40 termék találtunk a keresésedre: normaderm a 3 üzletek között:
VICHY Normaderm Anti-Age 50 ml
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 8,470.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Arckrém VICHY Normaderm Anti-Age 50 ml:Tonic Normaderm tervezték, hogy sima ráncok és finom vonalak és javítja a bőr a nők. Finom krém-gél állaga is alkalmazott, és azonnal felszívódik a bőrbe. Alkalmazása után a bőr kellemesen felfrissíti, mélyreható hidratálja és táplálja. A bőr puha, friss, sima és teljes megújulást. le A Normaderm arckrémet a ráncok és a finom vonalak elsimítására, valamint a női bőr javítására tervezték. A krém finom gél állagának köszönhetően könnyen alkalmazható, és azonnal felszívódik a bőrbe. Alkalmazása után a bőr kellemesen felfrissül, mélyen hidratált és táplált lesz. A bőr puha, friss és sima lesz, valamint teljesen megújul. Szerezd be ezt a kitűnő krémet, hogy bőröd egészséges és szép maradjon!Gyönyörű bőr ráncok nélkülA Normaderm ránctalanító krém számos olyan hatóanyagot tartalmaz, amelyek megbízhatóan gondoskodnak a nők bőréről, akik már felfedezték az első ráncok jeleit. A termék nem tartalmaz parabéneket és nem tömíti el a pórusokat, valamint...
VICHY Normaderm S.O.S. Anti-Sport Paste 20 ml
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 5,350.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Arckrém VICHY Normaderm S.O.S. Anti-Sport Paste 20 ml: Ne adj esélyt a pattanásokra a Normaderm S.O.S. egyedülálló helyi gondozásával a Vichytől. A krémet kifejezetten a pattanásokra hajlamos bőrre tervezték, kiegészítő napi ápolásként a napi rutin részeként. A 10% ként tartalmazó készítmény kiszárítja a pattanásokat és csökkenti a hiányosságok előfordulását. Ugyanakkor a krém megnyugtatja a bőrt és csökkenti a bőr helyi kivörösödését. A benne lévő glikolsav segít a pattanások körüli bőr simításában és puhításában . Hipoallergén összetétele miatt a Vichy Normaderm S.O.S. érzékeny bőrre is alkalmas. A Vichy Normaderm S.O.S. arckrém főbb jellemzőiHelyi pattanáskezelés a Vichy-tőlA 10% ként tartalmazó készítmény kiszárítja a pattanásokatVichy Normaderm S.O.S. megnyugtatja a bőrt és enyhíti a hiányosságok előfordulásátA benne lévő glikolsav hámlasztó hatású, és segíti a pattanások körüli bőr simításátKlinikailag igazolt hatékonyság pattanások és bőrpír ellenAlkalmas mindennapi használatraNormaderm S. O. S. hipoallergén összetételű, és érzékeny...
