40 termék találtunk a keresésedre: super a 3 üzletek között:
Lego Super Mario 71429 Tbd-Super-Mario-2024-2
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 7,910.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft) -
Lego Super Mario 71430 Tbd-Super-Mario-2024-3
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 7,910.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft) -
HAL3000 Alpha Gamer Super (RTX 4080 Super)
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 1,160,590.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Gamer PC HAL3000 Alpha Gamer Super (RTX 4080 Super):A széles körben népszerű HAL3000 márka gyártotta gamer asztali pc úgy készült, hogy megfeleljen a játékosok igényeinek. Ezenfelül a modern dizájnjával, a sebességével és a gondosan összeválogatott hardverével is elbűvöl. Ennél az összeállításnál a megfizethetőség és a teljesítmény nagyszerű kombinációját kapod, amely inkább alkalmi játékosok számára ajánlott és némely újabb játékkal is megbirkózik. Az univerzális HAL3000 Alpha Gamer Super (RTX 4080 Super) gamer pc szívét egy AMD Ryzen 5 CPU alkotja, amelynek rendkívül nagy kapacitással rendelkező RAM memória asszisztál. Felszereltségéből az erőteljes grafikus kártya sem hiányzik, amelynek hála a legapróbb részletekről sem maradsz le. Biztosan a meghajtó sebességét is értékelni fogod. Az SSD nem rendelkezik mozgó alkatrészekkel, ami felgyorsítja az egész rendszer működését és az adatokhoz való hozzáférést. Mivel egy VR ready számítógépről van szó, a magával ragadó virtuális világba is eljuttat. Minden komponenst egy Midi Tower számítógépházba raktak, amely...
HAL3000 Alfa Gamer Super (R7 9700X, RTX 4070 Ti Super)
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 993,190.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Gamer PC HAL3000 Alfa Gamer Super (R7 9700X, RTX 4070 Ti Super):A széles körben népszerű HAL3000 márka műhelyében készült gamer gép úgy lett megtervezve, hogy megfeleljen a játékosok elvárásainak. Ezenfelül a modern dizájnjával, a sebességével és a gondosan összeválogatott hardverével is lenyűgöz. Ez az összeállítás elég teljesítményt kapott ahhoz, hogy még néhány évig lépést tartson az új játékok rendszerkövetelményeivel. A jól kihasználható HAL3000 Alfa Gamer Super (R7 9700X, RTX 4070 Ti Super) gamer gép lelkét egy AMD Ryzen 7 processzor képezi, amelynek rendkívül nagy kapacitású RAM memória asszisztál. Felszereltségéből az erőteljes grafikus kártya sem hiányzik, amelynek hála a legapróbb részleteket is élvezheted. Bizonyosan a meghajtó sebességét is díjazni fogod. Az SSD nem rendelkezik mechanikus alkatrészekkel, ami felgyorsítja az egész rendszer működését. Mivel ez egy VR ready számítógép, az ámulatba ejtő virtuális valóságba is eljuttat. Minden komponenst egy Midi Tower számítógépházba raktak, amely a méretei által elegendő helyet kínál a hardver bővítéséhez. A...
Asahi Super Dry 0,33 Pal /24/ Drs
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 429.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft) -
OTL Super Mario Kids
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 14,690.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Vezeték nélküli fül-/fejhallgató OTL Super Mario Kids:Ha szenvedélyes zenehallgató vagy, akkor érdemes kipróbálnod a népszerű OTL által gyártott vezeték nélküli fül-/fejhallgatónak. Ez a fülre illeszkedő (on-ear) termékmodell nem fedi be az egész fület, így hallani fogod, hogy mi zajlik körülötted. Zárt szerkezete nem engedi ki a hangot, ezáltal a környezeted nem fogja tudni, hogy jelen pillanatban mit hallgatsz. A beépített mikrofon hangok felvételét és telefonhívások lebonyolítását is megengedi. Funkciói között a hangerőszabályozás úgyszintén meglelhető. Így garantált a komfort mind zenehallgatás, mind játék vagy munka közben. OTL Super Mario Kids legfőbb tulajdonságai Az elsőosztályú OTL vezeték nélküli fül-/fejhallgató fülre illeszkedő (on-ear) kidolgozású Zárt szerkezet A mikrofonnal rendelkező vezeték nélküli fül-/fejhallgató telefonhívások lebonyolítását is lehetővé teszi Funkciói: hangerőszabályzás Ezen OTL Super Mario Kids akkumulátorának működési ideje akár 24 óra USB-C csatlakozón keresztül tölthető fel A hangszóró mérete 40 mm Színe fekete, piros...
