63 products were found matching your search for Boson in 4 shops:
Interacting bosons in nuclear physics (Ettore Majorana international science series : Physical sciences)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 188.38 $During the week of June 6-9, 1978, a group of 36 physicists from 15 countries met in Erice, Sicily, for the first specialized seminar on "Interacting Bosons in Nuclear Physics". The countries represented were Argentina, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Yugoslavia. The Seminar was sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Public Education (MPI), the Italian Ministry of Scientific and Technological Research (MRST), the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza tion (NATO) and the Regional Sicilian Government (ERS). The purpose of the Seminar was to discuss the present status of the Interacting Boson Model both from the theoretical and experi mental point of view. Some of the lectures presented in this book summarize particular aspects of the model and are based on previously published work (F. Iachello, R. F. Casten, Z. Sujkowski, L. Hassel gren, H. Emling, I. Talmi, T. Otsuka, J. McGrory, A.E.L. Dieperink and A. Arima). Others are entirely new. In particular, the lec tures of O. Scholten and A. Gelberg and V. Kaup present the first extensive set of calculations based on the proton-neutron boson model, while the lecture of J.N.Ginocchio describes a fermion model with properties identical to those of the interacting boson model. Also new are the le~tures of D. R. Bes, R. A. Broglia and P. F.
FLIR Breach PTQ136 Thermal Imaging Multi-Purpose Monocular, FLIR Boson 60Hz Core
Vendor: Adorama.com Price: 2,899.00 $Built for the rigors of law enforcement, the FLIR Breach PTQ136 spots the heat of suspects and objects in total darkness. Featuring the new FLIR Boson core and a compact design, the FLIR Breach offers unmatched tactical awareness. Weighing only 7.4 ounces (210 grams), the FLIR Breach can be concealed in a pocket or mounted to a helmet with its mini-rail feature, while adding minimal weight to officers heavy gear. Additional features include onboard recording and seven palettes for fast detection of suspects or evidence, day or night.Exceptional VisionAdvanced image processing produces excellent image clarity, day or night• New FLIR Boson thermal core with 12 microm pixel pitch and 320 x 240 resolution• Bright, high definition FLCOS display• Industry-leading on-chip video processingConvenient Hands-Free OperationEasy adaptability to wide selection of head and helmet mounts• DoveTail / Bayonet interfaces• Quickly attaches to helmet and head mounts using mini-rail feature• Weighs less than 8 ounces (210g)Superior ValueMultiple features offer a superior, customizable experience• On board video recording with to 2.5 hours of internal storage or 1,000 pictures• Multiple palettes and reticle patterns• Digital compass/inclinometer for precise range and target orientation
Free The Tone FREE THE TONE "gigs boson"
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 171.25 $ (+393.67 $)Le GIGS BOSON est un overdrive extr mement polyvalent avec une large plage de gain. pour les sons lead chantants et les rythmes solides. Le circuit...
Freefly Boson 640 + SF20 Counterweight for LR1 Payload
Vendor: Adorama.com Price: 40.00 $If you want to operate the LR1 Payload with both the Flir Boson 640 Thermal Upgrade and the Lightware SF20 Laser Range Finder Upgrade installed at the same time, you'll need this counterweight.This counterweight plate mounts to the bottom of the LR1 with two M3 screws, in place of the smaller counterweights that are included with each of the add-ons.
Cern : How We Found the Higgs Boson
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 6.42 $This informative and entertaining book provides a broad look at the fascinating history of CERN, and the physicists working in different areas at CERN who were active in the discovery of the Higgs Boson. Profound and well-structured, the contents combine present day interviews with the scientists of CERN, the world's largest laboratory dedicated to the pursuit of fundamental science, with important figures in the history of science (e.g., Maxwell, Faraday, Einstein), and also gives a lot of information on the history of quantum mechanics and the history of physics from its beginnings.It is an easy-to-read book on a complex topic, providing a very personal insight into the personalities of top scientists and the history of science as well. This invaluable book will capture the interest of the curious reader, telling the story of one of the greatest scientific endeavors ever.
Massive: The Higgs Boson and the Greatest Hunt in Science: Updated Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.78 $Now fully updated -- this is the dramatic and gripping account of the greatest scientific discovery of our time. In the early 1960s, three groups of physicists, working independently in different countries, stumbled upon an idea that would change physics and fuel the imagination of scientists for decades. That idea was the Higgs boson -- to find it would be to finally understand the origins of mass -- the last building block of life itself. Now, almost 50 years later, that particle has finally been discovered. Award-winning science writer Ian Sample weaves together the personal stories and intense rivalries of the teams of scientists searching for the particle, Massive is a tale of grand ambition, trans-Atlantic competition, clashing egos and occasionally spectacular failures. From the giant particle colliders built to further the scientists' quest to the political fallout of budget blowouts, debates over whether the search might even destroy the universe, to the incredible discovery of the particle itself, this is an epic story of imagination, personal ambition, sub-atomic exploration and global significance. Whichever way you look at it, this story is massive.