VICHY Normaderm PROBIO-BHA Szérum 30 ml
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 11,190.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Arcápoló szérum VICHY Normaderm PROBIO-BHA Szérum 30 ml:Az arcszérum egy igazi elsősegély szer, melyre nyugodtan támaszkodhatsz ha bőröd azonnali ápolásra szorul. A nagyszerű VICHY arcápoló szérum zsíros és problémás bőrre ideális választás. Térfogata 30 ml. Esti használatra alkalmas. VICHY Normaderm PROBIO-BHA Szérum 30 ml arcszérum - legfontosabb tulajdonságok Egészséges és gyönyörű arcbőrt eredményez A jó minőségű VICHY arcszérum űrtartalma: 30 ml A szuper VICHY arcápoló szérum a következő bőrtípusra alkalmazható: zsíros és problémás Alkalmazás: éjszakai
VICHY NORMADERM tisztító szérum és peeling, 125 ml
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 4,950.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Arcápoló szérum VICHY NORMADERM tisztító szérum és peeling, 125 ml:Az arcszérum egy igazi elsősegély szer, amelyre támaszkodhatsz ha bőröd azonnali ápolásra szorul. A klassz VICHY arcápoló szérum érzékeny, zsíros és normál bőrre a lehető legjobb választás. Térfogat: 125 ml. Kisimítja a bőr apró hibáit. Nappali és éjszakai használatra is alkalmas. VICHY NORMADERM tisztító szérum és peeling, 125 ml arcszérum - legfontosabb előnyök Szép és egészséges kinézetű lesz az arcbőr A kiváló VICHY arcszérum max. űrtartalma: 125 ml A kiváló VICHY arcápoló szérum a következő bőrtípusra alkalmazható: érzékeny, zsíros és normál Kisimítja a bőr felületét Alkalmazás: nappali és éjszakai Ajánlott korosztály: minden korosztály számára
VICHY Normaderm Purifying Pore-Tightening Lotion 200 ml
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 5,350.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Arctonik VICHY Normaderm Purifying Pore-Tightening Lotion 200 ml:Arctonikok tisztító összehúzó után azonnal letöltések kibővített arc pórusokat, ezáltal szabályozza a túlzott zsírozás vegyes és zsíros bőrre hajlamos akne. Már négy hét után tónusos láthatóan megszünteti tünetei problémás bőrre. A termék egyesíti, és kiegyensúlyozza a bőr felszínén. Gyorsan és kíméletesen távolítja el a szennyeződéseket a bőrről a felesleges faggyút és az elhalt hámsejteket.leA Purifying Astringent arcttisztító tonik használat után azonnal összehúzza az arcbőr kitágult pórusait, ezáltal csökkenti a vegyes és zsíros, aknéra hajlamos bőr túlzott faggyútermelését. A tonik már négy hét után láthatóan megszünteti a problémás bőr tüneteit. A készítmény egységesíti a bőrt, és kiegyenlíti a bőrfelszín egyenetlenségeit. Gyorsan és kíméletesen távolítja el a bőrről a szennyeződéseket, a felesleges faggyút és az elhalt hámsejteket. A bőr puha, friss és természetesen matt lesz. Tedd széppé bőrödet, így megnő a vonzerőd!Az egészséges és bársonyos bőrértEzt az arctisztító tonikot a Vichy az eltömődött...
VICHY Normaderm Phytosolution Intensive Purifying Gel 400 ml
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 7,750.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Arctisztító gél VICHY Normaderm Phytosolution Intensive Purifying Gel 400 ml:Olyan bőrtisztító készítményt keresel, amellyel alaposan megtisztíthatod a bőröd? Hogyha a válaszod igen erre a kérdésre, a szuper VICHY Normaderm Phytosolution Intensive Purifying Gel 400 ml arctisztító gél ideális megoldás, ugyanis zsíros és problémás bőrre egy minőségi választás. Nőknek és férfiaknak egyaránt ajánlott. Összetevői révén Dermatológiailag tesztelt, tehát az érzékeny bőrűek is biztonságosan használhatják. VICHY Normaderm Phytosolution Intensive Purifying Gel 400 ml arctisztító gél - legfontosabb előnyök Nőknek és férfiaknak egyaránt tökéletes Elsősorban zsíros és problémás típusú bőrre ajánlott A minőségi VICHY tisztító gél űrtartalma 400 ml Dermatológiailag tesztelt
VICHY Normaderm Phytosolution Intensive Purifying Gel 200 ml
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 5,350.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Arctisztító gél VICHY Normaderm Phytosolution Intensive Purifying Gel 200 ml: A VICHY Normaderm Phytosolution Intensive Purifying Gel-t kifejezetten a zsíros és problémás, pattanásokra hajlamos bőrre fejlesztették ki. Mélyen tisztítja a bőrt anélkül, hogy szárítaná, eltávolítja a fölösleges faggyút és a szennyeződéseket. Finom textúrája tökéletesen megtisztítja a bőrt. Az alapjául szolgáló növényi eredetű tisztító anyagot ásványi cinkkel és rézzel, valamint a probiotikus kivonatokkal gazdagították. A VICHY Normaderm Phytosolution Intensive gél rendszeres használata egészségesebbé teszi a bőrt, pattanások és az eltömődött pórusok nélkül. A termék hipoallergén illetve dermatológiailag tesztelt. Semleges pH-ja 5,5, ennek köszönhetően érzékeny bőrre is alkalmas. A VICHY Normaderm Phytosolution Intensive Purifying Gel tisztító gél legfőbb jellemzőiA VICHY Normaderm Phytosolution Intensive Purifying Gel a pattanásokra hajlamos problémás bőrről gondoskodikMélyen megtisztítja a bőrt szárítás nélkül, miközben eltávolítja a faggyút és a szennyeződéseketMegakadályozza...
