Keto living is not just for bacon lovers anymore! Jewish comfort foods just got healthier... and keto-friendly! This recipe collection is packed with keto-adapted versions of Jewish staples like challah, matzo, and charoset as well as foods that almost define the Jewish experience... such as bagels, blintzes, chocolate babka, and kreplach... all keto-adapted! Rabbi Tice includes a section addressing keto-adjustments to holiday traditions as well, and every one of the 88 recipes — representing Ashkenaz, Sephardic, Mizrahi, Beta Israel, Kaifeng, and Kochi Judaisms — is gluten-free, diabetic-friendly, and kashrut-sensitive! There is even a guide to keto-friendly wines and spirits! Nutrition fact panels accompany every dish, all of which are tried and tested... certified delicious! This is among the very few keto recipe books to offer no bacon, no treif. Just clean kosher keto — Jewish style! Nosh to your heart's content, and get ready to experience the better weight control, satiety, energy, sleep, mood, and mental clarity that keto living has to offer! L'chaim!
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