40 termék találtunk a keresésedre: shape a 6 üzletek között:
Thinkfun: Shape By Shape Logikai Játék
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 6,925.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)Fedd Le A Játéktáblát A Változatos Formákkal! A Shape By Shape Logikai Játék Egy Térlátást És Logikat Fejlesztő Játék, Aminek A Célja, Hogy Le Kell Borítani
Sharp Shape 3m
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 4,390.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Ugrálókötél Sharp Shape 3m:A minőségi Sharp Shape 3m ugrálókötél legfontosabb jellemzői A hasznos Sharp shape ugrálókötél egy szuper kiegészítő edzéshez Az ugrálás az egyik leghatékonyabb aerob mozgásforma Kiváló hatással van az izomépítésre és az állóképességre, és javítja az általános fizikai állapotot A termék anyaga juta A remek Sharp shape ugrálókötél teljes hossza 300 cm Kényelmes fogás a fa fogantyúknak köszönhetően Az ugrókötél színe bézs és barna
Ets 20 Bio Wellness Shape Me Tea 30 G
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 1,430.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)Ets 20 Wellness Shape Me Bio Tea.-20 Db Teafilter. Összetevők: Zöld Tea (54%)*, Fahéj (32%)*, Gyömbér*(13%), Ginzeng (6%)*, Acai Bogyó (4%)*. *összetevők: E
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 256,204.33 Ft (+5,689.45 Ft)SANDY SHAPES BITTERHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the SANDY SHAPES AMARA BOARD.Twin tip in camber version characterized by different flex distribution between tips, feet and center but always tending to soft for those who like very elastic and responsive boards. Suitable for freestylers looking for explosive pop, very active on ollies and who like a good twist in the middle of the feet. Widely used on kickers, stays neutral on landings. Aka if you want to push but still have a versatile medium with which to delve even into the fresh Sandy penza you and hand crafted this mine of a board. The dry laika fortissimo.NB: The top graphic on every Sandy Shapes board is made of real (and wonderful) waterproofed wood. The color of the board you are looking at is as shown in the image shown; the wood grain varies from model to model-your Sandy is unique. BITTER SANDY SHAPES BOARDThe AMARA is a SANDY SHAPES BOARD of VERSATILE FREESTYLE use: maneuverability is its bread and butter by combining unique intuitiveness and completeness. It doesn't disdain trail and off-piste.AMARA Twin Tip Shape: completely symmetrical board, i.e. identical tip and tail, this allows you to find yourself completely balanced even in switch. Shape born for freestyle but also used in many all mountain.AMARA Microcamber Profile: camber in the middle of the legs, then flattens out just before the tips, and then solves into a nice sustained rocker. Responsive and precise board with consistently good edge hold even on hard terrain.AMARA Negative Core Core: The thickness of the core is thinned right in the middle of the toes, perfect for feeling the board deform a little more, thus leaving more freedom of movement for the legs. Suitable for those looking for something more playful and lively even at low speedsOnly at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee. If you liked this board take a look at all the boards similar to the SANDY SHAPES AMARA or take a ride in the snowboard bindings category.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Dr.Kelen Fit Shape Krém 150ml
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 2,709.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)Dr.Kelen Fit Shape Krém 150ml
Dr.Kelen Fit Shape Krém 500ml
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 6,269.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)Dr.Kelen Fit Shape Krém 500ml
BEAUTY JAR Shape & smooth 150 ml
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 4,290.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Testápoló krém BEAUTY JAR Shape & smooth 150 ml:Szeretnéd, hogy a bőröd hidratált és puha legyen? Akkor vedd szemügyre a jól ismert BEAUTY JAR finom testápolóját. A testápoló fő hatása a következőre irányul: bőrszínező és feszesítő szer. A bőr természetes regenerációs folyamatáról a krém fő összetevőjét tartalmazó olajok gondoskodnak. Finom illata pozitívan hat az elmére és gyorsan álomba ringat. A tetoválások különleges ápolást igényelnek. Ez a testápoló tej segít a bőr megnyugtatásában, tetoválásod pedig sokáig tökéletesen szép lesz. A megbízható BEAUTY JAR testápoló krém csakis minőségi és természetes összetevőket tartalmaz. Ráadásul teljes mértékben parabénmentes. A népszerű BEAUTY JAR testápoló krém narancsbőrre első osztályú ápolást biztosít, hiszen intenzíven puhítja a bőrt és javítja annak feszességét. BEAUTY JAR Shape & smooth 150 ml testápoló krém fő jellemzői bőröd azonnal bársonyosan puha és hidratált lesz bőrszínező és feszesítő hatása van természetes olajjal és természetes összetevőkkel kellő ápolást biztosít a tetoválások számára finom...
