3 products were found matching your search for Broadening Participation in STEM in 1 shops:
Women in STEM Careers : International Perspectives on Increasing Workforce Participation, Advancement and Leadership
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 11.44 $Ships from the UK. Former library book; may include library markings. Used book that is in excellent condition. May show signs of wear or have minor defects.
Women in STEM Careers International Perspectives on Increasing Workforce Participation, Advancement and Leadership
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 91.65 $This is a Brand-new US Edition. This Item may be shipped from US or any other country as we have multiple locations worldwide.
(under)Represented Latin@s in STEM Increasing Participation Throughout Education and the Workplace
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.45 $(Under)Represented Latin@s in STEM: Increasing Participation Throughout Education and the Workplace presents a critical investigation into Latin@ underrepresentation in STEM throughout the education pipeline and workforce. (Under)Represented Latin@s in STEM highlights nationally relevant research related to the creation of opportunities for Latin@ students in STEM and the ways in which these opportunities increase Latin@ participation in STEM. Of particular interest across the chapters is the notion of building and sustaining a strong STEM identity within Latin@ students. As such, the authors present ideas through various lenses including teacher preparation and transformative teaching strategies, family and community involvement, and innovative programs for minority students. A broad range of STEM fields (including mathematics, robotics, and computer science), grade levels, and learning environments (including informal and formal, rural and urban) are represented throughout the chapters. Thus, (Under)Represented Latin@s in STEM presents research-based practices that increase Latin@ participation in STEM as a single collection for educators, administrators, and policymakers. In addition to learning about the great efforts that scholars are doing in broadening diversity in STEM, readers will be able to take away ideas for designing and implementing similar educational programs and teaching strategies for their own students.
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