40 termék találtunk a keresésedre: reflux a 2 üzletek között:
Boszy Reflux-Gorb Tea
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 849.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)Filteres Tea Fűzfakéreggel, Réti Legyezőfűvel, Kamillavirággal, Lándzsáf Útifű Levelével, Orvosi Ziliz Gyökerével, Édesgyökérrel, Gyömbérrel És Bodzavirággal.
Gyógyfű Reflux-Gorb Tea
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 919.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)Teakeverék A Refluxos Tünetek Ellen. A Gyomorégés És A Nyelőcsövet Irritáló Savas Visszafolyás Kezelésében Használható Kiegészítő Terápiaként.
Mecsek Reflux Elleni Tea 20x1g 20 G
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 1,210.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)Bármilyen Eredetű Refluxos Panasz Esetén Használható. Összetevők: Lándzsás Útifű, Mórmályva Virág, Szederlevél, Orbáncfű, Zabfű
Ukko Reflux Teakeverék 80 G
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 3,740.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)Elkészítési Javaslat Forralj Teavizet. Az Ideális Vízhőfok 80?, Ennyi Kell Ahhoz, Hogy Kioldódjanak Az Értékes Hatóanyagok. Fél Liter Vízhez, 1 Teáskaná
Dr.Chen Reflux Teakeverék 20x
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 1,259.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)Dr.Chen Reflux Teakeverék 20x
Ukko Teakeverék Reflux 80 G
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 3,729.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)Kizárólag Natúr Gyógynövényekből Összeválogatott, Gmo-Mentes Teakeverék, Mely Illeszkedik A Paleolit És A Vegán Étrendbe.
Dr.Chen Reflux Teakeverék 20x2,5g 50 G
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 1,260.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)Az Édesgyökér Hatóanyagai Hozzájárulnak A Gyomor És A Vékonybél Nyálkahártyájának Normál Működéséhez, Ezáltal Támogatva A Sav- És Refluxmentes Egészségi Áll
Mecsek Reflux Elleni Tea Filteres
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 1,189.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)Mecsek Reflux Elleni Tea Filteres
Naturland Reflux Tea 20filter
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 1,199.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)Ellenőrzött Minőségű Teakeverék Ötféle Gyógynövényből, A Gyógynövények Legértékesebb Részeiből, Magas Hatóanyag-Tartalommal – A Gyomor És A Bélrendszer Egészség
Gyógyfű Reflux-Gorb Teakeverék 50 G
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 920.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)Reflux-Gorb Teakeverék Jellemzők
Naturland Reflux Teakeverék 28 G
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 1,680.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)A Gyógynövények Természetes Módon Támogatják A Gyomor-Bélrendszer Egészségét. Nem Alkalmazható Az Összetevők Bármelyike Iránti Túlérzékenység Esetén, 18 Év
Boszy Reflux-Gorb Teakeverék Filteres 20×1,15 23 G
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 860.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)Reflux-Gorb Filteres Teakeverék Jellemzők
Myrobalan Khoga.9 Gyomorégés, Reflux Elleni Gyógynövény-Komplex Vegán Kapszula 60 Db
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 11,550.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)Khoga.9 Gyomorégés, Reflux Elleni Gyógynövény-Komplex. 60 Db Vegán Kapszula Gyógynövényőrleménnyel. 8 Szárított, Őrölt Gyógynövény Szinergizmusa, Kal
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 124,981.22 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)FLUX DSHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about theFLUX DS SNOWBOARD ATTACK.The Japanese called the Swiss of asia for their punctuality, the Germans of the Pacific for their maniacality and famous for their tendency to stick swords in their bellies when things take a turn they didn't expect don't just build aspirated cars, suidic wannabes or grimy clubs where schoolgirls rub up against patrons but having discovered that they have one of the snowiest places in the world they have taken to making attacks.And guess what, they're the bomb. Since one of the rules of the Internet is no matter what you know how to do there will always be an Asian who does it better and probably blindfolded, I picture the Flux factory full of little Japs mounting bindings with one hand while solving rubik's cubes with the other, playing Flight of the Bumblebee with the ukulele or humiliating Giotto by frescoing with their feet. Whatever in this chaos of stuff DS has come up with an all new spoiler this year, the Ultima base is ultra-lightweight and lightning fast in response and in conjunction with the Resistor spoiler creates one of the most versatile freestyle attacks on