Nanoleaf Shapes 42W PSU
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 11,190.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Hálózati tápegység Nanoleaf Shapes 42W PSU:Új töltőre van szükséged, mivel a régi elromlott?
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 325,339.93 Ft (+5,689.45 Ft)GYPSY SANDY SHAPESHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the SANDY SHAPES ZINGARA BOARD.Twin tip geometry with long rockered tips for flotation in powder. Light camber in the toe area for excellent grip on hard terrain without slowing speed in soft terrain. Maneuverable without penalizing speed in powder. Like a gypsy this board will take you to worlds you need to be ready to visit. A true all-around all mountain with incredible holding power thanks to the alchemy Sandy uses with her saintly little hands to build each board. This jewel with a slight center camber and rocker zones at the tip and tail will give you unheard of thrills both on the trail and in the powder. Impeccable grip, increased maneuverability and buoyancy will really let you do whatever you want, even ask that chick out (no maybe that no maybe you're as ugly as the chicken coop stairs). Premium core, triaxial fibers and ash reinforcements give incredible responsiveness and feel without being cumbersome. The insole the smoothest-running nanotechnology siterized on the market: a true Pagani of boards.NB: The top graphic on every Sandy Shapes board is made of real (and wonderful) waterproofed wood. The color of the board you're looking at is that of the image shown; the wood grain varies from model to model-your Sandy is unique.GYPSY SANDY SHAPES BOARDSANDY SHAPESBOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you are guaranteed the best price.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Make It Real TyToo - TyToo Shape&Soul
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 5,190.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Lemosható tetoválás TyToo - TyToo Shape&Soul:Ez; a készlet lehetőséget nyújt a kreatív gyerekeknek a fantáziájuk szabadon engedésére, és ezzel eredeti ideiglenes tetoválás készítésére. Az ideiglenes tetoválás vízálló, úgyhogy a gyerekek még a fürdőben is anélkül élvezhetik a kedvenc mintáikat, hogy tartaniuk kéne attól, hogy lemossa őket a víz. Csillogó megjelenésével felkelti a figyelmet és az egyediség érzését nyújtja a gyermekednek. A nagyszerű TyToo - TyToo Shape&Soul; ideiglenes tetoválás fő paraméterei A kitűnő Make It Real tetoválás gyerekeknek kíméli a bőrt és könnyen eltávolítható 3 éves kortól mindenkinek örömet szerez A vízálló tulajdonságok biztosítják, hogy csak nehezen mosódik le Csillogó hatása mindenkinek tetszeni fog A csomagolásban 15 darab van
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 207,402.73 Ft (+5,689.45 Ft)UNITED SHAPES DEEP REACHHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the UNITED SHAPES DEEP REACH BOARD.Finally someone who brings out a monster capable of eating fresh for breakfast and carving for lunch, but with a flex capable of digesting even maneuvers and small inaccuracies. It's all about the expert carbon workmanship and the use of different woods along with a very fast sintered sole, a mix capable of infusing this board with a smooth progression with a surf flavor. After the first two turns you'll find yourself catapulted to Hawaii, be careful not to strip off though that if you go hypothermic in the snow, it's not like anyone will pick you up. DEEP REACH UNITED SHAPES BOARDDEEP REACH, A UNITED SHAPES BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.BoardDEEPREACH Float Core : Poplar + Paulownia + Carbon This magical blend of poplar and paulownia and carbon inlays creates a feather-light core for nimble handling and optimal performance in powder.BoardDEEPREACH Carbon : X-braided carbon strings woven between contact points for precise handling, power and stability in all surfing conditions and needs.BoardDEEPREACH Carbon BindingReinforcement : Additional layer of carbon weave placed in the bindings' impact areas for added strength and durability.BoardDEEPREACH Bio Resin : We use an environmentally friendly bio-based resin that derives 35% of its molecular range from plant material. It has the same structural properties as resin derived exclusively from petrochemicals.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
NANOLEAF NC04-0052 Shapes 42W PSU EU
Forgalmazó: Ipon.hu Ár: 9,690.00 Ft (+999.00 Ft)42W-os tápegység NANOLEAF dekorációs világításhoz.
