13 products were found matching your search for Bahai in 1 shops:
Bahai Faith
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.33 $This authoritative account traces the BahNB'! Faith from its origins in mid-nineteenth-century Iran to the spiritual and social concerns of the present.
the Bahai Faith
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.00 $This book looks at the Baha'i' Fatih, the youngest of the world religions, from the viewpoint of two Baha'i' children.
Monogram Bahai Notebook (Monogram Rustic 150 Lined)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.81 $Our monogram series is available in A-Z, 1-9, Belief / Sports / etc. symbols [some series] in multiple formats, textures and colors. Find variations by altering the Title and or Series Title in a search — or simply click the author link to see our latest releases. There is nothing like the feel of pen/pencil on paper for your thoughts, dreams, experiences, and life events recorded in the moment. Use this blank book for a diary, journal, field notes, travel logs, etc. Yes, it is designed for any of these needs and more. 150 pgs. with 60% gray lines for writing guides. Also includes: blank field title page to fill in 6-page blank table of contents blank headers to fill in by the page fully page numbered main matter See other cover designs also available from "N.D. Author Services" [NDAS] in its multiple series of 600, 365 or 150 page Mega-Journals, Journals, Notebooks, Sketchbooks, etc. in Blank, Lined, Grid, Hex, Meeting, Planner, and other interior formats.
Introduction to the Bahai Faith
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.59 $Peter Smith traces the development of the Baha'i faith from its roots in the Babi movement of mid-nineteenth century Iran, through the lives and work of its prophet-founder, Baha'u'llah (1817-92), and his successors, to its contemporary emergence as a worldwide religion. · Explores the textual sources for Baha'i belief and practice, theology and anthropology and understanding of other religions. · Covers the concept of the spiritual path, the faith's law and administration and aspects of community life. · Examines the Baha'i's social teachings and activities in the wider world
Refresh and Gladden My Spirit: Prayers and Meditations from Bahai Scripture
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 132.27 $A stirring collection of more than 120 prayers and mediations from Baha'i scripture covers such themes as assistance from God, comfort, contentment, difficult times, death, faith, healing, marriage and family life, protection, strength and more and includes an introduction that explains basic Bahá'í teachings on the subject of prayer and spiritual sustenance. Original.
Children's Stories From The Dawn-Breakers
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 96.53 $Explores the history and teachings of the Bahai Faith and some of the important figures in this religion's development.
Brief an den Sohn des Wolfes - Lauh-i Ibn-i Dhi'b
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.04 $Neuware -Die Religion der Bahai, deren historische Anfänge in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts liegen, gilt als jüngste der Weltreligionen. Sie hat heute Anhänger in allen Teilen der Erde. Entstehung und Entwicklung der Bahai-Religion sind auf das Wirken des persischen Ministersohnes Mirza Husain 'Ali (1817-1892), bekannter unter seinem Ehrentitel Baha'ullah (Herrlichkeit Gottes), zurückzuführen. Die Bahai-Religion lehrt einen transzendenten Gott, der sich in Propheten, unter ihnen Zarathustra, Jesus, Mohammed und Baha'ullah, manifestiert. Die Baha'i erstreben ein neues Zeitalter des Friedens. Von islamischen Autoritäten werden sie als Häretiker verfolgt, insbesondere weil man sie oft als Exponenten einer westlichen und daher antiislamischen Ideologie betrachtet.Gegen Ende seines Lebens, etwa 1891, schrieb Baha'ullah einen Sendbrief an einen erbitterten Gegner seines Glaubens, den schiitischen Scheich Muhammad-Taqi Nadjafi. Schon dessen Vater war ein großer Feind der Bahai-Religion gewesen und hatte viele ihrer Anhänger hinrichten lassen, weshalb Baha'ullah ihn als »Wolf« bezeichnet. Im Brief an den Sohn des Wolfes begegnet Baha'ullah den Angriffen, indem er seine zentralen Lehren erklärt und auf sein nun fast vierzigjähriges prophetisches Wirken zurückblickt. Dabei erzählt er bedeutende Begebenheiten aus seinem Leben und faßt seine ethischen, metaphysischen, theologischen und gesellschaftlichen Lehren noch einmal zusammen. Neben dem Heiligsten Buch (Kitab-i Aqdas) gehört der Brief an den Sohn des Wolfes zu den wichtigsten heiligen Schriften der Bahai-Religion.Der Brief an den Sohn des Wolfes ist die Summa der Lehren Baha'ullahs. Der Verkünder der Bahai-Religion blickt hier auf sein Leben als Prophet und Mensch zurück. Der Text ist nun erstmals aus dem Original ins Deutsche übersetzt. Der ausführliche Kommentar macht den Band gleichzeitig zu einer Einführung in die jüngste Weltreligion. 679 pp. Deutsch
Religions of the World Made Simp
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 96.86 $This book provides a basic introduction to all the major religions of the world, including the big four-Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Learn also about Judaism, Confucianism, Bahai Faith, spirit religions, and even the New Age Movement. Each lengthy articles discusses the founder, his influence, his beliefs and his writings and the practices of each religious group. World Religions Made Simple highlights the strengths and weakness of the different religious groups. The readers will be able to evaluate each religion for themselves.
Prayers and Meditations
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.04 $Prayers and Meditations contains 184 passages carefully selected from the writings of Bahaullah, the Prophet and Founder of the Bahai Faith. This storehouse of spiritual sustenance for the soul combines prayers and meditative passages and offers the opportunity for personal spiritual reflection as well as conversation and communion with God. Readers will find passages that deal with tests and difficulties, spiritual growth, and healing, as well as those centered on the praise and remembrance of God.
Bible Proofs: A Fireside Aid for Teaching Christians
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 64.00 $Explain those difficult Bible passages with the help of this book. Numerous references from the Bahai Writings illustrate the true meaning of Bible verses. An essential reference book for teaching Christians. Illustrated.
Tablet of the Heart: God and Me
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 157.42 $A collection of memory verses from Bahai writings emphasizing God's love and the practice of spiritual values inside and outside the home.
Studies In Babi And Baha'i History [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.45 $A collection of pioneering works on the academic study of Babi and Bahai history in Iran and in America.
Stories from The delight of hearts: The Memoirs of Haji Mirza Haydar-Ali
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 175.00 $Selections from the fascinating memoirs of this famous Bahai teacher and companion of Bahaullah
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