CAPITA SUPER DOA 152 152 152
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 305,583.43 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)CAPITA SUPER DOAHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the CAPITA SUPER DOA BOARD.Anto Capita was desperate, for months his Pros were no longer satisfied with the DOA and threatened to go shooting for Farton, Ritro or Malomon if they didn't get a hyper responsive and very stable board that, however, didn't give up maneuverability. After days of head-scratching Anto Capita found himself bald, went out for a walk in the neighborhood and met Franz the farmer. Franz has modified the tractor by inserting half a plastic bottle in the muffler so now when he grows sugar beets the neighbors hear him and hide their daughters of marriageable age because you know, Franz has the pecs of a spade and makes a killing on his daughters. Antonio Capita jumps on the idea, what if you put recycled PET in the boards? Less weight, more vibration absorption, and we're good for the environment! Thanks to the brilliant insight the Super DOA gets a makeover, with its load of carbon and core molded in three dimensions it is ready to shoot you into orbit at the slightest ollie. On the slope it doesn't give a damn and I can see you lying on it in eurocarve with a big grin, then if you've got some foot on it you'll ride it in the park and show the kids with jib boards a hard time.SUPER DOA BOARD CAPITASUPER DOA, CAPITA 'S MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.SUPER DOA Resort V1 Profile: short center camber profile followed by flat zones at the contact points and rocker at the tip and tail, this hybrid profile is designed to retain all the pop of a traditional camber while leaving you with the ease of use of a flat. SUPER DOA Blended Radial Sidecut: a dampened zone in the center of a radial sidecut makes the board responsive and precise without overdoing the aggressiveness at the contact points.SUPER DOA 3D Thermopolymer Supercore Core: a super-lightweight combo of poplar, paulownia and beech with a hint of thermopolymer channels for unparalleled pop while maintaining envy-inducing strength.SUPER DOA Fortress Kevlar Bound Sidewalls Base: a kevlar structure that starts at the sidewall and runs to the core joins the two structures for exemplary drive uniformity and strength.SUPER DOA Super Carbon : the super carbon inserts are wider than their predecessors for a stronger pop and response.SUPER DOA Holysheet Tri/Tri Fiberglass : two sheets of Holysheet fiberglass both laminated in 3 directions give the board unparalleled strength and responsiveness never seen before.SUPER DOA Magic Bean Resin : resin obtained at 60% from totally renewable sources, thanks to its density and holding characteristics it allows to use a thinner core saving weight without losing structure.SUPER DOA Hyperdrive Base: the ultra-high molecular density Hyperdrive base is made from the best polyethylene with a carbon component, it has a very low coefficient of friction and excellent wax retention to shoot...
