1317 products were found matching your search for Almeida I Introduction to in 2 shops:
I'm Sticking With You: An Introduction To Moe Tucker
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 28.98 $Limited white colored vinyl LP pressing. The unmistakable beat of the Velvet Underground was malleted out on the unconventional kit of Moe Tucker. Her (at times) childlike, fallen angelic voice also shines on some VU fan favorites. Here Moe reinterprets some Velvet gems, sometimes playing all instruments, other times accompanied by the likes of Jonathan Richman, Jad Fair, Kim Gordon and more. In addition to VU faves, we're treated to rough and jubilant covers of her favorite early rock & roll hi
Introduction to the Theory of Diffraction (C.I.L.)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.91 $xi 134p paperback with dark green illustrated cover, many graphs and illustrations in the text, well preserved, a slightly aged copy, one or two marginal marks by careful reader
An Introduction to the Baha'i Faith (Introduction to Religion)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.04 $Peter Smith traces the development of the Baha'i faith from its roots in the Babi movement of mid-nineteenth century Iran, through the lives and work of its prophet-founder, Baha'u'llah (1817-92), and his successors, to its contemporary emergence as a worldwide religion. · Explores the textual sources for Baha'i belief and practice, theology and anthropology and understanding of other religions. · Covers the concept of the spiritual path, the faith's law and administration and aspects of community life. · Examines the Baha'i's social teachings and activities in the wider world
Therapy of Spiritual Illness: An Introduction to the Ascetic Tradition of the Orthodox Church (Therapy of Spiritual Illness, I,II,III boxed set)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 182.67 $A vast synthesis of patristic and ascetic oriental teachings from the 1st-14th centuries, this study presents a renewed vision of the Christian doctrine of salvation and constitutes a veritable treaty, both theoretical and practical, of spiritual psychology and medicine, as well as a summation of Orthodox spirituality that has no equivalent. The notion of human health held by Orthodox anthropology is inseparable from that of the ideal human nature possessed by the original Adam. Before being led astray, this nature was a synergy of Adam's free will and of divine grace unto his perfection, i.e. deification. That is to say, human nature has a direction found in its different components: it is naturally oriented towards God and is destined to find fulfillment in Him. Dr Larchet shows how, according to Orthodox ascetical anthropology, man is in a healthful state when he achieves his destiny and when his faculties exert themselves in accordance with this natural aim. He shows, also, how sin, thought of as separation from being with God, establishes in man a manifold state of illness by turning him away from his essential goal . . . One sees from this how theanthropic asceticism, by which man is ontologically converted,constitutes a true therapy, in that such asceticism permits man to turn away from this pathological and unnatural state and to recover the health of his original nature by turning towards God. If Christ appears as a physician and the salvation He brings appears as healing, it is because humanity is ill. Beholding mankind's healthfulness in the primordial state of Adam, the Fathers and all of Tradition see the state of sin, which characterizes fallen mankind after the original sin, as a state of manifold illness affecting man in his whole being. This notion of mankind as sick from sin finds scriptural support, which the Fathers did not fail to use. - From the Introduction
I, Me, Mine: New Introduction by Olivia Harrison
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.86 $'Ever since the war I have thought about gathering the bits of paper with my song lyrics scattered around and about. Two drunkards cornered me in a hotel room near Heathrow Airport in July 1977 and showed me that if I did find the lyrics, they could be bound into a nice book...It was to have been called THE BIG LEATHER JOB but became known as I, ME MINE' George Harrison, Somewhere in England In conversation with lifelong friend and confidant Derek Taylor, (George's first-person text is interspersed with Derek's fascinating observations and explanations) George describes his upbringing, his first forays with the band, the hard life on the road before they began to make money, the extraordinary phenomenon of Beatlemania and what it was like to be trapped in the middle of it, his spiritual reawakening in India, his love of fast cars and his passion for gardening. There are 50 archival photographs from his own albums and the lyrics to over 80 of his songs, many in his own hand, accompanied by his uniquely intimate and humorous commentary.
