5 products were found matching your search for Becher mit Motiv in 1 shops:
Das Motiv des Auges in der griechischen Bildkunst.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.93 $Verlagsneu Leinen, 144 Texteiten mit 10 Abbildungen, sowie 48 Schwarzweisstafeln mit 162 Photo- und 3 Strichabbildungen --- Aus dem Inhalt: Das Auge im Bildzusammenhang / Wunderheilung und Gottesschau / Auge und Gefäss / Augen auf Münzen und als Amphorenstempel / Das Auge als Element der Verlebendigung / Auge und Protome / Schutz und Drohung: Helm und Schild / Vieläugigkeit. Sprache: Deutsch 1240 gr.
Das Motiv des Auges in der griechischen Bildkunst.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.31 $XIV, 144 SS. mit Bildanhang auf 48 Tafeln, gut erh. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 2010
Cooling Towers (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 55.65 $Another volume in the Bechers' lifelong project of documenting the architecture of industrial structures.Bernd and Hilla Becher's photography can be considered conceptual art, typological study, and topological documentation. Their work can be linked to the Neue Sachlichkeit movement of the 1920s and to such masters of German photography as Karl Blossfeldt, August Sander, and Albert Renger-Patzsch. Their photographs documenting the architecture of industrial structures, taken over the course of forty years, make up the most important body of work to be found in independent objective photography. This volume adds cooling towers to a list of photographic projects that includes book-length studies of water towers, blast furnaces, gas tanks, mineheads, and frame houses.Since the end of the nineteenth century, cooling towers have formed a striking part of electricity and steel works. The first cooling towers were wood-clad structures at coal mines; more recent examples are the steel or concrete constructions seen at nuclear power stations. The simplicity of these forms and their hermetically sealed external skins create an impressive, monumental effect. The Bechers have been photographing cooling towers since the 1960s. This volume contains 236 photographs of cooling towers―in all their different shapes and structural forms―from Belgium, England, France, Germany, Holland, and the United States, and includes a short text by the Bechers.
Grain Elevators (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.17 $These photographs of grain elevators in America, Germany, Belgium, and France are a major addition to the Bechers' ongoing documentation of the vanishing buildings that once defined the industrial landscape of Europe and America. Bernd and Hilla Becher's almost fifty-year collaboration constitutes the most important project in objective and conceptual photography today. With this volume, grain elevators join the list of building types documented by the Bechers in their book-length studies: water towers, blast furnaces, gas tanks, oil tanks, mineheads, frame houses, and cooling towers. Grain elevators are towering structures in the flat, vast landscape of the world's granaries. Providing a fast and efficient method of loading and unloading grain to keep pace with the industrial production methods of the nineteenth century, they made possible a tremendous increase in the trafficking and processing of grain. Scooping, pouring, and spitting, they both illustrated and inspired Le Corbusier's idea of buildings as functioning machines. Monumental, essential, and visually arresting, grain elevators belong as much to the American imagination and landscape as to the European. The photographs of grain elevators in this volume were taken in Germany, Belgium, France, and America. But the specificity of time and place is erased in these photographs; the monolithic structures evoke the agricultural prosperity of a vanished era and the vacancy that replaces it today.
Hans Josephsohn Skulpturen (German) [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.98 $M : 96 Seiten, 134 farbige Abbildungen 17 x 23 cm - Dieses Buch präsentiert eine Auswahl von Hasslers fast ausschliesslich in Schwarz-Weiss gemachten Aufnahmen, mehrheitlich mit einzelnen Skulpturen Josephsohns als Motiv. In seiner Einführung beschreibt Ulrich Meinherz das Auffinden von Hasslers Fotografien in Josephsohns Atelier ein Jahr nach dessen Tod. Nina Keel erläutert, in welcher Beziehung Hasslers Fotografien und Josephsons Skulpturen zueinander stehen.
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