40 termék találtunk a keresésedre: umstandshose a 4 üzletek között:
Skip Hop Farmstand Dj Pult
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 14,490.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)A Mini Mixmesterek Imádni Fogják A Friss Céklákat A Gyümölcsök És Zöldségek Témájú Dj-Szettünkkel. A Több Mint 30 Játékfunkcióval, Köztük Egy Menő Világító Dj N
Skip Hop Farmstand Vidám Kukorica Csörgő
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 3,390.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)Aranyos Kukorica Csörgőink Könnyen Fogható Formákkal És Különböző Csörgő Hangokkal Rendelkeznek Az Extra Szórakozás Érdekében!
Skip Hop Farmstand Mosolygós Gyümölcs Csörgő
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 6,090.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)A Baba Ezzel A Három Gyümölcsös Hangszerrel – Köztük Egy Epres Tamburinnal És Két Áfonyás Csörgővel – Kezdheti Meg Első Dalszerző Élményeit.
Skip Hop Farmstand Készszégfejlesztő Könyv
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 4,890.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)Egy Könyv Tele Érdekes Programokkal A Babáknak! Ez Az Interaktív, Puha Oldalú Játék Hangokat Ad, És Serkenti A Gyermekek Fantáziáját. Állatok, Számok És Zöldség
Stas Shostak Save One More (Digitális kulcs - PC)
Forgalmazó: Codeguru.hu Ár: 633.00 FtA JÁTÉKRÓL A Mentés még egyben harci orvos szerepét tölti be. Küldetése, ha úgy dönt, hogy elfogadja, a lehető legtöbb élet megmentése. Elvtársai különbö
Numskull Power Pals - Ghostbusters VHS
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 16,790.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Figura Power Pals - Ghostbusters VHS:Power Pals - Ghostbusters VHS fontosabb jellemzői Ezen Numskull figura felvidít minden gyűjtőt Alapanyag: PVC A kitűnő minőségű Power Pals - Ghostbusters VHS egy dekoratív szobrocska A doboz belsejében mindössze 1 figura lelhető A felkapott Numskull figura magassága: 20 cm
Cam Stand Kit Bagno
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 37,190.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Pelenkázó Cam Stand Kit Bagno:Még egy kis fürdőszobában is kényelmet és biztonságot biztosíthatsz a babádnak a pelenkázás és a napi fürdetés során. A praktikus, barna színű Cam Kit Bagno állvány segít ebben. Kompakt, mégis masszív kialakítása megfelel az új európai biztonsági szabványoknak. A Kit Bagno állvány egy tágas kádat tartalmaz, amely megfordítható, praktikus állvánnyal és tárolórekesszel kombinálva. A CAM állványhoz használt anyagok mindegyike mosható és egyáltalán nem mérgező. A Cam Bagno luxus anatómiai kád két formázott, csúszásmentes támasztékkal rendelkezik, az egyik újszülött kortól 6 hónapos korig, a másik 6 hónapos és 1 éves kor közötti babák számára alkalmas. A barna CAM Kit Bagno állvány fő jellemzőiA CAM Kit Bagno pelenkázó állvány kompakt, ugyanakkor nagyon biztonságosMegfelel az új európai biztonsági szabványoknakA CAM Kit Bagno felszereltsége: kiskád, állvány és tároló polcA kád eltávolítása után a tárolóval ellátott állvány nagyon könnyen összecsukható, és helyet szabadít fel egy kis fürdőszobábanA CAM Kit Bagno...
