3229 products were found matching your search for American Dialect Society Dialect in 2 shops:
English On The Bonin (Ogasawara) Islands (Publication of the American Dialect Society (PADS)) (Volume 81)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.34 $New! This book is in the same immaculate condition as when it was published 0.84
American English: Dialects and Variation (Language in Society)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 104.09 $This book provides an up-to-date description of language variation in American English, covering regional, ethnic, and gender-based differences.
American English: Dialects and Variation (Language in Society)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.77 $The new edition of this classic text chronicles recent breakthrough developments in the field of American English, covering regional, ethnic, and gender-based differences. Now accompanied by a companion website with an extensive array of sound files, video clips, and other online materials to enhance and illustrate discussions in the text Features brand new chapters that cover the very latest topics, such as Levels of Dialect, Regional Varieties of English, Gender and Language Variation, The Application of Dialect Study, and Dialect Awareness: Extending Application, as well as new exercises with online answers Updated to contain dialect samples from a wider array of US regions Written for students taking courses in dialect studies, variationist sociolinguistics, and linguistic anthropology, and requires no pre-knowledge of linguistics Includes a glossary and extensive appendix of the pronunciation, grammatical, and lexical features of American English dialects
American English: Dialects and Variation, 2nd Edition (Language in Society, Vol. 25)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 95.11 $This book provides a very readable, up-to-date description of language variation in American English, covering regional, ethnic, and gender-based differences. contains new chapters on social and ethnic dialects, including a separate chapter on African American English and more comprehensive discussions of Latino, Native American, Cajun English, and other varieties, includes samples from a wider array of US regions features updated chapters as well as pedagogy such as new exercises, a phonetic symbols key, and a section on the notion of speech community accessibly written for the wide variety of students that enrol in a course on dialects, ranging from students with no background in linguistics to those who may wish to specialize in sociolinguistics
Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Kurdistan: Texts, Grammar, and Vocabulary (American Oriental Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 120.00 $[American oriental series, v. 64.] 172 p.; 27 cm. Bound in publisher's green cloth. Hardcover. Good binding and cover. Shelf wear. Rubbing/scuffing to edges. Pages unmarked.
American Talk The Words and Ways of American Dialects
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 124.69 $Examines the regional dialects prevalent in America and covers the contributions different languages have made to its vocabulary
A New Perspective for the Use of Dialect in African American Spirituals: History, Context, and Linguistics
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.79 $Ships same day or next. Crease down cover. Unread copy. Never opened and like-new text. Expedited shipping available at checkout for domestic orders.
American English : Dialects and Variation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.49 $The new edition of this classic text chronicles recent breakthrough developments in the field of American English, covering regional, ethnic, and gender-based differences. Now accompanied by a companion website with an extensive array of sound files, video clips, and other online materials to enhance and illustrate discussions in the text Features brand new chapters that cover the very latest topics, such as Levels of Dialect, Regional Varieties of English, Gender and Language Variation, The Application of Dialect Study, and Dialect Awareness: Extending Application, as well as new exercises with online answers Updated to contain dialect samples from a wider array of US regions Written for students taking courses in dialect studies, variationist sociolinguistics, and linguistic anthropology, and requires no pre-knowledge of linguistics Includes a glossary and extensive appendix of the pronunciation, grammatical, and lexical features of American English dialects
American Voices: How Dialects Differ from Coast to Coast
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 86.84 $American Voices is a collection of short, readable descriptions of various American dialects, written by top researchers in the field. written by top researchers in the field and includes Southern English, New England speech, Chicano English, Appalachian English, Canadian English, and California English, among many others fascinating look at the full range of American social, ethnic, and regional dialects written for the lay person
The Dialect of Modernism: Race, Language, and Twentieth-Century Literature (Race and American Culture)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 138.23 $The Dialect of Modernism uncovers the crucial role of racial masquerade and linguistic imitation in the emergence of literary modernism. Rebelling against the standard language, and literature written in it, modernists, such as Joseph Conrad, Gertrude Stein, T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, and William Carlos Williams reimagined themselves as racial aliens and mimicked the strategies of dialect speakers in their work. In doing so, they made possible the most radical representational strategies of modern literature, which emerged from their attack on the privilege of standard language. At the same time, however, another movement, identified with Harlem, was struggling to free itself from the very dialect the modernists appropriated, at least as it had been rendered by two generations of white dialect writers. For writers such as Claude McKay, Jean Toomer, and Zora Neale Hurston, this dialect became a barrier as rigid as the standard language itself. Thus, the two modern movements, which arrived simultaneously in 1922, were linked and divided by their different stakes in the same language. In The Dialect of Modernism, Michael North shows, through biographical and historical investigation, and through careful readings of major literary works, that however different they were, the two movements are inextricably connected, and thus, cannot be considered in isolation. Each was marked, for good and bad, by the other.