Discovery Of The Higgs Boson
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.62 $"This book is printed on high-quality paper including many full coloured figures that make it a pleasure to read and extract information out of it. For sure, this collection is a valuable contribution to the literature as no equivalent textbook exists. In summary, this collection is a comprehensive account of the experimental effort in the search for the Higgs boson at the Lhc and has the ability to work as a standard reference in the field." Zentralblatt Math The recent observation of the Higgs boson has been hailed as the scientific discovery of the century and led to the 2013 Nobel Prize in physics. This book describes the detailed science behind the decades-long search for this elusive particle at the Large Electron Positron Collider at Cern and at the Tevatron at Fermilab and its subsequent discovery and characterization at the Large Hadron Collider at Cern. Written by physicists who played leading roles in this epic search and discovery, this book is an authoritative and pedagogical exposition of the portrait of the Higgs boson that has emerged from a large number of experimental measurements. As the first of its kind, this book should be of interest to graduate students and researchers in particle physics.
Cern : How We Found the Higgs Boson
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 64.45 $This informative and entertaining book provides a broad look at the fascinating history of CERN, and the physicists working in different areas at CERN who were active in the discovery of the Higgs Boson. Profound and well-structured, the contents combine present day interviews with the scientists of CERN, the world's largest laboratory dedicated to the pursuit of fundamental science, with important figures in the history of science (e.g., Maxwell, Faraday, Einstein), and also gives a lot of information on the history of quantum mechanics and the history of physics from its beginnings.It is an easy-to-read book on a complex topic, providing a very personal insight into the personalities of top scientists and the history of science as well. This invaluable book will capture the interest of the curious reader, telling the story of one of the greatest scientific endeavors ever.
The Particle at the End of the Universe: How the Hunt for the Higgs Boson Leads Us to the Edge of a New World
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.00 $Scientists have just announced an historic discovery on a par with the splitting of the atom: the Higgs boson, the key to understanding why mass exists has been found. In The Particle at the End of the Universe, Caltech physicist and acclaimed writer Sean Carroll takes readers behind the scenes of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN to meet the scientists and explain this landmark event. The Higgs boson is the particle that more than six thousand scientists have been looking for using the Large Hadron Collider, the world’s largest and highest energy particle accelerator, which lies in a tunnel 17 miles in circumference, as deep as 575 feet beneath the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva. It took ten years to build and this search has now cost over $9 billion and required the collaboration of engineers from more than one hundred countries.What is so special about the Higgs boson? We didn’t really know for sure if anything at the subatomic level had any mass at all until we found it. The fact is, while we have now essentially solved the mass puzzle, there are things we didn’t predict and possibilities we haven’t yet dreamed. A doorway is opening into the mind boggling, somewhat frightening world of dark matter. We only discovered the electron just over a hundred years ago and considering where that took us—from nuclear energy to quantum computing--the inventions that will result from the Higgs discovery will be world-changing. The Particle at the End of the Universe not only explains the importance of the Higgs boson but also the Large Hadron Collider project itself. Projects this big don’t happen without a certain amount of conniving, dealing, and occasional skullduggery— and Sean Carroll explores it all. This is an irresistible story (including characters now set to win the Nobel Prize among other glories) about the greatest scientific achievement of our time.
Mécanique quantique : Tome 3, Fermions, bosons, photons, corrélations et intrication
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.93 $Befriedigend/Good: Durchschnittlich erhaltenes Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren, aber vollständigen Seiten. / Describes the average WORN book or dust jacket that has all the pages present.
