUIKSILVER BOUNDRYHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the QUIKSILVER BOUNDRY PANTS.I wouldn't know what to say about a pant like this, it has everything you need. Waterproof 10k but that's not the important thing, it has a very comfortable regular fit and zippered pockets so you don't lose the last bit of dignity you had stashed in it after apres ski. Reinforced bottom, super soft lining caresses, stylish colors.QUIKSILVER BOUNDRY PANTSBOUNDRY, QUIKSILVER 'S BOUNDRY PANTS for MEN that rocks. If you have any doubts about the size check the manufacturer's directions.BOUNDRY DWR Waterproofness: The DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment that can keep out water, moisture, bumps and bad jokes. BOUNDRY 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it can provide all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.BOUNDRY 10,000gr Breathability: Able to evaporate 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h it is able to leave you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.BOUNDRY Standard Lining: Padding between 10 and 100gr per square meter, it is the ideal compromise between warmth and comfort. Perfect for any situation on snow, from days with your ass always on the ground to endless powder surfing.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 51,334.63 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)QUIKSILVER BOUNDRYHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the QUIKSILVER BOUNDRY PANTS.I wouldn't know what to say about a pant like this, it has everything you need. Waterproof 10k but that's not the important thing, it has a very comfortable regular fit and zippered pockets so you don't lose the last bit of dignity you had stashed in it after apres ski. Reinforced bottom, super soft lining caresses, stylish colors.QUIKSILVER BOUNDRY PANTSBOUNDRY, QUIKSILVER 'S BOUNDRY PANTS for MEN that rocks. If you have any doubts about the size check the manufacturer's directions.BOUNDRY DWR Waterproofness: The DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment that can keep out water, moisture, bumps and bad jokes. BOUNDRY 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it can provide all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.BOUNDRY 10,000gr Breathability: Able to evaporate 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h it is able to leave you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.BOUNDRY Standard Lining: Padding between 10 and 100gr per square meter, it is the ideal compromise between warmth and comfort. Perfect for any situation on snow, from days with your ass always on the ground to endless powder surfing.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 51,334.63 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)QUIKSILVER BOUNDRYHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the QUIKSILVER BOUNDRY PANTS.I wouldn't know what to say about a pant like this, it has everything you need. Waterproof 10k but that's not the important thing, it has a very comfortable regular fit and zippered pockets so you don't lose the last bit of dignity you had stashed in it after apres ski. Reinforced bottom, super soft lining caresses, stylish colors.QUIKSILVER BOUNDRY PANTSBOUNDRY, QUIKSILVER 'S BOUNDRY PANTS for MEN that rocks. If you have any doubts about the size check the manufacturer's directions.BOUNDRY DWR Waterproofness: The DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment that can keep out water, moisture, bumps and bad jokes. BOUNDRY 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it can provide all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.BOUNDRY 10,000gr Breathability: Able to evaporate 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h it is able to leave you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.BOUNDRY Standard Lining: Padding between 10 and 100gr per square meter, it is the ideal compromise between warmth and comfort. Perfect for any situation on snow, from days with your ass always on the ground to endless powder surfing.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 51,334.63 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)QUIKSILVER BOUNDRYHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the QUIKSILVER BOUNDRY PANTS.I wouldn't know what to say about a pant like this, it has everything you need. Waterproof 10k but that's not the important thing, it has a very comfortable regular fit and zippered pockets so you don't lose the last bit of dignity you had stashed in it after apres ski. Reinforced bottom, super soft lining caresses, stylish colors.QUIKSILVER BOUNDRY PANTSBOUNDRY, QUIKSILVER 'S BOUNDRY PANTS for MEN that rocks. If you have any doubts about the size check the manufacturer's directions.BOUNDRY DWR Waterproofness: The DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment that can keep out water, moisture, bumps and bad jokes. BOUNDRY 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it can provide all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.BOUNDRY 10,000gr Breathability: Able to evaporate 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h it is able to leave you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.BOUNDRY Standard Lining: Padding between 10 and 100gr per square meter, it is the ideal compromise between warmth and comfort. Perfect for any situation on snow, from days with your ass always on the ground to endless powder surfing.