A Various Language: Perspectives on American Dialects
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 128.38 $1 New Hardcover Book, No Dust Cover as Issued
Bawaajimo: A Dialect of Dreams in Anishinaabe Language and Literature (American Indian Studies)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.25 $Bawaajimo: A Dialect of Dreams in Anishinaabe Language and Literature combines literary criticism, sociolinguistics, native studies, and poetics to introduce an Anishinaabe way of reading. Although nationally specific, the book speaks to a broad audience by demonstrating an indigenous literary methodology. Investigating the language itself, its place of origin, its sound and structure, and its current usage provides new critical connections between North American fiction, Native American literatures, and Anishinaabe narrative. The four Anishinaabe authors discussed in the book, Louise Erdrich, Jim Northrup, Basil Johnston, and Gerald Vizenor, share an ethnic heritage but are connected more clearly by a culture of tales, songs, and beliefs. Each of them has heard, studied, and written in Anishinaabemowin, making their heritage language a part of the backdrop and sometimes the medium, of their work. All of them reference the power and influence of the Great Lakes region and the Anishinaabeakiing, and they connect the landscape to the original language. As they reconstruct and deconstruct the aadizookaan, the traditional tales of Nanabozho and other mythic figures, they grapple with the legacy of cultural genocide and write toward a future that places ancient beliefs in the center of the cultural horizon.
American Dialects
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.81 $This standard text, now in paperback for the first time-- the companion volume to Foreign Dialects-- American Dialects offers representative dialects of every major section of the United States. In each case, a general description and history of the dialect is given, followed by an analysis of vowel and consonant peculiarities, of its individual lilt and rhythm, and of its grammar variations. There are also lists of the idioms and idiomatic expressions that distinguish each dialect and exercises using them. American Dialects also includes musical inflection charts and diagrams showing the placement of lips, tongue, and breath.
The Journal of the American-Irish Historical Society (Vol. III) Paperback
Vendor: Heritagereads.com Price: 13.95 $"The Journal of the American-Irish Historical Society (Vol. III)" is a compelling collection that delves into the rich tapestry of Irish-American history. Edited by various authors, this volume presents a diverse array of articles that explore the contributions of Irish immigrants to American society, culture, and politics. Through scholarly essays, personal narratives, and historical accounts, readers gain insight into the challenges and triumphs faced by the Irish diaspora. The journal features in-depth research on pivotal events, influential figures, and the evolving identity of Irish-Americans from the 19th century onwards. It highlights themes of assimilation, resilience, and cultural preservation, making it an essential resource for historians, students, and anyone interested in the Irish experience in America. This volume not only documents the past but also fosters a deeper understanding of the ongoing influence of Irish heritage in contemporary society, making it a valuable addition to any historical library.
