1212 products were found matching your search for Algebraic in 1 shops:
Algebraic Geometry over the Complex Numbers
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.88 $This is a relatively fast paced graduate level introduction to complex algebraic geometry, from the basics to the frontier of the subject. It covers sheaf theory, cohomology, some Hodge theory, as well as some of the more algebraic aspects of algebraic geometry. The author frequently refers the reader if the treatment of a certain topic is readily available elsewhere but goes into considerable detail on topics for which his treatment puts a twist or a more transparent viewpoint. His cases of exploration and are chosen very carefully and deliberately. The textbook achieves its purpose of taking new students of complex algebraic geometry through this a deep yet broad introduction to a vast subject, eventually bringing them to the forefront of the topic via a non-intimidating style.
Algebraic Arithmetic
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 87.82 $The central topic of this book is the presentation of the author's principle of arithmetical paraphrases, which won him the Bocher Prize in 1924. This general principle served to unify and extend many isolated results in the theory of numbers. The author successfully provides a systematic attempt to find a unified theory for each of various classes of related important problems in the theory of numbers, including its interrelations with algebra and analysis. This book will be of interest to advanced students in various branches of mathematics, including number theory, abstract algebra, elliptic and theta functions, Bernoulli numbers and functions, and the foundations of mathematics.
Algebraic Geometry I: Complex Projective Varieties: Reprint of the 1976 edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.59 $From the reviews: "Although several textbooks on modern algebraic geometry have been published in the meantime, Mumford's "Volume I" is, together with its predecessor the red book of varieties and schemes, now as before one of the most excellent and profound primers of modern algebraic geometry. Both books are just true classics!" Zentralblatt
Algebraic Number Theory
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 150.51 $This introduction to algebraic number theory discusses the classical concepts from the viewpoint of Arakelov theory. The treatment of class theory is particularly rich in illustrating complements, offering hints for further study, and providing concrete examples. It is the most up-to-date, systematic, and theoretically comprehensive textbook on algebraic number field theory available.
The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem (Monographs on Numerical Analysis)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.87 $This volume, which became a classic on first publication, is perhaps the most important and widely read book in the field of numerical analysis. It presents a distillation of the author's pioneering discoveries concerning the computation of matrix eigenvalues. The emphasis is on the transmission of knowledge rather than elaborate proofs. The book will be valued by all practicing numerical analysts, students and researchers in the field, engineers, and scientists.
Algebraic Geometry (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 52)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 60.92 $An introduction to abstract algebraic geometry, with the only prerequisites being results from commutative algebra, which are stated as needed, and some elementary topology. More than 400 exercises distributed throughout the book offer specific examples as well as more specialised topics not treated in the main text, while three appendices present brief accounts of some areas of current research. This book can thus be used as textbook for an introductory course in algebraic geometry following a basic graduate course in algebra. Robin Hartshorne studied algebraic geometry with Oscar Zariski and David Mumford at Harvard, and with J.-P. Serre and A. Grothendieck in Paris. He is the author of "Residues and Duality" "Foundations of Projective Geometry" "Ample Subvarieties of Algebraic Varieties" and numerous research titles.
Algebraic Number Fields (Graduate Studies in Mathematics, 7)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 89.58 $The book is directed toward students with a minimal background who want to learn class field theory for number fields. The only prerequisite for reading it is some elementary Galois theory. The first three chapters lay out the necessary background in number fields, such the arithmetic of fields, Dedekind domains, and valuations. The next two chapters discuss class field theory for number fields. The concluding chapter serves as an illustration of the concepts introduced in previous chapters. In particular, some interesting calculations with quadratic fields show the use of the norm residue symbol. For the second edition the author added some new material, expanded many proofs, and corrected errors found in the first edition. The main objective, however, remains the same as it was for the first edition: to give an exposition of the introductory material and the main theorems about class fields of algebraic number fields that would require as little background preparation as possible. Janusz's book can be an excellent textbook for a year-long course in algebraic number theory; the first three chapters would be suitable for a one-semester course. It is also very suitable for independent study.
Algebraic Graph Theory
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 91.42 $This book presents and illustrates the main tools and ideas of algebraic graph theory, with a primary emphasis on current rather than classical topics. It is designed to offer self-contained treatment of the topic, with strong emphasis on concrete examples.