Numskull Slimer Case - Ghostbusters
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 8,390.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Nintendo Switch tok Numskull Slimer Case - Ghostbusters:Szeretnéd, hogy a Nintendód mindig kéznél legyen? A minőségi Numskull Nintendo Switch tok elsőrangú védelmet nyújt. A konzolodhoz ez a minőségi Nintento Switch tok tökéletes választás lesz. A konzolt a tok strapabíró kialakítása minden lépésnél óvja, és biztonságban tartja. A termék fekete és sárga színű. A modern Numskull Nintendo Switch tok kiváló kiegészítő lesz mindenhol. A hasznos Numskull Slimer Case - Ghostbusters tok legfontosabb paraméterei Hatékony védelmet kínál a Nintendo konzolnak A praktikus Numskull Kemény tok Nintendo Switch számára tökéletes A játékkártyák is tökéletesen elférnek benne Motívum: szellemirtók Szép fekete és sárga kivitel Méretek: 60 × 250 × 110 mm (Ma×Sz×Mé)
Next Level Racing GT Seat Add-on for Wheel Stand DD/ Wheel Stand 2.0
Forgalmazó: Alza.hu Ár: 202,290.00 Ft (+990.00 Ft)Szimulátor ülés Next Level Racing GT Seat Add-on for Wheel Stand DD/ Wheel Stand 2.0:Emeld a versenyzés élményét a következő szintre a Next Level Racing GT ülés segítségévelHozz létre egy teljes értékű versenyfülkét, és szerezd be a Next Level Racing GT ülést a D Stand vagy a Stand Stand 2.0 állványokhoz. A szintetikus bőr bevonatú versenyülés kényelmet nyújt a versenyzés hosszú óráihoz, ugyanakkor kiváló szilárdsággal és tartóssággal rendelkezik. A dőlésszögetés a távolságot is beállíthatod, így az ülést egyéni preferenciáid szerint alakíthatod. A Next Level Racing GT versenyülés kompatibilis a jelenlegi és a következő Next Level Racing Motion Platform termékekkel, továbbá könnyen csatlakoztatható a sorozat bármely eszközéhez, beleértve a Next Level Racing Combat Flight Packet is. A csomag egy ButtkickerGamer 2 adaptert és állítható magasságú lábakat is tartalmaz.A Next Level Racing GT versenyülés legfontosabb jellemzőiNext Level Racing GT ülés a DD vagy a Stand Stand 2.0 állványokhozKényelem hosszú órákig tartó versenyzéshezA Next Level Racing GT versenyülés szintetikus bőr bevonattal...
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 98,667.09 Ft (+5,751.71 Ft)K2 STANDARDHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the K2 STANDARD BOARD.The K2 Standard with its Catch Free Baseline (flat deck in the middle and rockered at the edge contact points) and its permissive flex is going to rank rightfully among the most docile, maneuverable and multi-purpose boards of the next season.An all-around board that will suit the needs of beginners as well as those who like to 'feel' a board that's enjoyable and fun but never too saggy or danceable.With the innovative Hybritech construction, K2 has thinned the core at the tip and tail to reduce oscillation and promote rotation: materials are now blended in a sandwich of thin layers, removing material where it's not needed, improving performance.Core W1 beautiful lightweight featuring a single type of pure wood with proven properties of flex, strength and a high response.Biaxial Glass divetro fiber laminates,carefully selected and evenly poured over the base toguarantee the best performance while riding.Insole 2000 fast,durable and easy to repair and Hyper Progressive sidecut: an infinite number of different sidecut radii blend perfectly from the ends (softer) to the center of the board (stiffer) giving the Standard a nice pressures without affecting its control at speed.Leaving aside unnecessary technicalities all this results in an easier and more relaxed riding.STANDARD K2 BOARDSTANDARD, K2 's MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.STANDARD Directional Rocker : the flat profile is the top when you are looking for versatility, add a nice handful of rocker at the front and you get a board capable of surfing anything with fantastic behavior in powder.STANDARD Aspen Core : Aspen wood has always been the top when it comes to cores, durable and responsive it makes your board a real missile.STANDARD Biaxial Glass : biaxially arranged glass fibers don't weigh the board down and give it responsiveness and pop.STANDARD Ext ruded 2000 : the Extruded 2000 base is fast, very strong and easy to repair to leave you free to think about the best line.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 148,002.69 Ft (+5,751.71 Ft)K2 STANDARDHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the K2 STANDARD BOARD.The K2 Standard with its Catch Free Baseline (flat deck in the middle and rockered at the contact points of the edges) and its permissive flex is going to rank rightfully among the most docile, maneuverable and multipurpose boards of the next season.An all-around board that will suit the needs of beginners as well as those who like to 'feel' a board that's enjoyable and fun but never too saggy or danceable.With the innovative Hybritech construction, K2 has thinned the core at the tip and tail to reduce oscillation and promote rotation: materials are now blended in a sandwich of thin layers, removing material where it's not needed, improving performance.Core W1 beautiful lightweight featuring a single type of pure wood with proven properties of flex, strength and a high response.Biaxial Glass divetro fiber laminates,carefully selected and evenly poured over the base toguarantee the best performance while riding.Insole 2000 fast,durable and easy to repair and Hyper Progressive sidecut: an infinite number of different sidecut radii blend perfectly from the ends (softer) to the center of the board (stiffer) giving the Standard a nice pressures without affecting its control at speed.Leaving aside unnecessary technicalities all this results in an easier and more relaxed riding.STANDARD K2 BOARDSTANDARD, K2 's MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.STANDARD Directional Rocker : the flat profile is tops when you're looking for versatility, add a nice handful of rocker at the front and you get a board capable of surfing anything with fantastic powder behavior.STANDARD Aspen Core : Aspen wood has always been tops when it comes to cores, durable and responsive it makes your board a real missile.STANDARD Biaxial Glass : biaxially arranged glass fibers don't weigh the board down and give it responsiveness and pop.STANDARD Ext ruded 2000 : the Extruded 2000 base is fast, very strong and easy to repair to leave you free to think about the best line.