The Journal of the American-Irish Historical Society (Vol. II) Paperback
Vendor: Heritagereads.com Price: 13.95 $"The Journal of the American-Irish Historical Society (Vol. II)" is a significant contribution to the understanding of Irish-American history, published by the diverse talents of various authors. This volume serves as a rich repository of scholarly articles, essays, and primary sources that delve into the complexities of the Irish immigrant experience in America. Through meticulous research and engaging narratives, the journal captures the cultural, social, and political challenges faced by Irish-Americans, highlighting their resilience and contributions to American society. The diverse articles not only provide historical insights but also pay homage to influential figures and events that shaped the Irish-American community. Readers can expect a thorough examination of themes such as identity, community, and assimilation, all framed within a historical context. Volume II stands as an invaluable resource for historians, students, and anyone interested in the intricate tapestry of American history intertwined with Irish heritage.
Fads, and Consumer Culture: Advertising's Impact on American Character and Society, Fifth Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.98 $Ads, Fads, and Consumer Culture-now in its fifth edition-draws on both academic and applied perspectives to offer a lively critique of contemporary advertising and its effects on American society.
Philip Schaff (1819-1893): Portrait of an Immigrant Theologian (Swiss American Historical Society Publication)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 118.09 $Philip Schaff was born and raised in Switzerland, educated in Germany, and emigrated to the United States in 1844. This work explores Schaff's place in European-American history in the nineteenth century by treating him comprehensively, exploring his mind as an immigrant and a theologian and viewing him in all his interests and in the context of his entire life. He is renowned for his unique blend of German and American evangelicalism in the Mercersburg Theology and in advocating an early ecumenism in his work with the Evangelical Alliance and many other notables. Viewed through his eyes, Schaff gives the reader a unique and interesting perspective of the nineteenth century as a participant and an observer.
Across a Great Divide: Continuity and Change in Native North American Societies, 1400â"1900 (Amerind Studies in Archaeology)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.24 $Archaeological research is uniquely positioned to show how native history and native culture affected the course of colonial interaction, but to do so it must transcend colonialist ideas about Native American technological and social change. This book applies that insight to five hundred years of native history. Using data from a wide variety of geographical, temporal, and cultural settings, the contributors examine economic, social, and political stability and transformation in indigenous societies before and after the advent of Europeans and document the diversity of native colonial experiences. The book’s case studies range widely, from sixteenth-century Florida, to the Great Plains, to nineteenth-century coastal Alaska. The contributors address a series of interlocking themes. Several consider the role of indigenous agency in the processes of colonial interaction, paying particular attention to gender and status. Others examine the ways long-standing native political economies affected, and were in turn affected by, colonial interaction. A third group explores colonial-period ethnogenesis, emphasizing the emergence of new native social identities and relations after 1500. The book also highlights tensions between the detailed study of local cases and the search for global processes, a recurrent theme in postcolonial research. If archaeologists are to bridge the artificial divide separating history from prehistory, they must overturn a whole range of colonial ideas about American Indians and their history. This book shows that empirical archaeological research can help replace long-standing models of indigenous culture change rooted in colonialist narratives with more nuanced, multilinear models of change—and play a major role in decolonizing knowledge about native peoples.
American Film and Society Since 1945
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.59 $From Steven Spielberg's Lincoln to Clint Eastwood's American Sniper, this fifth edition of this classic film study text adds even more recent films and examines how these movies depict and represent the feelings and values of American society.· Analyzes major political and social currents during the decade and examines how Hollywood film dealt with these events and developments· Provides a political overview of the decade in film since the last edition of Praeger's American Film and Society Since 1945· Presents entries organized chronologically, by decades from 1945 to the present, making it easy for readers to quickly find information on films that interest them
Friendship, Love, and Hip Hop: An Ethnography of African American Men in Psychiatric Custody (Culture, Mind, and Society)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 63.11 $Friendship, Love, and Hip Hop investigates how young Black men live and change inside a mental institution in contemporary America. While the youth in Hejtmanek's study face the rigidity of institutionalized life, they also productively maneuver through what the author analyzes as the 'give' - friendship, love, and hip hop - in the system.
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