20 products were found matching your search for B Virus in 5 shops:
Hepatitis B Virus in Human Diseases (Molecular and Translational Medicine)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 106.55 $This text provides a comprehensive, state-of-the art review of this field, and will serve as a valuable resource for students, clinicians, and researchers with an interest in hepatitis B. The book reviews new data about basic and translational science including the viral life cycle, the immunopathogenesis of virus induced chronic hepatitis, the mechanism of virus induced liver cancer, and their potential applications for the clinical management of patients. The clinical aspects of this chronic viral infection are reviewed in detail with important chapters on the global epidemiology, the natural history of the disease, co-infections with its satellite virus HDV or HIV, and management of special patient populations. A major emphasis is made on the management of antiviral therapy and the recent international guidelines for the treatment of hepatitis B. Finally, the book reviews the current state of the art regarding immunoprophylaxis to prevent the spread of the virus and its major clinical consequences. The new advances and perspectives in the development of improved antiviral treatments are also discussed.Hepatitis B Virus in Human Diseases will serve as a very useful resource for students, physicians and researchers dealing with, and interested in, this challenging chronic viral infection. It will provide a concise yet comprehensive summary of the current status of the field that will help guide patient management and stimulate investigative efforts. All chapters are written by experts in their fields and include the most up to date scientific and clinical information.
Hepatitis B: The Virus, the Disease, and the Vaccine
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 178.51 $Toby K. Eisenstein Symposium Committee Chairperson Temple University School of Medicine Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19140 This symposium is the thirteenth biennial clinical microbiology program sponsored by the Eastern Pennsylvania Branch of the American Society for Microbiology in cooperation with the Philadelphia area medical schools and the Bureau of Laboratories of the Pennsylvania Department of Health. This year a generous contribution from Merck, Sharp and Dohme has helped to make the program a reality. The subject matter for this symposium represents an attractive spectrum of medical, biological and molecular approaches to the practical solution of a public health prob1em--name1y, prevention of infection with the hepatitis B virus. The symposium may be unique in that it focuses on a product which was first marketed less than three months ago, but included in the program are presen tations on two new approaches to hepatitis B vaccine production which may replace the one which is newly unveiled. The rapidity of progress in our present era of biological research is indeed astonishing.
Hepatitis B: The Virus, the Disease and the Vaccine
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.42 $Toby K. Eisenstein Symposium Committee Chairperson Temple University School of Medicine Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19140 This symposium is the thirteenth biennial clinical microbiology program sponsored by the Eastern Pennsylvania Branch of the American Society for Microbiology in cooperation with the Philadelphia area medical schools and the Bureau of Laboratories of the Pennsylvania Department of Health. This year a generous contribution from Merck, Sharp and Dohme has helped to make the program a reality. The subject matter for this symposium represents an attractive spectrum of medical, biological and molecular approaches to the practical solution of a public health prob1em--name1y, prevention of infection with the hepatitis B virus. The symposium may be unique in that it focuses on a product which was first marketed less than three months ago, but included in the program are presen tations on two new approaches to hepatitis B vaccine production which may replace the one which is newly unveiled. The rapidity of progress in our present era of biological research is indeed astonishing.
sobrevivir virus b droscher planeta
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 405.00 $Vitus B. Dröscher es un autor tan famoso y apreciado en Alemania como lo fue en España el malogrado Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente. El prestigioso DIE WELT lo califica de "popular etólogo y gran escritor, especializado en relatos de la vida animal". Toda la obra de Dröscher está llena de ejemplos curiosos, divertidos, insólitos que nos presentan la infinita variedad de recursos y las innumerables sorpresas que la naturaleza animal encierra. Se sabe que setenta y ocho de cada cien seres humanos padecen stress o mueren de infarto. Lo que suele ignorarse es que el stress afecta también a los animales salvajes y que éstos tienen sus fórmulas para defenderse de él. Los animales sufren al igual que nosotros las enfermedades, pero saben curarse como lo hacen los osos grises de Yellowstone que utilizan las termas sulfúricas de ese parque nacional de EE.UU. o como los animales que se bañan en algunos lagos sódicos africanos. En esos lagos, leones y gacelas, chacales y marabúes, se reúnen en paz - pese a ser mortales enemigos - para someterse a una "cura" que los protege del reuma, la podagra y el tétanos. Y los pingüinos que padecen gastroenteritis devoran unos crustáceos que contienen algas antibióticas. Tampoco la vejez es sólo un fenómeno humano sino que se presenta en los animales en formas muy diversas, ya que una abeja obrera vive cinco semanas, una tortuga gigante doscientos años, y las truchas usan una auténtica "droga de rejuvenecimiento".
