40 termék találtunk a keresésedre: rummikub a 5 üzletek között:
Rummikub Twist Új
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 10,885.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft) -
Piatnik Rummikub
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 9,390.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Társasjáték Piatnik Rummikub:A Rummikub egy népszerű logikai játék az egész család számára, amelyet soha nem fogsz megunni. Figyeld a köveket az asztalon, kombináld őket, és használd őket a saját előnyödre. A játék célja, hogy köveket sorba, vagy csoportokba rendezd, és maximális pontszámot kapj. Nem erőszakos és szórakoztató mód a logikus gondolkodás, a koncentráció, és a matematikai készségek gyakorlásának elősegítésére. Paraméterek és specifikációk:Csomag tartalma:106 kő számokkal4 játéktáblaA játék megfelel a játékok biztonságáról szóló 2009. június 18-i 2009/48/EK európai parlamenti és tanácsi irányelvnek, és minden helyi jogi követelménynek. A játék CE megfelelőségi nyilatkozattal is rendelkezik.
Piatnik Rummikub XXL
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 10,790.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Társasjáték Piatnik Rummikub XXL:A Rummikub egy népszerű logikai játék az egész család számára, amelyet soha nem fogsz megunni. Figyeld a köveket az asztalon, kombináld őket, és használd őket a saját előnyödre. A játék célja, hogy köveket sorba, vagy csoportokba rendezd, és maximális pontszámot kapj. Nem erőszakos és szórakoztató mód a logikus gondolkodás, a koncentráció, és a matematikai készségek gyakorlásának elősegítésére. A Rummikub XXL nagy számokkal rendelkezik.Paraméterek és specifikációk:Csomag tartalma:106 kő számokkal4 játéktáblaTároló táskaA játék megfelel a játékok biztonságáról szóló 2009. június 18-i 2009/48/EK európai parlamenti és tanácsi irányelvnek, és minden helyi jogi követelménynek. A játék CE megfelelőségi nyilatkozattal is rendelkezik.
Piatnik Rummikub Mini
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 6,790.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Társasjáték Piatnik Rummikub Mini:A Rummikub egy népszerű logikai játék számokkal az egész család számára, amelyet soha nem fogsz megunni. Figyeld a köveket az asztalon, kombináld őket, és használd őket a saját előnyödre. A játék célja, hogy köveket sorba vagy csoportokba rendezd, és maximális pontszámot kapj. A játék nem erőszakos és szórakoztató mód segít megdolgoztatni a logikus gondolkodást, a koncentrációt, és a matematikai készségeket. A játékot egy praktikus fém dobozban szállítjuk, hogy mindenhová magaddal vihesd.Paraméterek és specifikációk:A csomag tartalma:106 kő számokkal4 játéktáblafém doboz a tárolásáraA játék megfelel a játékok biztonságáról szóló 2009. június 18-i 2009/48/EK európai parlamenti és tanácsi irányelvnek és valamennyi magyar jogszabálynak. Természetesen van CE-megfelelőségi nyilatkozat is.
