15 products were found matching your search for Anonym Das Satellitennavigationssystem Galileo in 1 shops:
Libertà di filosofare in naturalibus I mondi paralleli di Cesi e Galileo
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.02 $Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei ITALIANO Rilegato in tutta tela verde con titoli in oro al dorso in buonissimo stato di conservazione, protetto da sovracoperta in cartoncino morbido ombrata da velature di polvere ma ben conservata. Pagine interne ingiallite causa tempo, perfettamente godibili. Numero pagine 599
Galileo. Immagini dell'universo dall'antichità al telescopio.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.74 $Firenze,Palazzo Strozzi, marzo-agosto 2009. A cura di Paolo Galluzzi. Palazzo Strozzi inaugura una mostra che ripercorre il lungo cammino tracciato dall'uomo fin dai primordi per arrivare all'invenzione - o per meglio dire alla reinterpretazione - del telescopio da parte di Galileo. Questo evento ha dato il via alla nascita dell'astronomia moderna e alla conseguente esplorazione scientifica del cosmo. Il catalogo della mostra Galileo. Immagini dell'universo dall'antichità al telescopio presenta una importante rassegna di saggi scritti dai principali studiosi degli aspetti archeologici, filosofico-religgiosi, scientifici di una materia vasta e complessa qual è la storia dell'immagine dell'universo nelle diverse culture storiche. Una serie di schede illustra in modo sintetico ma esauriente le testimonianze in mostra, rappresentate da reperti archeologici, strumenti, stampe, manoscritti e dipinti, ripercorrendo il lungo cammino verso la conoscenza intrapreso dai primi uomini che popolarono la terra per giungere ai più recenti traguardi raggiunti in campo scientifico da Galileo e dai suoi contemporanei. cm.24,5x26, pp.444, num.ill.e tavv.bn.e a col.nt. Firenze, Giunti Ed. cm.24,5x26, pp.444, num.ill.e tavv.bn.e a col.nt. brossura copertina figurata a colori con bandelle. brossura copertina figurata a colori con bandelle.
Das Nibelungenlied (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.32 $Anonym: Das Nibelungenlied Edition Holzinger. Taschenbuch Berliner Ausgabe, 2015, 4. Auflage Vollständiger, durchgesehener Neusatz bearbeitet und eingerichtet von Michael Holzinger Entstanden: Das Heldenepos eines unbekannten Verfassers entstand vermutlich um 1200 im Raum zwischen Passau und Wien. Es besteht aus 39 Aventiuren mit 2000 Strophen und ist in 11 vollständigen Handschriften und 23 Fragmenten aus dem 13. bis 16. Jh. überliefert. Die hier vorliegende Textfassung folgt der Übersetzung von Karl Simrock. Textgrundlage ist die Ausgabe: Das Nibelungenlied. Übers. v. Karl Simrock, Stuttgart: Alfred Kröner Verlag, 1954 Herausgeber der Reihe: Michael Holzinger Reihengestaltung: Viktor Harvion Umschlaggestaltung unter Verwendung des Bildes: Nibelungenlied Manuscript K, (1480-1490) Gesetzt aus Minion Pro, 10 pt.
Briefe des Erzbischofs Hinkmar von Reims [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.00 $Die erste Veroffentlichung zum VIII. Epistolae-Band der Edition der Briefe von Erzbischof Hinkmar von Reims stammt aus dem Jahr 1939. Dieser erste Faszikel, der schon langere Zeit gedruckt war, wurde in Erwartung einer baldigen Fortsetzung ohne Titelei und somit anonym herausgegeben. Dass er das Werk von Ernst Perels (1882-1945) war, der als "Halbjude" 1935 seine Berliner Professur verloren hatte und Ende 1938 genotigt war, auch die Arbeit an der Hinkmar-Ausgabe offiziell niederzulegen, wurde schon 1975 in der nachtraglichen Vorbemerkung zum Nachdruck des ersten Faszikels hervorgehoben. Der nun vorliegende zweite Faszikel von Rudolf Schieffer enthalt die Briefnummern 207 bis 341, wobei fur die Briefe bis Nr. 328 die Editionsmaterialien von Ernst Perels und Nelly Ertl genutzt wurden, die uberpruft, erganzt und aktualisiert wurden. Fur die in den Faszikel aufgenommen Nummern 329 bis 341 aus dem Jahr 872 hingegen lagen noch keine Vorarbeiten vor. Im dritten Faszikel sollen in absehbarer Zeit die Briefe der Jahre 873 bis 882 vorgelegt werden, ausserdem die Einleitung zur Gesamtausgabe samt den erforderlichen Konkordanzen und Registern.
