215 products were found matching your search for Chrusciel Thomas German tourists in 3 shops:
Jeff Jewitt OM-CMT Matt Thomas Signature - German Spruce &...
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 12,500.00 $We love to collaborate with our favorite builders, and this guitar was a total party when planning it with Jeff! The OM-CMT is Jeff's newest Signat...
Thomas Bernhard's Afterlives (New Directions in German Studies)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.74 $Like New condition. Great condition, but not exactly fully crisp. The book may have been opened and read, but there are no defects to the book, jacket or pages. 0.69
The German Tradition of Self-Cultivation: 'Bildung' from Humboldt to Thomas Mann
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.95 $In a lecture in 1923, Thomas Mann said that the ordinary middle-class German had never considered culture to include an interest in politics, and still did not do so. The idea of the true freedom which comes to the man who lives as much as possible in the invisible world of culture and accepts as a kind of fate his social, political and material circumstances was indeed at the heart of the German idealism of Goethe's day, and unworldliness went along with very great achievements in literature, scholarship and philosophy. Bildung, self-cultivation, came to be as natural a requirement of educated, middle-class life as sport was in England. In this book, originally published in 1975, Professor Bruford provides a sequel to Culture and Society in Classical Weimar 1775-1806 and shows how the ideal of self-cultivation entered into the thought of a number of highly individual German philosophers, theologians, poets and novelists, each in his own corner of the rapidly changing world of the nineteenth century.
Essays on German Literature and Culture, Part I (The Norman and Charlotte Strouse Edition of the Writings of Thomas Carlyle)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 103.52 $Cover has a minor spine stain. Missing dust jacket.
Dreadful History and Judgement of God on Thomas Müntzer : The Life and Times of an Early German Revolutionary
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.21 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Narzissmus und illusiona?re Existenzform: Zu den Bekenntnissen des Hochstaplers Felix Krull (Thomas-Mann-Studien) (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.95 $One volume; text in German. Fifth volume in the series. Pencil underlining and notes in text; weak spine; moderate wear and tear to jacket. Ships with tracking the same or next business day from New Haven, CT. We fully guarantee to ship the exact same item as listed and work hard to maintain our excellent customer service.
Thomas Mann's Joseph and His Brothers: Writing, Performance, and the Politics of Loyalty (Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 145.07 $McDonald's study offers fresh insights into Mann's Joseph tetralogy in two ways. Beginning with Mann's well documented love for public performance, he rereads the Joseph novels as a script, showing how performance figures prominently in the form as well as the substance of the narrative. Then he interprets several of the essay-lectures composed during the Joseph years (1926-1943), emphasizing their performative qualities and their conscious (and subliminal) interweavings with the novel. Mann's passionate re-enactment of Kleist's play "Amphitryon" in his 1927 lecture provided a model of identity that he developed fully in Joseph. The model also helped him contain the more pessimistic account of identity he encountered in Freud. The Freud lectures of 1929 and 1936 develop psychoanalysis as an Enlightenment project useful in combating the irrationalism of the Nazis, and carefully control its darker aspects.
German Tradition of Self-Cultivation : Bildung from Humboldt to Thomas Mann
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.98 $In a lecture in 1923, Thomas Mann said that the ordinary middle-class German had never considered culture to include an interest in politics, and still did not do so. The idea of the true freedom which comes to the man who lives as much as possible in the invisible world of culture and accepts as a kind of fate his social, political and material circumstances was indeed at the heart of the German idealism of Goethe's day, and unworldliness went along with very great achievements in literature, scholarship and philosophy. Bildung, self-cultivation, came to be as natural a requirement of educated, middle-class life as sport was in England. In this book, originally published in 1975, Professor Bruford provides a sequel to Culture and Society in Classical Weimar 1775-1806 and shows how the ideal of self-cultivation entered into the thought of a number of highly individual German philosophers, theologians, poets and novelists, each in his own corner of the rapidly changing world of the nineteenth century.