the market. Perfect when it comes to attacking small and large structures or drawing compass lines on the slope, it also doesn't disdain two arrogant entries where the powder gets deep. The strap equipment is as usual very comfortable and ergonomic to transfer to the millimeter your movements to the board without creating annoying pressure and the available adjustments that are a myriad do not need tools.DS FLUX SNOWBOARD ATTACHMENTDS, Men's SNOWBOARD BINDING from FLUX that rocks. Bindings are sold in pairs including discs and screws for attachment.DS Resistor Spoiler: Focusing all on precision and stability this spoiler gives you the lateral freedom you need to sketch out your tricks.DS Super Tough Nylon Spoiler: Medium flex thanks to the use of differentiated density fibers, this is the ideal composite for an all-around binding.DS DS Micro Adjuster Spoiler: Adjustments of 2.5 degrees per click allow you to rotate the spoiler to your liking for total precision.DS Performance Blend Base: Mix of nylon and fiberglass for proper response whatever slope of the mountain you face.DS Toolless Lever Base: Adjusting everything without the need for tools is top of the line.DS Adjustable Toe N Heel Cushion Base: Adjusting the footbed while respecting the boot's footprint keeps contact perfectly.DS Custom Stabilizers Base: By employing urethane inserts that lock in the heel the precision increases exponentially.DS Footon Base: The footbed is covered with a material that prevents snow from accumulating on top of it and gives perfect cushioning.DS Waffle Strap: Strap sandwiched of two materials is designed to provide maximum response without sacrificing comfort.DS Beer Buckle: I could write a lot of technical stuff but they are corkscrew made so you don't have any hassle if you...
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 74,864.86 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)FLUX EMHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about theFLUX EM SNOWBOARD BINDING.Soft and forgiving, the EM comes straight as a hook to the jaw to meet the needs of those who want a performance binding at an affordable cost. With its light weight and precision it matches any allmountain or freestyle setup, costs a heck of a lot and looks good, too.EM FLUX SNOWBOARD BINDERSEM, MEN 'S SNOWBOARD BINDING from FLUX that rocks. Bindings are sold in pairs including discs and screws for attachment.EM Super Tough Nylon Spoiler: Medium flex thanks to the use of differentiated density fibers, it is the ideal composite for an all-around binding.EM Forward Lean Adjuster Spoiler: The Micrometric Adjustment Of The Spoiler Allows You To Customize The Mount In The Easiest And Fastest Manner.EM Micro Adjuster Spoiler: Adjustments of 2.5 degrees per click allow you to rotate the spoiler to your liking for total precision.EM Performance Blend Base: Mix of nylon and fiberglass for proper response whatever mountainside you face.EM Honeycomb Ver 2.0 Strap: The differentiated, three-dimensional shape of the Honeycomb 2.0 strap offers perfect support and total comfort, cushioning hits without stressing the ankle or offering uncomfortable pressure.EM Ftm Versa Strap: A softer material secures the boot in place for perfect transmission.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 124,981.22 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)FLUX DSHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about theFLUX DS SNOWBOARD ATTACK.The Japanese called the Swiss of asia for their punctuality, the Germans of the Pacific for their maniacality and famous for their tendency to stick swords in their bellies when things take a turn they didn't expect don't just build aspirated cars, suidic wannabes or grimy clubs where schoolgirls rub up against patrons but having discovered that they have one of the snowiest places in the world they have taken to making attacks.And guess what, they're the bomb. Since one of the rules of the Internet is no matter what you know how to do there will always be an Asian who does it better and probably blindfolded, I picture the Flux factory full of little Japs mounting bindings with one hand while solving rubik's cubes with the other, playing Flight of the Bumblebee with the ukulele or humiliating Giotto by frescoing with their feet. Whatever in this chaos of stuff DS has come up with an all new spoiler this year, the Ultima base is ultra-lightweight and lightning fast in response and in conjunction with the Resistor spoiler creates one of the most versatile freestyle attacks on the market. Perfect when it comes to attacking small and large structures or drawing compass lines on the slope, it also doesn't disdain two arrogant entries where the powder gets deep. The strap equipment is as usual