VICHY Normaderm Phytosolution Double-Correction Daily Care 50 ml
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 7,670.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Arckrém VICHY Normaderm Phytosolution Double-Correction Daily Care 50 ml:Az arckrém egy igazi elsősegély szer, melyre nyugodtan támaszkodhatsz ha bőröd intenzív és azonnali ápolásra szorul. A kiváló minőségű VICHY arckrém érzékeny, zsíros, problémás és kombinált bőrre a lehető legjobb választás. Térfogata: 50 ml. Nappali, ill. éjszakai használatra is alkalmas. VICHY Normaderm Phytosolution Double-Correction Daily Care 50 ml arckrém - leglényegesebb jellemzők Egészséges és szép kinézetű lesz az arcbőr A kiváló minőségű VICHY arckrém maximális űrtartalma: 50 ml A minőségi VICHY arckrém az alábbi bőrtípusra használható: érzékeny, zsíros, problémás és kombinált Összetétel: hialuronsavas és szalicilsavval Használat: nappali és éjszakai Használata ajánlott a következő korosztálynak: Minden korosztály számára
Djeco Formadobozos Puzzle - Teo A Kis Dínó, 24 Db-Os
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 5,290.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)Formadobozos Trice-Puzzle Teo A Triceratops És Kicsinye Puzzle Kirakón Teo A Triceratops És Kicsinye Varázslatos Tájon Kóborol. Egy Gyönyörű 24 Darabos Puzzl
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 154,016.10 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)ARMADA ARW 88Hey rider, here you'll find at a glance everything you need to know about the ARMADA ARW 88 FREESTYLE SKISES.With the ARW 88, not even the sky is a limit for feisty freestylers. With a poplar core, a traditional camber underfoot, and a snappy flex, the ARW 88 is ready to fly. This park-destroying weapon features ash binding inserts and the revolutionary Armada w3Dgewall construction, so it can withstand whatever punishment skiers throw at it. A shorter radius of curvature in the center of the ski extends toward the tip and tail to provide tenacious edge hold and tight carving. When bigger airs and tricks are in play, you must have ARW 88s underfoot.Accept no substitutesARMADA ARW 88 FREESTYLE SKIARW 88, WOMEN 'S FREESTYLE SKI from ARMADA that rocks.FAARW 88 AR Freestyle Rock er: Rockered tips and tails are combined with a positive camber underfoot to allow the ski to load with ease on unpredictable snow and maintain a solid carve when asked to do so. Turn the entire mountain into your playground.ARW 88 Poplar Core : Stability, power and ease are the key features of this 100% poplar wood core. For those looking for predictability and smoothness, the poplar core can deliver them in any snow conditions. ARW 88 2.5 Impact edge : Oversized and specially heat-treated, these edges are built to resist impact damage in the toughest situations.ARW 88 S7 Base : A sintered base optimized for speed, durability and wax retention.ARW 88 Ash Binding Insert : Ash bindings inserts offer maximum strength and binding retention with a more sustainable structure than inserts made of other materials.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you're guaranteed the best price.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 171,129.00 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)ARMADA ARW 94Hey rider, here you'll find at a glance everything you need to know about the ARMADA ARW 94 FREESTYLE SKIs.Here's the new boss. The ARW 94 is the centerpiece of Armada's new women's ARW series, combining a playful, flat profile with plenty of pop and stability for any park angle. The ARW 94 uses our lightest Caruba core to keep weight to a minimum, while the molded and injected 3D wall construction ensures maximum durability. AR Freestyle Rocker in the tips and tails increases versatility in a variety of conditions, placing the all-mountain ski in the comfort zone of the ARW 94. Combining maximum performance and maximum durability, the ARW 94 can shred everything all season long.ARMADA ARW 94 FREESTYLE SKIARW 94, WOMEN 'S FREESTYLE SKI from ARMADA that rocks.FAARW 94 AR Freestyle Rock er: Rockered tips and tails are combined with a positive camber underfoot to allow the ski to load with ease on unpredictable snow and maintain a solid carve when asked to do so. Turn the entire mountain into your playground.ARW 94 Caruba Core : Our lightest material, Caruba, delivers top-notch performance without penalizing weight. With snappy, durable skiing qualities and versatile construction features, it is ideal for a wide range of uses. Caruba is also our most sustainable material, as it grows back in a fraction of the time of poplar and ash.ARW 94 2.5 Impact edge : Oversized and specially heat-treated, these foils are built to resist impact damage in the toughest situations.ARW 94 S7 Base : A sintered base optimized for speed, durability and wax retention.ARW 94 Ash Binding Insert : Ash bindings inserts offer maximum strength and binding retention with a more sustainable structure than inserts made of other materials.