123 products were found matching your search for Bogle on Mutual Funds in 2 shops:
Bogle On Mutual Funds: New Perspectives for the Intelligent Investor
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 75.72 $Bogle on Mutual Funds is a straightforward assessment of the industry written for the investor who wants a true and unflinching portrayal. Bogle not only explains the basic principles of canny mutual fund investing, but Bogle on Mutual Funds also explores its subtle nuances and exposes the hype and fads that often lure investors into making unwise decisions. This conscientious guide offers strategies for developing a diversified portfolio that will weather the markets short-term variations. Bogle warns the reader of the major pitfalls common to mutual fund investing. Ideal for investors at every level of expertise, Bogle on Mutual Funds shows how to: Design a portfolio of funds to meet your current financial objectives; Recognize excessive fees, minimize taxes, evaluate investment risk, and spot false advertising claims; Balance risk and return through asset allocation strategy and tactics, astute fund selection, and effective use of index funds; Understand the important role of cost, the third leg (along with risk and return) of the eternal triangleof investing; Interpret the data found in such sources as syndicated newspapers, Morningstar Mutual Funds, and other mutual fund guides, and use that information to make better investment decisions.
John C. Bogle Investment Classics Boxed Set: Bogle on Mutual Funds & Bogle on Investing (Wiley Investment Classics)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 53.04 $Two Bogle Investment Classics in One Elegant Boxed Set John C. Bogle founded Vanguard in 1974, then in the space of a few years, introduced the index mutual fund, pioneered the no-load mutual fund, and redefined bond fund management. This boxed set includes John Bogle on Investing and Bogle on Mutual Funds, now regarded as timeless investment classics, like Bogle himself. Warren Buffett has called him an “American hero” for his contributions to the investment success of ordinary investors. John Bogle on Investing wraps up the essence of his half-century of knowledge to deepen your understanding and enhance your investment success. Bogle’s investing philosophy has remained more or less constant throughout his illustrious career, and this book lays it out so you can learn from the very best. You'll learn what makes a successful investment strategy, consider the productive economics of long-term investing, and how emotional investment in financial markets is often counterproductive enough to forfeit success. Bogle discusses the "fiscal drag" of investing, and shows you how to cut down on sales charges, management fees, turnover costs, and opportunity costs, as he unravels a lifetime's worth of expertise to give you deep insight into the mind of a master at work. Certain books have redefined the way we view the world of finance and investing—books that should be on every investor’s shelf. Bogle On Mutual Funds is just such a work. Updated with a new introduction, this comprehensive book provides investors with the wisdom of the pioneer of mutual funds to help you identify and execute the ideal mutual fund investment choices for your portfolio. You'll learn the differences between common stock, bond, money market, and balanced funds, and why a passively managed "index" fund is a smarter investment than a fund managed by someone making weighted bets on individual securities, sectors, and the economy.
John C. Bogle Investment Classics Boxed Set: Bogle on Mutual Funds & Bogle on Investing (Wiley Investment Classics)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.85 $Two Bogle Investment Classics in One Elegant Boxed Set John C. Bogle founded Vanguard in 1974, then in the space of a few years, introduced the index mutual fund, pioneered the no-load mutual fund, and redefined bond fund management. This boxed set includes John Bogle on Investing and Bogle on Mutual Funds, now regarded as timeless investment classics, like Bogle himself. Warren Buffett has called him an “American hero” for his contributions to the investment success of ordinary investors. John Bogle on Investing wraps up the essence of his half-century of knowledge to deepen your understanding and enhance your investment success. Bogle’s investing philosophy has remained more or less constant throughout his illustrious career, and this book lays it out so you can learn from the very best. You'll learn what makes a successful investment strategy, consider the productive economics of long-term investing, and how emotional investment in financial markets is often counterproductive enough to forfeit success. Bogle discusses the "fiscal drag" of investing, and shows you how to cut down on sales charges, management fees, turnover costs, and opportunity costs, as he unravels a lifetime's worth of expertise to give you deep insight into the mind of a master at work. Certain books have redefined the way we view the world of finance and investing—books that should be on every investor’s shelf. Bogle On Mutual Funds is just such a work. Updated with a new introduction, this comprehensive book provides investors with the wisdom of the pioneer of mutual funds to help you identify and execute the ideal mutual fund investment choices for your portfolio. You'll learn the differences between common stock, bond, money market, and balanced funds, and why a passively managed "index" fund is a smarter investment than a fund managed by someone making weighted bets on individual securities, sectors, and the economy.