very comfortable and ergonomic to transfer to the millimeter your movements to the board without creating annoying pressure and the available adjustments that are a myriad do not need tools.DS FLUX SNOWBOARD ATTACHMENTDS, Men's SNOWBOARD BINDING from FLUX that rocks. Bindings are sold in pairs including discs and screws for attachment.DS Resistor Spoiler: Focusing all on precision and stability this spoiler gives you the lateral freedom you need to sketch out your tricks.DS Super Tough Nylon Spoiler: Medium flex thanks to the use of differentiated density fibers, this is the ideal composite for an all-around binding.DS DS Micro Adjuster Spoiler: Adjustments of 2.5 degrees per click allow you to rotate the spoiler to your liking for total precision.DS Performance Blend Base: Mix of nylon and fiberglass for proper response whatever slope of the mountain you face.DS Toolless Lever Base: Adjusting everything without the need for tools is top of the line.DS Adjustable Toe N Heel Cushion Base: Adjusting the footbed while respecting the boot's footprint keeps contact perfectly.DS Custom Stabilizers Base: By employing urethane inserts that lock in the heel the precision increases exponentially.DS Footon Base: The footbed is covered with a material that prevents snow from accumulating on top of it and gives perfect cushioning.DS Waffle Strap: Strap sandwiched of two materials is designed to provide maximum response without sacrificing comfort.DS Beer Buckle: I could write a lot of technical stuff but they are corkscrew made so you don't have any hassle if you...
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 65,697.24 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)FLUX PRHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about theFLUX PR SNOWBOARD BINDING.With the PR you complete your first setup in the best possible way with a truly top-notch binding, light and precise but above all robust. Flux knows that you need mobility and safety, in the PR you find all this elevated to the nth degree.FLUX PR SNOWBOARD BASEPR, Men's SNOWBOARD BINDING from FLUX that rocks. Bindings are sold in pairs including discs and screws for attachment.PR Super Tough Nylon Spoiler: Medium flex thanks to the use of differentiated density fibers, this is the ideal composite for an all-around binding.PR Micro Adjuster Spoiler: Adjustments of 2.5 degrees per snap allow you to rotate the spoiler to your liking for total precision.PR Performance Blend Base: Mix of nylon and fiberglass for proper response whatever mountain slope you face.PR Honeycomb Ver 2.0 Strap: The differentiated, three-dimensional shape of the Honeycomb 2.0 strap provides perfect support and total comfort, cushioning hits without stressing the ankle or offering uncomfortable pressure.PR Ftm Versa Strap: A softer material secures the boot in place for perfect transmission.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 103,590.09 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)FLUX GSHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about theFLUX GS SNOWBOARDBINDING.Continuing the range of bindings with guttural names is the GS, ingrained in the female collective imagination as the holy grail of bindings it offers unique precision and stability between slopes and powder without losing intuitiveness so that you have room and inventiveness for tricks and the like. The construction is top notch like all the stuff these samurais make, with an ultra-light and precise base and an asymmetrical wrap-around spoiler. The comfortable and cushioned straps have an ergonomic shape and are very comfortable even after hours and hours of riding, in short this binding is top the rest you have to put in.GS FLUX SNOWBOARD BUCKLEGS, WOMEN 'S SNOWBOARD BINDING from FLUX that rocks. Bindings are sold in pairs including discs and screws for attachment.GS Resistor Spoiler: Focusing all on precision and stability this spoiler gives you the lateral freedom you need to sketch out your tricks.GS Super Tough Nylon Spoiler: Medium flex thanks to the use of differentiated density fibers, this is the ideal composite for an all-around binding.GS Micro Adjuster Spoiler: Adjustments of 2.5 degrees per click allow the spoiler to be rotated at will for total precision.GS Vogue Base: Design conformed to the female anatomy combines support and versatility.GS Performance Blend Base: Mix of nylon and fiberglass for proper response whatever mountainside you face.GS Toolless Lever Base: Adjusting everything without the need for tools is top of the line.GS Adjustable Toe N Heel Cushion Base: Adjusting the footbed respecting the footprint of the boot maintains contact perfectly.GS Custom Stabilizers Base: By employing urethane inserts that lock in the heel the precision increases exponentially.GS Footon Base: The footbed is covered with a material that prevents snow from accumulating on top of it and gives perfect cushioning.GS Waffle Strap: Strap sandwiched of two materials is designed to provide maximum response without sacrificing comfort.GS Beer Buckle: I could write a lot of technical stuff but they are corkscrew made so you don't have any hassle if you have to open a beer. New priority on my life's priority scale.GS Ftm Versa Strap: A softer material secures the boot in place for perfect transmission.GS L Guide Strap: Two strap guides make insertion and removal (you say?) super fast.