Set Theory And Foundations Of Mathematics: An Introduction To Mathematical Logic - Volume I: Set Theory (second Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 82.13 $Acceptable/Fair condition. Book is worn, but the pages are complete, and the text is legible. Has wear to binding and pages, may be ex-library. 0.95
Set Theory And Foundations Of Mathematics: An Introduction To Mathematical Logic - Volume I: Set Theory (second Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 82.85 $Book is in NEW condition. 0.95
E*d*i - Electronic Data Interchange: An Introduction
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.28 $EDI can and is difficult for the uninitiated to read. It is a "digital" representation of a human readable document, like a purchase order for example. By reading this short introduction into the world of EDI you will understand how it is structured, why it is necessary, what a standard is and what the individual pieces of data mean and how they interrelate. Welcome to EDI-101
An Introduction to Race Car Engineering. Book I. 2nd/3rd Edition.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 327.05 $Race Car Engineering Book 1 Second Edition with Companion Cd
See What I Mean: An Introduction to Visual Communication
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.94 $Mastering the language of visual texts is essential for the study of communication. Guiding the student skillfully through the different strands of communication theory, See What I Mean also seeks to develop practical skills with a series of imaginatively planned assignments. Numerous illustrations from different cultures and ages are featured.
The Ironstone Quarries Of The Midlands - History, Operation And Railways. Part I, Introduction
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 97.09 $This introductory volume, which is designed to be used with the regional volumes (where quarries of specific areas are described in detail), provides a history of the industry, its place in the local and national economy, its effect on the countryside; discusses how the quarries were developed, operated and equipped, quarry ownership, transport, locomotives and machines; provides a chronological list of all know Midlands ironstone quarries, and details the sources of information for this and the regional volumes. Illustrated throughout with black and white photos of the railways and the working equipment. 152 pages with index.
Athenaze, Book I: An Introduction to Ancient Greek
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.93 $Combining the best features of traditional and modern methods, Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek 3/e, provides a unique, bestselling course of instruction that allows students to read connected Greek narrative right from the begining and guides them to the point where they can begin reading complete classical texts. Carefully designed to hold students' interest, the course begins in Book I with a fictional narrative about an Attic farmer's family placed in a precise historical context (423-431 B.C.). This narrative, interwoven with tales from mythology and the Persian Wars, gradually gives way in Book II to adapted passages from Thucydides, Plato, and Herodotuc and ultimately to excerpts of the original Greek of Bacchylides, Thucudides, and Aristophanes' Acharnians. Essays on relevant aspects of ancient Greek culture and history are also woven throughout.
Commentary on Homer's Odyssey : Introduction and Books, I-VIII
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 62.35 $This first book of a three-volume commentary compiled by an international team of scholars includes an introduction discussing previous research on the Odyssey, its relation to the Iliad, the epic dialect, and the transmission of the text.
La Guerre du Péloponnèse: Tome I : Introduction. - Livre I. (Collection Des Universites De France) (French Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.78 $Ecrire un tresor pour l'eternite telle etait l'ambition de Thucydide. Elle fut amplement satisfaite: La Guerre du Peloponnese n'a jamais cesse d'etre lue et reste de nos jours un des chefs-d'oeuvre de la litterature antique. Sur son auteur cependant, nous n'avons que peu de renseignements. Thucydide est ne entre 460 et 455 dans une famille aisee du deme d'Halimonte. Grand admirateur de Pericles, il participe a la vie politique d'Athenes et fut stratege. Cette charge ne lui attire guere d'honneur car il fut contraint de quitter Athenes pendant 20 ans. C'est pendant l'exil qu'il redige La Guerre du Peloponnese, dont seuls 8 livres nous sont parvenus. L'edition de Jacqueline de Romilly est, quant a elle, un tresor pour helleniste. L'introduction du tome I presente l'essentiel de la biographie de Thucydide et fournit une histoire detaillee de la tradition manuscrite, riche et complexe. Les VIII livres de La Guerre du Peloponnese sont regroupes en quatre tomes et chaque livre est precede d'une notice donnant tous les renseignements, tant historiques que litteraires, necessaires a une bonne comprehension du texte. Des notes accompagnent la lecture et sont encore approfondies par des notes complementaires de chaque volume. Les cartes des tomes II, III et IV permettent en outre de situer precisement l'action. Le dernier volume est encore enrichi d'un precieux appendice topographique.