The Large Hadron Collider: The Extraordinary Story of the Higgs Boson and Other Stuff That Will Blow Your Mind
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.91 $Since 2008 scientists have conducted experiments in a hyperenergized, 17-mile supercollider beneath the border of France and Switzerland. The Large Hadron Collider (or what scientists call "the LHC") is one of the wonders of the modern world―a highly sophisticated scientific instrument designed to recreate in miniature the conditions of the universe as they existed in the microseconds following the big bang. Among many notable LHC discoveries, one led to the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics for revealing evidence of the existence of the Higgs boson, the so-called God particle. Picking up where he left off in The Quantum Frontier, physicist Don Lincoln shares an insider’s account of the LHC’s operational history and gives readers everything they need to become well informed on this marvel of technology. Writing about the LHC’s early days, Lincoln offers keen insight into an accident that derailed the operation nine days after the collider’s 2008 debut. A faulty solder joint started a chain reaction that caused a massive explosion, damaged 50 superconducting magnets, and vaporized large sections of the conductor. The crippled LHC lay dormant for over a year, while technical teams repaired the damage.Lincoln devotes an entire chapter to the Higgs boson and Higgs field, using several extended analogies to help explain the importance of these concepts to particle physics. In the final chapter, he describes what the discovery of the Higgs boson tells us about our current understanding of basic physics and how the discovery now keeps scientists awake over a nagging inconsistency in their favorite theory.As accessible as it is fascinating, The Large Hadron Collider reveals the inner workings of this masterful achievement of technology, along with the mind-blowing discoveries that will keep it at the center of the scientific frontier for the foreseeable future.
A Whirlwind History of the Universe and Mankind: From the Big Bang to the Higgs Boson
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.64 $Cover and edges may have some wear.
Inside Cern's Large Hadron Collider: From The Proton To The Higgs Boson
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.52 $"Written in a fluid style, this book would appeal to those who, even if not completely unfamiliar with the topic, know little about collider physics, Cern and its experiments." Cern Courier The book aims to explain the historical development of particle physics, with special emphasis on Cern and collider physics. It describes in detail the Lhc accelerator and its detectors, describing the science involved as well as the sociology of big collaborations, culminating with the discovery of the Higgs boson. Readers are led step-by-step to understanding why we do particle physics, as well as the tools and problems involved in the field. It provides an insider's view on the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider. Contents: The Joys of Big Data For Historians; The Dh Moment; Text Mining Tools: Techniques and Visualizations; Topic Modeling: A Hands-On Adventure in Big Data; Making Your Data Legible: A Basic Introduction to Visualizations; Network Analysis; Networks in Practice;
Inside Cern's Large Hadron Collider: From The Proton To The Higgs Boson
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.51 $"Written in a fluid style, this book would appeal to those who, even if not completely unfamiliar with the topic, know little about collider physics, Cern and its experiments." Cern Courier The book aims to explain the historical development of particle physics, with special emphasis on Cern and collider physics. It describes in detail the Lhc accelerator and its detectors, describing the science involved as well as the sociology of big collaborations, culminating with the discovery of the Higgs boson. Readers are led step-by-step to understanding why we do particle physics, as well as the tools and problems involved in the field. It provides an insider's view on the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider. Contents: The Joys of Big Data For Historians; The Dh Moment; Text Mining Tools: Techniques and Visualizations; Topic Modeling: A Hands-On Adventure in Big Data; Making Your Data Legible: A Basic Introduction to Visualizations; Network Analysis; Networks in Practice;
Cisco Systems CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Routing and Switching Study Guide (Exams 200-120, ICND1, and ICND2), with Boson NetSim Limited Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.45 $Used book that is in clean, average condition without any missing pages.
Cisco Systems Ccna Cisco Certified Network Associate Routing and Switching Study Guide with Boson Netsim Limited Edition (pb 2015)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.41 $New.SoftCover International edition. Different ISBN and Cover image but contents are same as US edition. Expediting shipping for all USA and Europe orders excluding PO Box. Excellent Customer Service.
FLIR Scion OTM366 1.3x 25mm Lens Thermal Imaging Monocular, 60Hz Refresh Rate
Vendor: Adorama.com Price: 3,669.00 $Let the Scion OTM366 1.3x 25mm Lens Thermal Imaging Monocular be your reliable partner in capturing high-quality thermal images, even in the most challenging conditions. This advanced and innovative device, built around FLIR's powerful Boson core, delivers clear and detailed thermal imaging at a high resolution of 1280 x 960. With a rapid 60Hz refresh rate, it's designed to swiftly detect objects of interest in complete darkness, glaring light, or haze, making it perfect for tracking moving objects or fast-paced situations.This durable monocular is housed in a rugged, IP67-rated casing, designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and demanding outdoor environments. Its intuitive controls allow for single-hand operation, ensuring reliable thermal imaging is always at your fingertips.The Scion OTM366 doesn't just capture images; it also records geotagged video and still images for playback, allowing you to revisit every wildlife encounter in sharp thermal imaging. With internal and expandable microSD memory, you'll never run out of space to store your adventures.The redesigned user interface of this high-quality thermal imaging monocular offers polished menus for quick thermal palette adjustments. It also provides easy access to innovative features such as picture-in-picture zoom, video recording, and GPS functionality. Trust in the advanced image processing of FLIR's Boson thermal core and a vivid OLED display to provide unwavering vision, even in the most challenging environments.