CAPITA SUPER DOA 156 156 156
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 305,583.43 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)CAPITA SUPER DOAHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the CAPITA SUPER DOA BOARD.Anto Capita was desperate, for months his Pros were no longer satisfied with the DOA and threatened to go shooting for Farton, Ritro or Malomon if they didn't get a hyper responsive and very stable board that, however, didn't give up maneuverability. After days of head-scratching Anto Capita found himself bald, went out for a walk in the neighborhood and met Franz the farmer. Franz has modified the tractor by inserting half a plastic bottle in the muffler so now when he grows sugar beets the neighbors hear him and hide their daughters of marriageable age because you know, Franz has the pecs of a spade and makes a killing on his daughters. Antonio Capita jumps on the idea, what if you put recycled PET in the boards? Less weight, more vibration absorption, and we're good for the environment! Thanks to the brilliant insight the Super DOA gets a makeover, with its load of carbon and core molded in three dimensions it is ready to shoot you into orbit at the slightest ollie. On the slope it doesn't give a damn and I can see you lying on it in eurocarve with a big grin, then if you've got some foot on it you'll ride it in the park and show the kids with jib boards a hard time.SUPER DOA BOARD CAPITASUPER DOA, CAPITA 'S MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.SUPER DOA Resort V1 Profile: short center camber profile followed by flat zones at the contact points and rocker at the tip and tail, this hybrid profile is designed to retain all the pop of a traditional camber while leaving you with the ease of use of a flat. SUPER DOA Blended Radial Sidecut: a dampened zone in the center of a radial sidecut makes the board responsive and precise without overdoing the aggressiveness at the contact points.SUPER DOA 3D Thermopolymer Supercore Core: a super-lightweight combo of poplar, paulownia and beech with a hint of thermopolymer channels for unparalleled pop while maintaining envy-inducing strength.SUPER DOA Fortress Kevlar Bound Sidewalls Base: a kevlar structure that starts at the sidewall and runs to the core joins the two structures for exemplary drive uniformity and strength.SUPER DOA Super Carbon : the super carbon inserts are wider than their predecessors for a stronger pop and response.SUPER DOA Holysheet Tri/Tri Fiberglass : two sheets of Holysheet fiberglass both laminated in 3 directions give the board unparalleled strength and responsiveness never seen before.SUPER DOA Magic Bean Resin : resin obtained at 60% from totally renewable sources, thanks to its density and holding characteristics it allows to use a thinner core saving weight without losing structure.SUPER DOA Hyperdrive Base: the ultra-high molecular density Hyperdrive base is made from the best polyethylene with a carbon component, it has a very low coefficient of friction and excellent wax retention to shoot...
CAPITA SUPER DOA 160 160 160
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 229,186.56 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)CAPITA SUPER DOAHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the CAPITA SUPER DOA BOARD.Anto Capita was desperate, for months his Pros were no longer satisfied with the DOA and threatened to go shooting for Farton, Ritro or Malomon if they didn't get a hyper responsive and very stable board that, however, didn't give up maneuverability. After days of head-scratching Anto Capita found himself bald, went out for a walk in the neighborhood and met Franz the farmer. Franz has modified the tractor by inserting half a plastic bottle in the muffler so now when he grows sugar beets the neighbors hear him and hide their daughters of marriageable age because you know, Franz has the pecs of a spade and makes a killing on his daughters. Antonio Capita jumps on the idea, what if you put recycled PET in the boards? Less weight, more vibration absorption, and we're good for the environment! Thanks to the brilliant insight the Super DOA gets a makeover, with its load of carbon and core molded in three dimensions it is ready to shoot you into orbit at the slightest ollie. On the slope it doesn't give a damn and I can see you lying on it in eurocarve with a big grin, then if you've got some foot on it you'll ride it in the park and show the kids with jib boards a hard time.SUPER DOA BOARD CAPITASUPER DOA, CAPITA 'S MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.SUPER DOA Resort V1 Profile: short center camber profile followed by flat zones at the contact points and rocker at the tip and tail, this hybrid profile is designed to retain all the pop of a traditional camber while leaving you with the ease of use of a flat. SUPER DOA Blended Radial Sidecut: a dampened zone in the center of a radial sidecut makes the board responsive and precise without overdoing the aggressiveness at the contact points.SUPER DOA 3D Thermopolymer Supercore Core: a super-lightweight combo of poplar, paulownia and beech with a hint of thermopolymer channels for unparalleled pop while maintaining envy-inducing strength.SUPER DOA Fortress Kevlar Bound Sidewalls Base: a kevlar structure that starts at the sidewall and runs to the core joins the two structures for exemplary drive uniformity and strength.SUPER DOA Super Carbon : the super carbon inserts are wider than their predecessors for a stronger pop and response.SUPER DOA Holysheet Tri/Tri Fiberglass : two sheets of Holysheet fiberglass both laminated in 3 directions give the board unparalleled strength and responsiveness never seen before.SUPER DOA Magic Bean Resin : resin obtained at 60% from totally renewable sources, thanks to its density and holding characteristics it allows to use a thinner core saving weight without losing structure.SUPER DOA Hyperdrive Base: the ultra-high molecular density Hyperdrive base is made from the best polyethylene with a carbon component, it has a very low coefficient of friction and excellent wax retention to shoot...