Hepatitis B: The Hunt for a Killer Virus
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 86.12 $About 375 million people are infected with the hepatitis B virus. It has killed more people than AIDS and also causes millions of cases of liver cancer. The discovery of this deadly virus and the vaccine against it--a vaccine that is sharply decreasing the infection rate worldwide and is probably the first effective cancer vaccine--was one of the great triumphs of twentieth-century medicine. And it almost didn't happen. With wit and insight, this scientific memoir and story of discovery describes how Baruch Blumberg and a team of researchers found a virus they were not looking for and created a vaccine for a disease they previously knew little about--work that took the author around the world and won him the Nobel Prize. Blumberg and his collaborators were investigating relationships between gene distribution and disease susceptibility, research that was yielding interesting data but no real breakthroughs. Many viewed their work as more field trip than science. But, through decades of hard work and investigative twists and turns, their pursuit led to the hepatitis B antigen, the elusive virus itself, and, ultimately, the vaccine. As he takes the reader through the detective work that culminated in his incredible discovery, the author recounts with immediacy exciting moments in the lab and in the field--from a hair-raising flight to Africa to an unpleasant encounter with Alaskan sled dogs. The hepatitis B story is more than a fascinating chronicle of a major discovery. What Blumberg followed to the virus was a trail of remarkable "accidents" that happen when scientists seek answers to interesting questions. Those events, combined with the investigator's determined persistence, resulted in studies that generated a pharmaceutical industry, have far-flung public-health applications, and saved millions of lives.
Access Virus Rack
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 595.00 $ (+25.00 $)The Access Virus Rack is a rack-mounted version of the popular Access Virus synthesizer. It features the same sound engine as the original Virus, b...
2001 Access Virus Rack
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 764.85 $ (+2.25 $)Selling Access Virus Rack synth, which is rackmounted version of Virus B seriesExcellent technical and visual conditionI am selling a rack module w...
Epstein-Barr Virus
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 188.69 $Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a human gamma herpes virus that remains one of the most successful viral parasites known to man. It is the etiological agent of infectious mononucleosis and is the major biological cofactor contributing to a number of human cancers including B-cell neoplasms (e.g. Burkitt's lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and immunoblastic lymphomas), certain forms of T-cell lymphoma, and some epithelial tumors (e.g. nasopharyngeal carcinomas and gastric carcinomas). The virus has the unique ability to persist in the infected, apparently healthy host for life. Understanding the molecular interaction between EBV and its human host, the ability of the virus to modulate the host immune system, its ability to hide in B-memory cells and factors that trigger viral reactivation are fundamental to understanding the cellular and molecular pathogenesis of the virus. This is critical for the development of strategies for the prevention and control of infection and disease. In this book, world renowned EBV experts provide a critical and comprehensive review of every aspect of this important virus. By integrating genetic, immunologic, and cell biologic approaches to elucidate pathogenesis, penetrating new insights into the molecular and cellular interaction between EBV and its human host have emerged. Topics covered include: discovery, history and seroepidemiology, EBV and the immune response, EBV genetics, EBV infection and persistence, latency, lytic proteins and reactivation control, vaccine approaches, animal models, and the future of EBV studies. This is essential reading for all EBV virologists as well as clinical and research scientists working on oncogenic viruses.
Inventing the AIDS Virus [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 1,000.00 $We know that to err is human, but the HIV/AIDS hypothesis is one hell of a mistake. I say this rather strongly as a warning. Duesberg has been saying it for a long time. Read this book. --Kary B. Mullis, Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1993
Epstein-Barr Virus
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 262.00 $Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a human gamma herpes virus that remains one of the most successful viral parasites known to man. It is the etiological agent of infectious mononucleosis and is the major biological cofactor contributing to a number of human cancers including B-cell neoplasms (e.g. Burkitt's lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and immunoblastic lymphomas), certain forms of T-cell lymphoma, and some epithelial tumors (e.g. nasopharyngeal carcinomas and gastric carcinomas). The virus has the unique ability to persist in the infected, apparently healthy host for life. Understanding the molecular interaction between EBV and its human host, the ability of the virus to modulate the host immune system, its ability to hide in B-memory cells and factors that trigger viral reactivation are fundamental to understanding the cellular and molecular pathogenesis of the virus. This is critical for the development of strategies for the prevention and control of infection and disease. In this book, world renowned EBV experts provide a critical and comprehensive review of every aspect of this important virus. By integrating genetic, immunologic, and cell biologic approaches to elucidate pathogenesis, penetrating new insights into the molecular and cellular interaction between EBV and its human host have emerged. Topics covered include: discovery, history and seroepidemiology, EBV and the immune response, EBV genetics, EBV infection and persistence, latency, lytic proteins and reactivation control, vaccine approaches, animal models, and the future of EBV studies. This is essential reading for all EBV virologists as well as clinical and research scientists working on oncogenic viruses.
