12 products were found matching your search for Beck Felix Ulrich Verbindungstechnik in 1 shops:
Ulrich Beck : A Critical Introduction To Risk Society
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.27 $Ulrich Beck has emerged as one of the leading thinkers of the age. His principal claim to fame is as author of the widely acclaimed 'Risk Society', first published in 1986. Since this time, Beck's work has had a profound effect on the trajectory of social theory, leading to him being hailed as a zietgeist sociologist. The risk society thesis has gained credence within the academic community and across the disciplines as a means of explaining the large-scale changes that have enveloped contemporary society.Despite its continued popularity as a touchstone for debate, the risk society perspective is yet to be systematically unravelled. Gabe Mythen provides both an introduction to and a critique of Beck's work that places his contribution within the context of other theorists of risk, such as Giddens, Douglas and Foucault. Key areas of analysis include risk and the environment, lifestyles and risk, public perceptions, media representations of danger and the changing nature of political engagement.
Conversations with Ulrich Beck
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.86 $In this new book, Ulrich Beck and the journalist Johannes Willms engage in a series of accessible conversations that reveal and explore the key elements in Beck’s thought. Ulrich Beck, one of the most important and influential contemporary social thinkers, reveals and expands his work in a series of conversations with journalist Johannes Willms. These conversations shed new light onto the major themes in Beck’s work and provide an insight into some of the commitments and beliefs that they rest upon. Includes new thinking on the risk society and on globalisation, themes that have put him at the forefront of contemporary debates. Witten in a clear and lucid way and thus ideal for anyone seeking to come to grips with Beck’s work.
Conversations With Ulrich Beck
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.13 $In this new book, Ulrich Beck and the journalist Johannes Willms engage in a series of accessible conversations that reveal and explore the key elements in Beck’s thought. Ulrich Beck, one of the most important and influential contemporary social thinkers, reveals and expands his work in a series of conversations with journalist Johannes Willms. These conversations shed new light onto the major themes in Beck’s work and provide an insight into some of the commitments and beliefs that they rest upon. Includes new thinking on the risk society and on globalisation, themes that have put him at the forefront of contemporary debates. Witten in a clear and lucid way and thus ideal for anyone seeking to come to grips with Beck’s work.
Contemporary Social Theory Preface by Ulrich Beck 250 Counterpoints
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.33 $Contemporary Sociological Theory is an atypical book, in that it is the expression of a sociology that is oriented toward praxis as well as being active. It combines rigorous research with facts, including the intention for a dialogical utopia. Is something like this possible? – the professional sociologist asks, smiling mockingly, denying the possibility. But this broad intention is presented in the book, joining theory with critique and empirical research with praxis, in such a charming way that it grabs its readers and captures them under its spell. To whom is this book addressed? Clearly it is to sociology students, but it also has the objective of reaching those who do not plan on studying sociology. It is especially appropriate for social movements, which the book tries to involve in a theoretical dialogue, to be used to strengthen their daily struggles. If it were true that social movements need more theory in order to increase their capacity for political action, this book would imply an essential conclusion to this end. (From the Preface by Ulrich Beck)
Reflexive Modernization: Politics, Tradition and Aesthetics in the Modern Social Order
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.51 $The theme of reflexivity has come to be central to social analysis. In this book three prominent social thinkers discuss the implications of "reflexive modernization" for social and cultural theory today. Ulrich Beck's vision of the "risk society" has already become extraordinarily influential. Beck offers a new elaboration of his basic ideas, connecting reflexive modernization with new issues to do with the state and political organization. Giddens offers an in-depth examination of the connections between "institutional reflexivity" and the de-traditionalizing of the modern world. We are entering, he argues, a phase of the development of a global society. A "global society" is not a world society, but one with universalizing tendencies. Lash develops the theme of reflexive modernization in relation the aesthetics and the interpretation of culture. In this domain, he suggests, we need to look again at the conventional theories of postmodernism; "aesthetic modernization" has distinctive qualities that need to be uncovered and analyzed. In the concluding sections of the book, the three authors offer critical appraisals of each other's viewpoints, providing a synthetic conclusion to the work as a whole.
Du risque à la menace: Penser la catastrophe
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.52 $Cet ouvrage prend au sérieux le concept de « société du risque » d’Ulrich Beck (1986) et s’interroge sur ce que nous avons appris depuis les années 1980. Quelle est la réalité des changements qui ont eu cours dans les années 1970-80 ? A-t-on assisté à une montée générale des incertitudes liées au processus de modernisation, à une prise de conscience collective de la vulnérabilité des sociétés contemporaines, ou au passage d’une société du progrès à une société du risque où l’on sait le caractère fondamentalement ambivalent des changements scientifiques et techniques ? Si ces années ont été celles d’une prise de conscience des dégâts du « progrès », comment expliquer le tournant néolibéral qui l’ont accompagnée et dont les effets dévastateurs se déroulent sous nos yeux? Les questions abordées sont également réflexives. Que peut-on dire de l’emprise de la notion de risque en sciences sociales, des approches qu’elle a permises, des objets qu’elle a rendus visibles. Mais aussi des objets qu’elle contribue à invisibiliser. Les « nouveaux risques » ne masquent-ils pas des risques plus anciens comme les risques sociaux? Quelle est la politique de la connaissance liée au concept de société du risque? La notion de risques a-t-elle ouvert de nouveaux horizons et lesquels?
Le risque ou le care ?