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 98,667.09 Ft (+5,751.71 Ft)K2 STANDARDHey rider, here you will find at a glance everything you need to know about the K2 STANDARD BOARD.The K2 Standard with its Catch Free Baseline (flat deck in the middle and rockered at the edge contact points) and its permissive flex is going to rank rightfully among the most docile, maneuverable and multi-purpose boards of the next season.An all-around board that will suit the needs of beginners as well as those who like to 'feel' a board that's enjoyable and fun but never too saggy or danceable.With the innovative Hybritech construction, K2 has thinned the core at the tip and tail to reduce oscillation and promote rotation: materials are now blended in a sandwich of thin layers, removing material where it's not needed, improving performance.Core W1 beautiful lightweight featuring a single type of pure wood with proven properties of flex, strength and a high response.Biaxial Glass divetro fiber laminates,carefully selected and evenly poured over the base toguarantee the best performance while riding.Insole 2000 fast,durable and easy to repair and Hyper Progressive sidecut: an infinite number of different sidecut radii blend perfectly from the ends (softer) to the center of the board (stiffer) giving the Standard a nice pressures without affecting its control at speed.Leaving aside unnecessary technicalities all this results in an easier and more relaxed riding.STANDARD K2 BOARDSTANDARD, K2 's MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.STANDARD Directional Rocker : the flat profile is the top when you are looking for versatility, add a nice handful of rocker at the front and you get a board capable of surfing anything with fantastic behavior in powder.STANDARD Aspen Core : Aspen wood has always been the top when it comes to cores, durable and responsive it makes your board a real missile.STANDARD Biaxial Glass : biaxially arranged glass fibers don't weigh the board down and give it responsiveness and pop.STANDARD Ext ruded 2000 : the Extruded 2000 base is fast, very strong and easy to repair to leave you free to think about the best line.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 148,002.69 Ft (+5,751.71 Ft)K2 STANDARDHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the K2 STANDARD BOARD.The K2 Standard with its Catch Free Baseline (flat deck in the middle and rockered at the contact points of the edges) and its permissive flex is going to rank rightfully among the most docile, maneuverable and multipurpose boards of the next season.An all-around board that will suit the needs of beginners as well as those who like to 'feel' a board that's enjoyable and fun but never too saggy or danceable.With the innovative Hybritech construction, K2 has thinned the core at the tip and tail to reduce oscillation and promote rotation: materials are now blended in a sandwich of thin layers, removing material where it's not needed, improving performance.Core W1 beautiful lightweight featuring a single type of pure wood with proven properties of flex, strength and a high response.Biaxial Glass divetro fiber laminates,carefully selected and evenly poured over the base toguarantee the best performance while riding.Insole 2000 fast,durable and easy to repair and Hyper Progressive sidecut: an infinite number of different sidecut radii blend perfectly from the ends (softer) to the center of the board (stiffer) giving the Standard a nice pressures without affecting its control at speed.Leaving aside unnecessary technicalities all this results in an easier and more relaxed riding.STANDARD K2 BOARDSTANDARD, K2 's MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.STANDARD Directional Rocker : the flat profile is tops when you're looking for versatility, add a nice handful of rocker at the front and you get a board capable of surfing anything with fantastic powder behavior.STANDARD Aspen Core : Aspen wood has always been tops when it comes to cores, durable and responsive it makes your board a real missile.STANDARD Biaxial Glass : biaxially arranged glass fibers don't weigh the board down and give it responsiveness and pop.STANDARD Ext ruded 2000 : the Extruded 2000 base is fast, very strong and easy to repair to leave you free to think about the best line.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 148,002.69 Ft (+5,751.71 Ft)K2 STANDARDHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the K2 STANDARD BOARD.The K2 Standard with its Catch Free Baseline (flat deck in the middle and rockered at the contact points of the edges) and its permissive flex is going to rank rightfully among the most docile, maneuverable and multipurpose boards of the next season.An all-around board that will suit the needs of beginners as well as those who like to 'feel' a board that's enjoyable and fun but never too saggy or danceable.With the innovative Hybritech construction, K2 has thinned the core at the tip and tail to reduce oscillation and promote rotation: materials are now blended in a sandwich of thin layers, removing material where it's not needed, improving performance.Core W1 beautiful lightweight featuring a single type of pure wood with proven properties of flex, strength and a high response.Biaxial Glass divetro fiber