Piatnik Rummikub Twist
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 8,790.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Társasjáték Piatnik Rummikub Twist:A művészet taktika? Tetszik a feltalálása a lehető legjobb stratégia? Akkor lesz elégedett přemýšlecí nevű játékot Rummikub Twist. Az Ön feladata, hogy értelmezze a sziklák első, bármely kombinációját képességeit. Mert valóban szüksége van. Szeretsz gondolkozni? Akkor szeretni fogod a PIATNIK népszerű családi társasjátékának új változatát. A Rummikub Twist játékban az nyer, aki elsőként le tudja rakni az összes kövét. Ez egyszerűen hangzik, de a megvalósítása már közel sem olyan könnyű. Meg kell erőltetned az agytekervényeidet és a kombinációs képességedre is szükséged lesz. Rakd le a köveket, kombináld őket, majd alakítsd át és hozz létre új kombinációkat. Segítségedre lehetnek a speciális jokerlapok - kétszínű, dupla, vagy tükör. Legfontosabb jellemzőkSerkenti a gondolkodástPróbára teszi a kombinációs képességedetAlkalmas gyermekeknek 7 éves kortól2-4 játékos számáraJátékszabály a következő nyelvi változatokban: CZ, SK, AT, HU
Piatnik Rummikub HRAa4143 Mini
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 6,990.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Társasjáték Piatnik Rummikub HRAa4143 Mini: Legyen vége az unalomnak, vedd elő a Rummikub társasjáték új verzióját. A te feladatod eljárások kidolgozása, és az állványon elhelyezett számok csoportosítása. A már kirakott kövek különféle módon kombinálhatók, átrendezhetők és szétszórhatók. Aki először kirakja az összes kövét, az nyer! A speciális jokerek - kettős, tükör vagy kétszínű - jelentősen segítséget nyújtanak a győzelemhez. Vajon szerencséd lesz velük? A Rummikub Twist mini társasjátékba az egész család bevonható, gyermekek számára hétéves kortól ajánlott. A játék egy gyönyörű dobozban érkezik, ahová mindig újra elcsomagolhatod, nem veszik el egyetlen darabja sem. A Rummikub TWIST Mini társasjáték főbb jellemzői A Rummikub társasjáték kiváló szórakozást kínálA feladat az eljárások és csoportok összeállítása az állványon elhelyezett számokbólA már kirakott kövek különféle módon kombinálhatók, átrendezhetők és szétszórhatókAki először kirakja az összes kövét, az nyerSpeciális jokerek: dupla, tükör vagy kétszínűA Rummikub Twist...
Rummikub Számok Társasjáték
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 11,875.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)Szerezz Minél Hamarabb 30 Pontot! Rummikub Számok Társasjáték Egy Világszerte Közkedvelt Családi Társasjáték, Amivel Kiválóan Fejleszthető A Logikai És Ko
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 96,200.31 Ft (+5,751.71 Ft)SPARK SUMMIT SKINSHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about SPARK SUMMIT SKINS SPLIT ACCESSORY. SPARK SUMMIT SKINS SPARK SUMMIT SKINS SPLIT ACCESSORY isa UNISEX SPARK SPLIT ACCESSORY that rocks. Its list price is €209.99 but only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee. If you liked this split accessory take a look at all the split accessories similar to the SPARK SUMMIT SKINS or take a look at the tables category.Pick out your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's s nowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 96,200.31 Ft (+5,751.71 Ft)SPARK SUMMIT SKINSHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about SPARK SUMMIT SKINS SPLIT ACCESSORY. SPARK SUMMIT SKINS SPARK SUMMIT SKINS SPLIT ACCESSORY isa UNISEX SPARK SPLIT ACCESSORY that rocks. Its list price is €209.99 but only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee. If you liked this split accessory take a look at all the split accessories similar to the SPARK SUMMIT SKINS or take a look at the tables category.Pick out your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's s nowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 71,532.51 Ft (+5,751.71 Ft)ROXY SUMMIT BIBHey rider, here's a summary of everything you need to know about the ROXY SUMMIT BIB PANTALON.With the Summit you have an all-fitted, defined space style along with 15k of waterproofness and shell insulation, meaning lightweight so you don't complain that you're always warm. It adjusts in a thousand places, has snow gaiters, zippered pockets and boh what more do I tell you?SUMMIT BIB ROXY PANTSUMMIT BIB, WOMEN 'S PANTS by ROXY that rocks. If you have any doubts about the size check the manufacturer's directions.SUMMIT BIB 15K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 15,000mm, it has exceptional performance and well above average water tightness. SUMMITBIB 10,000gr Breathability: Capable of evaporating 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h it is able to leave you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity. SUMMITBIB Shell Lining: No padding present in this garment, usually garments of this type have breathability well above the norm. Calibrating the underwear appropriately, these are the perfect garments to deal with intensive activity sessions while staying perfectly dry.