42 products were found matching your search for Anonym Yield Management Funktionsweise in 3 shops:
All the Fish in the Sea: Maximum Sustainable Yield and the Failure of Fisheries Management
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.94 $Between 1949 and 1955, the State Department pushed for an international fisheries policy grounded in maximum sustainable yield (MSY). The concept is based on a confidence that scientists can predict, theoretically, the largest catch that can be taken from a species’ stock over an indefinite period. And while it was modified in 1996 with passage of the Sustained Fisheries Act, MSY is still at the heart of modern American fisheries management. As fish populations continue to crash, however, it is clear that MSY is itself not sustainable. Indeed, the concept has been widely criticized by scientists for ignoring several key factors in fisheries management and has led to the devastating collapse of many fisheries. Carmel Finley reveals that the fallibility of MSY lies at its very inception—as a tool of government rather than science. The foundational doctrine of MSY emerged at a time when the US government was using science to promote and transfer Western knowledge and technology, and to ensure that American ships and planes would have free passage through the world’s seas and skies. Finley charts the history of US fisheries science using MSY as her focus, and in particular its application to halibut, tuna, and salmon fisheries. Fish populations the world over are threatened, and All the Fish in the Sea helps to sound warnings of the effect of any management policies divested from science itself.
Forest Dynamics, Growth and Yield: From Measurement to Model
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.19 $The aim of this book is to improve the understanding of forest dynamics and the sustainable management of forest ecosystems. This indispensable resource is intended as both a reference work for forest managers and a study text for students.
Forest Dynamics, Growth and Yield: From Measurement to Model
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.02 $The aim of this book is to improve the understanding of forest dynamics and the sustainable management of forest ecosystems. This indispensable resource is intended as both a reference work for forest managers and a study text for students.
Chef's Book of Formulas, Yields, and Sizes
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 204.56 $This encyclopedic technical reference is absolutely indispensable for any foodservice professional who must calculate costs for inventory management or determine exact measurements for portion control. Packed with informative, easy-to-read tables and surprisingly diverse entries, this book will broaden the knowledge of seasoned chefs and novices alike.
Relative Dividend Yield: Common Stock Investing for Income and Appreciation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.94 $Expert investors Anthony Spare and Paul Ciotti demonstrate the Relative Dividend Yield (RDY) approach that has outperformed the market for more than fifteen years, without the market risk. This comprehensive book covers all aspects of investing and money management, while providing you with the proven advice you need to calmly navigate the rough waters of investing. In addition, Relative Dividend Yield, Second Edition has been completely updated to help you: * Compare RDY with other investment methods such as venture capital, emerging growth, large growth,technical analysis, and sector rotators * Manage even the largest portfolios with confidence * Learn about RDY valuations, including consumer stocks, industrial stocks, utilities, and cyclical stocks * Avoid pitfalls and take preventive measures by maintaining a safe dividend level, using a straightforward analytical process, and focusing on quality companies * Ascertain the primary characteristics of RDY stock portfolios and find out the connection between RDY and market timing With an exercise on Dow Jones stock selecting included, you owe it to yourself to find out why RDY is on of the best-kept secrets in investing today.
Chef's Book of Formulas, Yields, and Sizes
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.82 $This encyclopedic technical reference is absolutely indispensable for any foodservice professional who must calculate costs for inventory management or determine exact measurements for portion control. Packed with informative, easy-to-read tables and surprisingly diverse entries, this book will broaden the knowledge of seasoned chefs and novices alike.
