64 products were found matching your search for Bioengineering in 1 shops:
Bioengineering: A Conceptual Approach
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 143.78 $This book explores critical principles and new concepts in bioengineering, integrating the biological, physical and chemical laws and principles that provide a foundation for the field. Both biological and engineering perspectives are included, with key topics such as the physical-chemical properties of cells, tissues and organs; principles of molecules; composition and interplay in physiological scenarios; and the complex physiological functions of heart, neuronal cells, muscle cells and tissues. Chapters evaluate the emerging fields of nanotechnology, drug delivery concepts, biomaterials, and regenerative therapy. The leading individuals and events are introduced along with their critical research. Bioengineering: A Conceptual Approach is a valuable resource for professionals or researchers interested in understanding the central elements of bioengineering. Advanced-level students in biomedical engineering and computer science will also find this book valuable as a secondary textbook or reference.
Bioengineering Fundamentals: United States Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.61 $Combining engineering principles with technical rigor and a problem-solving focus, this guide takes an interdisciplinary approach to the conservation laws that form the foundation of bioengineering: mass, energy, charge, and momentum. Demonstrates how conservation laws (including conservation of mass and energy, momentum, and charge) apply to biological and medical systems to lay a foundation for beginning bioengineers. Allows readers to build a mental model of how key concepts in engineering, chemistry, and physics are interrelated. Emphasizes how accounting and conservation equations are used to derive familiar laws, such as Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws, Newton’s laws of motions, Bernoulli’s equation, and others. Extensive examples span the breadth of modern bioengineering, including physiology, biochemistry, tissue engineering, biotechnology, and instrumentation. For anyone interested in learning more about bioengineering.
Bioengineering: Discover How Nature Inspires Human Designs
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.81 $In Bioengineering: Discover How Nature Inspires Human Designs, young readers explore designs and innovations that come from nature. Leonardo da Vinci studied birds’ wings to draw his design of a man-made flying machine and engineers still look to birds when attempting to make planes more aerodynamic. And a burr on your shirt from walking through a field sticks like Velcro, doesn’t it? The plant and animal world provides engineers and scientists with a host of ideas to apply to the human world to make it a better place to live.Bioengineering explores different fields, including communication, transportation, and construction, and follows the process of engineering from the raw material of the natural world to the products we use in the human world every day. Activities such as building cantilevers and inventing a new fabric that mimics pinecone behavior require kids to think critically about their own needs and find creative ideas to fulfill those needs using designs from nature. Essential questions and links to digital and primary resources make this book an engaging and illuminating experience.
Bioengineering in Extreme Environments
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 69.18 $Connecting readers with great books since 1972! Used textbooks may not include companion materials such as access codes, etc. May have some wear or writing/highlighting. We ship orders daily and Customer Service is our top priority!
Bioengineering : A Conceptual Approach
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 135.59 $This book explores critical principles and new concepts in bioengineering, integrating the biological, physical and chemical laws and principles that provide a foundation for the field. Both biological and engineering perspectives are included, with key topics such as the physical-chemical properties of cells, tissues and organs; principles of molecules; composition and interplay in physiological scenarios; and the complex physiological functions of heart, neuronal cells, muscle cells and tissues. Chapters evaluate the emerging fields of nanotechnology, drug delivery concepts, biomaterials, and regenerative therapy. The leading individuals and events are introduced along with their critical research. Bioengineering: A Conceptual Approach is a valuable resource for professionals or researchers interested in understanding the central elements of bioengineering. Advanced-level students in biomedical engineering and computer science will also find this book valuable as a secondary textbook or reference.
Bioengineering for Land Reclamation and Conservation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 199.97 $Text: English, German (translation)
Bioengineering Fundamentals
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.28 $For sophomore-level courses in Bioengineering, Biomedical Engineering, and related fields. A unifying, interdisciplinary approach to the fundamentals of bioengineering Now in its 2nd Edition, Bioengineering Fundamentals combines engineering principles with technical rigor and a problem-solving focus, ultimately taking a unifying, interdisciplinary approach to the conservation laws that form the foundation of bioengineering: mass, energy, charge, and momentum. The text emphasizes fundamental concepts, practical skill development, and problem-solving strategies while incorporating a wide array of examples and case studies. This 2nd Edition has been updated and expanded with new and clarified content, plus new homework and example problems.
