17 products were found matching your search for Celso in 4 shops:
Oh Capitano!: Celso Cesare Moreno―Adventurer, Cheater, and Scoundrel on Four Continents
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.41 $Book is in Used-VeryGood condition. Pages and cover are clean and intact. Used items may not include supplementary materials such as CDs or access codes. May show signs of minor shelf wear and contain very limited notes and highlighting. 0.8
BIDKhome Hurricane Celso Grey 7 x 7
Vendor: Gilt.com Price: 189.99 $Color/finish: grey Size: 6.7in long x 6.7in wide x 14.6in high Iron/Glass Imported
Hohner Rebelde III Limited Edition Celso Pina Corona Piano Acc...
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 2,989.00 $Here we have the Hohner Rebelde III ! Celso Pi a collector signature series accordion. Based on the Corona III, a staple in Vallenato, Norte o, and...
The Secrets of a Vatican Cardinal: Celso Costantini's Wartime Diaries, 1938-1947
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.00 $On 19 April 1940 Celso Costantini prophetically wrote in his diary that if Italy followed Hitler into war, it would be allying itself with the "Anti-Christ." Within weeks, Mussolini's fascist regime plunged Italy into the destructive maelstrom of global military conflict. The ensuing years brought world war, the fall of fascism, occupation, liberation, and the emergence of a new political order. The Secrets of a Vatican Cardinal is an extraordinary and detailed behind-the-scenes account of crucial episodes in Europe's wartime history from a unique vantage point: the Vatican and the Eternal City. Costantini, a close advisor to Pope Pius XII, possessed a perspective few of his contemporaries could match. His diaries offer new insights into the great issues of the time - the Nazi occupation, the fall of Mussolini, the tumultuous end of the Italian monarchy, the birth of republican democracy in Italy, and the emergence of a new international order - while also recounting heartbreaking stories of the suffering, perseverance, and heroism of ordinary people. Less than a century later, with the world's attention gripped by the first papal resignation in six hundred years, The Secrets of a Vatican Cardinal presents a clear-eyed, fascinating, and complex portrait of the Roman Catholic Church's recent history.
economia latinoamericana la furtado celso
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 390.96 $IMAGENES: En caso que no exista imagen de tapa. no dude en solicitarla. Ejemplar Usado, puede (o no) contener signos de uso como firma, anotaciones o subrayados, consultenos para mayor informacion del estado.
La argumentación retórica en Juvencio Celso
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.67 $A través de la presente investigación nos proponemos realizar un estudio sobre la retórica griega y su posible influencia en la jurisprudencia romana de la etapa clásica, centrando el análisis en la figura del jurisprudente Juvencio Celso (hijo). La mayor dificutad a la que nos enfrentamos es la amplitud de la materia y sus conexiones colaterales con otras. Se trata de un tema polémico para la doctrina romanista, sobre el que pretendemos aportar claridad mediante su estudio desde un análisis pormenorizado de los textos.
La Argumentación Retórica En Juvencio Celso
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 103.68 $A través de la presente investigación nos proponemos realizar un estudio sobre la retórica griega y su posible influencia en la jurisprudencia romana de la etapa clásica, centrando el análisis en la figura del jurisprudente Juvencio Celso (hijo). La mayor dificutad a la que nos enfrentamos es la amplitud de la materia y sus conexiones colaterales con otras. Se trata de un tema polémico para la doctrina romanista, sobre el que pretendemos aportar claridad mediante su estudio desde un análisis pormenorizado de los textos.
A Navegacao Venturosa Ensaios Sobre Celso Furtado
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.00 $No dia 7 de abril de 1964, poucos dias depois do golpe militar que derrubou o presidente João Goulart, o sociólogo Francisco de Oliveira foi preso ao sair da casa do então presidente da Sudene, o economista Celso Furtado. Ficou preso durante três meses e, em seguida, decidiu trocar o Recife pelo Rio de Janeiro. Remonta à década de sessenta a amizade de Francisco de Oliveira - ou Chico, como é conhecido - e Celso Furtado. E é em homenagem ao mestre que ele reúne em ´A navegação venturosa - ensaio s sobre Celso Furtado´ um conjunto de artigos em que procura ressaltar o melhor da contribuição intelectual de Furtado, o que inclui, necessariamente, discordâncias e uma ou outra divergência maior.
