27 products were found matching your search for Aeschylus Agamemnon AeschylusNagelsbach Carl in 1 shops:
Agamemnon of Aeschylus : A Commentary for Students
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.16 $This commentary discusses Aeschylus' play Agamemnon (458 B.C.), which is one of the most popular of the surviving ancient Greek tragedies, and is the first to be published in English since 1958. It is designed particularly to help students who are tackling Aeschylus in the original Greek for the first time, and includes a reprint of D. L. Page's Oxford Classical Text of the play. The introduction defines the place of Agamemnon within the Oresteia trilogy as a whole, and the historical context in which the plays were produced. It discusses Aeschylus' handling of the traditional myth and the main ideas which underpin his overall design: such as the development of justice and the nature of human responsibility; and it emphasizes how the power of words, seen as ominous speech-acts which can determine future events, makes a central contribution to the play's dramatic momentum. Separate sections explore Aeschylus' use of theatrical resources, the role of the chorus, and the solo characters. Finally there is an analysis of Aeschylus' distinctive poetic style and use of imagery, and an outline of the transmission of the play from 458 B.C. to the first printed editions.
Aeschylus: Agamemnon: Aeschylus: Agamemnon: Volume I: Prolegomena, Text, and Translation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 113.83 $New copy - Usually dispatched within 4 working days. 502
Aeschylus, II, Oresteia: Agamemnon. Libation-Bearers. Eumenides (Loeb Classical Library)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.33 $Aeschylus (ca. 525–456 BCE), the dramatist who made Athenian tragedy one of the world’s great art forms, witnessed the establishment of democracy at Athens and fought against the Persians at Marathon. He won the tragic prize at the City Dionysia thirteen times between ca. 499 and 458, and in his later years was probably victorious almost every time he put on a production, though Sophocles beat him at least once.Of his total of about eighty plays, seven survive complete. The second volume contains the complete Oresteia trilogy, comprising Agamemnon, Libation-Bearers, and Eumenides, presenting the murder of Agamemnon by his wife, the revenge taken by their son Orestes, the pursuit of Orestes by his mother’s avenging Furies, his trial and acquittal at Athens, Athena’s pacification of the Furies, and the blessings they both invoke upon the Athenian people.
Aeschylus, 1 : The Oresteia : Agamemnon, the Libation Bearers, the Eumenides (Penn Greek Drama Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.36 $The Penn Greek Drama Series presents original literary translations of the entire corpus of classical Greek drama: tragedies, comedies, and satyr plays. It is the only contemporary series of all the surviving work of Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, and Menander.
Aeschylus: Agamemnon
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 152.11 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Aeschylus : Agamemnon
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 52.26 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Agamemnon of Aeschylus : With Verse Translation, Introduction and Notes
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.38 $Published posthumously in 1910, this is the last great work of the eminent classical scholar Walter Headlam (1866-1908), who devoted most of his short life to the study of Aeschylus. On Headlam's death, Alfred Pearson was commissioned to finish the project, and the care and precision of both scholars are evident in this well-edited text. Pearson added a commentary and explanatory notes to Headlam's translation and introduction, both of which were nearly complete when the author died. The text is set out with the English translation facing the original Greek, making them easy to compare. The substantial introduction includes background about the House of Atreus as well as a detailed plot summary, a discussion of the moral and religious content of the play and a description of the characters. Pearson's commentary and notes are equally comprehensive and informative.
Aeschylus: Agamemnon (Greek text with Introduction and Commentary)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 9.35 $This paperback edition replaces the hardback first published in 1957.
Robert Browning - The Agamemnon of Aeschylus: "The past is gained, secure, and on record"
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.31 $Robert Browning is one of the most significant Victorian Poets and, of course, English Poetry.Much of his reputation is based upon his mastery of the dramatic monologue although his talents encompassed verse plays and even a well-regarded essay on Shelley during a long and prolific career. He was born on May 7th, 1812 in Walmouth, London. Much of his education was home based and Browning was an eclectic and studious student, learning several languages and much else across a myriad of subjects, interests and passions. Browning's early career began promisingly. The fragment from his intended long poem Pauline brought him to the attention of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and was followed by Paracelsus, which was praised by both William Wordsworth and Charles Dickens. In 1840 the difficult Sordello, which was seen as willfully obscure, brought his career almost to a standstill. Despite these artistic and professional difficulties his personal life was about to become immensely fulfilling. He began a relationship with, and then married, the older and better known Elizabeth Barrett. This new foundation served to energise his writings, his life and his career. During their time in Italy they both wrote much of their best work. With her untimely death in 1861 he returned to London and thereafter began several further major projects. The collection Dramatis Personae (1864) and the book-length epic poem The Ring and the Book (1868-69) were published and well received; his reputation as a venerated English poet now assured. Robert Browning died in Venice on December 12th, 1889.