CAPITA SUPER DOA 154 154 154
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 305,583.43 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)CAPITA SUPER DOAHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the CAPITA SUPER DOA BOARD.Anto Capita was desperate, for months his Pros were no longer satisfied with the DOA and threatened to go shooting for Farton, Ritro or Malomon if they didn't get a hyper responsive and very stable board that, however, didn't give up maneuverability. After days of head-scratching Anto Capita found himself bald, went out for a walk in the neighborhood and met Franz the farmer. Franz has modified the tractor by inserting half a plastic bottle in the muffler so now when he grows sugar beets the neighbors hear him and hide their daughters of marriageable age because you know, Franz has the pecs of a spade and makes a killing on his daughters. Antonio Capita jumps on the idea, what if you put recycled PET in the boards? Less weight, more vibration absorption, and we're good for the environment! Thanks to the brilliant insight the Super DOA gets a makeover, with its load of carbon and core molded in three dimensions it is ready to shoot you into orbit at the slightest ollie. On the slope it doesn't give a damn and I can see you lying on it in eurocarve with a big grin, then if you've got some foot on it you'll ride it in the park and show the kids with jib boards a hard time.SUPER DOA BOARD CAPITASUPER DOA, CAPITA 'S MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.SUPER DOA Resort V1 Profile: short center camber profile followed by flat zones at the contact points and rocker at the tip and tail, this hybrid profile is designed to retain all the pop of a traditional camber while leaving you with the ease of use of a flat. SUPER DOA Blended Radial Sidecut: a dampened zone in the center of a radial sidecut makes the board responsive and precise without overdoing the aggressiveness at the contact points.SUPER DOA 3D Thermopolymer Supercore Core: a super-lightweight combo of poplar, paulownia and beech with a hint of thermopolymer channels for unparalleled pop while maintaining envy-inducing strength.SUPER DOA Fortress Kevlar Bound Sidewalls Base: a kevlar structure that starts at the sidewall and runs to the core joins the two structures for exemplary drive uniformity and strength.SUPER DOA Super Carbon : the super carbon inserts are wider than their predecessors for a stronger pop and response.SUPER DOA Holysheet Tri/Tri Fiberglass : two sheets of Holysheet fiberglass both laminated in 3 directions give the board unparalleled strength and responsiveness never seen before.SUPER DOA Magic Bean Resin : resin obtained at 60% from totally renewable sources, thanks to its density and holding characteristics it allows to use a thinner core saving weight without losing structure.SUPER DOA Hyperdrive Base: the ultra-high molecular density Hyperdrive base is made from the best polyethylene with a carbon component, it has a very low coefficient of friction and excellent wax retention to shoot...