Flowcine FLIR Vue TZ20 High Resolution Gimbalized Dual Thermal Camera, 60Hz
Vendor: Adorama.com Price: 2,977.00 $The dual-Boson FLIR Vue TZ20 plug-and-play payload is designed to improve mission success and is fully integrated with the DJI V2 Matrice 200-series and 300 airframes. This system provides a wide 95-degree field of view for maximum situational awareness and a narrow 18-degree field of view to put more pixels on target when needed.With 20X zoom capabilities, the FLIR Vue TZ20 allows drone pilots from the public safety and industrial inspection sectors to gain field of view flexibility for improved image detail and magnification to assess situations and make critical decisions.20x Thermal Zoom to Support Situational AwarenessFeatures wide field of view to cover large areas in a single flight or narrow in on a target with 2x to 20x zoom for enhanced image detailHigh Resolution Dual FlIR Boson CamerasFactory calibrated, dual 640 x 512 Boson thermal cameras equipped with expandable infrared video streaming at 30 HzReady to Fly Out of the BoxPlug and play model quickly connects with Skyport V2.0 gimbal and is compatible with DJI V2 M200-series and M300 airframes
FLIR Scion OTM266 1x 18mm Lens Thermal Imaging Monocular, 60Hz Refresh Rate
Vendor: Adorama.com Price: 3,149.00 $The FLIR Scion OTM captures clear thermal imaging and leverages a refined user interface to quickly detect objects of interest in complete darkness and through glaring light or haze. Built around FLIR's powerful Boson core, the Scion OTM produces 9 or 60 Hz thermal imaging and records geotagged video and still images for playback long after the day is done.A rugged, IP67-rated housing and intuitive controls allow single-hand operation in harsh weather conditions, maintaining reliable thermal imaging in the most demanding outdoor environments.Onboard Video and Image RecordingRevisit every wildlife encounter in sharp thermal imaging with internal and microSD expandable memoryRedesigned User InterfacePolished menus allow quick thermal palette adjustments and provide easy access to new features such as picture-in-picture zoom, video recording, and GPS functionality.Trusted Thermal DetectionThe advanced image processing of FLIR's Boson thermal core and a vivid OLED display offer superb, unwavering vision in challenging environments.
Skydio VT300-L Sensor Package Kit
Vendor: Adorama.com Price: 5,499.00 $After acquiring the VT300-L Sensor Package Kit, you'll be equipped with a comprehensive set of advanced sensors designed specifically for the Skydio X10 drone. This kit includes an integrated 64 MP narrow sensor, a FLIR Boson+ radiometric thermal sensor, a 1" wide sensor, and a flashlight. Each sensor is an integral part of the package, which is designed to be upgradeable, ensuring your drone stays at the forefront of technology.The kit also comes with a ruggedized protective case, providing a safe and secure storage solution for your Skydio X10 Sensor Package. Additionally, a torque tool is included for easy installation, ensuring your drone is ready for action in no time.The Skydio X10 is renowned for packing sensor capabilities usually reserved for larger drones into a compact, lightweight airframe. With the VT300-L Sensor Package Kit, you can leverage these capabilities to their fullest. The 64MP visual and 640x512 thermal modules empower the drone to handle a wide range of tasks, from inspections and public safety operations to industrial applications.The FLIR Boson+ radiometric thermal module, included in the VT300-L sensor packages, is 40% more sensitive than its predecessor, the FLIR Boson 320x256. This means Skydio X10 operators can see greater detail and achieve more precise radiometric measurements than ever before.The VT300-L Sensor Package Kit also provides a 64MP narrow module, a 50 MP wide module with an LED flashlight, and a Teledyne FLIR Boson+ radiometric module. This makes it an excellent choice for mapping structures and conducting inspections in low light environments, as well as missions requiring thermal imaging.The sensors included in this package are top-of-the-line: the wide sensor is a Sony IMX989 1" 50.3MP CMOS with a 93 Degree FOV and f/1.95 aperture. The narrow sensor is a Sony 1/1.7" 64MP CMOS with a 50 Degree FOV and f/1.8 aperture. The thermal sensor is a FLIR Boson+ Uncooled VOx Microbolometer, offering a 640x512 resolution and a 41 Degree FOV. With the VT300-L Sensor Package Kit, you're investing in quality, versatility, and cutting-edge drone technology.
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