Govee LED RGBIC Y Shape Light Panel, 7db
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 107,490.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)LED lámpa Govee LED RGBIC Y Shape Light Panel, 7db:Govee LED RGBIC Y Shape Light Panel LED lámpaA Govee LED RGBIC Y Shape LED panelek segítségével egyedi és stílusos világítást hozhatsz létre a képzeletednek megfelelően. Az intelligens világítás összesen 7 modulból áll, amelyek flex csatlakozókkal csatlakoztathatók egymáshoz. A lámpák akár 16,8 millió színben világíthatnak. Az RGBIC technológiával a világítás akár 57 színt is képes megjeleníteni egyszerre. A megfelelő hangulat megteremtéséhez 40 előre beállított jelenet közül választhatsz, és 8 ritmus üzemmód használható a zenével való zökkenőmentes szinkronizáláshoz. A Govee LED RGBIC Y Shape Light Panel intelligens LED lámpáidat a Govee Home alkalmazás vezérli, és a Siri, Alexa és Google Assistant szolgáltatásoknak köszönhetően a hangoddal is szabályozhatod őket. Mindegyik szegmens 36 diódát tartalmaz, amely összesen 252 RGBIC fényforrást jelent. A LED paneleket erős 3M szalagokkal ragaszthatod a falra. Govee LED RGBIC Y Shape Light Panel legfontosabb jellemzői, 7 dbEnergiatakarékos világítás akár 50...
MARIA NILA Shaping Heat Spray 250 ml
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 10,390.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Hajspray MARIA NILA Shaping Heat Spray 250 ml:Amennyiben gyönyörű és tökéletesen formázott frizurára vágysz, biztosan elégedett leszel ezzel a hajsprayvel a kiváló MARIA NILA márkától. Hozd létre a saját megjelenésed, amely egész nap tökéletesen fog kinézni. A spray felvitele kényelmes, a terméknek kellemes illata van, és közepes fixálással tűnik ki. Összetétele és illata főleg nőknek ideális. Hajszárítás és hajvasalás közben megvédi a hajat a magas hőmérséklettől, amivel jelentősen csökkenti a haj károsodásának veszélyét. A csomagolás űrtartalma 250 ml. Lepd meg magad ezzel a hajsprayvel a kitűnő MARIA NILA márkától, és alkoss egyedi frizurákat, amelyek kifejezik a stílusodat! A minőségi MARIA NILA Shaping Heat Spray 250 ml hajspray alapvető jellegzetességei A kitűnő MARIA NILA hajspray nőknek lehetővé teszi a kívánságaidnak megfelelő fizura létrehozását Használata könnyű Nőknek A kínálatban szereplő hajspray közepes fixálással rendelkezik Összetétele biztosítja a haj védelmét a kerülendő hajszárítás károsító hatása ellen Kitűnően megszilárdítja a...