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 29,332.33 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)QUIKSILVER SUMMER YOUTHHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the QUIKSILVER SUMMER YOUTH PANTS.Raspberry bananas who was with you has nothing to do with it but long live Gianni Morandi. Nice this warm waterproof technical snowboard pants with Honesto price.SUMMER YOUTH QUIKSILVER PANTSSUMMER YOUTH, CHILD 'S PANTS by QUIKSILVER that rocks. If you are in doubt about the size check the manufacturer's directions.SUMMERYOUTH DWR Waterproofness: The DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment that can keep out water, moisture, bumps and bad jokes. SUMMER YOUTH 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it can provide all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.ESTATE YOUTH 10,000gr Breathability: Able to evaporate 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h it is able to leave you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.ESTATE YOUTH Standard Lining: Padding between 10 and 100gr per square meter, it is the ideal compromise between warmth and comfort. Perfect for any situation on snow, from days with your ass always on the ground to endless powder surfing.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 32,999.38 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)OAKLEY FACTORY WINTER MITTENS 2.0Hey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the OAKLEY FACTORY WINTER MITTENS 2.0.Made of super soft leather and Thinsulate inserts against the cold, these gloves are top of the line and don't cost too much either.OAKLEY FACTORY WINTER MITTENS 2.0 GLOVEFACTORY WINTER MITTENS 2.0, OAKLEY 'S MEN 'S GLOVES that rock. FACTORYWINTER MITTENS 2.0 FN DRY LAMINATED SHELL : FN Dry is a waterproof material designed to allow heat and sweat to evaporate, so you stay dry and comfortable with maximum comfort. It acts as a protective barrier against the most extreme natural elements. FACTORYWINTER MITTENS 2.0 THINSULATE Lining: Thinsulate insulating padding traps body heat inside clothing without allowing wind and moisture to enter. It is thin and light relative to the heat retained, and does not absorb moisture to maintain comfort and allow constant breathability. FACTORYWINTER MITTENS 2.0 15K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 15.000mm, it has exceptional performance and well above average water tightness. FACTORYWINTER MITTENS 2.0 VERY HOT Lining: Padding in excess of 100gr per square meter on the body, these garments are ideal for dealing with very cold temperatures or if you are very cold.FACTORY WINTER MITTENS 2.0 LEATHER GLOVES : Leather-lined glove with nylon inserts FACTORYWINTER MITTENS 2.0 TOUCHSCREEN COMPATIBLE : Even while wearing the glove you can use your smartphone, so you can post all the apreski shots FACTORYWINTER MITTENS 2 .0 VELCRO CUFF: Fleece cuff with Velcro closureOnly at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come and try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 32,999.38 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)OAKLEY FACTORY WINTER MITTENS 2.0Hey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the OAKLEY FACTORY WINTER MITTENS 2.0.Made of super soft leather and Thinsulate inserts against the cold, these gloves are top of the line and don't cost too much either.OAKLEY FACTORY WINTER MITTENS 2.0 GLOVEFACTORY WINTER MITTENS 2.0, OAKLEY 'S MEN 'S GLOVES that rock. FACTORYWINTER MITTENS 2.0 FN DRY LAMINATED SHELL : FN Dry is a waterproof material designed to allow heat and sweat to evaporate, so you stay dry and comfortable with maximum comfort. It acts as a protective barrier against the most extreme natural elements. FACTORYWINTER MITTENS 2.0 THINSULATE Lining: Thinsulate insulating padding traps body heat inside clothing without allowing wind and moisture to enter. It is thin and light relative to the heat retained, and does not absorb moisture to maintain comfort and allow constant breathability. FACTORYWINTER MITTENS 2.0 15K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 15.000mm, it has exceptional performance and well above average water tightness. FACTORYWINTER MITTENS 2.0 VERY HOT Lining: Padding in excess of 100gr per square meter on the body, these garments are ideal for dealing with very cold temperatures or if you are very cold.FACTORY WINTER MITTENS 2.0 LEATHER GLOVES : Leather-lined glove with nylon inserts FACTORYWINTER MITTENS 2.0 TOUCHSCREEN COMPATIBLE : Even while wearing the glove you can use your smartphone, so you can post all the apreski shots FACTORYWINTER MITTENS 2 .0 VELCRO CUFF: Fleece cuff with Velcro closureOnly at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come and try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 