Quantitative Analytics in Debt Valuation & Management
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 107.29 $A breakthrough methodology for profiting in the high-yield and distressed debt market Global advances in technology give investors and asset managers more information at their fingertips than ever before. With Quantitative Analytics in Debt Valuation and Management, you can join the elite club of quantitative investors who know how to use that information to beat the market and their competitors. This powerful guide shows you how to sharpen your analytical process by considering valuable information hidden in the prices of related assets. Quantitative Analytics in Debt Valuation and Management reveals a progressive framework incorporating debt valuation based on the interrelationships among the equity, bond, and options markets. Using this cutting-edge method in conjunction with traditional debt and equity analysis, you will reduce portfolio risk, find assets with the highest returns, and generate dramatically greater profits from your transactions. This book’s “fat-free” presentation and easy-to-navigate format jump-starts busy professionals on their way to mastering proven techniques to: Determine the “equity risk” inherent in corporate debt to establish the causal relationship between a company’s debt, equity, and asset values Price and analyze corporate debt in real time by going beyond traditional methods for computing capital requirements and anticipated losses Look with an insider’s eye at risk management challenges facing banks, hedge funds, and other institutions operating with financial leverage Avoid the mistakes of other investors who contribute to the systemic risk in the financial system Additionally, you will be well prepared for the real world with the book’s focus on practical application and clear case studies. Step-by-step, you will see how to improve bond pricing and hedge debt with equity, and how selected investment management strategies perform when the model is used to drive decision making.
International Dictionary of Hospitality Management
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 74.22 $The International Dictionary of Hospitality Management is the must have companion for all those working or studying in the field of hospitality management. With over 728 entries, it covers everything you need to know, from a concise definition of back office systems, to management accounting and yield management.It covers all of the relevant issues in the field of hospitality management from both a sectoral level:* Lodging* Restaurants and Food service* Time-share* Clubs* EventsAs well as a functional one:* Accounting and Finance* Marketing* Strategic Management* Human Resources* Information Technology* Facilities ManagementAn abridged version of the successful International Encyclopedia of Hospitality Management, its user friendly layout provides readers with quick and concise answers across this diverse area of industry.* The ideal companion for all studying or working in the hospitality industry providing thorough and easily digestible solutions* Concise definitions for over 700 terms in the field of hospitality management* User-friendly layout that covers all relevant issues in hospitality management from a sectoral as well as functional level
The Bond Market: Trading and Risk Management
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 69.00 $Introduces the workings of the bond market, explains how traders formulate their strategies, and discusses hedging, bond options, bond futures, yield curves, economic indicators, and expert systems
Pro-Ject Agile Data Warehousing Project Management: Business Intelligence Systems Using Scrum
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.98 $You have to make sense of enormous amounts of data, and while the notion of “agile data warehousing might sound tricky, it can yield as much as a 3-to-1 speed advantage while cutting project costs in half. Bring this highly effective technique to your organization with the wisdom of agile data warehousing expert Ralph Hughes. Agile Data Warehousing Project Management will give you a thorough introduction to the method as you would practice it in the project room to build a serious “data mart. Regardless of where you are today, this step-by-step implementation guide will prepare you to join or even lead a team in visualizing, building, and validating a single component to an enterprise data warehouse.Provides a thorough grounding on the mechanics of Scrum as well as practical advice on keeping your team on trackIncludes strategies for getting accurate and actionable requirements from a team’s business partnerRevolutionary estimating techniques that make forecasting labor far more understandable and accurateDemonstrates a blends of Agile methods to simplify team management and synchronize inputs across IT specialtiesEnables you and your teams to start simple and progress steadily to world-class performance levels
Directing the ERP Implementation (Resource Management)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 132.71 $Although many books outline approaches for successful ERP implementations, the data shows that most ERP efforts yield minimal return on investment (ROI), with most projects failing. Directing the ERP Implementation: A Best Practice Guide to Avoiding Program Failure Traps While Tuning System Performance supplies best practices along with a proven roadmap for improving the odds of system implementation success.By adhering to the time-tested framework outlined in the book, your organization will be able to commit to the precepts and practices that lead to successful implementations. Supplying an innovative and fast-track, yet comprehensive, approach to ERP implementation success, the book provides practical guidance to help executive leadership do the right things along the ERP journey. Explains how to engineer a project plan, generate requirements, and obtain a results-oriented commitment Details the practical deployment framework essential for success and includes a variety of tools to position an organization for success Describes how to ensure proactive involvement by the project team, executive sponsors, stakeholders, and working-level systems champions Highlighting the essential planning ingredients that are frequently omitted from ERP implementation start-ups, the book provides readers with the planning framework and proven foundational methods and principles to ensure smooth planning and systems deployment, product quality, and maximum ROI.The book covers everything from software selection and integration to common snags, traps, and black holes. Best practice tool sets include proven methods such as information workmanship standard, which defines quality; conference room piloting, which assists in matching teams to objectives seamlessly; education, training, and implementation framework, which addresses preparing the operating production environment; and project monitoring and deployment, covering project and risk management.