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 281,825.17 Ft (+5,689.45 Ft)SANDY SHAPES VIRTUOSAHey rider, here you can find everything you've to know about the SANDY SHAPES VIRTUOSA SNOWBOARD. VIRTUOSA SNOWBOARD SANDY SHAPES The VIRTUOSA is a high quality SANDY SHAPES MAN SNOWBOARD for an ALL MOUNTAIN use: it means you can use this board on slopes, inside a snowpark and even on backcountry. You will always be with the right gear. This board is wider than the regular one and it can fit boots till 46 eu. The most widespread board, with the tip slightly longer than the tail. As you can guess from the name they are really multivalent boards that in addition to the forward gait allow to have very good sensations in switch. They represent the choice of many pro riders. This kind of camber usually has a central zone (traditional camber or flat) with a bigger rocker zone than the tail so you can float better in powder or you can have more control on slopes. The medium soft flex ensures excellent handling and a good stability. Its original price was 769,99 euros but here in Fresh Farm you can find it at the maximum online discount and you've the best price guartantee. If you like this snowboard take a look around for snowboards similar to SANDY SHAPES VIRTUOSA or browse our snowboard bindings category.Choose your equipment and come to try it with the Farmily in one of the Fresh Farm snowcamp!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 281,825.17 Ft (+5,689.45 Ft)SANDY SHAPES VIRTUOSAHey rider, here you can find everything you've to know about the SANDY SHAPES VIRTUOSA SNOWBOARD. VIRTUOSA SNOWBOARD SANDY SHAPES The VIRTUOSA is a high quality SANDY SHAPES MAN SNOWBOARD for an ALL MOUNTAIN use: it means you can use this board on slopes, inside a snowpark and even on backcountry. You will always be with the right gear. This board is wider than the regular one and it can fit boots till 46 eu. The most widespread board, with the tip slightly longer than the tail. As you can guess from the name they are really multivalent boards that in addition to the forward gait allow to have very good sensations in switch. They represent the choice of many pro riders. This kind of camber usually has a central zone (traditional camber or flat) with a bigger rocker zone than the tail so you can float better in powder or you can have more control on slopes. The medium soft flex ensures excellent handling and a good stability. Its original price was 769,99 euros but here in Fresh Farm you can find it at the maximum online discount and you've the best price guartantee. If you like this snowboard take a look around for snowboards similar to SANDY SHAPES VIRTUOSA or browse our snowboard bindings category.Choose your equipment and come to try it with the Farmily in one of the Fresh Farm snowcamp!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 321,273.13 Ft (+5,689.45 Ft)SANDY SHAPES GYPSY WIDEHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the SANDY SHAPES ZINGARA WIDE BOARD. Twin tip geometry with long rockered tips for flotation in powder. Light camber in the toe area for excellent grip on hard terrain without slowing speed in soft terrain. Maneuverable without penalizing speed in powder.Like a gypsy this board will take you to worlds you need to be ready to visit. A true all-around all mountain with incredible holding power thanks to the alchemy Sandy uses with her saintly little hands to build each board. This jewel with a slight center camber and rocker zones at the tip and tail will give you unheard of thrills both on the trail and in the powder. Flawless grip, increased maneuverability and buoyancy will really allow you to do whatever you want, even ask that chick out (no maybe that no maybe you're as ugly as the chicken coop stairs). Premium core, triaxial fibers and ash reinforcements give incredible responsiveness and feel without being cumbersome. The insole is the smoothest nanotechnology siterized on the market-a true Pagani of boards.NB: The top graphic on every Sandy Shapes board is made of real (and wonderful) waterproofed wood. The color of the board you are looking at is as shown in the image shown; the wood grain varies from model to model-your Sandy is unique.GYPSY BOARD WIDE SANDY SHAPESThe ZINGARA WIDE is a MEN 'S SANDY SHAPES BOARD of ALL MOUNTAIN use: whether it's powder, slope or snowpark this tool will support you at your best in any situation. This is a board with a definitely wider profile: here you can lean even 47, 48 on it without problems without filing your boot tips. The shape of this board is twin toe as the name suggests, that is, symmetrical in shape and sidecut. You can find this type of construction on freestyle boards precisely because they convey great feel in both forward and switch for tricks and landings. They are the weapons of choice for park and street smashers (and posers). Powered by a camber rocker profile: a solution that sees the camber in the central area of the board to maintain excellent pop, stability and control. In the areas beyond the toe and tail binding position, the board softens the deck by switching to flat and rocker: hybrid solution that helps with float in powder, eases turning, helps better correct error in tricks. The medium flex gives excellent pop, stability and maneuverability. Its list price is 879.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee. If you liked this board take a look at all the boards similar to the SANDY SHAPES ZINGARA WIDE or take a ride in the snowboard bindings category.