Composiciones Electronicas Para los Andes
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 31.98 $Edgar Valcrcel (Puno, 1932-Lima, 2010) was one of the most important composers in Peru. He belonged to a crucial generation centered around the 1950s, which also included Csar Bolaos, Leopoldo La Rosa, Celso Garrido-Lecca, Enrique Pinilla, and Francisco Pulgar Vidal. These musicians were responsible for introducing locally the new languages of the international musical avant-garde, in a meeting with the legacies of Peruvian native music, where the folkloric material was used under very free a
Santa Rosa, A Pictorial History
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 44.85 $This book, Santa Rosa, A Pictorial History, makes use of period photographs to help tell the story of Santa Rosa. It begins with its founding by Celso Baca in the late 19th century. Various photographs are used to trace the growth and development of Santa Rosa through the decades. A series of vignettes are used to tell different stories about many major events that happened in Santa Rosa's rich and colorful past. Photographs are important in documenting the history of a community because they provide a snapshot in time and capture the moment of what the photographer viewed when the picture was taken. It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Santa Rosa, A Pictorial History also serves to document what everyday life was like in Santa Rosa and the everyday struggles that people faced. The reader will be able to take a journey through time and learn much about how Santa Rosa grew into the community that exists today.
Formacao Economica Do Brasil-(cia)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.97 $Escrito quando Celso Furtado estava na universidade de Cambridge, Formação econômica do Brasil pretendia ser uma introdução à história econômica do Brasil, um afresco, como disse o autor, em que cada segmento tivesse o valor de uma sugestão. O livro foi além. Tornou-se um clássico da historiografia econômica e das ciências sociais. A tese de doutoramento sobre a economia colonial, defendida na Sorbonne em 1948, e o primeiro ensaio sobre a economia brasileira contemporânea, escrito no ano seguinte, são o ponto de partida do livro mais conhecido de Celso Furtado, publicado em 1959: Formação econômica do Brasil . Quando o escreveu, na Inglaterra, Furtado imaginava explicar o Brasil para os estrangeiros. Acabou explicando para os brasileiros. Formação econômica do Brasil chega, neste lançamento da Companhia das Letras, à 34ª edição, e está traduzido em nove línguas, entre elas romeno, chinês e japonês. O livro que se tornou um marco na historiografia econômica brasileira por pouco não existiria: o manuscrito enviado de Cambridge para a editora brasileira extraviou-se. Por sorte, o microfilme feito de última hora num equipamento precário pôde ser projetado: as quase trezentas páginas escritas à mão foram datilografadas, dessa vez com cópia. Formação econômica do Brasil apóia-se numa visão derivada tanto da história como da economia. A combinação do método histórico com a análise econômica era, na época, uma novidade. Pela primeira vez, alguém no Brasil fazia historiografia econômica tendo uma sólida formação de economista. O texto se inicia com a análise da ocupação do território brasileiro, comparada também com as colônias do hemisfério norte e das Antilhas. Seguem-se os ciclos do açúcar, da pecuária, do ouro, a ascensão da economia cafeeira, e, no século XX, a crise da cafeicultura e a industrialização, cuja especificidade o autor trata com excepcional clareza. Em paralelo aos cinco séculos de história [...]
The Secrets of a Vatican Cardinal Format: Hardcover
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.51 $On 19 April 1940 Celso Costantini prophetically wrote in his diary that if Italy followed Hitler into war, it would be allying itself with the "Anti-Christ." Within weeks, Mussolini's fascist regime plunged Italy into the destructive maelstrom of global military conflict. The ensuing years brought world war, the fall of fascism, occupation, liberation, and the emergence of a new political order. The Secrets of a Vatican Cardinal is an extraordinary and detailed behind-the-scenes account of crucial episodes in Europe's wartime history from a unique vantage point: the Vatican and the Eternal City. Costantini, a close advisor to Pope Pius XII, possessed a perspective few of his contemporaries could match. His diaries offer new insights into the great issues of the time - the Nazi occupation, the fall of Mussolini, the tumultuous end of the Italian monarchy, the birth of republican democracy in Italy, and the emergence of a new international order - while also recounting heartbreaking stories of the suffering, perseverance, and heroism of ordinary people. Less than a century later, with the world's attention gripped by the first papal resignation in six hundred years, The Secrets of a Vatican Cardinal presents a clear-eyed, fascinating, and complex portrait of the Roman Catholic Church's recent history.