CAPITA SUPER DOA 156 156 156
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 229,186.56 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)CAPITA SUPER DOAHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the CAPITA SUPER DOA BOARD.Anto Capita was desperate, for months his Pros were no longer satisfied with the DOA and threatened to go shooting for Farton, Ritro or Malomon if they didn't get a hyper responsive and very stable board that, however, didn't give up maneuverability. After days of head-scratching Anto Capita found himself bald, went out for a walk in the neighborhood and met Franz the farmer. Franz has modified the tractor by inserting half a plastic bottle in the muffler so now when he grows sugar beets the neighbors hear him and hide their daughters of marriageable age because you know, Franz has the pecs of a spade and makes a killing on his daughters. Antonio Capita jumps on the idea, what if you put recycled PET in the boards? Less weight, more vibration absorption, and we're good for the environment! Thanks to the brilliant insight the Super DOA gets a makeover, with its load of carbon and core molded in three dimensions it is ready to shoot you into orbit at the slightest ollie. On the slope it doesn't give a damn and I can see you lying on it in eurocarve with a big grin, then if you've got some foot on it you'll ride it in the park and show the kids with jib boards a hard time.SUPER DOA BOARD CAPITASUPER DOA, CAPITA 'S MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.SUPER DOA Resort V1 Profile: short center camber profile followed by flat zones at the contact points and rocker at the tip and tail, this hybrid profile is designed to retain all the pop of a traditional camber while leaving you with the ease of use of a flat. SUPER DOA Blended Radial Sidecut: a dampened zone in the center of a radial sidecut makes the board responsive and precise without overdoing the aggressiveness at the contact points.SUPER DOA 3D Thermopolymer Supercore Core: a super-lightweight combo of poplar, paulownia and beech with a hint of thermopolymer channels for unparalleled pop while maintaining envy-inducing strength.SUPER DOA Fortress Kevlar Bound Sidewalls Base: a kevlar structure that starts at the sidewall and runs to the core joins the two structures for exemplary drive uniformity and strength.SUPER DOA Super Carbon : the super carbon inserts are wider than their predecessors for a stronger pop and response.SUPER DOA Holysheet Tri/Tri Fiberglass : two sheets of Holysheet fiberglass both laminated in 3 directions give the board unparalleled strength and responsiveness never seen before.SUPER DOA Magic Bean Resin : resin obtained at 60% from totally renewable sources, thanks to its density and holding characteristics it allows to use a thinner core saving weight without losing structure.SUPER DOA Hyperdrive Base: the ultra-high molecular density Hyperdrive base is made from the best polyethylene with a carbon component, it has a very low coefficient of friction and excellent wax retention to shoot...
CAPITA SUPER DOA 154 154 154
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 229,186.56 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)CAPITA SUPER DOAHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the CAPITA SUPER DOA BOARD.Antonio Capita was desperate, for months his Pros were no longer satisfied with the DOA and were threatening to go shooting for Farton, Ritro or Malomon if they didn't get a hyper responsive and very stable board that, however, didn't give up maneuverability. After days of head-scratching Anto Capita found himself bald, went out for a walk in the neighborhood and met Franz the farmer. Franz has modified the tractor by inserting half a plastic bottle in the muffler so now when he grows sugar beets the neighbors hear him and hide their daughters of marriageable age because you know, Franz has the pecs of a spade and makes a killing on his daughters. Antonio Capita jumps on the idea, what if you put recycled PET in the boards? Less weight, more vibration absorption, and we're good for the environment! Thanks to the brilliant insight the Super DOA gets a makeover, with its load of carbon and core molded in three dimensions it is ready to shoot you into orbit at the slightest ollie. On the slope it doesn't give a damn and I can see you lying on it in eurocarve with a big grin, then if you've got some foot on it you'll ride it in the park and show the kids with jib boards a hard time.SUPER DOA BOARD CAPITASUPER DOA, CAPITA 'S MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.SUPER DOA Resort V1 Profile: short center camber profile followed by flat zones at the contact points and rocker at the tip and tail, this hybrid profile is designed to retain all the pop of a traditional camber while leaving you with the ease of use of a flat. SUPER DOA Blended Radial Sidecut: a dampened zone in the center of a radial sidecut makes the board responsive and precise without overdoing the aggressiveness at the contact points.SUPER DOA 3D Thermopolymer Supercore Core: a super-lightweight combo of poplar, paulownia and beech with a hint of thermopolymer channels for unparalleled pop while maintaining envy-inducing strength.SUPER DOA Fortress Kevlar Bound Sidewalls Base: a kevlar structure that starts at the sidewall and runs to the core joins the two structures for exemplary drive uniformity and strength.SUPER DOA Super Carbon : the super carbon inserts are wider than their predecessors for a stronger pop and response.SUPER DOA Holysheet Tri/Tri Fiberglass : two sheets of Holysheet fiberglass both laminated in 3 directions give the board unparalleled strength and responsiveness never seen before.SUPER DOA Magic Bean Resin : resin obtained at 60% from totally renewable sources, thanks to its density and holding characteristics it allows to use a thinner core saving weight without losing structure.SUPER DOA Hyperdrive Base: the ultra-high molecular density Hyperdrive base is made from the best polyethylene with a carbon component, it has a very low coefficient of friction and excellent wax retention to...
