20 products were found matching your search for Rank Otto in 1 shops:
Otto Rank, a Rediscovered Legacy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.23 $Rank's uniqueness as a psychologist and psychoanalyst lies in his erudition and knowledge of culture, which made him constantly aware of the social dimension in human development. At the same time his emphasis on individuation made him the forerunner of ego psychology. He is a humanistic process thinker who advances a concept of social relativism; his concern with the very nature of existence challenges all dogmatic interpretations of the human situation and his belief in man's creative potential profoundly affects his philosophy of life and therapy.
Acts of Will : The Life and Work of Otto Rank
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.44 $Explores the life and career of one of Freud's most controversial disciples, analyzes his contributions to psychology, and describes how Rank has been misinterpreted.
For Germany: The Otto Skorzeny Memoirs
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 172.68 $Otto Skorzeny only rose to the rank of Colonel in the SS, yet is one of the best known and colorful figures of the Third Reich, in large part because of the faith Hitler had in the tall Austrian engineer. Many books have been written about his career, to include autobiographies, but before he died in 1975 he personally entrusted Bender Publishing with the formidable task of producing the most detailed, up-dated and best illustrated version of his incredible life story. A quarter of a century later, after painstaking research into the text and a hunt for unpublished illustrations, the ultimate story of "Scarface" Skorzeny, "the most dangerous man in Europe" and Hitler's "commando extraordinary" is finally available. Complete with an exhaustive index, providing biographical details not found in the text, this is likely to be the last word on this larger than life personality, one of the great characters of World War II. Hard cover, 528 pages, 248 photos, deluxe binding
For Germany: The Otto Skorzeny Memoirs [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 130.00 $Otto Skorzeny only rose to the rank of Colonel in the SS, yet is one of the best known and colorful figures of the Third Reich, in large part because of the faith Hitler had in the tall Austrian engineer. Many books have been written about his career, to include autobiographies, but before he died in 1975 he personally entrusted Bender Publishing with the formidable task of producing the most detailed, up-dated and best illustrated version of his incredible life story. A quarter of a century later, after painstaking research into the text and a hunt for unpublished illustrations, the ultimate story of "Scarface" Skorzeny, "the most dangerous man in Europe" and Hitler's "commando extraordinary" is finally available. Complete with an exhaustive index, providing biographical details not found in the text, this is likely to be the last word on this larger than life personality, one of the great characters of World War II. Hard cover, 528 pages, 248 photos, deluxe binding
Myth of the Birth of the Hero : A Psychological Exploration of Myth
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.84 $First published in German in 1909, Otto Rank's original The Myth of the Birth of the Hero offered psychoanalytical interpretations of mythological stories as a means of understanding the human psyche. Like his mentor Sigmund Freud, Rank compared the myths of such figures as Oedipus, Moses, and Sargon with common dreams, seeing in both a symbolic fulfillment of repressed desire. In a new edition published thirteen years after the original, Rank doubled the size of his seminal work, incorporating new discoveries in psychoanalysis, mythology, and ethnology. This expanded and updated edition has been eloquently translated by Gregory C. Richter and E. James Lieberman and includes an introductory essay by Robert A. Segal as well as Otto Rank's 1914 essay "The Play in Hamlet."
Man for Himself
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.18 $Routledge is now re-issuing this prestigious series of 204 volumes originally published between 1910 and 1965. The titles include works by key figures such asC.G. Jung, Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, Otto Rank, James Hillman, Erich Fromm, Karen Horney and Susan Isaacs. Each volume is available on its own, as part of a themed mini-set, or as part of a specially-priced 204-volume set. A brochure listing each title in the "International Library of Psychology" series is available upon request.
Fire: The Unexpurgated Diary, 1934-37
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.26 $The third part of Anais Nin's unexpurgated diaries continues the erotic adventures and revelations she began in HENRY AND JUNE and continued in INCEST and THE EARLY DIARY, and opens with her voyage from France to New York where she continued her relationships with Henry Miller and Otto Rank.