Die Briefe des Erzbischofs Hinkmar von Reims : Teil 2: Herausgegeben von Rudolf Schieffer nach Vorarbeiten von Ernst Perels und Nelly Ertl
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 61.06 $Die erste Veroffentlichung zum VIII. Epistolae-Band der Edition der Briefe von Erzbischof Hinkmar von Reims stammt aus dem Jahr 1939. Dieser erste Faszikel, der schon langere Zeit gedruckt war, wurde in Erwartung einer baldigen Fortsetzung ohne Titelei und somit anonym herausgegeben. Dass er das Werk von Ernst Perels (1882-1945) war, der als "Halbjude" 1935 seine Berliner Professur verloren hatte und Ende 1938 genotigt war, auch die Arbeit an der Hinkmar-Ausgabe offiziell niederzulegen, wurde schon 1975 in der nachtraglichen Vorbemerkung zum Nachdruck des ersten Faszikels hervorgehoben. Der nun vorliegende zweite Faszikel von Rudolf Schieffer enthalt die Briefnummern 207 bis 341, wobei fur die Briefe bis Nr. 328 die Editionsmaterialien von Ernst Perels und Nelly Ertl genutzt wurden, die uberpruft, erganzt und aktualisiert wurden. Fur die in den Faszikel aufgenommen Nummern 329 bis 341 aus dem Jahr 872 hingegen lagen noch keine Vorarbeiten vor. Im dritten Faszikel sollen in absehbarer Zeit die Briefe der Jahre 873 bis 882 vorgelegt werden, ausserdem die Einleitung zur Gesamtausgabe samt den erforderlichen Konkordanzen und Registern.
Imhotep the African: Architect of the Cosmos
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.47 $In this ground-breaking book, Egyptologist Robert Bauval and astrophysicist Thomas Brophy uncover the mystery of Imhotep, and ancient Egyptian superstar, pharaonic Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Galileo, and Newton all rolled into one. Based on their research at the Step Pyramid Complex at Saqqara, Bauval and Brophy delve into observational astronomy to 'decode' the alignments and other design features of the Step Pyramid Complex, to uncover the true origins and genius of Imhotep. Like a whodunit detective story they follow the clues that take them on an exhilarating magical mystery tour starting at Saqqara, leading them to temples in Upper Egypt and to the stones of Nabta Playa and the black African stargazers who placed them there.Imhotep the African describes how Imhotep was the ancient link to the birth of modern civilization, restoring him to his proper place at the center of the birthing of Egyptian, and world, civilization.
Medieval & Renaissance Music for Flute (Book & Audio files))
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.88 $Come play music written by kings and clowns, Ladies and lawyers, dance masters, doctors, and troubadours. Welcome to the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Creativity flourished throughout the times that produced writers, Artists, and scientists such as Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Michelangelo, da Vinci, and Galileo. That inventiveness is evident in the imaginative and eloquent music in this collection. Among the melodies are a Portuguese troubadour’s "Song for a Friend" written almost 800 years ago, John Dowland’s "Midnight", silenced from the mid-1600's until the discovery of Margaret Board’s Lute Book in 1970, and a beautiful and haunting song written by a Scottish Lady. There are over 40 tunes in this beautiful collection.
Controstoria dell'eliocentrismo (Italian Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.14 $I più autorevoli filosofi e storici della scienza sono concordi nell’asserire che la rivoluzione copernicana non prese avvio da motivazioni astronomiche, ma da ragioni ideologiche. Gli stessi Copernico e Galileo condivisero la dottrina pitagorica, a sfondo anticristiano, prima ancora di elaborare il traballante modello astronomico che la simboleggiava. Se dunque non furono ragioni scientifiche a determinare il nascere e l’imporsi del modello eliocentrico, fino a che punto l’idea del movimento della terra trova corrispondenza nella dimensione reale? L’opera presenta proprio questa “controstoria” dell’eliocentrismo. La lettura dei capitoli può essere realizzata anche non in successione, rimanendo aperti alla possibilità che in essi possa esservi un fondo di verità non ancora considerata.
Plant Physics Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.32 $From Galileo, who used the hollow stalks of grass to demonstrate the idea that peripherally located construction materials provide most of the resistance to bending forces, to Leonardo da Vinci, whose illustrations of the parachute are alleged to be based on his study of the dandelion’s pappus and the maple tree’s samara, many of our greatest physicists, mathematicians, and engineers have learned much from studying plants. A symbiotic relationship between botany and the fields of physics, mathematics, engineering, and chemistry continues today, as is revealed in Plant Physics. The result of a long-term collaboration between plant evolutionary biologist Karl J. Niklas and physicist Hanns-Christof Spatz, Plant Physics presents a detailed account of the principles of classical physics, evolutionary theory, and plant biology in order to explain the complex interrelationships among plant form, function, environment, and evolutionary history. Covering a wide range of topics—from the development and evolution of the basic plant body and the ecology of aquatic unicellular plants to mathematical treatments of light attenuation through tree canopies and the movement of water through plants’ roots, stems, and leaves—Plant Physics is destined to inspire students and professionals alike to traverse disciplinary membranes.