The Agamemnon of Aeschylus: A Commentary for Students
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.21 $This commentary discusses Aeschylus' play Agamemnon (458 B.C.), which is one of the most popular of the surviving ancient Greek tragedies, and is the first to be published in English since 1958. It is designed particularly to help students who are tackling Aeschylus in the original Greek for the first time, and includes a reprint of D. L. Page's Oxford Classical Text of the play. The introduction defines the place of Agamemnon within the Oresteia trilogy as a whole, and the historical context in which the plays were produced. It discusses Aeschylus' handling of the traditional myth and the main ideas which underpin his overall design: such as the development of justice and the nature of human responsibility; and it emphasizes how the power of words, seen as ominous speech-acts which can determine future events, makes a central contribution to the play's dramatic momentum. Separate sections explore Aeschylus' use of theatrical resources, the role of the chorus, and the solo characters. Finally there is an analysis of Aeschylus' distinctive poetic style and use of imagery, and an outline of the transmission of the play from 458 B.C. to the first printed editions.
Aeschylus, II, Oresteia: Agamemnon. Libation-Bearers. Eumenides (Loeb Classical Library)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.65 $Aeschylus (ca. 525–456 BCE), the dramatist who made Athenian tragedy one of the world’s great art forms, witnessed the establishment of democracy at Athens and fought against the Persians at Marathon. He won the tragic prize at the City Dionysia thirteen times between ca. 499 and 458, and in his later years was probably victorious almost every time he put on a production, though Sophocles beat him at least once.Of his total of about eighty plays, seven survive complete. The second volume contains the complete Oresteia trilogy, comprising Agamemnon, Libation-Bearers, and Eumenides, presenting the murder of Agamemnon by his wife, the revenge taken by their son Orestes, the pursuit of Orestes by his mother’s avenging Furies, his trial and acquittal at Athens, Athena’s pacification of the Furies, and the blessings they both invoke upon the Athenian people.
Agamemnon of Aeschylus : With Verse Translation, Introduction and Notes
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.21 $Published posthumously in 1910, this is the last great work of the eminent classical scholar Walter Headlam (1866-1908), who devoted most of his short life to the study of Aeschylus. On Headlam's death, Alfred Pearson was commissioned to finish the project, and the care and precision of both scholars are evident in this well-edited text. Pearson added a commentary and explanatory notes to Headlam's translation and introduction, both of which were nearly complete when the author died. The text is set out with the English translation facing the original Greek, making them easy to compare. The substantial introduction includes background about the House of Atreus as well as a detailed plot summary, a discussion of the moral and religious content of the play and a description of the characters. Pearson's commentary and notes are equally comprehensive and informative.
Aeschylus: Agamemnon
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.00 $Scholar's bookplate to inner cover (Robert Brown). Tiny chip to upper edge of rear board. Minor shelfwear. DJ has chipping and tears to spine ends and corners. DJ is browned. ; Commentary for Agamemnon. Greek Text with Extensive English Commentary. ; 240 pages
Aeschylus: Agamemnon
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.86 $Aeschylus' Agamemnon, opening play of the Oresteia trilogy, with its brilliant theatrical effects, is a masterpiece. The revenge plot - a murder - is simple, the language and imagery complex and thrilling. The play features two extraordinary women: the powerful, dissembling queen Clytemnestra and the frenzied prophetess Cassandra. It als features another original Aeschylean creation, the omnipresent helpless chorus, who are forced to bear witness to Agamemnon's path to death. Through the chorus, the action is seen in the problematic context of justice, destiny, and the role of the gods. The play is a serious investigation of man's problematic ethical nature. This detailed study gets the measure of Aeschylus' innovative genius as poet, storyteller and theatrical wizard by setting the play against the rich traditions of archaic poetry from which drama had only recently sprung. It considers the ethical dilemmas of the plot against contemporary fifth-century Athenian religious and political thinking, and its attitude to women. It engages with the play's great influence on later Attic tragedy and then considers Seneca's Roman Agamemnon and some revenge dramas of Elizabethan England.