B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth Volume 1
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.98 $The plague of frogs has ended, but earth will never be the same, and the fractured B.P.R.D. struggles to battle dangerous monsters and humans alike, from a trailer-park cult to a Russian town ravaged by a zombie-like virus. Guy Davis's final B.P.R.D. story sets the stage for Tyler Crook's (Harrow County) backwoods-horror debut, as Liz Sherman hides from a world that she helped push toward armageddon, and Abe Sapien is shot down by a girl who's seen the world to come.This is the first hardcover edition of the B.P.R.D Hell on Earth series, and collects the first three trade paperback volumes of the B.P.R.D Hell on Earth series (New World, Gods and Monsters, and Russia) plus an expanded sketch book section. Perfect for collectors, and new readers!
Lenovo IdeaPad 3 14M836 Chromebook 14" FHD Touch, MT8183,4GB,64GB eMMC,Chrome OS
Vendor: Adorama.com Price: 282.00 $All You Need to Hit The Ground RunningIdeaPad 3 Chromebook 14" is suited for fast browsing and multitasking, as well as better entertainment options with the narrow-bezel touchscreen and dual stereo speakers. Built-in virus protections for the latest security, automatic updates and quick boot times are paired with speedy processors and 10 hours of battery life, ensuring that its high speeds are sustained over time.Powerful performance, sustained enduranceIdeaPad 3 Chromebook 14" offers a quick and nimble system response time. Access a rich library of apps on Google Play, custom Google Maps, wallpapers, images and up to 10 hours of battery life mean that you'll have complete freedom to work, play. IdeaPad 3 Chromebook 14" is designed with a camera shutter. So when you're not on a video call or recording something, simply touch the button on the top of the screen and your webcam will be closed.More connectivity optionsFor efficient workflows and multitasking, you'll need more ports and superior connectivity. That's why the IdeaPad 3 Chromebook 14" comes with a USB 2.0 Type-C port, a USB 2.0 Type A port and an audio jack, as well as built-in 802.11ac Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.2 for stronger, more stable connections paired with faster data transfer speeds. And you'll stay secure, with multiple layers of web security, automatic security updates and protection from the latest viruses.See more, share moreElevate your film and binge-watching game with the Full HD display and narrow bezels. Share your screen more easily with friends and family with the wider viewing angles of the IPS display, while experiencing a more intuitive user experience with the touchscreen.Level up your soundListen to crystal-clear audio over dual 2W stereo speakers on the IdeaPad 3 Chromebook 14". Crank up your music and shows at full blast with the user-facing speaker design for immersive listening.
Maintex Citra Cide Lemon Disinfectant Cleaner
Vendor: Bulkofficesupply.com Price: 57.95 $Neutral disinfectant cleaner delivers outstanding cleaning and broad-spectrum disinfecting in one step. It is also EPA-registered, hospital-grade and quaternary-based. The lemon-scented disinfectant/cleaner with a neutral pH kills HIV-1, Hepatitis B virus, MRSA, MRSA-CA, E-coli and numerous other microorganisms. As staphylocidal, bactericidal, mildewstatic, pseudomonacidal, salmoneliacidal, fungicidal and virucidal, Citra Cide is ideal for healthcare, school, institutions, restroom sanitation, general cleaning and disinfecting around office buildings. It uses a 2 oz. per gallon dilution.
CloroxPro Disinfecting Bio Stain & Odor Remover
Vendor: Bulkofficesupply.com Price: 25.34 $ (+8.99 $)CloroxPro Disinfecting Bio Stain and Odor Remover is perfect for disinfecting and removing the toughest odors and stains in one step. This bleach-free stain and odor remover uses hydrogen peroxide technology to kill HIV, herpes and flu virus in 30 seconds, kills hepatitis B and hepatitis C in 1 minute, and kills norovirus, E. coli, Salmonella and MRSA in 5 minutes. It also kills odor-causing bacteria on hard nonporous surfaces. Compliant with OSHA Bloodborne pathogens standard, this stain remover works great on stains from blood, feces, vomit, sweat, saliva and urine. Versatile disinfectant can be used to clean many different hard and soft surfaces such as walls, tile, grout, concrete, carpet, fabrics, upholstery, toilets, countertops and mattresses. It can even be used as a pre-treatment for laundry. It is designed for easy refilling to meet needs of heavy users. It is deal for hotels, care centers, schools, offices, restaurants and other commercial facilities. Packaging may vary.