laminates,carefully selected and evenly poured over the base toguarantee the best performance while riding.Insole 2000 fast,durable and easy to repair and Hyper Progressive sidecut: an infinite number of different sidecut radii blend perfectly from the ends (softer) to the center of the board (stiffer) giving the Standard a nice pressures without affecting its control at speed.Leaving aside unnecessary technicalities all this results in an easier and more relaxed riding.STANDARD K2 BOARDSTANDARD, K2 's MAN BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.STANDARD Directional Rocker : the flat profile is tops when you're looking for versatility, add a nice handful of rocker at the front and you get a board capable of surfing anything with fantastic powder behavior.STANDARD Aspen Core : Aspen wood has always been tops when it comes to cores, durable and responsive it makes your board a real missile.STANDARD Biaxial Glass : biaxially arranged glass fibers don't weigh the board down and give it responsiveness and pop.STANDARD Ext ruded 2000 : the Extruded 2000 base is fast, very strong and easy to repair to leave you free to think about the best line.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 39,464.37 Ft (+5,751.71 Ft)DC BASIS PRINT YOUTHHey rider! Here you will find everything you need to know about DC BASIS PRINT YOUTH JACKETThe dream is to have a jacket that is warm, waterproof and that your kid's brat likes. In addition to super styling, the Basis has 10k of waterproofing, nice plentiful padding, and features you see on top-of-the-line adult jackets including cuffs, snow gaiter, and various adjustments.DC BASIS PRINT YOUTH JACKETBASIS PRINT YOUTH 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it is capable of all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.BASIS PRINT YOUTH 5,000 GR : Able to evaporate 5,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h is perfect for leaving you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.BASIS PRINT YOUTH DWR Waterproofness: The DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment capable of keeping out water, moisture, beatings and bad jokes.BASIS PRINT YOUTH HOT STANDARD Lining: Padding between 10 and 100gr per square meter, it is the ideal compromise between warmth and comfort. Perfect for any situation on snow, from days with your ass always on the ground to endless powder surfing.BASIS PRINT YOUTH ADJUSTABLE CAPFeatures: The cap is adjustable to fit your crooked head and keep snow from falling down your cup.BASIS PRINT YOUTH HIDDEN SEAMSFeatures: The heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, which is water entering through the seams. Sealed in just the right places for your comfort.
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 39,464.37 Ft (+5,751.71 Ft)DC BASIS PRINT YOUTHHey rider! Here you will find everything you need to know about DC BASIS PRINT YOUTH JACKETThe dream is to have a jacket that is warm, waterproof and that your kid's brat likes. In addition to super styling, the Basis has 10k of waterproofing, nice plentiful padding, and features you see on top-of-the-line adult jackets including cuffs, snow gaiter, and various adjustments.DC BASIS PRINT YOUTH JACKETBASIS PRINT YOUTH 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it is capable of all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.BASIS PRINT YOUTH 5,000 GR : Able to evaporate 5,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h is perfect for leaving you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.BASIS PRINT YOUTH DWR Waterproofness: The DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment capable of keeping out water, moisture, beatings and bad jokes.BASIS PRINT YOUTH HOT STANDARD Lining: Padding between 10 and 100gr per square meter, it is the ideal compromise between warmth and comfort. Perfect for any situation on snow, from days with your ass always on the ground to endless powder surfing.BASIS PRINT YOUTH ADJUSTABLE CAPFeatures: The cap is adjustable to fit your crooked head and keep snow from falling down your cup.BASIS PRINT YOUTH HIDDEN SEAMSFeatures: The heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, which is water entering through the seams. Sealed in just the right places for your comfort.
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 39,464.37 Ft (+5,751.71 Ft)DC BASIS PRINT YOUTHHey rider! Here you will find everything you need to know about DC BASIS PRINT YOUTH JACKETThe dream is to have a jacket that is warm, waterproof and that your kid's brat likes. In addition to super styling, the Basis has 10k of waterproofing, nice plentiful padding, and features you see on top-of-the-line adult jackets including cuffs, snow gaiter, and various adjustments.DC BASIS PRINT YOUTH JACKETBASIS PRINT YOUTH 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it is capable of all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.BASIS PRINT YOUTH 5,000 GR : Able to evaporate 5,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h is perfect for leaving you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.BASIS PRINT YOUTH DWR Waterproofness: The DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment capable of keeping out water, moisture, beatings and bad jokes.BASIS PRINT YOUTH HOT STANDARD Lining: Padding between 10 and 100gr per square meter, it is the ideal compromise between warmth and comfort. Perfect for any situation on snow, from days with your ass always on the ground to endless powder surfing.BASIS PRINT YOUTH ADJUSTABLE CAPFeatures: The cap is adjustable to fit your crooked head and keep snow from falling down your cup.BASIS PRINT YOUTH HIDDEN SEAMSFeatures: The heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, which is water entering through the seams. Sealed in just the right places for your comfort.