CAPITA SUPER DOA 160 160 160
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 305,583.43 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)CAPITA SUPER DOAHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the CAPITA SUPER DOA BOARD.Anto Capita was desperate, for months his Pros were no longer satisfied with the DOA and threatened to go shooting for Farton, Ritro or Malomon if they didn't get a hyper responsive and very stable board that, however, didn't give up maneuverability. After days of head-scratching Anto Capita found himself bald, went out for a walk in the neighborhood and met Franz the farmer. Franz has modified the tractor by inserting half a plastic bottle in the muffler so now when he grows sugar beets the neighbors hear him and hide their daughters of marriageable age because you know, Franz has the pecs of a spade and makes a killing on his daughters. Antonio Capita jumps on the idea, what if you put recycled PET in the boards? Less weight, more vibration absorption, and we're good for the environment! Thanks to the brilliant insight the Super DOA gets a makeover, with its load of carbon and core molded in three dimensions it is ready to shoot you into orbit at the slightest ollie. On the slope it doesn't give a damn and I can see you lying on it in eurocarve with a big grin, then if you've got some foot on it you'll ride it in the park and show the kids with jib boards a hard time.SUPER DOA BOARD CAPITASUPER DOA, CAPITA 'S MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.SUPER DOA Resort V1 Profile: short center camber profile followed by flat zones at the contact points and rocker at the tip and tail, this hybrid profile is designed to retain all the pop of a traditional camber while leaving you with the ease of use of a flat. SUPER DOA Blended Radial Sidecut: a dampened zone in the center of a radial sidecut makes the board responsive and precise without overdoing the aggressiveness at the contact points.SUPER DOA 3D Thermopolymer Supercore Core: a super-lightweight combo of poplar, paulownia and beech with a hint of thermopolymer channels for unparalleled pop while maintaining envy-inducing strength.SUPER DOA Fortress Kevlar Bound Sidewalls Base: a kevlar structure that starts at the sidewall and runs to the core joins the two structures for exemplary drive uniformity and strength.SUPER DOA Super Carbon : the super carbon inserts are wider than their predecessors for a stronger pop and response.SUPER DOA Holysheet Tri/Tri Fiberglass : two sheets of Holysheet fiberglass both laminated in 3 directions give the board unparalleled strength and responsiveness never seen before.SUPER DOA Magic Bean Resin : resin obtained at 60% from totally renewable sources, thanks to its density and holding characteristics it allows to use a thinner core saving weight without losing structure.SUPER DOA Hyperdrive Base: the ultra-high molecular density Hyperdrive base is made from the best polyethylene with a carbon component, it has a very low coefficient of friction and excellent wax retention to shoot...