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you're guaranteed the best price.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 154,016.10 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)ARMADA ARW 88Hey rider, here you'll find at a glance everything you need to know about the ARMADA ARW 88 FREESTYLE SKISES.With the ARW 88, not even the sky is a limit for feisty freestylers. With a poplar core, a traditional camber underfoot, and a snappy flex, the ARW 88 is ready to fly. This park-destroying weapon features ash binding inserts and the revolutionary Armada w3Dgewall construction, so it can withstand whatever punishment skiers throw at it. A shorter radius of curvature in the center of the ski extends toward the tip and tail to provide tenacious edge hold and tight carving. When bigger airs and tricks are in play, you must have ARW 88s underfoot.Accept no substitutesARMADA ARW 88 FREESTYLE SKIARW 88, WOMEN 'S FREESTYLE SKI from ARMADA that rocks.FAARW 88 AR Freestyle Rock er: Rockered tips and tails are combined with a positive camber underfoot to allow the ski to load with ease on unpredictable snow and maintain a solid carve when asked to do so. Turn the entire mountain into your playground.ARW 88 Poplar Core : Stability, power and ease are the key features of this 100% poplar wood core. For those looking for predictability and smoothness, the poplar core can deliver them in any snow conditions. ARW 88 2.5 Impact edge : Oversized and specially heat-treated, these edges are built to resist impact damage in the toughest situations.ARW 88 S7 Base : A sintered base optimized for speed, durability and wax retention.ARW 88 Ash Binding Insert : Ash bindings inserts offer maximum strength and binding retention with a more sustainable structure than inserts made of other materials.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you're guaranteed the best price.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 154,016.10 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)ARMADA ARV 88Hey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the ARMADA ARV 88 FREESTYLE SKIS.Boost mode inserted. The ARV 88 is the narrowest and stiffest ski in the ARV series. Featuring a poplar core combined with a w3Dgewall construction to provide maximum edge hold and pop in the toughest conditions, from slopes to icy pipe walls. With a more aggressive camber and shorter camber radius underfoot, the ARV 88 has a more traditional turn shape and feel than other ARVs, while an elongated sidecut radius at the tip and tail reduces the risk of slamming off the kick. Guaranteed big freestyle performance and with Armada's most durable construction ever, the ARV 88 is ready to stand up to any test stand!ARMADA ARV 88 FREESTYLE SKIARV 88, ARMADA 'S FREESTYLE SKI FOR MEN that rocks.FAARV 88 AR Freestyle Rock er: Rockered tips and tails are combined with a positive camber underfoot to allow the ski to load with ease on unpredictable snow and maintain a solid carve when asked to do so. Turn the entire mountain into your playground.ARV 88 Poplar Core : Stability, power and ease are the key features of this 100% poplar wood core. For those looking for predictability and smoothness, the poplar core can deliver them in any snow conditions. ARV 88 2.5 Impact edge : Oversized and specially heat-treated, these edges are built to resist impact damage in the toughest situations.ARV 88 S7 Base : A sintered base optimized for speed, durability and wax retention.ARV 88 Ash Binding Insert : Ash bindings inserts offer maximum strength and binding retention with a more sustainable structure than inserts made of other materials.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you're guaranteed the best price.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
ARMADA ARV 100 U 179 U
