213 products were found matching your search for Allinger Yvonne Max Webers in 2 shops:
Max Mara, Light Jackets, female, White, Size: XS Yvonne Offwhite Shirt Jacket
Vendor: Miinto.com Price: 396.00 $Elevate your wardrobe with this Max Mara light jacket for women. Crafted from a luxurious blend of linen and cotton, this jacket features a shirt-style collar and cuffs, buttoned flap-adorned breast pockets, and welt lower pockets. Made in Italy with high-quality materials. Perfect for adding a touch of sophistication to your outfit.
Max Mara, Light Jackets, female, White, Size: 3XS Yvonne Offwhite Shirt Jacket
Vendor: Miinto.com Price: 396.00 $Elevate your wardrobe with this Max Mara light jacket for women. Crafted from a luxurious blend of linen and cotton, this jacket features a shirt-style collar and cuffs, buttoned flap-adorned breast pockets, and welt lower pockets. Made in Italy with high-quality materials. Perfect for adding a touch of sophistication to your outfit.
Max Mara, Light Jackets, female, White, Size: 2XS Yvonne Offwhite Shirt Jacket
Vendor: Miinto.com Price: 396.00 $Elevate your wardrobe with this Max Mara light jacket for women. Crafted from a luxurious blend of linen and cotton, this jacket features a shirt-style collar and cuffs, buttoned flap-adorned breast pockets, and welt lower pockets. Made in Italy with high-quality materials. Perfect for adding a touch of sophistication to your outfit.
Max Weber : A Skeleton Key
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 112.24 $In Max Weber: A Skeleton Key Randall Collins gives a concise overview of the work of one of sociology′s greatest classic thinkers. The many strands of Weber′s theorizing and the breadth and scope of his historical comparisons are here brought clearly into focus. This is an ideal text for students in sociology.
Max Weber (Paperback) [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.49 $First published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Max Weber's Sociology (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.24 $Book is in NEW condition. 1.36
MAX WEBER. Essays in Reconstruction.: Translated by Keith Tribe.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 113.81 $Text: English, German (translation)
Caesarism, Charisma and Fate: Historical Sources and Modern Resonances in the Work of Max Weber
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 62.46 $How do writers, marginalized by the authoritarian state in which they live, intervene in the political process? They cannot do so directly because they are not politicians. Other modes of engagement are possible, however. A writer may take up arms and become a revolutionary. Or, as Max Weber did, he may try to influence politics by playing the role of constitutional advisor, or by seeking to shape the dominant language in which his contemporaries think. Weber sought to reconstitute the political and social vocabulary of his day.Part I of Caesarism, Charisma and Fate examines a great writer's political passions and the linguistic creativity they generated. Specially, it is an analysis of the manner in which Weber reshaped the nineteenth century idea of "Caesarism," a term traditionally associated with the authoritarian populism of Napoleon III and Bismarck, and transmuted it into a concept that was either neutral or positive. The coup de grace of this alchemy was to make Caesarism reappear as charisma. In that transformation, a highly contentious political concept, suffused with disapproval and anxiety, was naturalized into an ideal type of universal value-free sociology.Part II augments Weber's ideas for the modem age. A recurrent preoccupation of Weber's writings was human "fate," a condition that evokes the pathos of choice, the political meaning of death, and the formation of national solidarity. Peter Baehr, marrying Weber and Durkheim, fashions a new concept, "community of fate," for sociological theory. Communities of fate--such as the Warsaw Ghetto or Hong Kong dealing with the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) crisis--are embattled social sites in which people face the prospect of collective death. They cohere because of an intense and broadly shared focus of attention on a common plight. Weber's work helps us grasp the nature of such communities, the mechanisms that produce them, and, not least, their dramatic consequences.
Max Weber-studienausgabe : Wissenschaft Als Beruf 1917/19. Politik Als Beruf 1919 -Language: german
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.11 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Max Weber in America
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.41 $Max Weber, widely considered a founder of sociology and the modern social sciences, visited the United States in 1904 with his wife Marianne. The trip was a turning point in Weber's life and it played a pivotal role in shaping his ideas, yet until now virtually our only source of information about the trip was Marianne Weber's faithful but not always reliable 1926 biography of her husband.Max Weber in America carefully reconstructs this important episode in Weber's career, and shows how the subsequent critical reception of Weber's work was as American a story as the trip itself. Lawrence Scaff provides new details about Weber's visit to the United States--what he did, what he saw, whom he met and why, and how these experiences profoundly influenced Weber's thought on immigration, capitalism, science and culture, Romanticism, race, diversity, Protestantism, and modernity. Scaff traces Weber's impact on the development of the social sciences in the United States following his death in 1920, examining how Weber's ideas were interpreted, translated, and disseminated by American scholars such as Talcott Parsons and Frank Knight, and how the Weberian canon, codified in America, was reintroduced into Europe after World War II. A landmark work by a leading Weber scholar, Max Weber in America will fundamentally transform our understanding of this influential thinker and his place in the history of sociology and the social sciences.
Western Digital The Rise of Western Rationalism: Max Weber's Developmental History
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.83 $Western rationalism-nature, of course, and genesis-was Max Weber's dominant historical interest. It was the grand theme of his two world historical studies, Economy and Society and The Economic Ethics of the World Religions. His studies of the relationships among economy, polity, law, and religion are lasting scholarly achievements. In this book Wolfgang Schluchter presents the most systematic analysis and elaboration ever attempted of Weber's sociology as a developmental history of the West.