CloroxPro Disinfecting Bio Stain & Odor Remover
Vendor: Bulkofficesupply.com Price: 98.81 $CloroxPro Disinfecting Bio Stain and Odor Remover is perfect for disinfecting and removing the toughest odors and stains in one step. This bleach-free stain and odor remover uses hydrogen peroxide technology to kill HIV, herpes and flu virus in 30 seconds, kills hepatitis B and hepatitis C in 1 minute, and kills norovirus, E. coli, Salmonella and MRSA in 5 minutes. It also kills odor-causing bacteria on hard nonporous surfaces. Compliant with OSHA Bloodborne pathogens standard, this stain remover works great on stains from blood, feces, vomit, sweat, saliva and urine. Versatile disinfectant can be used to clean many different hard and soft surfaces such as walls, tile, grout, concrete, carpet, fabrics, upholstery, toilets, countertops and mattresses. It can even be used as a pre-treatment for laundry. It is designed for easy refilling to meet needs of heavy users. It is deal for hotels, care centers, schools, offices, restaurants and other commercial facilities. Packaging may vary.
Lysol 19 oz. Crisp Linen Disinfectant Spray (3-Pack)
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 25.47 $EPA #777-99. This tuberculocidal, virucidal, fungicidal and bactericidal formula kills 99.9% of germs on hard, nonporous surfaces and is effective against over 50 microorganisms including H1N1 (Influenza A virus) MRSA, Norovirus, Rhinovirus, Poliovirus Type 1, Hepatitis A virus, Hepatitis B virus and HIV-1 (AIDS Virus).* This product eliminates odors and prevents the growth of mold and mildew. Use on showers, sinks, countertops, around toilet areas, toys, telephones, garbage bins, waiting rooms and in laboratories. Lysol disinfectant spray is a hospital-grade spray and kills 99.9 percent of viruses, including norovirus, which causes the stomach flu. It also eliminates 99.9 percent of bacteria and fungi, helping to control the growth of mold and mildew, remove odors, and prevent seasonal colds, flu, and allergies.
2025 Rackitears rack ears
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 56.24 $ (+16.87 $)This listing is for a pair of rack ears to fit the Access Virus B.Please note that these are not original Access rack ears, they are machined from ...
Clorox 128 oz. Fragranced Disinfecting Bio Stain and Odor Remover Refill Bottle (4-Carton)
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 104.69 $CloroxPro Disinfecting Bio Stain & Odor Remover disinfects and removes the toughest odors and stains in one step. This bleach free stain and odor remover uses hydrogen peroxide technology to kill HIV, herpes, and flu virus in 30 seconds, kills hepatitis B and hepatitis C in one minute, and kills norovirus, E. coli, Salmonella and MRSA in five minutes. It meets EPA criteria for use against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Compliant with OSHA Bloodborne pathogens standard, Disinfecting Bio Stain and Odor Remover works on stains from blood, feces, vomit, sweat, saliva, and urine. This versatile disinfectant can be used to clean many different hard and soft surfaces such as walls, tile, grout, concrete, carpet, fabrics, upholstery, toilets, counter tops, mattresses, and it can even be used as a pre-treatment for laundry. Ideal for hotels, care centers, schools, offices, restaurants and other commercial facilities. CloroxPro, where clean means everything. Packaging may vary.
Arbidol: an antiviral against globally prevalent viruses: A promising antiviral strategy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.83 $Antiviral drug development has led to significant advances in the control of globally prevalent viral infections by the hepatitis C (HCV) and the human immunodeficiency viruses. Nonetheless, there are current gaps in the armamentarium against global viral infections due to some herpes viruses, the hepatitis B virus, and the deadly filovirus Ebola and arenavirus Tacaribe responsible of outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever in emerging countries. Arbidol (ARB) is a cost-effective antiviral with broad-spectrum activity, administered for decades in Russia and China against flu. We showed that ARB inhibits HCV infection, and has potent antiviral activity against the Ebola, Tacaribe, hepatitis B and human herpes-8 viruses. Since these viruses have divergent life cycles, we posit that ARB may exhibit varied modes of action against different viruses. Careful dissection of molecular mechanisms of action of ARB against HCV and the Ebola virus revealed that ARB blocked viral entry. ARB might, therefore, constitute a pharmacological approach against globally prevalent viruses, and an affordable molecule for emerging countries in urgent need for effective antiviral therapies.
When Your Doctor Is Wrong (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.31 $Does your child need hepatitis B vaccine? How safe is it? When Your Doctor Is Wrong... scrutinizes reportable data on the virus and the vaccine as it follows one child through the terrible maze of adversely reacting to this shot. His recovery is a
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