Fire: From "a Journal of Love" : The Unexpurgated Diary of Anais Nin, 1934-1937
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.26 $In the latest journal by the author of Henry and June, Nin arrives in New York, where she leaves her analyst, Otto Rank, returns to France with novelist Henry Miller, and begins an affair with the Spaniard, Gonzalo More. 25,000 first printing.
Creative Labs Art and Artist: Creative Urge and Personality Development
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.45 $"[Rank's thought] has implications for the deepest and broadest development of the social sciences . . . and of all [Rank's] books, Art and Artist is the most secure monument to his genius." ―Ernest Becker Along with Adler and Jung, Otto Rank was one of the intellectual giants in the inner circle around Sigmund Freud. Art and Artist, his major statement on the relationship of art to the individual and society, pursues in a broader cultural context Freud's ideas on art and neurosis and has had an important influence on many twentieth-century writers and thinkers, beginning with Henry Miller and Anais Nin.Art and Artist explores the human urge to create in all its complex aspects, in terms not only of individual works of art but of religion, mythology, and social institutions as well. Based firmly on Rank's knowledge of psychology and psychoanalysis, it ranges widely through anthropology and cultural history, reaching beyond psychology to a broad understanding of human nature.
Creative Labs Art and Artist : Creative Urge and Personality Development
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.31 $"[Rank's thought] has implications for the deepest and broadest development of the social sciences . . . and of all [Rank's] books, Art and Artist is the most secure monument to his genius." ―Ernest Becker Along with Adler and Jung, Otto Rank was one of the intellectual giants in the inner circle around Sigmund Freud. Art and Artist, his major statement on the relationship of art to the individual and society, pursues in a broader cultural context Freud's ideas on art and neurosis and has had an important influence on many twentieth-century writers and thinkers, beginning with Henry Miller and Anais Nin.Art and Artist explores the human urge to create in all its complex aspects, in terms not only of individual works of art but of religion, mythology, and social institutions as well. Based firmly on Rank's knowledge of psychology and psychoanalysis, it ranges widely through anthropology and cultural history, reaching beyond psychology to a broad understanding of human nature.
The Myth of the Birth of the Hero: A Psychological Exploration of Myth
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 88.06 $First published in German in 1909, Otto Rank's original The Myth of the Birth of the Hero offered psychoanalytical interpretations of mythological stories as a means of understanding the human psyche. Like his mentor Sigmund Freud, Rank compared the myths of such figures as Oedipus, Moses, and Sargon with common dreams, seeing in both a symbolic fulfillment of repressed desire. In a new edition published thirteen years after the original, Rank doubled the size of his seminal work, incorporating new discoveries in psychoanalysis, mythology, and ethnology. This expanded and updated edition has been eloquently translated by Gregory C. Richter and E. James Lieberman and includes an introductory essay by Robert A. Segal as well as Otto Rank's 1914 essay "The Play in Hamlet."
Garmin In Quest of the Hero
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.97 $In Quest of the Hero makes available for a new generation of readers two key works on hero myths: Otto Rank's Myth of the Birth of the Hero and the central section of Lord Raglan's The Hero. Amplifying these is Alan Dundes's fascinating contemporary inquiry, "The Hero Pattern and the Life of Jesus." Examined here are the patterns found in the lore surrounding historical or legendary figures like Gilgamesh, Moses, David, Oedipus, Odysseus, Perseus, Heracles, Aeneas, Romulus, Siegfried, Lohengrin, Arthur, and Buddha. Rank's monograph remains the classic application of Freudian theory to hero myths. In The Hero the noted English ethnologist Raglan singles out the myth-ritualist pattern in James Frazer's many-sided Golden Bough and applies that pattern to hero myths. Dundes, the eminent folklorist at the University of California at Berkeley, applies the theories of Rank, Raglan, and others to the case of Jesus. In his introduction to this selection from Rank, Raglan, and Dundes, Robert Segal, author of the major study of Joseph Campbell, charts the history of theorizing about hero myths and compares the approaches of Rank, Raglan, Dundes, and Campbell.