Profit & Pitfalls Mutual Funds
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 39.95 $Profit & Pitfalls Mutual Funds - DVD 743452437221
Common Sense on Mutual Funds: New Imperatives for the Intelligent Investor
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 52.81 $NATIONAL BESTSELLER! "Cogent, honest, and hard-hitting-a must read for every investor." -Warren E. Buffett Praise for Common Sense on Mutual Funds "Invoking both Thomas Paine and Benjamin Graham, Jack Bogle outlines a supremely logical plan not only to better investors' returns, but to improve the whole fund industry. This isn't just the best book yet by Bogle, it may well be the best book ever on mutual funds." -DON PHILLIPS, President & CEO, Morningstar, Inc. "Buffett cannot teach you or me how to become a Warren Buffett. Bogle's reasoned precepts can enable a few million of us savers to become in twenty years the envy of our suburban neighbors-while at the same time we have slept well in these eventful times."-PAUL A. SAMUELSON, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics "After a lifetime of picking stocks, I have to admit that Bogle's arguments in favor of the index fund have me thinking of joining him rather than trying to beat him. Bogle's wisdom and his commonsense way of explaining things make this book indispensable reading for anyone trying to figure out how to invest in this crazy stock market."-JAMES J. CRAMER, Money Manager and Senior Columnist for TheStreet.com "Written in his characteristic forthright and visionary style, Bogle penetrates the myths and jargon to shed a powerful light on the central issues that confront every investor, no matter what their level of experience or sophistication." -MARTIN L. LEIBOWITZ, Vice Chairman and Chief Investment Officer, TIAA-CREF "Jack Bogle is one of the great pioneer/visionaries of the investment business. In this book, he shares his knowledge, experience, and judgment to enable us to become better investors. The final philosophical chapters provide insights that may help some of us become better people." -BYRON R. WIEN, Chief U.S. Investment Strategist Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
The Real Truth about Mutual Funds: And How to Make Money on Your Investments
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.89 $The real truth is that the mutual fund industry is not squeaky clean. Even if you are a seasoned investor, you are easy prey for the exaggerated, even out-and-out false claims that swirl around the 6,000 different funds skillfully angling for your dollars. Some of the big-name "families of funds" are among the worst offenders.After reading this book, you'll know how to design your own system for analyzing funds - a system that, like the Asian proverb, will "teach you to fish for life"; why you should never, ever buy mutual funds from a bank or stockbroker; how not to get devoured by those giant mutual fund machines, Fidelity and Vanguard; why any fund's past performance is highly deceptive; why current advertising claims are even more deceptive; how to decode the details of a fund prospectus; how to avoid hidden charges (and many are well-hidden); when to buy and sell; which newsletters to rely on and which to use as birdcage liner; and how to build a solid portfolio that reflects your risk tolerance, financial circumstances, and future plans (Ringold gives you six model portfolios and explains the reasoning behind the fund selections in each.)