The Handbook of Asset/Liability Management: State-of-the-Art Investment Strategies, Risk Controls and Regulatory Requirements
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 98.85 $Completely revised and updated, the Handbook of Assetiability Management helps you keep your protfolio in line and market risk under control. This reference includes; The benefits from risk management; Asset securitization; Measuring interest rate and yield curve risk; Using OAS to implement value at risk balance sheet management; Hedging with derivatives; Implementing controls for managing derivative positions.
The Woodland Way: A Permaculture Approach to Sustainable Woodland Management
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.82 $Ben Law is an experienced and innovative woodsman with a deep commitment to practical sustainability. Here he presents a radical alternative to conventional woodland management that creates biodiverse, healthy environments, yields a great variety of value-added products, provides a secure livelihood for woodland workers and farmers, and benefits the local community. The author views the separation of agriculture from silviculture as unnecessarily limiting and argues for a new approach to planning that will encourage the creation of sustainably managed woodlands for the benefit of people, the local environment, and the global climate. Although specific to Britain, the principles of The Woodland Way will be understood by foresters worldwide. This brilliant book covers every aspect of woodland stewardship from both a practical and philosophical standpoint. Ben Law writes from the heart after long years of struggle with a whole host of naysayers who tried to convince him by fair means and foul to give up his vision for a renaissance in the countryside.
Directing the ERP Implementation (Resource Management)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 73.53 $Although many books outline approaches for successful ERP implementations, the data shows that most ERP efforts yield minimal return on investment (ROI), with most projects failing. Directing the ERP Implementation: A Best Practice Guide to Avoiding Program Failure Traps While Tuning System Performance supplies best practices along with a proven roadmap for improving the odds of system implementation success.By adhering to the time-tested framework outlined in the book, your organization will be able to commit to the precepts and practices that lead to successful implementations. Supplying an innovative and fast-track, yet comprehensive, approach to ERP implementation success, the book provides practical guidance to help executive leadership do the right things along the ERP journey. Explains how to engineer a project plan, generate requirements, and obtain a results-oriented commitment Details the practical deployment framework essential for success and includes a variety of tools to position an organization for success Describes how to ensure proactive involvement by the project team, executive sponsors, stakeholders, and working-level systems champions Highlighting the essential planning ingredients that are frequently omitted from ERP implementation start-ups, the book provides readers with the planning framework and proven foundational methods and principles to ensure smooth planning and systems deployment, product quality, and maximum ROI.The book covers everything from software selection and integration to common snags, traps, and black holes. Best practice tool sets include proven methods such as information workmanship standard, which defines quality; conference room piloting, which assists in matching teams to objectives seamlessly; education, training, and implementation framework, which addresses preparing the operating production environment; and project monitoring and deployment, covering project and risk management.