Bioengineering Fundamentals
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 180.88 $For sophomore-level courses in Bioengineering, Biomedical Engineering, and related fields. A unifying, interdisciplinary approach to the fundamentals of bioengineering Now in its 2nd Edition, Bioengineering Fundamentals combines engineering principles with technical rigor and a problem-solving focus, ultimately taking a unifying, interdisciplinary approach to the conservation laws that form the foundation of bioengineering: mass, energy, charge, and momentum. The text emphasizes fundamental concepts, practical skill development, and problem-solving strategies while incorporating a wide array of examples and case studies. This 2nd Edition has been updated and expanded with new and clarified content, plus new homework and example problems.
Statistics for Bioengineering Sciences
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 115.55 $Through its scope and depth of coverage, this book addresses the needs of the vibrant and rapidly growing engineering fields, bioengineering and biomedical engineering, while implementing software that engineers are familiar with.The author integrates introductory statistics for engineers and introductory biostatistics as a single textbook heavily oriented to computation and hands on approaches. For example, topics ranging from the aspects of disease and device testing, Sensitivity, Specificity and ROC curves, Epidemiological Risk Theory, Survival Analysis, or Logistic and Poisson Regressions are covered.In addition to the synergy of engineering and biostatistical approaches, the novelty of this book is in the substantial coverage of Bayesian approaches to statistical inference. Many examples in this text are solved using both the traditional and Bayesian methods, and the results are compared and commented.
Introduction to Bioengineering
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 212.72 $Bioengineering in this book is taken to be the application of the concepts and methods of the physical sciences and mathematics in an engineering approach to problems in the life sciences. The aim of such studies is to understand the physical process and engineering aspects of a system's performance both under normal and abnormal conditions, and to design and use diagnostic or artificial devices meant to measure, improve, safeguard, or replace life functions. The material in this book is based on the course given at the University of California at Berkeley. The text contains contributions from instructors in mechanical, electrical, chemical, and nuclear engineering as well as from orthopedics and human biodynamics. The topics mirror the fundamental engineering science taught in the various engineering areas, usually at the intermediate university level, but as applied to problems in the biological world. The basic principles of engineering science are presented so that students will be able to grasp the essence of a particular topic quickly, whatever their background. Many worked examples and problems (together with selected solutions) are included throughout the text.
Biofilms in Bioengineering
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 268.51 $It is a natural tendency of micro-organisms to attach to surfaces, to multiply and to embed themselves in a slimy matrix, resulting in biofilms. Biofilms constitute a protected growth modality that allows the micro-organisms to survive in hostile environments. This book provides a remarkable amount of knowledge on the processes that regulate biofilm formation; on the methods used for their formation, monitoring, characterisation and mathematical modelling; on the problems caused by their presence in the food industry, environment and medical fields; and describes the current and emergent strategies for their control.
Biofilms in Bioengineering
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 203.31 $It is a natural tendency of micro-organisms to attach to surfaces, to multiply and to embed themselves in a slimy matrix, resulting in biofilms. Biofilms constitute a protected growth modality that allows the micro-organisms to survive in hostile environments. This book provides a remarkable amount of knowledge on the processes that regulate biofilm formation; on the methods used for their formation, monitoring, characterisation and mathematical modelling; on the problems caused by their presence in the food industry, environment and medical fields; and describes the current and emergent strategies for their control.
Nanoscale Bioengineering and Nanomedicine
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 122.01 $This practical book is part of the new Artech House Methods in Bioengineering series volumes designed to offer detailed guidance on authoritative methods for addressing specific bioengineering challenges. Filling a critical gap in the current literature, this new resource presents practical, step-by-step methods to help you synthesize, characterize, biofunctionalize and apply the nanomaterial that is most suitable for handling a given nanoscale bioengineering problem. Written and presented by the best scientists and engineers in their respective fields, the authors offer a clear and detailed understanding of how to carry out: Nanoparticle functionalization with biomolecules, including enzymes; Nanoparticle analysis and characterization; In vitro evaluation of nanoparticles using different cell lines; In vitro evaluation of nanoparticles as therapeutics and imaging agents.
Numerical and Statistical Methods for Bioengineering: Applications in MATLAB (Cambridge Texts in Biomedical Engineering)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.28 $The first MATLAB-based numerical methods textbook for bioengineers that uniquely integrates modelling concepts with statistical analysis, while maintaining a focus on enabling the user to report the error or uncertainty in their result. Between traditional numerical method topics of linear modelling concepts, nonlinear root finding, and numerical integration, chapters on hypothesis testing, data regression and probability are interweaved. A unique feature of the book is the inclusion of examples from clinical trials and bioinformatics, which are not found in other numerical methods textbooks for engineers. With a wealth of biomedical engineering examples, case studies on topical biomedical research, and the inclusion of end of chapter problems, this is a perfect core text for a one-semester undergraduate course.