Psychology and the Soul: A Study of the Origin, Conceptual Evolution, and Nature of the Soul
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.93 $In his last years, Otto Rank turned his lifetime of thought and learning toward two of the most difficult topics in human history: religion and the soul. The result was this now-classic work, available in this new, very accessible English translation. Unlike many other intellectuals of the twentieth century, Rank maintains a place for the soul rather than dismissing it as a fantasy. The soul and the beliefs about it, he argues, set forth the foundation for psychology, with its complex analyses of consciousness, self-consciousness, and personality. Rank's commentary is not limited to beliefs about individual souls but includes ideas about group souls, sometimes encompassing nations or generations. Rank suggests that it is in expression of group beliefs that the idea of the soul attains its greatest power.
The Double: A Psychoanalytic Study
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 59.95 $Otto Rank (1884-1939) the early disciple and colleague of Freud, who later broke with him and developed his own psychoanalytic school, was a many-sided man whose genius found expression beyond the strictly psychoanalytic field in contributions to the criticism of art and literature, and the history of myth and religion.The Double, inspired partially by H.H. Ewer's silent film classic 'The Student of Prague', is primarily a study of the Doppelganger theme as it appears in European and American literature, exemplified in the works by such authors as Goethe, Hoffman, Dostoevsky and Wilde. By integrating psychoanalytic concepts with insights from poetry and myth, the investigation is extended to examine issues at the core of human existence: identity, narcissism, the relation of past to present, and the fear of death.In his book 'Acts of Will: The Life and Work of Otto Rank', Rank's biographer E. J. Lieberman has described The Double as a "seminal Work on the relation of shadow, reflection, ghost and twin to the idea of soul and immortality".
A Psychology of Difference
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.96 $A leading disciple and confidant of Freud, Otto Rank revolutionized the field of psychoanalytic theory in The Trauma of Birth (1924). In this book, Rank proposed that the child's pre-Oedipal relationship to the mother was the prototype of the therapeutic relationship between analyst and patient. Although Rank is now widely acknowledged as the most important precursor of humanistic and existential psychotherapy--influencing such well-known writers as Carl Rogers, Rollo May, and Ernest Becker--Rank's knotty prose has long frustrated readers. In this volume of Rank's lectures, Robert Kramer has brought together for the first time the innovator's clearest explanations of his most influential theories. The lectures were delivered in English to receptive audiences of social workers, therapists, and clinical psychologists throughout the United States from 1924 to 1938, the year before Rank's untimely death. The topics covered include separation and individuation, projection and identification, love and will, relationship therapy, and neurosis as a failure in creativity. The lectures reveal that Rank, much maligned by orthodox analysts, invented the modern object-relations approach to psychotherapy in the 1920s. In his introduction, based on private correspondence between Rank, Freud, and others in the inner circle, Robert Kramer tells the full story of why Rank parted ways with Freud. The collection of lectures constitutes a "readable Rank," filled with insights still relevant today, for those interested in the humanistic, existential, or object- relational aspects of psychotherapy, or in the development of the psychoanalytic movement.