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 185,389.75 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)ARMADA ARV 100Hey rider, here you'll find at a glance everything you need to know about the ARMADA ARV 100 FREESTYLE SKISES.A completely new creation, the ARV 100 is the king of all-mountain freestyle with a 100mm center width and an AR Freestyle Rocker for exceptional all-around versatility. Whether you're going out in the park or downhill in search of some powder. The wider surface area and rocker at the tip and tail provide a solid base for hard landings and variable conditions. The ultralight Caruba core keeps weight to a minimum, allowing bigger tricks with less effort, while w3Dgewall construction ensures bombproof durability. Ski where you want and how you want. The ARV 100 has your back.ARMADA ARV 100 FREESTYLE SKIARV 100, ARMADA 'S FREESTYLE SKI FOR MEN that rocks.FAARV 100 AR Freestyle Rock er: Rockered tips and tails are combined with a positive camber underfoot to allow the ski to load with ease on unpredictable snow and maintain a solid carve when asked to do so. Turn the entire mountain into your playground.ARV 100 Caruba Core : Our lightest material, Caruba, delivers top-notch performance without penalizing weight. With snappy, durable skiing qualities and versatile construction features, it is ideal for a wide range of uses. Caruba is also our most sustainable material, as it grows back in a fraction of the time of poplar and ash.ARV 100 2.5 Impact edge : Oversized and specially heat-treated, these foils are built to resist impact damage in the toughest situations.ARV 100 S7 Base : A sintered base optimized for speed, durability and wax retention.ARV 100 Ash Binding Insert : Ash bindings inserts offer maximum strength and binding retention with a more sustainable structure than inserts made of other materials.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you're guaranteed the best price.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 171,129.00 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)ARMADA ARV 94Hey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the ARMADA ARV 94 FREESTYLE SKISES.Here is the expert of all trades, the master of fun. With a slightly softer flex than previous ARVs, the 94 is balanced to excel at buttering and pressing, with ample stability and pop to travel safely on the pro line. The ultralight Caruba core keeps the weight down and is combined with an ash binding insert and unique w3Dgewall construction to maximize durability and create a higher-performing, longer-lasting ski. The AR Freestyle Rocker in the tips and tails to facilitate even the most aggressive landing, adding a touch of versatility in all conditions to explore the entire resort. The ARV 94 is the multitool of freestyle skis, ready for anything and built to last.ARMADA ARV 94 FREESTYLE SKIARV 94, ARMADA 'S FREESTYLE SKI FOR MEN that rocks.FAARV 94 AR Freestyle Rock er: Rockered tips and tails are combined with a positive camber underfoot to allow the ski to load with ease on unpredictable snow and maintain a solid carve when asked to do so. Turn the entire mountain into your playground.ARV 94 Caruba Core : Our lightest material, Caruba, delivers top-notch performance without penalizing weight. With snappy, durable skiing qualities and versatile construction features, it is ideal for a wide range of uses. Caruba is also our most sustainable material, as it grows back in a fraction of the time of poplar and ash.ARV 94 2.5 Impact edge : Oversized and specially heat-treated, these foils are built to resist impact damage in the toughest situations.ARV 94 S7 Base : A sintered base optimized for speed, durability and wax retention.ARV 94 Ash Binding Insert : Ash bindings inserts offer maximum strength and binding retention with a more sustainable structure than inserts made of other materials.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you're guaranteed the best price.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
ARMADA ARV 100 U 172 U