Algebraic Homotopy (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Series Number 15)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 202.00 $This book gives a general outlook on homotopy theory; fundamental concepts, such as homotopy groups and spectral sequences, are developed from a few axioms and are thus available in a broad variety of contexts. Many examples and applications in topology and algebra are discussed, including an introduction to rational homotopy theory in terms of both differential Lie algebras and De Rham algebras. The author describes powerful tools for homotopy classification problems, particularly for the classification of homotopy types and for the computation of the group homotopy equivalences. Applications and examples of such computations are given, including when the fundamental group is non-trivial. Moreover, the deep connection between the homotopy classification problems and the cohomology theory of small categories is demonstrated. The prerequisites of the book are few: elementary topology and algebra. Consequently, this account will be valuable for non-specialists and experts alike. It is an important supplement to the standard presentations of algebraic topology, homotopy theory, category theory and homological algebra.
Algebraic Calculus: A Radical New Approach to Higher Mathematics for Students of Electronics and Computer Graphics (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.82 $Algebraic Calculus: A Radical New Approach to Higher Mathematics for Students of Electronics and Computer Graphics 2.43
Algebraic Aspects of Cryptography : With an Appendix on Hyperelliptic Curves
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.71 $From the reviews: "This is a textbook in cryptography with emphasis on algebraic methods. It is supported by many exercises (with answers) making it appropriate for a course in mathematics or computer science. [...] Overall, this is an excellent expository text, and will be very useful to both the student and researcher." Mathematical Reviews
Algebraic Topology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 48.68 $In most major universities one of the three or four basic first year graduate mathematics courses is algebraic topology. This introductory text is suitable for use in a course on the subject or for self study, featuring broad coverage and a readable exposition, with many examples and exercises. The four main chapters present the basics: fundamental group and covering spaces, homology and cohomology, higher homotopy groups, and homotopy theory generally. The author emphasizes the geometric aspects of the subject, which helps students gain intuition. A unique feature is the inclusion of many optional topics not usually part of a first course due to time constraints: Bockstein and transfer homomorphisms, direct and inverse limits, H spaces and Hopf algebras, the Brown representability theorem, the James reduced product, the Dold Thom theorem, and Steenrod squares and powers.
Algebraic Geometry : A First Course
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 8.72 $"This book succeeds brilliantly by concentrating on a number of core topics...and by treating them in a hugely rich and varied way. The author ensures that the reader will learn a large amount of classical material and perhaps more importantly, will also learn that there is no one approach to the subject. The essence lies in the range and interplay of possible approaches. The author is to be congratulated on a work of deep and enthusiastic scholarship." --MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS
Algebraic Methods in Quantum Chemistry and Physics
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 62.59 $Algebraic Methods in Quantum Chemistry and Physics provides straightforward presentations of selected topics in theoretical chemistry and physics, including Lie algebras and their applications, harmonic oscillators, bilinear oscillators, perturbation theory, numerical solutions of the Schrödinger equation, and parameterizations of the time-evolution operator.The mathematical tools described in this book are presented in a manner that clearly illustrates their application to problems arising in theoretical chemistry and physics. The application techniques are carefully explained with step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow, and the results are organized to facilitate both manual and numerical calculations.Algebraic Methods in Quantum Chemistry and Physics demonstrates how to obtain useful analytical results with elementary algebra and calculus and an understanding of basic quantum chemistry and physics.
Algebraic Number Theory
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.99 $From its history as an elegant but abstract area of mathematics, algebraic number theory now takes its place as a useful and accessible study with important real-world practicality. Unique among algebraic number theory texts, this important work offers a wealth of applications to cryptography, including factoring, primality-testing, and public-key cryptosystems.A follow-up to Dr. Mollin's popular Fundamental Number Theory with Applications, Algebraic Number Theory provides a global approach to the subject that selectively avoids local theory. Instead, it carefully leads the student through each topic from the level of the algebraic integer, to the arithmetic of number fields, to ideal theory, and closes with reciprocity laws. In each chapter the author includes a section on a cryptographic application of the ideas presented, effectively demonstrating the pragmatic side of theory.In this way Algebraic Number Theory provides a comprehensible yet thorough treatment of the material. Written for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses in algebraic number theory, this one-of-a-kind text brings the subject matter to life with historical background and real-world practicality. It easily serves as the basis for a range of courses, from bare-bones algebraic number theory, to a course rich with cryptography applications, to a course using the basic theory to prove Fermat's Last Theorem for regular primes. Its offering of over 430 exercises with odd-numbered solutions provided in the back of the book and, even-numbered solutions available a separate manual makes this the ideal text for both students and instructors.