The German Tradition of Self-Cultivation: 'Bildung' from Humboldt to Thomas Mann
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 60.43 $In a lecture in 1923, Thomas Mann said that the ordinary middle-class German had never considered culture to include an interest in politics, and still did not do so. The idea of the true freedom which comes to the man who lives as much as possible in the invisible world of culture and accepts as a kind of fate his social, political and material circumstances was indeed at the heart of the German idealism of Goethe's day, and unworldliness went along with very great achievements in literature, scholarship and philosophy. Bildung, self-cultivation, came to be as natural a requirement of educated, middle-class life as sport was in England. In this book, originally published in 1975, Professor Bruford provides a sequel to Culture and Society in Classical Weimar 1775-1806 and shows how the ideal of self-cultivation entered into the thought of a number of highly individual German philosophers, theologians, poets and novelists, each in his own corner of the rapidly changing world of the nineteenth century.
Martin Heidegger, Geschichte Der Philosophie Von Thomas Von Aquin Bis Kant (Martin Heidegger Gesamtausgabe) (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.24 $Die Vorlesung Geschichte der Philosophie von Thomas von Aquin bis Kant wurde von Martin Heidegger im Wintersemester 1926/27 an der Universitat Marburg an der Lahn gehalten. Sie fallt somit in die letzte Phase der Ausarbeitung von Sein und Zeit. Einem einleitenden Teil mit der Anzeige des Vorhabens und der Bestimmung der Philosophie als phanomenologischer Ontologie folgen vier Hauptabschnitte, die jeweils einem Philosophen gelten: Thomas von Aquin (mit langeren Erorterungen zu den Quaestiones disputatae de veritate), Rene Descartes, Baruch de Spinoza (dem wie sonst nirgends bei Heidegger ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet ist) und Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Im letzten Teil erortert Heidegger die Auswirkungen der bisherigen Metaphysik auf den Leibnizschuler Christian Wolff und dessen Gegner Christian August Crusius, und mit einem Vorblick auf Immanuel Kant schliesst er die Vorlesung. Zwar ist bei den genannten Philosophen immer wieder von Ontologie die Rede, doch wird ihnen das Sein selbst nie fragwurdig. Diese Fraglosigkeit grundet in der seit der Antike herrschenden Idee vom Sein als immerwahrender Anwesenheit, als Wahren, Dauern und Gegenwart. Doch sind die Zeitbestimmungen, weshalb eigens die Frage gestellt werden muss, wie die Zeit uber ihren vulgaren Begriff hinaus zu interpretieren sei, damit sie jene fundamentale Funktion ubernehmen kann; doch bleibt auch dies im Bereich des Selbstverstandlichen. Mit der Frage nach dem Sein und dessen moglicher Verwurzelung in der Existenz des Menschen schliesst die Vorlesung. Sie weist deutlich auf die in Sein und Zeit dann eigens gestellte Frage nach dem Sinn von Sein voraus.
Thomas Mann und Ägypten -Language: german
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.81 $Unread book in perfect condition.
A Companion to Thomas Mann's Magic Mountain (Studies in German Literature, Linguistics and Culture)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.78 $Gently used with minimal wear on the corners and cover. A few pages may contain light highlighting or writing, but the text remains fully legible. Dust jacket may be missing, and supplemental materials like CDs or codes may not be included. Could have library markings. Ships promptly!
The Letters of Heinrich and Thomas Mann, 1900-1949 (Weimar and Now: German Cultural Criticism, No 12)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.00 $Fortunately for us, brothers Heinrich and Thomas Mann remained devoted and eloquent correspondents even while disagreeing passionately on matters literary, political, philosophical, and personal. In their correspondence, set against a shifting backdrop of locations in Europe and America, mundane concerns blend easily with astonishing artistic and critical insights. That these irrepressible siblings were among the giants of twentieth-century letters gives their exchanges unique literary and historical fascination.Beginning in Germany and Italy at the turn of the century, the letters document with disarming immediacy the brothers' views on aesthetics, politics, and the social responsibility of the writer, as well as their mutual jealousy, admiration, rivalry, and loyalty. The devastating rift caused by Thomas's support of Germany during World War I and his brother's utter opposition to the war took many years to mend, but they found their way back to friendship in the 1920s. After Hitler rose to power, both writers ultimately sought refuge in the United States. The letters offer a moving portrayal of their struggle, as novelists and socially engaged intellectuals, to bear witness to the cataclysmic historical changes around them and to their experience of exile, in Europe and then in America. This first complete English translation of their correspondence is a dramatic human dialogue and a major literary event.