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 185,389.75 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)ARMADA ARV 100Hey rider, here you'll find at a glance everything you need to know about the ARMADA ARV 100 FREESTYLE SKISES.A completely new creation, the ARV 100 is the king of all-mountain freestyle with a 100mm center width and an AR Freestyle Rocker for exceptional all-around versatility. Whether you're going out in the park or downhill in search of some powder. The wider surface area and rocker at the tip and tail provide a solid base for hard landings and variable conditions. The ultralight Caruba core keeps weight to a minimum, allowing bigger tricks with less effort, while w3Dgewall construction ensures bombproof durability. Ski where you want and how you want. The ARV 100 has your back.ARMADA ARV 100 FREESTYLE SKIARV 100, ARMADA 'S FREESTYLE SKI FOR MEN that rocks.FAARV 100 AR Freestyle Rock er: Rockered tips and tails are combined with a positive camber underfoot to allow the ski to load with ease on unpredictable snow and maintain a solid carve when asked to do so. Turn the entire mountain into your playground.ARV 100 Caruba Core : Our lightest material, Caruba, delivers top-notch performance without penalizing weight. With snappy, durable skiing qualities and versatile construction features, it is ideal for a wide range of uses. Caruba is also our most sustainable material, as it grows back in a fraction of the time of poplar and ash.ARV 100 2.5 Impact edge : Oversized and specially heat-treated, these foils are built to resist impact damage in the toughest situations.ARV 100 S7 Base : A sintered base optimized for speed, durability and wax retention.ARV 100 Ash Binding Insert : Ash bindings inserts offer maximum strength and binding retention with a more sustainable structure than inserts made of other materials.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you're guaranteed the best price.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 171,129.00 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)ARMADA ARW 94Hey rider, here you'll find at a glance everything you need to know about the ARMADA ARW 94 FREESTYLE SKIs.Here's the new boss. The ARW 94 is the centerpiece of Armada's new women's ARW series, combining a playful, flat profile with plenty of pop and stability for any park angle. The ARW 94 uses our lightest Caruba core to keep weight to a minimum, while the molded and injected 3D wall construction ensures maximum durability. AR Freestyle Rocker in the tips and tails increases versatility in a variety of conditions, placing the all-mountain ski in the comfort zone of the ARW 94. Combining maximum performance and maximum durability, the ARW 94 can shred everything all season long.ARMADA ARW 94 FREESTYLE SKIARW 94, WOMEN 'S FREESTYLE SKI from ARMADA that rocks.FAARW 94 AR Freestyle Rock er: Rockered tips and tails are combined with a positive camber underfoot to allow the ski to load with ease on unpredictable snow and maintain a solid carve when asked to do so. Turn the entire mountain into your playground.ARW 94 Caruba Core : Our lightest material, Caruba, delivers top-notch performance without penalizing weight. With snappy, durable skiing qualities and versatile construction features, it is ideal for a wide range of uses. Caruba is also our most sustainable material, as it grows back in a fraction of the time of poplar and ash.ARW 94 2.5 Impact edge : Oversized and specially heat-treated, these foils are built to resist impact damage in the toughest situations.ARW 94 S7 Base : A sintered base optimized for speed, durability and wax retention.ARW 94 Ash Binding Insert : Ash bindings inserts offer maximum strength and binding retention with a more sustainable structure than inserts made of other materials.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you're guaranteed the best price.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 154,016.10 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)ARMADA ARV 88Hey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the ARMADA ARV 88 FREESTYLE SKIS.Boost mode inserted. The ARV 88 is the narrowest and stiffest ski in the ARV series. Featuring a poplar core combined with a w3Dgewall construction to provide maximum edge hold and pop in the toughest conditions, from slopes to icy pipe walls. With a more aggressive camber and shorter camber radius underfoot, the ARV 88 has a more traditional turn shape and feel than other ARVs, while an elongated sidecut radius at the tip and tail reduces the risk of slamming off the kick. Guaranteed big freestyle performance and with Armada's most durable construction ever, the ARV 88 is ready to stand up to any test stand!ARMADA ARV 88 FREESTYLE SKIARV 88, ARMADA 'S FREESTYLE SKI FOR MEN that rocks.FAARV 88 AR Freestyle Rock er: Rockered tips and tails are combined with a positive camber underfoot to allow the ski to load with ease on unpredictable snow and maintain a solid carve when asked to do so. Turn the entire mountain into your playground.ARV 88 Poplar Core : Stability, power and ease are the key features of this 100% poplar wood core. For those looking for predictability and smoothness, the poplar core can deliver them in any snow conditions. ARV 88 2.5 Impact edge : Oversized and specially heat-treated, these edges are built to resist impact damage in the toughest situations.ARV 88 S7 Base : A sintered base optimized for speed, durability and wax retention.ARV 88 Ash Binding Insert : Ash bindings inserts offer maximum strength and binding retention with a more sustainable structure than inserts made of other materials.