Searching for the Spirit of American Democracy: Max Weber's Analysis of a Unique Political Culture, Past, Present, and Future
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 244.15 $The 'crisis of American democracy' debate is advanced in this engaging new contribution. By referring to Max Weber's long-term perspective, Stephen Karlberg provides rich new insights into the particular contours of today's American political culture - and some reasons for optimism. Kalberg draws upon Weber to reconstruct political culture in ways that define America's unique spirit of democracy. Developing several Weber-inspired models, the author reveals patterns of oscillation in American history. Can these pendulum movements sustain today the symbiotic dualism that earlier invigorated American democracy? Can they do so to such an extent that the American spirit of democracy is rejuvenated? Whilst exploring whether Weber's explanations and insights can be generalised beyond the American case, 'Searching for the Spirit of American Democracy' forcefully argues that facilitating political cultures is indispensable if democracies are to endure.
Max Weber (Weber in Translation)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 98.63 $Weber’s methodological writings form the bedrock of key ideas across the social sciences. His discussion of value freedom and value commitment, causality, understanding and explanation, theory building and ideal types have been of fundamental importance, and their impact remains undiminished today. These ideas influence the current research practice of sociologists, historians, economists and political scientists and are central to debates in the philosophy of social science. But, until now, Weber's extensive writings on methodology have lacked a comprehensive publication. Edited by two of the world's leading Weber scholars, Collected Methodological Writings will provide a completely new, accurate and reliable translation of Weber’s extensive output, including previously untranslated letters. Accompanying editorial commentary explains the context of, and interconnections between, all these writings, and additional useful features include a glossary of German terms and an English key, endnotes, bibliography, and person and subject indexes.
From Max Weber (Classic Reprint): Essays in Sociology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.93 $New! This book is in the same immaculate condition as when it was published 1.98
Max Weber : An Introduction to His Life and Work
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 66.76 $Max Weber: An Introduction to His Life and Work has established itself as the standard short introduction in German to the work of Max Weber, and appears here for the first time in English translation. Sociologist Dirk Käsler has a profound sense of Weber's writings, yet manages to make Weber's ideas accessible to the beginner.Käsler offers a comprehensive account of Weber's views, giving attention both to the context in which Weber produced his most significant contributions to social science, and to the changes involved in his work over the course of his career. This volume also serves as an introduction to the controversies that Weber's writings have stimulated, from the time of their first appearance to the present day.This book will be of vital interest to anyone concerned with Max Weber and will undoubtedly become the leading student text on Weber in the English-speaking world.
Max Weber's Interpretive Sociology of Law
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 149.02 $This book presents a clear and precise account of the structure and content of Max Weber's sociology of law: situating its methodological and epistemological specificity in relation to other approaches to the sociology of law; as well as offering a critical evaluation of Weber's usefulness for contemporary socio-legal research. The book is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the methodological foundations of Weber's sociology of law. The second analyses the central theme of this sociology, the rationalisation of law, from the perspective of its internal logical coherence, its empirical validity, and finally its legitimacy. The third part questions the present-day relevance of the Weberian sociology of law for socio-legal research, notably with regard to legal pluralism. Max Weber, it is demonstrated, is not merely a 'founding father' of the sociology of law; rather, his methodology, concepts, and empirical analyses remain highly useful to the further development of work in this area.
Max Weber and Karl Marx [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.27 $This is a key text in modern interpretations of alienation in Marxist theory and rationalization in Weber's sociology. It remains the best student introduction to the differences and comparisons between these two essential thinkers.
Max Weber's 'Objectivity' Reconsidered (German and European Studies)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 70.39 $The German sociologist Max Weber (1864-1920) is without question one of the founders of modern social science. In his methodological writings, notably his essay "The 'Objectivity' of Knowledge in Science and Policy" (1904), Weber sought reflexively to establish a trans-culturally valid basis for the historical and cultural sciences. Over the past century, however, his work has given rise to divergent interpretations and practical applications within different disciplinary and cultural contexts.In Max Weber's 'Objectivity' Reconsidered, Laurence H. McFalls and a distinguished group of contributors explore the fragmented reception of Weber's work and the legacies of his methodological writings for contemporary social science, offering their appraisals of Weber's successes and failures in laying the groundwork for an 'objective' social science. They develop a 'Weberian' theory of his reception and evaluate the possibility of an 'objectively' valid Weberian social science today.This essential volume not only contributes to the resurgence of interest in Weber's oeuvre but goes beyond the exegetic and polemical debates of the burgeoning 'Weberological' literature in offering a coherent theoretical explanation for the proliferation of interpretations that Weber's writings continue to elicit.
Young Max Weber and German Social Democracy : Chronicling Continuity and Change
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.38 $Unread book in perfect condition.
(a.o.). Hans Kelsen und die Rechtssoziologie : Auseinandersetzungen mit Hermann U. Kantorowicz, Eugen Ehrlich und Max Weber.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.39 $Herausgegeben von Stanley L. Paulson. Aalen : Scientia Verlag,1992. Orig. cloth binding. 170 pp. Condition : new copy. ISBN 9783511092078. Keywords : RECHT RECHT, Kelsen, Hans (1881-1973) philosophy of law Rechtsphilosophie
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