Mutual Funds and Exchange-Traded Funds: Building Blocks to Wealth (Financial Markets and Investments)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.78 $Mutual Funds and Exchange-Traded Funds: Building Blocks to Wealth offers a synthesis of the theoretical and empirical literature primarily on mutual funds but also discusses related investment vehicles, especially ETFs. In this edited volume, noted scholars and practitioners write chapters in their areas of expertise. It interweaves the contributions of multiple authors into an authoritative overview of important but selective topics. Readers will gain an in-depth understanding of mutual funds and ETFs from experts from around the world. Based on research-based evidence, this is not intended to be a "how to" book; instead, it is a scholarly and in-depth approach to important investment subjects. Although the book places greater attention on these different types of investments in the United States, it also examines them in a global context.In today's financial environment, mutual funds and ETFs are dynamic areas that continue to evolve at a rapid pace. Because the flow of materials on the subject is voluminous, this book, by necessity, must be selective because it cannot cover every aspect of this field. However, readers can gain important insights about each investment vehicle including its structure and uses, performance and measurement. Beyond these core topics and issues, the book also examines the latest trends, cutting-edge developments, and real-world situations. Given its broad scope, this practical and comprehensive book should appeal to investors, investment professionals, academics, and others interested in mutual funds and ETFs. In particular, this book should help investors make key asset allocation decisions while capturing the benefits of a highly diversified, well-constructed, lower-cost portfolio of complementary strategies that enhance financial wealth.
The Uneasy Chaperone : A Resource for Independent Directors of Mutual Funds
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.31 $Newly revised in 2007 to reflect recent industry developments!
The Wall Street journal guide to understanding money & markets: Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, futures, money
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.93 $New! This book is in the same immaculate condition as when it was published 0.45
The Mutual Funds Book: How to Invest in Mutual Funds and Earn High Rates of Returns Safely
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.65 $288 pages. 8.75x5.75x0.75 inches. In Stock.
Get Off Your Ass and Invest: A Tale of Two Brothers and a Mutual Fund
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.83 $Book is in NEW condition. 0.51
The Rise of Mutual Funds: An Insider's View
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.48 $In 1940 few Americans had heard of mutual funds. Today U.S. mutual funds are the largest financial industry in the world, with over 88 million shareholders and over $11 trillion in assets. New and updated to reflect the crash of 2008, Matthew Fink's latest book, The Rise of Mutual Funds: An Insider's View, Second Edition describes the developments that have produced mutual funds' long history of success. Among these developments are:* formation of the first mutual funds in the roaring 20s* how the 1929 stock market crash, a disaster for most financial institutions, spurred the growth of mutual funds* establishment in 1934, over FDR's objection, of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, the federal agency that regulates mutual funds * enactment of the Revenue Act of 1936, the tax law that saved mutual funds from extinction* passage of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the "constitution" of the mutual fund industry* the creation in 1972 of money market funds, which totally changed the mutual fund industry and the entire U.S. financial system *enactment of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, which created Individual Retirement Accounts* the accidental development of 401(k) plans, which have revolutionized the way Americans save for retirement* the 2003 trading abuses, the greatest scandal ever in the history of the mutual fund industry Many events have never been discussed in detail; others have been discussed in works on other subjects. This is the first book that pulls together the many strands of mutual funds' unique history, written by an expert who draws on forty years of personal experience in the fund industry.
Fund Spy: Morningstar's Inside Secrets to Selecting Mutual Funds that Outperform
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.56 $Author Russel Kinnel walks readers through the handful of key factors they need to pick winning funds. Armed with the quantitative data and qualitative research, they will gain the confidence to pick great funds for the long-term. This book will be accompanied by a web-based tool created by Morningstar, which will enable readers to evaluate their own funds using Kinnel's criteria. Written in a fun and accessible manner, The Fund Spy offers Kinnel's unique insight as a 14-year Morningstar fund analyst. He speaks plainly about the conflicts that can go against investors' interests, explaining how to avoid traps and push out the slick sales pitches facing today's investors. He also offers several "10 lists," which provide quick answers to investors' most common questions (e.g., the Top 10 Funds to Recommend to Relatives, the 10 Best Contrarian Managers, the 10 Most Overrated Managers).
ASK Suze About Mutual Funds and Annuities
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 77.09 $In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title!