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 71,532.51 Ft (+5,751.71 Ft)ROXY SUMMIT BIBHey rider, here's a summary of everything you need to know about the ROXY SUMMIT BIB PANTALON.With the Summit you have an all-fitted, defined space style along with 15k of waterproofness and shell insulation, meaning lightweight so you don't complain that you're always warm. It adjusts in a thousand places, has snow gaiters, zippered pockets and boh what more do I tell you?SUMMIT BIB ROXY PANTSUMMIT BIB, WOMEN 'S PANTS by ROXY that rocks. If you have any doubts about the size check the manufacturer's directions.SUMMIT BIB 15K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 15,000mm, it has exceptional performance and well above average water tightness. SUMMITBIB 10,000gr Breathability: Capable of evaporating 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h it is able to leave you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity. SUMMITBIB Shell Lining: No padding present in this garment, usually garments of this type have breathability well above the norm. Calibrating the underwear appropriately, these are the perfect garments to deal with intensive activity sessions while staying perfectly dry.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 71,532.51 Ft (+5,751.71 Ft)ROXY SUMMIT BIBHey rider, here's a summary of everything you need to know about the ROXY SUMMIT BIB PANTALON.With the Summit you have an all-fitted, defined space style along with 15k of waterproofness and shell insulation, meaning lightweight so you don't complain that you're always warm. It adjusts in a thousand places, has snow gaiters, zippered pockets and boh what more do I tell you?SUMMIT BIB ROXY PANTSUMMIT BIB, WOMEN 'S PANTS by ROXY that rocks. If you have any doubts about the size check the manufacturer's directions.SUMMIT BIB 15K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 15,000mm, it has exceptional performance and well above average water tightness. SUMMITBIB 10,000gr Breathability: Capable of evaporating 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h it is able to leave you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity. SUMMITBIB Shell Lining: No padding present in this garment, usually garments of this type have breathability well above the norm. Calibrating the underwear appropriately, these are the perfect garments to deal with intensive activity sessions while staying perfectly dry.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 71,532.51 Ft (+5,751.71 Ft)ROXY SUMMIT BIBHey rider, here's a summary of everything you need to know about the ROXY SUMMIT BIB PANTALON.With the Summit you have an all-fitted, defined space style along with 15k of waterproofness and shell insulation, meaning lightweight so you don't complain that you're always warm. It adjusts in a thousand places, has snow gaiters, zippered pockets and boh what more do I tell you?SUMMIT BIB ROXY PANTSUMMIT BIB, WOMEN 'S PANTS by ROXY that rocks. If you have any doubts about the size check the manufacturer's directions.SUMMIT BIB 15K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 15,000mm, it has exceptional performance and well above average water tightness. SUMMITBIB 10,000gr Breathability: Capable of evaporating 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h it is able to leave you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity. SUMMITBIB Shell Lining: No padding present in this garment, usually garments of this type have breathability well above the norm. Calibrating the underwear appropriately, these are the perfect garments to deal with intensive activity sessions while staying perfectly dry.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 71,532.51 Ft (+5,751.71 Ft)ROXY SUMMIT BIBHey rider, here's a summary of everything you need to know about the ROXY SUMMIT BIB PANTALON.With the Summit you have an all-fitted, defined space style along with 15k of waterproofness and shell insulation, meaning lightweight so you don't complain that you're always warm. It adjusts in a thousand places, has snow gaiters, zippered pockets and boh what more do I tell you?SUMMIT BIB ROXY PANTSUMMIT BIB, WOMEN 'S PANTS by ROXY that rocks. If you have any doubts about the size check the manufacturer's directions.SUMMIT BIB 15K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 15,000mm, it has exceptional performance and well above average water tightness. SUMMITBIB 10,000gr Breathability: Capable of evaporating 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h it is able to leave you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity. SUMMITBIB Shell Lining: No padding present in this garment, usually garments of this type have breathability well above the norm. Calibrating the underwear appropriately, these are the perfect garments to deal with intensive activity sessions while staying perfectly dry.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 64,136.28 Ft (+5,751.71 Ft)ROXY SUMMIT BIBHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the ROXY SUMMIT BIB PANTS.Finally, a dungaree that doesn't make you look like a potato. The stylish fit still allows total performance talking about waterproofing and warmth, so you look good and feel comfortable SUMMIT BIB ROXY PANTSSUMMIT BIB, ROXY 's kick-ass WOMEN 'S PANTS. If you are in doubt about the size check the manufacturer's directions.SUMMIT BIB 15K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 15,000mm, it has exceptional performance and well above average water tightness.SUMMIT BIB 10,000gr Breathability: Capable of evaporating 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h is able to leave you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.SUMMIT BIB Shell Lining: No padding present in this garment, usually garments of this type have breathability far above the norm. By calibrating the underwear appropriately, they are the perfect garments to deal with intensive activity sessions while staying perfectly dry.Its list price is 259.