CAPITA SUPER DOA 158 158 158
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 305,583.43 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)CAPITA SUPER DOAHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the CAPITA SUPER DOA BOARD.Anto Capita was desperate, for months his Pros were no longer satisfied with the DOA and threatened to go shooting for Farton, Ritro or Malomon if they didn't get a hyper responsive and very stable board that, however, didn't give up maneuverability. After days of head-scratching Anto Capita found himself bald, went out for a walk in the neighborhood and met Franz the farmer. Franz has modified the tractor by inserting half a plastic bottle in the muffler so now when he grows sugar beets the neighbors hear him and hide their daughters of marriageable age because you know, Franz has the pecs of a spade and makes a killing on his daughters. Antonio Capita jumps on the idea, what if you put recycled PET in the boards? Less weight, more vibration absorption, and we're good for the environment! Thanks to the brilliant insight the Super DOA gets a makeover, with its load of carbon and core molded in three dimensions it is ready to shoot you into orbit at the slightest ollie. On the slope it doesn't give a damn and I can see you lying on it in eurocarve with a big grin, then if you've got some foot on it you'll ride it in the park and show the kids with jib boards a hard time.SUPER DOA BOARD CAPITASUPER DOA, CAPITA 'S MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.SUPER DOA Resort V1 Profile: short center camber profile followed by flat zones at the contact points and rocker at the tip and tail, this hybrid profile is designed to retain all the pop of a traditional camber while leaving you with the ease of use of a flat. SUPER DOA Blended Radial Sidecut: a dampened zone in the center of a radial sidecut makes the board responsive and precise without overdoing the aggressiveness at the contact points.SUPER DOA 3D Thermopolymer Supercore Core: a super-lightweight combo of poplar, paulownia and beech with a hint of thermopolymer channels for unparalleled pop while maintaining envy-inducing strength.SUPER DOA Fortress Kevlar Bound Sidewalls Base: a kevlar structure that starts at the sidewall and runs to the core joins the two structures for exemplary drive uniformity and strength.SUPER DOA Super Carbon : the super carbon inserts are wider than their predecessors for a stronger pop and response.SUPER DOA Holysheet Tri/Tri Fiberglass : two sheets of Holysheet fiberglass both laminated in 3 directions give the board unparalleled strength and responsiveness never seen before.SUPER DOA Magic Bean Resin : resin obtained at 60% from totally renewable sources, thanks to its density and holding characteristics it allows to use a thinner core saving weight without losing structure.SUPER DOA Hyperdrive Base: the ultra-high molecular density Hyperdrive base is made from the best polyethylene with a carbon component, it has a very low coefficient of friction and excellent wax retention to shoot...
Ets 20 Bio Super Bogyós Tea
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 1,449.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)Ellenőrzött Ökológiai Gazdaságból Származó Hibiszkusz, Fodormenta, Málna, Eper És Áfonya, Valamint Természetesen Koffeinmentes, Dél-Afrikai Rooibos Tea Keveréke
CAPITA SUPER DOA 158 158 158
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 229,186.56 Ft (+5,700.23 Ft)CAPITA SUPER DOAHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the CAPITA SUPER DOA BOARD.Anto Capita was desperate, for months his Pros were no longer satisfied with the DOA and threatened to go shooting for Farton, Ritro or Malomon if they didn't get a hyper responsive and very stable board that, however, didn't give up maneuverability. After days of head-scratching Anto Capita found himself bald, went out for a walk in the neighborhood and met Franz the farmer. Franz has modified the tractor by inserting half a plastic bottle in the muffler so now when he grows sugar beets the neighbors hear him and hide their daughters of marriageable age because you know, Franz has the pecs of a spade and makes a killing on his daughters. Antonio Capita jumps on the idea, what if you put recycled PET in the boards? Less weight, more vibration absorption, and we're good for the environment! Thanks to the brilliant insight the Super DOA gets a makeover, with its load of carbon and core molded in three dimensions it is ready to shoot you into orbit at the slightest ollie. On the slope it doesn't give a damn and I can see you lying on it in eurocarve with a big grin, then if you've got some foot on it you'll ride it in the park and show the kids with jib boards a hard time.SUPER DOA BOARD CAPITASUPER DOA, CAPITA 'S MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.SUPER DOA Resort V1 Profile: short center camber profile followed by flat zones at the contact points and rocker at the tip and tail, this hybrid profile is designed to retain all the pop of a traditional camber while leaving you with the ease of use of a flat. SUPER DOA Blended Radial Sidecut: a dampened zone in the center of a radial sidecut makes the board responsive and precise without overdoing the aggressiveness at the contact points.SUPER DOA 3D Thermopolymer Supercore Core: a super-lightweight combo of poplar, paulownia and beech with a hint of thermopolymer channels for unparalleled pop while maintaining envy-inducing strength.SUPER DOA Fortress Kevlar Bound Sidewalls Base: a kevlar structure that starts at the sidewall and runs to the core joins the two structures for exemplary drive uniformity and strength.SUPER DOA Super Carbon : the super carbon inserts are wider than their predecessors for a stronger pop and response.SUPER DOA Holysheet Tri/Tri Fiberglass : two sheets of Holysheet fiberglass both laminated in 3 directions give the board unparalleled strength and responsiveness never seen before.SUPER DOA Magic Bean Resin : resin obtained at 60% from totally renewable sources, thanks to its density and holding characteristics it allows to use a thinner core saving weight without losing structure.SUPER DOA Hyperdrive Base: the ultra-high molecular density Hyperdrive base is made from the best polyethylene with a carbon component, it has a very low coefficient of friction and excellent wax retention to shoot...