Quantitative Analytics in Debt Valuation & Management [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.86 $A breakthrough methodology for profiting in the high-yield and distressed debt market Global advances in technology give investors and asset managers more information at their fingertips than ever before. With Quantitative Analytics in Debt Valuation and Management, you can join the elite club of quantitative investors who know how to use that information to beat the market and their competitors. This powerful guide shows you how to sharpen your analytical process by considering valuable information hidden in the prices of related assets. Quantitative Analytics in Debt Valuation and Management reveals a progressive framework incorporating debt valuation based on the interrelationships among the equity, bond, and options markets. Using this cutting-edge method in conjunction with traditional debt and equity analysis, you will reduce portfolio risk, find assets with the highest returns, and generate dramatically greater profits from your transactions. This book’s “fat-free” presentation and easy-to-navigate format jump-starts busy professionals on their way to mastering proven techniques to: Determine the “equity risk” inherent in corporate debt to establish the causal relationship between a company’s debt, equity, and asset values Price and analyze corporate debt in real time by going beyond traditional methods for computing capital requirements and anticipated losses Look with an insider’s eye at risk management challenges facing banks, hedge funds, and other institutions operating with financial leverage Avoid the mistakes of other investors who contribute to the systemic risk in the financial system Additionally, you will be well prepared for the real world with the book’s focus on practical application and clear case studies. Step-by-step, you will see how to improve bond pricing and hedge debt with equity, and how selected investment management strategies perform when the model is used to drive decision making.
Pediatric Toxicology: Diagnosis and Management of the Poisoned Child
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.97 $Evidence-based and age-specific, this book guides the clinician through the diagnosis and management of the poisoned pediatric patient. Features high yield facts at the start of each chapter, case presentations throughout, a 200+ question self-assessment section, antidote dosage tables, color plates, and coverage of herbal products, vitamins, cosmetics, spider bites, and snake bites.
Optimize your Operation: Stories, Tools and Lessons for Using the Principles of Process Management to Improve Quality
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.00 $Though the term sounds general, “operational optimization” actually consists of several clearly defined tools that must be used together to be successful. Product and process analysis, mental Division of Labor, and knowledge base building must all be properly applied to yield increased profitability, improvements in product quality, and a more robust knowledge base. Optimize Your Operation presents these vital tools using entertaining, easy-to-understand stories that speed the learning process. These stories encompass the lessons that will allow a businessperson to radically improve a department, a division, or an entire company. A story about biscuit baking in Grandma’s kitchen explains why process knowledge is the surest way to improve product quality. A Walkabout® Dependency Diagram is included with this book to jumpstart a company’s product and process data gathering. Mental Division of Labor and decision-making skills are taught using stories set at a candy factory. Mental Division of Labor is the best way to assure the proper person, using the proper information, makes the best decisions for the company. Knowledge base building and linking practices are explained throughout the book, since a well-developed knowledge base is the most important component for refining existing products and developing innovative, new products. Optimize Your Operation is based on the author’s popular “Manager of the Future” seminars. His successful “lesson within a story” approach has helped Fortune 100 companies throughout North and South America to improve their products, increase their profitability, and to remain competitive in quickly shifting markets.
Dell N848N Toner Cartridge
Vendor: Bulkofficesupply.com Price: 186.35 $High-yield toner cartridge delivers an optimal level quality and performance in your Dell 5130CDN Laser Printer. It produces high-resolution printouts with clear images and sharp text. It also supports Dell's Toner Management System for low-toner detection. Cartridge yields approximately 18,000 pages based on 5 percent page coverage.
Dell Toner Cartridge
Vendor: Bulkofficesupply.com Price: 337.83 $High-yield toner cartridge delivers an optimal level quality and performance in your Dell 5130CDN Laser Printer. It produces high-resolution printouts with clear images and sharp text. It also supports Dell's Toner Management System for low-toner detection. Cartridge yields approximately 12,000 pages based on 5 percent page coverage.
Dell Toner Cartridge
Vendor: Bulkofficesupply.com Price: 336.31 $High-yield toner cartridge delivers an optimal level quality and performance in your Dell 5130CDN Laser Printer. It produces high-resolution printouts with clear images and sharp text. It also supports Dell's Toner Management System for low-toner detection. Cartridge yields approximately 12,000 pages based on 5 percent page coverage.
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