S.h.i.e.l.d.: Architects of Forever
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.03 $Leonardo da Vinci. Galileo Galilei. Sir Isaac Newton. The titans of history, they discovered the truth of reality in mathematics and the limits of possibility in science - and pushed past those limits with their boundless imaginations. And each has weighed the same question: What is man's destiny? For these men were also all members of the Brotherhood of the Shield, a secret organization that has been safeguarding humanity and shepherding the future for almost 5,000 years. They turned back the Brood in ancient Egypt. They kept a Celestial from destroying Earth in first-century China. They stopped Galactus the first time he visited our planet during the 16th century. And still they watch over us all. But during the late 1950s, the Brotherhood faced a test like none other: the Night Machine, a super-powered being driven to bring about the organization's utter destruction. His vicious attack on the High Council's Rome headquarters causes a line to be drawn between the members of the Shield, and the questions about man's destiny will be resolved once and for all! Collecting S.H.I.E.L.D. (2010) #1-6 and material from S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 DIRECTOR'S CUT.
S.H.I.E.L.D.: Architects of Forever
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.99 $Leonardo Da Vinci was an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. So was Issac Newton. So were Imhotep and Zhang Heng and Galileo and many other geniuses throughout time. They were the first heroes to defeat Galactus and the Brood and turn Celestials back. They saved the world long before Captain America or Iron Man were ever born, but what does this mean to our heroes of today? What does this mean to Nick Fury? Collecting: S.H.I.E.L.D. #1-6
Plant Physics
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.48 $From Galileo, who used the hollow stalks of grass to demonstrate the idea that peripherally located construction materials provide most of the resistance to bending forces, to Leonardo da Vinci, whose illustrations of the parachute are alleged to be based on his study of the dandelion’s pappus and the maple tree’s samara, many of our greatest physicists, mathematicians, and engineers have learned much from studying plants. A symbiotic relationship between botany and the fields of physics, mathematics, engineering, and chemistry continues today, as is revealed in Plant Physics. The result of a long-term collaboration between plant evolutionary biologist Karl J. Niklas and physicist Hanns-Christof Spatz, Plant Physics presents a detailed account of the principles of classical physics, evolutionary theory, and plant biology in order to explain the complex interrelationships among plant form, function, environment, and evolutionary history. Covering a wide range of topics—from the development and evolution of the basic plant body and the ecology of aquatic unicellular plants to mathematical treatments of light attenuation through tree canopies and the movement of water through plants’ roots, stems, and leaves—Plant Physics is destined to inspire students and professionals alike to traverse disciplinary membranes.
Scaling in Biology (Santa Fe Institute Studies on the Sciences of Complexity)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.63 $Scaling relationships have been a persistent theme in biology at least since the time of Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo. Because scaling relationships are among the most general empirical patterns in biology, they have stimulated research to develop mechanistic hypotheses and mathematical models. While there have been many excellent empirical and theoretical investigations, there has been little attempt to synthesize this diverse but interrelated area of biology. In an effort to fill this void, Scaling in Biology, the first general treatment of scaling in biology in over 15 years, covers a broad spectrum of the most relevant topics in a series of chapters written by experts in the field. Some of those topics discussed include allometry and fractal structure, branching of vascular systems of mammals and plants, biomechanical and life history of plants, invertebrates and vertebrates, and species-area patterns of biological diversity. Many more examples are included within this text to complete the broader picture. Scaling in Biology conveys the diversity, promise, and excitement of current research in this area, in a format accessible to a wide audience of not only specialists in the various sub-disciplines, but also students and anyone with a serious interest in biology.
Medieval & Renaissance Music for Flute (Book & Audio files))
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.88 $Come play music written by kings and clowns, Ladies and lawyers, dance masters, doctors, and troubadours. Welcome to the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Creativity flourished throughout the times that produced writers, Artists, and scientists such as Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Michelangelo, da Vinci, and Galileo. That inventiveness is evident in the imaginative and eloquent music in this collection. Among the melodies are a Portuguese troubadour’s "Song for a Friend" written almost 800 years ago, John Dowland’s "Midnight", silenced from the mid-1600's until the discovery of Margaret Board’s Lute Book in 1970, and a beautiful and haunting song written by a Scottish Lady. There are over 40 tunes in this beautiful collection.
S. H. I. E. L. D.: Architects of Forever
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 78.91 $Leonardo Da Vinci was an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. So was Issac Newton. So were Imhotep and Zhang Heng and Galileo and many other geniuses throughout time. They were the first heroes to defeat Galactus and the Brood and turn Celestials back. They saved the world long before Captain America or Iron Man were ever born, but what does this mean to our heroes of today? What does this mean to Nick Fury? Collecting: S.H.I.E.L.D. #1-6
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