Algebraic Geometry and Statistical Learning Theory
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 96.52 $Sure to be influential, Watanabe's book lays the foundations for the use of algebraic geometry in statistical learning theory. Many models/machines are singular: mixture models, neural networks, HMMs, Bayesian networks, stochastic context-free grammars are major examples. The theory achieved here underpins accurate estimation techniques in the presence of singularities.
Algebraic Inequalities : New Vistas
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 72.07 $This book starts with simple arithmetic inequalities and builds to sophisticated inequality results such as the Cauchy-Schwarz and Chebyshev inequalities. Nothing beyond high school algebra is required of the student. The exposition is lean. Most of the learning occurs as the student engages in the problems posed in each chapter. And the learning is not "linear". The central topic of inequalities is linked to others in mathematics. Often these topics relate to much more than algebraic inequalities. There are also "secret" pathways through the book. Each chapter has a subtext, a theme which prepares the student for learning other mathematical topics, concepts, or habits of mind. For example, the early chapters on the arithmetic mean/geometric mean inequality show how very simple observations can be leveraged to yield useful and interesting results. Later chapters give examples of how one can generalize a mathematical statement. The chapter on the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality provides an introduction to vectors as mathematical objects. And there are many other secret pathways that the authors hope the reader will discover--and follow. In the interest of fostering a greater awareness and appreciation of mathematics and its connections to other disciplines and everyday life, MSRI and the AMS are publishing books in the Mathematical Circles Library series as a service to young people, their parents and teachers, and the mathematics profession.
Algebraic Identification and Estimation Methods in Feedback Control Systems (Wiley Series in Dynamics and Control of Electromechanical Systems)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.41 $Algebraic Identification and Estimation Methods in Feedback Control Systems presents a model-based algebraic approach to online parameter and state estimation in uncertain dynamic feedback control systems. This approach evades the mathematical intricacies of the traditional stochastic approach, proposing a direct model-based scheme with several easy-to-implement computational advantages. The approach can be used with continuous and discrete, linear and nonlinear, mono-variable and multi-variable systems. The estimators based on this approach are not of asymptotic nature, and do not require any statistical knowledge of the corrupting noises to achieve good performance in a noisy environment. These estimators are fast, robust to structured perturbations, and easy to combine with classical or sophisticated control laws. This book uses module theory, differential algebra, and operational calculus in an easy-to-understand manner and also details how to apply these in the context of feedback control systems. A wide variety of examples, including mechanical systems, power converters, electric motors, and chaotic systems, are also included to illustrate the algebraic methodology. Key features: Presents a radically new approach to online parameter and state estimation. Enables the reader to master the use and understand the consequences of the highly theoretical differential algebraic viewpoint in control systems theory. Includes examples in a variety of physical applications with experimental results. Covers the latest developments and applications. Algebraic Identification and Estimation Methods in Feedback Control Systems is a comprehensive reference for researchers and practitioners working in the area of automatic control, and is also a useful source of information for graduate and undergraduate students.
An Algebraic Introduction to K-Theory (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 189.69 $This book is both an introduction to K-theory and a text in algebra. These two roles are entirely compatible. On the one hand, nothing more than the basic algebra of groups, rings, and modules is needed to explain the clasical algebraic K-theory. On the other hand, K-theory is a natural organizing principle for the standard topics of a second course in algebra, and these topics are presented carefully here. The reader will not only learn algebraic K-theory, but also Dedekind domains, class groups, semisimple rings, character theory, quadratic forms, tensor products, localization, completion, tensor algebras, symmetric algebras, exterior algebras, central simple algebras, and Brauer groups. The presentation is self-contained, with all the necessary background and proofs, and is divided into short sections with exercises to reinforce the ideas and suggest further lines of inquiry. The prerequisites are minimal: just a first semester of algebra (including Galois theory and modules over a principal ideal domain). No experience with homological algebra, analysis, geometry, number theory, or topology is assumed. The author has successfuly used this text to teach algebra to first year graduate students. Selected topics can be used to construct a variety of one-semester courses; coverage of the entire text requires a full year.
Algebraic Geometry : Notes on a Course
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 120.14 $Unread book in perfect condition.
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