29,332.33 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)QUIKSILVER SUMMER YOUTHHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the QUIKSILVER SUMMER YOUTH PANTS.Raspberry bananas who was with you has nothing to do with it but long live Gianni Morandi. Nice this warm waterproof technical snowboard pants with Honesto price.SUMMER YOUTH QUIKSILVER PANTSSUMMER YOUTH, CHILD 'S PANTS by QUIKSILVER that rocks. If you are in doubt about the size check the manufacturer's directions.SUMMERYOUTH DWR Waterproofness: The DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment that can keep out water, moisture, bumps and bad jokes. SUMMER YOUTH 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it can provide all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.ESTATE YOUTH 10,000gr Breathability: Able to evaporate 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h it is able to leave you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.ESTATE YOUTH Standard Lining: Padding between 10 and 100gr per square meter, it is the ideal compromise between warmth and comfort. Perfect for any situation on snow, from days with your ass always on the ground to endless powder surfing.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 29,332.33 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)QUIKSILVER SUMMER YOUTHHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the QUIKSILVER SUMMER YOUTH PANTS.Raspberry bananas who was with you has nothing to do with it but long live Gianni Morandi. Nice this warm waterproof technical snowboard pants with Honesto price.SUMMER YOUTH QUIKSILVER PANTSSUMMER YOUTH, CHILD 'S PANTS by QUIKSILVER that rocks. If you are in doubt about the size check the manufacturer's directions.SUMMERYOUTH DWR Waterproofness: The DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment that can keep out water, moisture, bumps and bad jokes. SUMMER YOUTH 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it can provide all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.ESTATE YOUTH 10,000gr Breathability: Able to evaporate 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h it is able to leave you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.ESTATE YOUTH Standard Lining: Padding between 10 and 100gr per square meter, it is the ideal compromise between warmth and comfort. Perfect for any situation on snow, from days with your ass always on the ground to endless powder surfing.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Sonic The Hedgehog Figura 5cm
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 3,460.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft) -
SCAMP Soft Hedgehog Green
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 13,390.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Babafészek SCAMP Soft Hedgehog Green:Szeretnél egy kényelmes helyet ahol a babád biztonságban érzi magát? A minőségi Scamp babafészek bizonyára nagyon fog tetszeni. Sokféleképpen használhatod, például babaágyban, babakocsiban vagy akár pelenkázáshoz is. Alapanyaga: pamut. A pamut kitűnő légáteresztő képességgel rendelkezik és egyszerű tisztítani. Mérete: 55 × 85 cm. Scamp babafészek - legfontosabb tulajdonságok Elsősorban otthoni használatra készült Alapanyaga: pamut A jó minőségű Scamp babafészek méretezése: 55 × 85 cm
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 61,113.43 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)QUIKSILVER MISSION BLOCKHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the QUIKSILVER MISSION BLOCK JACKET.The legendary Mission digievolve in the Block version, with a sportier cut and all the features so loved by the man who never has to ask. 10k of waterproofness, comfortable pockets, stylish fit, and from this year made with recycled material so if you end up in a cliff you decompose nice and pretty with the jacket and you don't pollute.QUIKSILVER MISSION BLOCK JACKETMISSION BLOCK, QUIKSILVER 's kick-ass MEN 'S JACKET. If you have any doubts about the size check the manufacturer's directions.MISSION BLOCK DWR Waterproofness: The DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment that can keep out water, moisture, bumps and bad jokes. MISSION BLOCK 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it can provide all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment. MISSIONBLOCK 10,000GR Breathability: Capable of evaporating 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h it is perfect for leaving you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity. MISSIONBLOCK HOT STANDARD Lining: Padding between 10 and 100gr per square meter, it is the ideal compromise between warmth and comfort. Perfect for any situation on the snow, from days with your ass always on the ground to endless powder surfing. MISSIONBLOCK ADJUSTABLE CAPFeatures: The cap is adjustable to fit your crooked head and prevent snow from falling down your cup.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you're guaranteed the best price.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
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