I Peter : A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.18 $The significance of the First Letter of Peter for the formation of Christianity stands in sharp contrast to its brevity. John H. Elliott, a leading authority on this letter, brings its significance to life in this magnificent addition to the renowned Anchor Bible Commentaries. Elliott sets the book into context, covering its literary, historical, theological, and linguistic elements. In detailed, accessible discussions, he draws on the latest research to illuminate the social and cultural influences on the Church in its initial years. Treating such important Petrine concerns as living honorably in a hostile society, finding meaning in suffering, and resisting social assimilation as the elect and holy family of God, the translation, notes, and commentary in this volume will help readers appreciate the powerful and enduring message of this fascinating letter.
Who Am I in the Lives of Children? An Introduction to Early Childhood Education -- Revel Access Code
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 284.85 $A warm and comprehensive child-centered approach to early childhood education Who Am I in the Lives of Children? An Introduction to Early Childhood Education reflects a practical, constructivist approach to early childhood education (birth to grade 3) and care programs that is dedicated to the development of the whole child–physical, social, emotional, and intellectual. With its highly readable personal voice, appealing photographs, authentic children’s classroom work, and engaging stories, it allows readers to visualize effective classroom practices that speak to each child’s strengths, interests, and challenges. This understanding–coupled with contemporary, research-based information–inspires readers to support each child’s growth and learning in ways that are in harmony with who they are, rather than according to a predetermined plan. Revel™ is Pearson’s newest way of delivering our respected content. Fully digital and highly engaging, Revel replaces the textbook and gives students everything they need for the course. Informed by extensive research on how people read, think, and learn, Revel is an interactive learning environment that enables students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience–for less than the cost of a traditional textbook. NOTE: Before purchasing, check with your instructor to ensure you select the correct ISBN. Revel is a fully digital delivery of Pearson content. This ISBN is for the standalone Revel access card. In addition to this access card, you will need a course invite link, provided by your instructor, to register for and use Revel.
I Will Build My Church: An Introduction to Ecclesiology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.24 $208 pages. 9.00x6.00x0.75 inches. In Stock.
Introduction to Operator Theory I. Elements of Functional Analysis
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.55 $This book was written expressly to serve as a textbook for a one- or two-semester introductory graduate course in functional analysis. Its (soon to be published) companion volume, Operators on Hilbert Space, is in tended to be used as a textbook for a subsequent course in operator theory. In writing these books we have naturally been concerned with the level of preparation of the potential reader, and, roughly speaking, we suppose him to be familiar with the approximate equivalent of a one-semester course in each of the following areas: linear algebra, general topology, complex analysis, and measure theory. Experience has taught us, however, that such a sequence of courses inevitably fails to treat certain topics that are important in the study of functional analysis and operator theory. For example, tensor products are frequently not discussed in a first course in linear algebra. Likewise for the topics of convergence of nets and the Baire category theorem in a course in topology, and the connections between measure and topology in a course in measure theory. For this reason we have chosen to devote the first ten chapters of this volume (entitled Part I) to topics of a preliminary nature. In other words, Part I summarizes in considerable detail what a student should (and eventually must) know in order to study functional analysis and operator theory successfully.
Who Do You Say I Am? : Introduction to Christology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.17 $Who Do You Say I Am?: Introduction to Christology [Paperback] [Feb 01, 1994] ...
Zoroastrianism: An Introduction (I.B.Tauris Introductions to Religion)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.18 $Zoroastrianism is one of the world's great ancient religions. In present-day Iran, significant communities of Zoroastrians (who take their name from the founder of the faith, the remarkable religious reformer Zoraoster) still practice the rituals and teach the moral precepts that once undergirded the officially state-sanctioned faith of the mighty Sasanian empire. Beyond Iran, the Zoroastrian disapora is significant especially in India, where the Gujurati-speaking community of exiles from post-Sasanian Iran call themselves ""Parsis."" But there are also significant Zoroastrian communities to be found elsewhere, such as in the USA, Britain, and Canada, where western cultural contexts have shaped the religion in intriguing ways and directions. This new, thorough and wide-ranging introduction will appeal to anyone interested in discovering more about the faith that bequeathed the contrasting words ""Magi"" and ""magic,"" and whose adherents still live according to the code of ""Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds."" The central Zoroastrian concept that human beings are continually faced with a choice between the path of ""good"" and ""evil,"" represented by the contrasting figures of Ahura Mazda and Ahriman, inspired thinkers as diverse as Voltaire, Mozart, and Nietzsche. Jenny Rose shows why Zoroastrianism remains one of the world's most inspiring and perennially fascinating systems of ethics and belief.
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