11 products were found matching your search for Cham Jorge No idea in 1 shops:
The Real Life Actor: A Comprehensive Discussion about the Best Approach to Acting, Working Professionally, Flying a Plane, and Being a Cham
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.72 $There is a sense that permeates most acting classes which promotes the idea that acting is hard and you need to do a bunch of traditional steps if you’re ever going to get anywhere. The flame of this concept is kept lit for two reasons. One is tradition. Successful actors and teachers in our theatrical history supposedly believed in or espoused such ideas and two; it is easier for teachers and actors to follow a path that is well worn. Actors feel intimidated to challenge the ideas and teachings of past masters. But isn’t that exactly how every field of endeavor evolves? Think of where we’d be in science or medicine or sports if no one questioned past methods or tried to discover new ones. This book will show you an approach that is direct and to the point, an approach that will be far easier to remember and utilize. We’ll use real life. We call it acting only because people are watching. "If you're an actor, this book will restore your sanity." Steven Pressfield, Author: The War of Art, Turning Pro, The Legend of Bagger Vance
Librerias (coleccion Argumentos 453) - Carrion Jorge (papel)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 48.00 $Cual es el significado de las librerias en el imaginario colectivo? Cual es su papel en la historia de las ideas y de las letras? En este brillante y ameno ensayo, Jorge Carrion crea una posible cronologia del desarrollo de las librerias y de su representacion artistica. Como se transformaron en mitos culturales, en centros de tertulia o en atalayas de resistencia politica. La Strand de Nueva York, las parisinas Shakespeare and Company y La Hune, la Librairie des Colonnes de Tanger, Bertrand y Ler Devagar en Lisboa, Stanfords en Londres, El Virrey en Lima, Lello en Oporto, La Central y Laie en Barcelona, la Libreria de Avila y Eterna Cadencia de Buenos Aires, Antonio Machado en Madrid, City Lights y Green Apple Books en San Francisco, las librerias del Fondo de Cultura Economica en Ciudad de Mexico o Bogota Esas y muchisimas otras librerias supervivientes desfilan en estas paginas, junto con otras que fueron emblematicas y luego desaparecieron. Un mundo fascinante, pero tambien crepuscular, cuya topografia compartimos todos los amantes de los libros. Finalista 41.º Premio Anagrama de Ensayo. / What is the significance of bookshops in the collective imagination? What is their role in the history of ideas and letters? In this brilliant and accessible essay, Jorge Carrióncreates a possible chronology of the development of books and their artistic representation. How do they become cultural myths, centers of intellectual conversation, or fortresses of political resistance? The Strand in New York, Shakespeare and Company in Parisand la Librairie des ColonnesinTangier, Bertrand andLerDevagar in Lisbon, Stanfords in London, El Virrey in Lima, Lello in Porto, La Central and Laie in Barcelona, la Librería in Avila andEternaCadenciain Buenos Aires, Antonio Machado in Madrid, City Lights and Green Apple Books in San Francisco, the bookshopsof theFondo de CulturaEconómicain Mexico Cityand Bogota
Jorge Luis Borges (Bloom's BioCritiques)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 108.71 $Presents biographical information along with critical analysis of the themes, symbols, and ideas that appear in the author's works.
We Have No Idea: A Guide to the Unknown Universe
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.26 $Prepare to learn everything we still don’t know about our strange and mysterious universe.Humanity's understanding of the physical world is full of gaps. Not tiny little gaps you can safely ignore —there are huge yawning voids in our basic notions of how the world works. PHD Comics creator Jorge Cham and particle physicist Daniel Whiteson have teamed up to explore everything we don't know about the universe: the enormous holes in our knowledge of the cosmos. Armed with their popular infographics, cartoons, and unusually entertaining and lucid explanations of science, they give us the best answers currently available for a lot of questions that are still perplexing scientists, including:* Why does the universe have a speed limit?* Why aren't we all made of antimatter?* What (or who) is attacking Earth with tiny, superfast particles?* What is dark matter, and why does it keep ignoring us? It turns out the universe is full of weird things that don't make any sense. But Cham and Whiteson make a compelling case that the questions we can't answer are as interesting as the ones we can.This fully illustrated introduction to the biggest mysteries in physics also helpfully demystifies many complicated things we do know about, from quarks and neutrinos to gravitational waves and exploding black holes. With equal doses of humor and delight, Cham and Whiteson invite us to see the universe as a possibly boundless expanse of uncharted territory that's still ours to explore.
El difícil vínculo entre padres e hijos (Spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.64 $Jorge and Demián Bucay analyze the link between parents and children and seek to answer fundamental questions such as, What is parenting? Why become parents? What does it mean to be a mother? A father? Drawing on clinical and personal experiences, the authors develop various ideas about parental issues. The reader will learn about a classification of different types of parenting styles and a number of useful tips that will help establish a better relationship with their children.