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 53.28 $Comment penser avec le « care » un nouvel État social par-delà la crise de l’État-providence?Le livre prend acte d’un concept fondamental dans les sciences sociales : la vulnérabilité. Il critique l’usage que le sociologue Ulrich Beck fait de cette vulnérabilité en l’associant à une perte de contrôle des démocraties occidentales sur leur destin : les scientifiques ne maîtrisent plus les effets de leurs découvertes, les politiques sont aux mains de technostructures, les nouvelles formes de catastrophes (nucléaires par exemple) ont des effets à très longs termes et irréversibles. En insistant sur la question de la maîtrise, Beck reste dépendant du vieux modèle de société masculiniste (le contrôle qui serait malheureusement perdu) et reste sourd à la question sociale, au fait que toute une partie des individus sur terre n’a jamais eu le luxe de se poser le problème de la maîtrise perdue. Pour Joan Tronto, au contraire, la vulnérabilité ne doit pas être réduite à cette définition de la modernité ; elle doit servir à réaffirmer l’urgence de la question sociale, la nécessité de « prendre soin » des précaires et des exclus du monde néolibéral. Ceci suppose une autre politique. Il est nécessaire de repenser des États sociaux contre les déplorations de la perte de maîtrise sur le monde, ces dernières pouvant être comprises comme un symptôme ultime de la perte de puissance des anciennes puissances coloniales sur le monde.
Normal Chaos of Love
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.57 $This is a brilliant study of the nature of love in modern society. Ulrich Beck and Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim argue that the nature of love is changing fundamentally, creating opportunities for democracy or chaos in personal life.
Risk Society and Beyond : Critical Issues for Social Theory
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 63.74 $Ulrich Beck′s best selling Risk Society established risk on the sociological agenda. It brought together a wide range of issues centering on environmental, health and personal risk, provided a rallying ground for researchers and activists in a variety of social movements and acted as a reference point for state and local policies in risk management. The Risk Society and Beyond charts the progress of Beck′s ideas and traces their evolution. It demonstrates why the issues raised by Beck reverberate widely throughout social theory and covers the new risks that Beck did not foresee, associated with the emergence of new technologies, genetic and cybernetic. The book is unique because it offers both an introduction to the main arg
World at Risk
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.24 $Twenty years ago Ulrich Beck published Risk Society, a book that called our attention to the dangers of environmental catastrophes and changed the way we think about contemporary societies. During the last two decades, the dangers highlighted by Beck have taken on new forms and assumed ever greater significance. Terrorism has shifted to a global arena, financial crises have produced worldwide consequences that are difficult to control and politicians have been forced to accept that climate change is not idle speculation. In short, we have come to see that today we live in a world at risk. A new feature of our world risk society is that risk is produced for political gain. This political use of risk means that fear creeps into modern life. A need for security encroaches on our liberty and our view of equality. However, Beck is anything but an alarmist and believes that the anticipation of catastrophe can fundamentally change global politics. We have the opportunity today to reconfigure power in terms of what Beck calls a 'cosmopolitan material politics’. World at Risk is a timely and far-reaching analysis of the structural dynamics of the modern world, the global nature of risk and the future of global politics by one of the most original and exciting social thinkers writing today.
Cosmopolitan Vision
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.51 $In this new book, Ulrich Beck develops his now widely used concepts of second modernity, risk society and reflexive sociology into a radical new sociological analysis of the cosmopolitan implications of globalization. Beck draws extensively on empirical and theoretical analyses of such phenomena as migration, war and terror, as well as a range of literary and historical works, to weave a rich discursive web in which analytical, critical and methodological themes intertwine effortlessly. Contrasting a ‘cosmopolitan vision’ or ‘outlook’ sharpened by awareness of the transformative and transgressive impacts of globalization with the ‘national outlook’ neurotically fixated on the familiar reference points of a world of nations-states-borders, sovereignty, exclusive identities-Beck shows how even opponents of globalization and cosmopolitanism are trapped by the logic of reflexive modernization into promoting the very processes they are opposing. A persistent theme running through the book is the attempt to recover an authentically European tradition of cosmopolitan openness to otherness and tolerance of difference. What Europe needs, Beck argues, is the courage to unite forms of life which have grown out of language, skin colour, nationality or religion with awareness that, in a radically insecure world, all are equal and everyone is different.
Social Theory: Roots and Branches (Readings)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 122.35 $The Second Edition of Peter Kivisto’s comprehensive collection of student-accessible, primary-source readings provides students an opportunity to experience "first-hand" a broad range of orientations shaping sociological theory today. New essays in the Second Edition include: Ulrich Beck on the advent of risk society. Immanuel Wallerstein on world-system theory. Manuel Castells on the rise of network society. A new essay by Erving Goffman on dramaturgical sociology. Richard Emerson's seminal essay on power-dependence relations. Bryan Turner on the theoretical contours of a sociology of the body. Alain Touraine on the shifting salience of citizenship in modern democracies. A selection by Harriet Martineau, a neglected figure from the classical period. Benefits of SOCIAL THEORY: ROOTS AND BRANCHES to students and instructors are as follows: These seminal writings from key theorists were selected for their high degree of relevance and accessibility to undergraduates. The readings help students make the connection across schools of thought—revealing that theories are always about something—as well as demonstrating the roles theories play in interpreting our social world. This anthology features longer readings than are offered in many anthologies. Included are separate sections on Neglected Voices and Voices From Outside the Discipline. Brief, thought-provoking introductions frame each article in a larger context and alert students to key points. These introductions serve as a useful "road map" as students travel through the diverse views and continuing debates that make the study of social theory an exciting adventure. These introductions also identify and explain central issues and relationships among the topics covered.
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