Numerical and Statistical Methods for Bioengineering : Applications in MATLAB
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 133.21 $The first MATLAB-based numerical methods textbook for bioengineers that uniquely integrates modelling concepts with statistical analysis, while maintaining a focus on enabling the user to report the error or uncertainty in their result. Between traditional numerical method topics of linear modelling concepts, nonlinear root finding, and numerical integration, chapters on hypothesis testing, data regression and probability are interweaved. A unique feature of the book is the inclusion of examples from clinical trials and bioinformatics, which are not found in other numerical methods textbooks for engineers. With a wealth of biomedical engineering examples, case studies on topical biomedical research, and the inclusion of end of chapter problems, this is a perfect core text for a one-semester undergraduate course.
Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Production, Isolation and Purification of Industrial Products
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 156.47 $Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Production, Isolation and Purification of Industrial Products provides extensive coverage of new developments, state-of-the-art technologies, and potential future trends, focusing on industrial biotechnology and bioengineering practices for the production of industrial products, such as enzymes, organic acids, biopolymers, and biosurfactants, and the processes for isolating and purifying them from a production medium. During the last few years, the tools of molecular biology and genetic and metabolic engineering have rendered tremendous improvements in the production of industrial products by fermentation. Structured by industrial product classifications, this book provides an overview of the current practice, status, and future potential for the production of these agents, along with reviews of the industrial scenario relating to their production.Provides information on industrial bioprocesses for the production of microbial products by fermentationIncludes separation and purification processes of fermentation productsPresents economic and feasibility assessments of the various processes and their scaling upLinks biotechnology and bioengineering for industrial process development
Vaccine Development and Manufacturing (Wiley Series in Biotechnology and Bioengineering)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.27 $Vaccine Manufacturing and Production is an invaluable reference on how to produce a vaccine - from beginning to end - addressing all classes of vaccines from a processing, production, and regulatory viewpoint. It will provide comprehensive information on the various fields involved in the production of vaccines, from fermentation, purification, formulation, to regulatory filing and facility designs. In recent years, there have been tremendous advances in all aspects of vaccine manufacturing. Improved technology and growth media have been developed for the production of cell culture with high cell density or fermentation. Vaccine Manufacturing and Production will serve as a reference on all aspects of vaccine production by providing an in-depth description of the available technologies for making different types of vaccines and the current thinking in facility designs and supply issues. This book will provide insight to the issues scientists face when producing a vaccine, the steps that are involved, and will serve as a reference tool regarding state-of-the-art vaccine manufacturing technologies and facility set-up. Highlights include: Comprehensive coverage of vaccine production : from a process point of view- fermentation to purification to formulation developments; from a production point of view - from facility design to manufacturing; and from a regulatory point of view - requirements from government agencies Authors from different major pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies Describes the challenges and issues involved in vaccine production and manufacturing of the different classes of vaccines, an area not covered by other books currently on the market
Orthopaedic Biomechanics: Mechanics and Design in Musculoskeletal Systems (Bioengineering)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 195.64 $This book addresses the mechanical and structural aspects of the skeletal system – along with the analysis and design of orthopaedic implants that are used to repair the system when it is damaged. Focuses on applications of mechanical engineering in orthopaedic biomechanics, quantitatative modeling, and improving the reader’s understanding of mechanics. Introduces the musculoskeletal system, determining loads and motions, the structure and properties of bone and soft tissue, and stress analysis of biomechanical systems), as well as introducing applications of the material (including a basic introduction to bone-implant systems, fracture fixation devices, hip replacements, knee replacements, and articulating surfaces). For those interested in orthopaedic biomechanics, as well as orthopedic surgeons who wish to learn more about mechanics and design in the musculoskeletal system.
Quantitative Fundamentals of Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.48 $Ship within 24hrs. Satisfaction 100% guaranteed. APO/FPO addresses supported
Microdevices in Biology and Medicine (Artech House Methods in Bioengineering)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 150.45 $This practical book is part of the new Artech House Methods in Bioengineering series volumes designed to offer detailed guidance on authoritative methods for addressing specific bioengineering challenges. At the dawn of the 21st century, microtechnology is changing the study of biology and the practice of medicine. This volume presents the science behind microscale device design and the engineering of its fabrication. Supported with dozens of full-color illustrations, this book offers you clear, step-by-step methods for: Cell capture from whole blood; High throughput study of transcriptional dynamics in living cells; Temporal control of cell-cell interaction; Nanoscale measurements of cellular forces; Immobilization living c. elegans; Optical and electrical on-chip cell sorting; Human-on-chip models of drug metabolism.
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