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 64,136.28 Ft (+5,751.71 Ft)ROXY SUMMIT BIBHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the ROXY SUMMIT BIB PANTS.Finally, a dungaree that doesn't make you look like a potato. The stylish fit still allows total performance talking about waterproofing and warmth, so you look good and feel comfortable SUMMIT BIB ROXY PANTSSUMMIT BIB, ROXY 's kick-ass WOMEN 'S PANTS. If you are in doubt about the size check the manufacturer's directions.SUMMIT BIB 15K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 15,000mm, it has exceptional performance and well above average water tightness.SUMMIT BIB 10,000gr Breathability: Capable of evaporating 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h is able to leave you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.SUMMIT BIB Shell Lining: No padding present in this garment, usually garments of this type have breathability far above the norm. By calibrating the underwear appropriately, they are the perfect garments to deal with intensive activity sessions while staying perfectly dry.Its list price is 259.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 71,532.51 Ft (+5,751.71 Ft)ROXY SUMMIT BIBHey rider, here's a summary of everything you need to know about the ROXY SUMMIT BIB PANTALON.With the Summit you have an all-fitted, defined space style along with 15k of waterproofness and shell insulation, meaning lightweight so you don't complain that you're always warm. It adjusts in a thousand places, has snow gaiters, zippered pockets and boh what more do I tell you?SUMMIT BIB ROXY PANTSUMMIT BIB, WOMEN 'S PANTS by ROXY that rocks. If you have any doubts about the size check the manufacturer's directions.SUMMIT BIB 15K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 15,000mm, it has exceptional performance and well above average water tightness. SUMMITBIB 10,000gr Breathability: Capable of evaporating 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h it is able to leave you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity. SUMMITBIB Shell Lining: No padding present in this garment, usually garments of this type have breathability well above the norm. Calibrating the underwear appropriately, these are the perfect garments to deal with intensive activity sessions while staying perfectly dry.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 71,532.51 Ft (+5,751.71 Ft)ROXY SUMMIT BIBHey rider, here's a summary of everything you need to know about the ROXY SUMMIT BIB PANTALON.With the Summit you have an all-fitted, defined space style along with 15k of waterproofness and shell insulation, meaning lightweight so you don't complain that you're always warm. It adjusts in a thousand places, has snow gaiters, zippered pockets and boh what more do I tell you?SUMMIT BIB ROXY PANTSUMMIT BIB, WOMEN 'S PANTS by ROXY that rocks. If you have any doubts about the size check the manufacturer's directions.SUMMIT BIB 15K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 15,000mm, it has exceptional performance and well above average water tightness. SUMMITBIB 10,000gr Breathability: Capable of evaporating 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h it is able to leave you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity. SUMMITBIB Shell Lining: No padding present in this garment, usually garments of this type have breathability well above the norm. Calibrating the underwear appropriately, these are the perfect garments to deal with intensive activity sessions while staying perfectly dry.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 71,532.51 Ft (+5,751.71 Ft)ROXY SUMMIT BIBHey rider, here's a summary of everything you need to know about the ROXY SUMMIT BIB PANTALON.With the Summit you have an all-fitted, defined space style along with 15k of waterproofness and shell insulation, meaning lightweight so you don't complain that you're always warm. It adjusts in a thousand places, has snow gaiters, zippered pockets and boh what more do I tell you?SUMMIT BIB ROXY PANTSUMMIT BIB, WOMEN 'S PANTS by ROXY that rocks. If you have any doubts about the size check the manufacturer's directions.SUMMIT BIB 15K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 15,000mm, it has exceptional performance and well above average water tightness. SUMMITBIB 10,000gr Breathability: Capable of evaporating 10,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h it is able to leave you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity. SUMMITBIB Shell Lining: No padding present in this garment, usually garments of this type have breathability well above the norm. Calibrating the underwear appropriately, these are the perfect garments to deal with intensive activity sessions while staying perfectly dry.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it on Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Boss BLACK bőr öv rummi_sz40 fekete 95 male
Forgalmazó: Gomez.hu Ár: 21,060.00 Ft (+999.00 Ft)Anyag: Természetes bőr, Szín: fekete , Kollekció: Basic, Gyártókód: 50475296,
40 eredmény 0.173 másodperc alatt
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