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 215,536.33 Ft (+5,689.45 Ft)SANDY SHAPES EGOISTHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the SANDY SHAPES EGOIST BOARD. A proper board for anyone who likes to push on the slope and float off. Shape and directional camber with progressive woods as sandy himself tells us in person that make this board float and hold like an american's cup catamaran and a mimmo coachbuilder weld that porcoggiuda makes works of art respectively! The geometries are widened so that the board can hold more while being short so whether you are 26 pounds wet or 829 in shape weight always the 152 is fine. ONE BOARD TO TAME THEM ALL! Directional freeride board featuring a square tip with a long, progressive rocker that allows it to float even at low speeds. Incredible performance even on hard on-piste despite its small size. It is used in snowboard mountaineering competitions combined with rigid bindings. The new slim rails perfectly match the geometry and purpose for which it was created. NB: The top graphic on each Sandy Shapes board is made of real (and wonderful) waterproofed wood. The color of the board you are looking at is as shown in the image shown; the wood grain varies from model to model-your Sandy is unique.SELFISH BOARD SANDY SHAPESThe EGOIST is a SANDY SHAPES BOARD for FREERIDE or CARVING use: if your goal is to push at sustained speeds, bend properly and float well on fresh snow, we're all over it. This type of board should be chosen 5-10 cm shorter than the normal size that's right for you: which is! Magic!!! Simply, the profile of this board is designed in a way that increases its stability and grip exceptionally well while leaving you all the maneuverability of a super short board, slightly wider for grip (for all feet, even wide), definitely shorter for fun! Directional twin tip shape: these are the most popular and popular boards out there, they have the tip slightly longer than the tail and the bushings set back but centered in relation to the sidecut, which is therefore symmetrical. As the name suggests, they are truly multi-purpose boards that in addition to the forward gait allow for very good feel in switch. They represent the choice of many pro riders. Powered by a directional camber that highlights the board's directionality. Some typical examples are combinations where the tip part is rockered more(flotation in powder and turn intuitiveness) than center camber or flat zones and then return to smaller tail rocker zones than the tip. The medium soft flex provides excellent maneuverability and good stability. Its list price is 989.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee. If you liked this board take a look at all the boards similar to the SANDY SHAPES EGOISTA or take a ride in the snowboard bindings category.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 325,339.93 Ft (+5,689.45 Ft)GYPSY SANDY SHAPESHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the SANDY SHAPES ZINGARA BOARD.Twin tip geometry with long rockered tips for flotation in powder. Light camber in the toe area for excellent grip on hard terrain without slowing speed in soft terrain. Maneuverable without penalizing speed in powder. Like a gypsy this board will take you to worlds you need to be ready to visit. A true all-around all mountain with incredible holding power thanks to the alchemy Sandy uses with her saintly little hands to build each board. This jewel with a slight center camber and rocker zones at the tip and tail will give you unheard of thrills both on the trail and in the powder. Flawless grip, increased maneuverability and buoyancy will really let you do whatever you want, even ask that chick out (no maybe that no maybe you're as ugly as the chicken coop stairs). Premium core, triaxial fibers and ash reinforcements give incredible responsiveness and feel without being cumbersome. The insole the smoothest-running nanotechnology siterized on the market: a true Pagani of boards.NB: The top graphic on every Sandy Shapes board is made of real (and wonderful) waterproofed wood. The color of the board you're looking at is that of the image shown; the wood grain varies from model to model-your Sandy is unique.GYPSY SANDY SHAPES BOARDSANDY SHAPESBOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.only at Fresh Farm can you find it at the biggest discount online and you are guaranteed the best price.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Clarins Body Shaping Cream 200 ml
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 18,990.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Testápoló krém Clarins Body Shaping Cream 200 ml:Ez a könnyed, puha textúrájú exklúzív Clarins krém téged is biztosan lázba hoz majd. Textúrájának és összetételének köszönhetően kiváló egy kíméletes masszázshoz, amely serkenti a vérkeringést, és bőrfeszesítő hatású is. Hatékonyan lassítja a zsírsejtek lerakódásának folyamatát, főleg az olyan kiemelten problémás területeken, mint a csípő, a has, vagy a derék tájék. A termék rendszeres használatával feszesebbek lesznek a kontúrjaid, nem kívánt zsírlerakódások nélkül. A krém kiválóan megakadályozza a stirák kialakulását, feszesíti, hidratálja és bársonyosan puhává varázsolja a bőrt.A Clarins céget 1954-ben biológusok alapították, orvosokkal együtt. A cég sikerének titka a hatékony természetes összetevőkben rejlik, melyek minden terméknek az alapját képezik. Több, mint 50 év piaci jelenlét után a Clarins az egyik vezető márka a test- és bőrápolás területén.Aktív hatóanyagai:Sveltonyl - A Clarins exklúzív hatóanyaga. Megakadályozza a zsírsejtek lerakódását és feszesíti a test kontúrjait.Bambusz kivonat...
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