Aeschylus: Plays Two (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.38 $Four of Aeschylus' greatest plays reissued in the new Classical Greek Dramatists seriesIncludes the Oresteia trilogy, a key sequence of plays within the Western dramatic tradition - widely studied in schools and universities. Agamemnon tells the tale of the king's return from the battle of Troyto find that his wife has laid out a red carpet to welcome him that will, ironically, lead him to his death; The Libation Bearers continues the saga into the next generation with Orestes and Electra seeking justice for their dead father whilst in the Eumenides, the traces of inherited bloodlust are laid to rest by the figure of Athene. Translated with an introduction and notes from J. Michael Walton - the series editor for the Greek classics and reissued in the new Methuen Classical Greek Dramatists series in stylish, new and modern jackets.
Aeschylus: Choephori
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.37 $Produced in 458 BC, Aeschylus' Choephori is the second play in the Oresteian trilogy. The bloodshed begun in the first play with the murder of Agamemnon by his wife Clytemnestra is here continued when Agamemnon's son Orestes avenges his father's death by killing Clytemnestra. It is not until the third and final play, Eumenides, that peace is restored to the family of the Atreidae. This edition takes into account the large amount of recent research on the play and tackles the problems presented by an unusually corrupt text. The introduction discusses the pre-Aeschylean 'Orestes' tradition in literature and art, as well as the place of Choephori within the Oresteia, its imagery and dramatic structure, the questions of staging the play, and the manuscript tradition. The Greek text and critical apparatus are those of D.L. Page (OCT). The commentary looks at problems of style, dramatic technique, and interpretation of the play, and before each scene is discussed an analysis of its contribution to the drama as a whole is supplied.
Aeschylus The Oresteia Paperduck
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.52 $Aeschylus' famed tragedies 'Agamemnon', 'The Libation Bearers' and 'The Eumenides' comprise 'The Oresteia', which uses the story of a family curse and a long history of murder and revenge to raise haunting questions about the nature and the price of justice.
Oresteia: Agamemnon. Libation-Bearers. Eumenides (Hardback or Cased Book)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.69 $Aeschylus (ca. 525–456 BCE), the dramatist who made Athenian tragedy one of the world’s great art forms, witnessed the establishment of democracy at Athens and fought against the Persians at Marathon. He won the tragic prize at the City Dionysia thirteen times between ca. 499 and 458, and in his later years was probably victorious almost every time he put on a production, though Sophocles beat him at least once.Of his total of about eighty plays, seven survive complete. The second volume contains the complete Oresteia trilogy, comprising Agamemnon, Libation-Bearers, and Eumenides, presenting the murder of Agamemnon by his wife, the revenge taken by their son Orestes, the pursuit of Orestes by his mother’s avenging Furies, his trial and acquittal at Athens, Athena’s pacification of the Furies, and the blessings they both invoke upon the Athenian people.
The Oresteia: Agamemnon, Choephoroe, Eumenides (Everyman's Library)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 91.99 $One of the founding documents of Western culture and the only surviving ancient Greek trilogy, the Oresteia of Aeschylus is one of the great tragedies of all time.The three plays of the Oresteia portray the bloody events that follow the victorious return of King Agamemnon from the Trojan War, at the start of which he had sacrificed his daughter Iphigeneia to secure divine favor. After Iphi-geneia’s mother, Clytemnestra, kills her husband in revenge, she in turn is murdered by their son Orestes with his sister Electra’s encouragement. Orestes is pursued by the Furies and put on trial, his fate decided by the goddess Athena. Far more than the story of murder and ven-geance in the royal house of Atreus, the Oresteia serves as a dramatic parable of the evolution of justice and civilization that is still powerful after 2,500 years.The trilogy is presented here in George Thomson’s classic translation, renowned for its fidelity to the rhythms and richness of the original Greek.
Aeschylus' Oresteia: A Dual Language Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.76 $This volume presents the Greek text of the three plays of Aeschylus' Oresteia (Agamemnon, Libation Bearers, Eumenides), as edited by Herbert Weir Smyth, with a parallel verse translation by Ian Johnston on facing pages, which will be useful to those wishing to read the English translation while referring to the Greek original, or vice versa.
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