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 39,464.37 Ft (+5,751.71 Ft)DC BASIS PRINT YOUTHHey rider! Here you will find everything you need to know about DC BASIS PRINT YOUTH JACKETThe dream is to have a jacket that is warm, waterproof and that your kid's brat likes. In addition to super styling, the Basis has 10k of waterproofing, nice plentiful padding, and features you see on top-of-the-line adult jackets including cuffs, snow gaiter, and various adjustments.DC BASIS PRINT YOUTH JACKETBASIS PRINT YOUTH 10K Waterproofness: Waterproof to a water column of 10,000mm, it is capable of all-day comfort and performance. It is the perfect value for a sports garment.BASIS PRINT YOUTH 5,000 GR : Able to evaporate 5,000gr of water vapor (sweat) in 24h is perfect for leaving you dry and comfortable during normal physical activity.BASIS PRINT YOUTH DWR Waterproofness: The DWR (durable water repellent) treatment is a surface treatment capable of keeping out water, moisture, beatings and bad jokes.BASIS PRINT YOUTH HOT STANDARD Lining: Padding between 10 and 100gr per square meter, it is the ideal compromise between warmth and comfort. Perfect for any situation on snow, from days with your ass always on the ground to endless powder surfing.BASIS PRINT YOUTH ADJUSTABLE CAPFeatures: The cap is adjustable to fit your crooked head and keep snow from falling down your cup.BASIS PRINT YOUTH HIDDEN SEAMSFeatures: The heat-taped seams prevent a typical problem with waterproof fabrics, which is water entering through the seams. Sealed in just the right places for your comfort.
Dr.Chen Instant Tüdő No.1 Tea 12 Db
Forgalmazó: Vegyesbolt.com Ár: 2,880.00 Ft (+1,790.00 Ft)A Tüdő, A Légutak És Az Immunrendszer Támogatásához Azonnal Oldódó Gyógynövény-Koncentrátum A Csűdfű Támogatja Az Immunrendszer Egészséges Működését, A
Forgalmazó: Freshfarm.it Ár: 98,667.09 Ft (+5,751.71 Ft)K2 STANDARD WIDEHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the K2 STANDARD WIDE BOARD.The K2 Standard with its Catch Free Baseline (flat deck in the middle and rockered at the edge contact points) and its permissive flex is going to rank rightfully among the most docile, maneuverable and multi-purpose boards of the next season.An all-around board that will suit the needs of beginners as well as those who like to 'feel' a board that's enjoyable and fun but never too saggy or danceable.With the innovative Hybritech construction, K2 has thinned the core at the tip and tail to reduce oscillation and promote rotation: materials are now blended in a sandwich of thin layers, removing material where it's not needed, improving performance.Core W1 beautiful lightweight featuring a single type of pure wood with proven properties of flex, strength and a high response.Biaxial Glass divetro fiber laminates,carefully selected and evenly poured over the base toguarantee the best performance while riding.Fast, durable and easy to repair 2000 insole and Hyper Progressive sidecut: an infinite number of different sidecut radii blend perfectly from the ends (softer) to the center of the board (stiffer) giving the Standard a nice pressure without compromising its control at speed.Leaving aside unnecessary technicalities all this results in an easier and more relaxed riding.STANDARD WIDE K2 BOARDSTANDARD WIDE, K2 's MAN 'S BOARD that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.STANDARD Directional Rocker : the flat profile is the top when you're looking for versatility, add a nice handful of rocker at the front and you get a board capable of surfing anything with fantastic powder behavior.STANDARD Aspen Core : Aspen wood has always been the top when it comes to cores, durable and responsive it makes your board a real missile.STANDARD Biaxial Glass : biaxially arranged glass fibers don't weigh the board down and give it responsiveness and pop.STANDARD Ext ruded 2000 : the Extruded 2000 base is fast, very strong and easy to repair to leave you free to think about the best line.Only at Fresh Farm can you find it with the biggest discount online and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
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