On the Beauty of Women (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.09 $First published in 1548, On the Beauty of Women purports to record two conversations shared by a young gentleman, Celso, and four ladies of the upper bourgeoisie in the vicinity of Florence. One afternoon Celso and the ladies consider universal beauty. On a subsequent evening, they attempt to fashion a composite picture of perfect beauty by combining the beautiful features of women they know. The standards of beauty established in the garden give way to the artistic, creative imagination of the human spirit, and the group's movement from garden to hall seems to echo the dialogue's movement from Nature to Art, from divinely to humanly created beauty.Konrad Eisenbichler and Jacqueline Murray have provided the first translation into English of Firenzuola's dialogue since the nineteenth century. In their introduction, they argue that Firenzuola's work presents a useful point of entry into the society and values of the mid-sixteenth century. In its discussion of beauty, the dialogue reveals the intersection of Neoplantonic philosophy and mathematically based artistic theory, both inherited from classical antiquity. Indeed, Firenzuola's treatise has been assessed as one of the most significant expositions of Renaissance aesthetics.
Nordeste E A Saga Da Sudene, O 1958 1964
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.00 $Em Formação econômica do Brasil, escrito em Cambridge e publicado em 1959, Celso Furtado interpretou magistralmente a paradoxal dinâmica de longo prazo do ""complexo econômico nordestino"". A secular crise do setor açucareiro e a gradativa expansão de uma pecuária extensiva, sujeita à lei dos rendimentos decrescentes, haviam condenado a região a um processo de involução econômica, uma decadência sem transformação.
Slave Emancipation and Transformations in Brazilian Political Citizenship Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.03 $Winner, 2018 AHA Bolton Prize (best book on Latin American History) Winner, 2018 AHA/CLAH Dean Prize (best book on Brazilian History) Celso Thomas Castilho offers original perspectives on the political upheaval surrounding the process of slave emancipation in postcolonial Brazil. He shows how the abolition debates in Pernambuco transformed the practices of political citizenship and marked the first instance of a mass national political mobilization. In addition, he presents new findings on the scope and scale of the opposing abolitionist and sugar planters’ mobilizations in the Brazilian northeast. The book highlights the extensive interactions between enslaved and free people in the construction of abolitionism, and reveals how Brazil’s first social movement reinvented discourses about race and nation, leading to the passage of the abolition law in 1888. It also documents the previously ignored counter-mobilizations led by the landed elite, who saw the rise of abolitionism as a political contestation and threat to their livelihood. Overall, this study illuminates how disputes over control of emancipation also entailed disputes over the boundaries of the political arena and connects the history of abolition to the history of Brazilian democracy. It offers fresh perspectives on Brazilian political history and on Brazil’s place within comparative discussions on slavery and emancipation.
Secrets of Jewish Wealth Revealed:: The Interactive Guide
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.00 $This phenomenal system teaches the best way to apply life transforming financial concepts. It is a straightforward and empowering quest that will transform your financial life forever. In this special Interactive version, Rabbi Celso blends Godly wisdom and common sense, guiding you through Four sections of activities, each inspired by the practical solutions that the Jewish people have used for thousands of years to build and strengthen their financial standing. You will be surprised how much your knowledge and ability to gain better financial standing will increase after completing this program.
Night Across the Street
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 29.95 $On the verge of a forced retirement, Don Celso, an elderly office worker begins to relive both real and imagined memories from his life - a trip to the movies as a young boy with Beethoven, listening to tall tales from Long John Silver, a brief stay in a haunted hotel. Stories hide within stories and the thin line between imagination and reality steadily erodes, opening up a marvelous new world of personal remembrance and fantastic melodrama. A playfully elegiac film from the great Raul Ruiz, co
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