Ets 20 Bio Super Matcha Tea
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 1,499.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)Ets 20 Bio Super Matcha Tea
NUXE Super Serum [10] 30 ml
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 21,790.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Arcápoló szérum NUXE Super Serum [10] 30 ml:Az arcszérum egy igazi elsősegély szer, amelyre támaszkodhatsz ha bőröd gyors és intenzív ápolásra szorul. A remek NUXE arcápoló szérum zsíros, normál, kombinált, száraz és érett bőrre a lehető legjobb választás. Űrtartalom: 30 ml. Nappali, ill. éjszakai használatra is alkalmas. NUXE Super Serum [10] 30 ml arcszérum - fontosabb jellemzők Szép és egészséges arcbőrt eredményez A kiváló NUXE arcszérum űrtartalma: 30 ml A kiváló NUXE arcápoló szérum az alábbi bőrtípusra alkalmazható: zsíros, normál, kombinált, száraz és érett Alkalmazás: nappali és éjszakai
SUPERDRIVE Superman Junior Rock'n'Seat
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 87,390.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Gamer hintaszék SUPERDRIVE Superman Junior Rock'n'Seat:Az igényes játékfanatikusok felszereléséből egy igazi gamer fotel sem hiányozhat. A(z) SUPERDRIVE Superman Junior Rock'n'Seat egy gondosan megtervezett felépítésű, kiemelkedő modell, amely sokkalta komfortosabbá teszi a játékot. Alapvető funkciója a(z) mechanika nélkül típusú mechanika. A(z) piros és kék szín még jobban kiemeli a(z) SUPERDRIVE gamer fotel lenyűgöző kivitelét A gamer fotel felülete: szintetikus bőr A(z) SUPERDRIVE Superman Junior Rock'n'Seat gamer fotel tartós anyagai A(z) SUPERDRIVE gamer fotel nagymértékben javítja a játékélményt. A(z) SUPERDRIVE Superman Junior Rock'n'Seat szintetikus bőr bevonata látványos megjelenésű és kellemes tapintású.
Lego Super Mario™ Super Mario World™: Mario és Yoshi 71438
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 45,790.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)LEGO LEGO® Super Mario™ Super Mario World™: Mario és Yoshi 71438:LEGO® Super Mario World™: Mario és Yoshi 71438Mario és Yoshi pixelfigurákÉpítsd meg Mario és Yoshi pixelfiguráit, hogy még közelebb kerülhess ehhez a két karakterhez. Nagyszerű animációs effektusokÉlvezd a nagyszerű animációs effektusokat, amelyek teljesen izgalomba hoznak majd Téged. Fordítsd el a kart, és Yoshi Marióval a hátán futni fog! A LEGO® Super Mario™A LEGO® Super Mario™ készletekkel a gyerekek testre szabhatják kedvenc karaktereiket, és a segítségükkel emlékezetes és akciódús játékokat találhatnak ki. 1215építőelem18+év ajánlott életkorSuper Mariomodell sorozatLEGO® Super Mario World™: Mario és Yoshi 71438Amikor elforgatod a kart, Yoshi a változatosság kedvéért kinyújtja a nyelvét. Ha már nem játszol a modellel, állítsd ki a polcodra. Interaktív élményA pixelfigurákkal ellátott modell akcióelemet is tartalmaz, így a csomagban nem szereplő LEGO Mario, Luigi vagy Peach figurát is hozzáadva szuper interaktív élményben lehet részed! A LEGO® Super Mario™A LEGO® Super Mario™ készletek az ikonikus...
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