Psychology of Difference : The American Lectures
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 133.22 $A leading disciple and confidant of Freud, Otto Rank revolutionized the field of psychoanalytic theory in The Trauma of Birth (1924). In this book, Rank proposed that the child's pre-Oedipal relationship to the mother was the prototype of the therapeutic relationship between analyst and patient. Although Rank is now widely acknowledged as the most important precursor of humanistic and existential psychotherapy--influencing such well-known writers as Carl Rogers, Rollo May, and Ernest Becker--Rank's knotty prose has long frustrated readers. In this volume of Rank's lectures, Robert Kramer has brought together for the first time the innovator's clearest explanations of his most influential theories. The lectures were delivered in English to receptive audiences of social workers, therapists, and clinical psychologists throughout the United States from 1924 to 1938, the year before Rank's untimely death. The topics covered include separation and individuation, projection and identification, love and will, relationship therapy, and neurosis as a failure in creativity. The lectures reveal that Rank, much maligned by orthodox analysts, invented the modern object-relations approach to psychotherapy in the 1920s. In his introduction, based on private correspondence between Rank, Freud, and others in the inner circle, Robert Kramer tells the full story of why Rank parted ways with Freud. The collection of lectures constitutes a "readable Rank," filled with insights still relevant today, for those interested in the humanistic, existential, or object- relational aspects of psychotherapy, or in the development of the psychoanalytic movement.
Myth of the Birth of the Hero : A Psychological Exploration of Myth
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.36 $First published in German in 1909, Otto Rank's original The Myth of the Birth of the Hero offered psychoanalytical interpretations of mythological stories as a means of understanding the human psyche. Like his mentor Sigmund Freud, Rank compared the myths of such figures as Oedipus, Moses, and Sargon with common dreams, seeing in both a symbolic fulfillment of repressed desire. In a new edition published thirteen years after the original, Rank doubled the size of his seminal work, incorporating new discoveries in psychoanalysis, mythology, and ethnology. This expanded and updated edition has been eloquently translated by Gregory C. Richter and E. James Lieberman and includes an introductory essay by Robert A. Segal as well as Otto Rank's 1914 essay "The Play in Hamlet."
Creative Labs Art and Artist: Creative Urge and Personality Development
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 157.61 $"[Rank's thought] has implications for the deepest and broadest development of the social sciences . . . and of all [Rank's] books, Art and Artist is the most secure monument to his genius." —Ernest BeckerAlong with Adler and Jung, Otto Rank was one of the intellectual giants in the inner circle around Sigmund Freud. Art and Artist, his major statement on the relationship of art to the individual and society, pursues in a broader cultural context Freud's ideas on art and neurosis and has had an important influence on many twentieth-century writers and thinkers, beginning with Henry Miller and Anais Nin. Art and Artist explores the human urge to create in all its complex aspects, in terms not only of individual works of art but of religion, mythology, and social institutions as well. Based firmly on Rank's knowledge of psychology and psychoanalysis, it ranges widely through anthropology and cultural history, reaching beyond psychology to a broad understanding of human nature.
Psychology and the Soul: A Study of the Origin, Conceptual Evolution, and Nature of the Soul
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.32 $In his last years, Otto Rank turned his lifetime of thought and learning toward two of the most difficult topics in human history: religion and the soul. The result was this now-classic work, available in this new, very accessible English translation. Unlike many other intellectuals of the twentieth century, Rank maintains a place for the soul rather than dismissing it as a fantasy. The soul and the beliefs about it, he argues, set forth the foundation for psychology, with its complex analyses of consciousness, self-consciousness, and personality. Rank's commentary is not limited to beliefs about individual souls but includes ideas about group souls, sometimes encompassing nations or generations. Rank suggests that it is in expression of group beliefs that the idea of the soul attains its greatest power.
Psychology and the Soul : A Study of the Origin, Conceptual Evolution, and Nature of the Soul
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.24 $In his last years, Otto Rank turned his lifetime of thought and learning toward two of the most difficult topics in human history: religion and the soul. The result was this now-classic work, available in this new, very accessible English translation. Unlike many other intellectuals of the twentieth century, Rank maintains a place for the soul rather than dismissing it as a fantasy. The soul and the beliefs about it, he argues, set forth the foundation for psychology, with its complex analyses of consciousness, self-consciousness, and personality. Rank's commentary is not limited to beliefs about individual souls but includes ideas about group souls, sometimes encompassing nations or generations. Rank suggests that it is in expression of group beliefs that the idea of the soul attains its greatest power.
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