The Unimaginable Mathematics of Borges Library of Babel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.12 $"The Library of Babel" is arguably Jorge Luis Borges' best known story--memorialized along with Borges on an Argentine postage stamp. Now, in The Unimaginable Mathematics of Borges' Library of Babel, William Goldbloom Bloch takes readers on a fascinating tour of the mathematical ideas hidden within one of the classic works of modern literature. Written in the vein of Douglas R. Hofstadter's Pulitzer Prize-winning Gödel, Escher, Bach, this original and imaginative book sheds light on one of Borges' most complex, richly layered works. Bloch begins each chapter with a mathematical idea--combinatorics, topology, geometry, information theory--followed by examples and illustrations that put flesh on the theoretical bones. In this way, he provides many fascinating insights into Borges' Library. He explains, for instance, a straightforward way to calculate how many books are in the Library--an easily notated but literally unimaginable number--and also shows that, if each book were the size of a grain of sand, the entire universe could only hold a fraction of the books in the Library. Indeed, if each book were the size of a proton, our universe would still not be big enough to hold anywhere near all the books. Given Borges' well-known affection for mathematics, this exploration of the story through the eyes of a humanistic mathematician makes a unique and important contribution to the body of Borgesian criticism. Bloch not only illuminates one of the great short stories of modern literature but also exposes the reader--including those more inclined to the literary world--to many intriguing and entrancing mathematical ideas.
Librer?as (Spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.74 $Cual es el significado de las librerias en el imaginario colectivo? Cual es su papel en la historia de las ideas y de las letras? En este brillante y ameno ensayo, Jorge Carrion crea una posible cronologia del desarrollo de las librerias y de su representacion artistica. Como se transformaron en mitos culturales, en centros de tertulia o en atalayas de resistencia politica. La Strand de Nueva York, las parisinas Shakespeare and Company y La Hune, la Librairie des Colonnes de Tanger, Bertrand y Ler Devagar en Lisboa, Stanfords en Londres, El Virrey en Lima, Lello en Oporto, La Central y Laie en Barcelona, la Libreria de Avila y Eterna Cadencia de Buenos Aires, Antonio Machado en Madrid, City Lights y Green Apple Books en San Francisco, las librerias del Fondo de Cultura Economica en Ciudad de Mexico o Bogota Esas y muchisimas otras librerias supervivientes desfilan en estas paginas, junto con otras que fueron emblematicas y luego desaparecieron. Un mundo fascinante, pero tambien crepuscular, cuya topografia compartimos todos los amantes de los libros. Finalista 41.º Premio Anagrama de Ensayo. / What is the significance of bookshops in the collective imagination? What is their role in the history of ideas and letters? In this brilliant and accessible essay, Jorge Carrióncreates a possible chronology of the development of books and their artistic representation. How do they become cultural myths, centers of intellectual conversation, or fortresses of political resistance? The Strand in New York, Shakespeare and Company in Parisand la Librairie des ColonnesinTangier, Bertrand andLerDevagar in Lisbon, Stanfords in London, El Virrey in Lima, Lello in Porto, La Central and Laie in Barcelona, la Librería in Avila andEternaCadenciain Buenos Aires, Antonio Machado in Madrid, City Lights and Green Apple Books in San Francisco, the bookshopsof theFondo de CulturaEconómicain Mexico Cityand Bogota
Borges: A Life
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.44 $Edwin WilliamsonÂ's major new biography is the first in any language to encompass the entire span of Jorge Luis BorgesÂ's life and work. Drawing upon previously unknown or unavailable sources, it brings out the human side of Borges: his roots in Argentina, the evolution of his political ideas, his relations with family and friends, the conflicts, desires, and obsessions that drove the man and shaped his work. WilliamsonÂ's definitive biography finally unlocks the mysteries that still surround the life of Borges, resulting in a compelling and poignant portrait that will radically transform established views of this modern master.
Narraciones. Edicion de Marcos Ricardo Barnatan
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.00 $Aparecen reunidos en este volumen y rigurosamente seleccionados los relatos de Jorge Luis Borges que universalmente gozan de la mas alta consideracion. Entre ellos, «Hombre de la esquina rosada», «La biblioteca de Babel», «El aleph», «El informe de Brodie» y «El libro de arena». Este apretado panorama da una idea de la gran renovacion de la escritura que Borges realiza mediante su fantastico poder de creacion y su compleja elaboración intelectual. Antecede a los textos un extenso y documentado estudio de Marcos Ricardo Barnatan.
File Megazine Reprint. (Lacks Vol. 4 from 6 Vol. set) [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 275.00 $“An alternative to the Alternative Press,” legendary Toronto collaborative General Idea’s FILE Megazine--published from 1972 to 1989--is compiled, at long last, in this important five-volume boxed-set edition. General Idea consisted of AA Bronson--now the Executive Director of New York’s Printed Matter--Jorge Zontal and Felix Partz, who both died of AIDS-related illnesses in 1994. The trio cheekily appropriated FILE’s name and logo from LIFE magazine, and it quickly gained a reputation far beyond its Toronto underground roots. It was subversive to the core, pilfering freely from mainstream media and culture, while maintaining close attention to design issues and the use of experimental layouts. Three decades later, this compilation reveals FILE’s influence on both underground and mainstream publications. As critic and artist Peter Gallo has written, FILE “anticipated many queercore and punk zines of the later 70s and 80s...as well as more recent mass-media interventions, such as the widely distributed, anti-globalist Vancouver-based publication Adbusters.”
Borges: A Life
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 90.29 $Edwin WilliamsonÂ's major new biography is the first in any language to encompass the entire span of Jorge Luis BorgesÂ's life and work. Drawing upon previously unknown or unavailable sources, it brings out the human side of Borges: his roots in Argentina, the evolution of his political ideas, his relations with family and friends, the conflicts, desires, and obsessions that drove the man and shaped his work. WilliamsonÂ's definitive biography finally unlocks the mysteries that still surround the life of Borges, resulting in a compelling and poignant portrait that will radically transform established views of this modern master.
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