Serious Money: The Art of Marketing Mutual Funds
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.45 $An excellent pre-cursor to Nick's better book: The Excellent Investment Advisor. Nick will tell you himself that Serious Money is outdated, but it is a good starter for Nick's unique approach on financial services sales.
Outsmarting Wall Street: A Profit-Proven System for Picking Stocks, Mutual Funds & Timing the Market
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.29 $Provides a guide for personal investing using the "PAD" (patience and discipline) system for picking stocks, and explains how to know when and how much to buy and sell
Fidelity's World: The Secret Life and Public Power of the Mutual Fund Giant
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.46 $Called "trail-blazing and hard-hitting" ("Christian Science Monitor"), this in-depth portrait of an investment empire reveals Fidelity's dramatic impact on America's corporations and individual investors. of photos.
Mutual Funds and Exchange-Traded Funds: Building Blocks to Wealth (Financial Markets and Investments)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 66.29 $Mutual Funds and Exchange-Traded Funds: Building Blocks to Wealth offers a synthesis of the theoretical and empirical literature primarily on mutual funds but also discusses related investment vehicles, especially ETFs. In this edited volume, noted scholars and practitioners write chapters in their areas of expertise. It interweaves the contributions of multiple authors into an authoritative overview of important but selective topics. Readers will gain an in-depth understanding of mutual funds and ETFs from experts from around the world. Based on research-based evidence, this is not intended to be a "how to" book; instead, it is a scholarly and in-depth approach to important investment subjects. Although the book places greater attention on these different types of investments in the United States, it also examines them in a global context.In today's financial environment, mutual funds and ETFs are dynamic areas that continue to evolve at a rapid pace. Because the flow of materials on the subject is voluminous, this book, by necessity, must be selective because it cannot cover every aspect of this field. However, readers can gain important insights about each investment vehicle including its structure and uses, performance and measurement. Beyond these core topics and issues, the book also examines the latest trends, cutting-edge developments, and real-world situations. Given its broad scope, this practical and comprehensive book should appeal to investors, investment professionals, academics, and others interested in mutual funds and ETFs. In particular, this book should help investors make key asset allocation decisions while capturing the benefits of a highly diversified, well-constructed, lower-cost portfolio of complementary strategies that enhance financial wealth.
All About Bonds and Bond Mutual Funds: The Easy Way to Get Started
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.97 $Everything an individual investor needs to know about bonds.. . The average income investor doesn't want or need to get bogged down in technical discussions of interest rates and time. So All About Bonds and Bond Mutual Funds gives them what they wantAndshy;Andshy;a simple yet comprehensive treatment of bonds and bond funds. Along with updated bond information, this revised edition also includes new material on:. . . Bond mutual funds . Tax-free municipal bonds . International bonds and bond funds .
Enough Bull: How to Retire Well without the Stock Market, Mutual Funds, or Even an Investment Advisor
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 111.18 $The one book your bank REALLY does not want you to read. More than ever before, Canadians are frightened and stressed out about their retirement and financial future. With the mortgage, car payments and credit card bills, there never seems to be enough to pay the current bills let alone save thousands in RRSPs. At the same time, the large financial institutions are bombarding us with fearful messages of destitution unless we maximize our RRSP contributions. The stock market crash of 2008 has proven one thing: traditional retirement planning advice simply doesn't work. The risks are too enormous. Throwing money into RRSPs and trusting the stock market is like gambling with your family's future. But how do you plan for retirement without risking everything? In Enough Bull, David Trahair explains: How to invest only in 100% safe investments that will never decline How to get out of mutual funds and the stock market - forever The "Tax Turbo-Charged RRSP strategy" - why you should wait until you are over 50 to start your RRSP Exactly what age to elect to receive the CPP pension How to avoid the scams that lead to personal financial disaster Easy to understand and simple to apply, Enough Bull shows Canadians how to avoid all the traps and why doing the exact opposite of what they have been told will leave them much further ahead. www.enoughbull.ca
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