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 74,864.86 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)FLUX EMHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about theFLUX EM SNOWBOARD BINDING.Soft and forgiving, the EM comes straight as a hook to the jaw to meet the needs of those who want a performance binding at an affordable cost. With its light weight and precision it matches any allmountain or freestyle setup, costs a heck of a lot and looks good, too.EM FLUX SNOWBOARD BINDERSEM, MEN 'S SNOWBOARD BINDING from FLUX that rocks. Bindings are sold in pairs including discs and screws for attachment.EM Super Tough Nylon Spoiler: Medium flex thanks to the use of differentiated density fibers, it is the ideal composite for an all-around binding.EM Forward Lean Adjuster Spoiler: The Micrometric Adjustment Of The Spoiler Allows You To Customize The Mount In The Easiest And Fastest Manner.EM Micro Adjuster Spoiler: Adjustments of 2.5 degrees per click allow you to rotate the spoiler to your liking for total precision.EM Performance Blend Base: Mix of nylon and fiberglass for proper response whatever mountainside you face.EM Honeycomb Ver 2.0 Strap: The differentiated, three-dimensional shape of the Honeycomb 2.0 strap offers perfect support and total comfort, cushioning hits without stressing the ankle or offering uncomfortable pressure.EM Ftm Versa Strap: A softer material secures the boot in place for perfect transmission.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 112,757.72 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)FLUX DSLHey rider, here you'll find at a glance everything you need to know about theFLUX DSL SNOWBOARD BINDING.Sprouted by budding from the everlasting DS, the DSL where L stands for light I suppose but I'm not sure is the new standard among lightweight, playful freestyle bindings. The Alpha base using a lower fiber density is mobile and featherweight, precise enough to lead without hesitation but leaving ample room for mobility. The asymmetric Ultima spoiler offers nice support as does the lightened, ergonomic ankle strap. In short, we don't care what you're into, from dicking around on the edge of the slope to the park to the freshly resurfaced slopes the DSL is at ease and will bring out the best even if you're subbing.DSL FLUX SNOWBOARD BUCKETDSL, MEN 'S SNOWBOARD BASE from FLUX that rocks. Bindings are sold in pairs including discs and screws for attachment.DSL Resistor Spoiler: Focusing all on precision and stability this spoiler gives you the lateral freedom you need to sketch out your tricks.DSL Super Tough Nylon Spoiler: Medium flex thanks to the use of differentiated density fibers, this is the ideal composite for an all-around binding.DSL Micro Adjuster Spoiler: Adjustments of 2.5 degrees per click allow you to rotate the spoiler to your liking for total precision.DSL Performance Blend Base: Mix of nylon and fiberglass for proper response whatever slope of the mountain you face.DSL Toolless Lever Base: Adjusting everything without the need for tools is top of the line.DSL Adjustable Toe N Heel Cushion Base: Adjusting the footbed while respecting the boot's footprint keeps contact perfectly.DSL Custom Stabilizers Base: By employing urethane inserts that lock in the heel, precision is increased exponentially.DSL Footon Base: The footbed is covered with a material that prevents snow from accumulating on top of it and gives perfect cushioning.DSL Waffle Strap: Strap sandwiched of two materials is designed to provide maximum response without sacrificing comfort.DSL Beer Buckle: I could write a lot of technical stuff but they're corkscrew made so you don't have a hassle if you have to open a beer. New priority on my life's priority scale.DSL Ftm Versa Strap: A softer material secures the boot in place for perfect transmission.DSL L Guide Strap: Two strap guides make insertion and removal (you say?) super quick.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you're guaranteed the best price.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
40 eredmény 0.11 másodperc alatt
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