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you're guaranteed the best price.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 154,016.10 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)ARMADA ARV 88Hey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the ARMADA ARV 88 FREESTYLE SKIS.Boost mode inserted. The ARV 88 is the narrowest and stiffest ski in the ARV series. Featuring a poplar core combined with a w3Dgewall construction to provide maximum edge hold and pop in the toughest conditions, from slopes to icy pipe walls. With a more aggressive camber and shorter camber radius underfoot, the ARV 88 has a more traditional turn shape and feel than other ARVs, while an elongated sidecut radius at the tip and tail reduces the risk of slamming off the kick. Guaranteed big freestyle performance and with Armada's most durable construction ever, the ARV 88 is ready to stand up to any test stand!ARMADA ARV 88 FREESTYLE SKIARV 88, ARMADA 'S FREESTYLE SKI FOR MEN that rocks.FAARV 88 AR Freestyle Rock er: Rockered tips and tails are combined with a positive camber underfoot to allow the ski to load with ease on unpredictable snow and maintain a solid carve when asked to do so. Turn the entire mountain into your playground.ARV 88 Poplar Core : Stability, power and ease are the key features of this 100% poplar wood core. For those looking for predictability and smoothness, the poplar core can deliver them in any snow conditions. ARV 88 2.5 Impact edge : Oversized and specially heat-treated, these edges are built to resist impact damage in the toughest situations.ARV 88 S7 Base : A sintered base optimized for speed, durability and wax retention.ARV 88 Ash Binding Insert : Ash bindings inserts offer maximum strength and binding retention with a more sustainable structure than inserts made of other materials.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you're guaranteed the best price.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 171,129.00 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)ARMADA ARW 94Hey rider, here you'll find at a glance everything you need to know about the ARMADA ARW 94 FREESTYLE SKIs.Here's the new boss. The ARW 94 is the centerpiece of Armada's new women's ARW series, combining a playful, flat profile with plenty of pop and stability for any park angle. The ARW 94 uses our lightest Caruba core to keep weight to a minimum, while the molded and injected 3D wall construction ensures maximum durability. AR Freestyle Rocker in the tips and tails increases versatility in a variety of conditions, placing the all-mountain ski in the comfort zone of the ARW 94. Combining maximum performance and maximum durability, the ARW 94 can shred everything all season long.ARMADA ARW 94 FREESTYLE SKIARW 94, WOMEN 'S FREESTYLE SKI from ARMADA that rocks.FAARW 94 AR Freestyle Rock er: Rockered tips and tails are combined with a positive camber underfoot to allow the ski to load with ease on unpredictable snow and maintain a solid carve when asked to do so. Turn the entire mountain into your playground.ARW 94 Caruba Core : Our lightest material, Caruba, delivers top-notch performance without penalizing weight. With snappy, durable skiing qualities and versatile construction features, it is ideal for a wide range of uses. Caruba is also our most sustainable material, as it grows back in a fraction of the time of poplar and ash.ARW 94 2.5 Impact edge : Oversized and specially heat-treated, these foils are built to resist impact damage in the toughest situations.ARW 94 S7 Base : A sintered base optimized for speed, durability and wax retention.ARW 94 Ash Binding Insert : Ash bindings inserts offer maximum strength and binding retention with a more sustainable structure than inserts made of other materials.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you're guaranteed the best price.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
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