Death in Venice, Tonio Kroger, and Other Writings Thomas Mann The German library
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 59.83 $Thomas Mann (1875-1955) won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1929. This is a collection of his shorter works. "Death in Venice", later filmed by Lucion Visconti starring Dirk Bogarde, was published in 1911. It is a poetic meditation on art and beauty, where the dying composer Aschenbach (modelled on Gustav Mahler) becomes fixated by the young boy Tadzio. The other stories are: "Tonio Kroger"; the collection entitled "Tristan"; "The Blood of the Walsungs"; "Mario the Magician"; and "The Tables of the Law". A number of essays are also included.
German Essays on Music : Theodor W. Adorno, Ernst Bloch, Thomas Mann, and Others
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.33 $Up to the end of the nineteenth century, Germany largely perceived itself as "the nation of poets and philosophers." But with the enormous popularity of Schubert and Wagner, this began to change. Suddenly, composers also began to play a greater role in theories of national identity, and music theory became and important element of German thought. The essays in this volume reflect this, and are by a range of writers: Adorno, Bloch, Thomas Mann, Wachenroder, Herder, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Hegel, Bettina von Arnim, Nietzsche, Max Weber, Brecht, and others.
Thomas Mann: The Ironic German (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 53.63 $In this book, which was first published in 1958 and reissued in 1981, Professor Heller sees Mann as the late heir of the central tradition of modern German literature and also as one of the most ironic writers within that tradition. He offers a detailed study of the major works of fiction, Buddenbrooks, Tonio Kröher, Death in Venice, The Magic Mountain, Joseph and His Brothers, Doctor Faustus and Felix Krull, as well as a discussion of Mann's most significant political essay, 'Meditations of a Non-Political Man'. Beyond this, Heller's book is a profound commentary on Mann by a mind attuned to (and mouded by) precisely the intellectual and cultural traditions which are so much part of Mann's creative make-up.
Thomas Struth, Portraits (German Edition) [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 13.75 $First edition (German), first printing. Signed in pencil on the half-title page by Struth. Hardcover. Navy blue cloth-covered boards with title blind-stamped and stamped in yellow on front cover and spine, with photographically illustrated dust jacket. Photographs by Thomas Struth. Edited by the Stiftung Niedersachsen (Foundation of Lower Saxony). Texts (in German) by Norman Bryson, Benjamin H.D. Buchloh and Thomas Weski. 192 pp. with 88 four-color and duotone plates. 12 x 9-1/8 inches. First published on the occasion of the exhibition of works by Thomas Struth, winner of the Spectrum-International Prize for Photography of the Foundation of Lower Saxony, entitled "Thomas Struth: Portraits," held at the Sprengel Museum Hannover. New in New dust jacket (opened only for signature). From the publisher: "Thomas Struth studied painting under Gerhard Richter and photography under Bernd and Hilla Becher at the Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf. In a highly intense, yet sensitive, manner Thomas Struth takes photos of only those people he knows well. This book also includes his work for documenta IX and stills of a new series of video portraits." Signed by Author.
Thomas Manns "Der Zauberberg" - Ein Bildungsroman? (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.38 $Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Germanistik - Neuere Deutsche Literatur, Note: 2, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Veranstaltung: Thomas Mann: Der Zauberberg, 17 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In der Literaturwissenschaft scheint die Gattungsbestimmung des Zauberbergs eine schwierige Angelegenheit darzustellen. Eine große Anzahl von Literaturwissenschaftlern haben sich bereits mit dieser Thematik auseinandergesetzt, allerdings ohne zu einem eindeutigen, für alle verbindlichen Ergebnis bei der Kategoriezuweisungen des Romans zu kommen. Vielfältige Interpretationsmodelle sind so im Laufe der Jahre entstanden. Jürgen Scharfschwerdt schreibt hierzu: „Überblickt man [...] die bisher erschienene Literatur, so erweist sich sehr schnell, dass die Unterschiede zwischen den vorliegenden Ergebnissen wohl nicht größer gedacht werden können." Die Deutungen reichen von einer Erneuerung, bis hin zu einer absoluten Parodie des Bildungsromans. Aber auch andere Interpretationen, unabhängig von dem Genre der Bildung, werden unternommen. Einige sprechen von einem Gesellschafts-, andere von einem Zeit- und wiederum manche von einem Entwicklungsroman. Bestimmte Tendenzen lassen sich in dem Werk von Thomas Mann für jede Auslegung finden und so wurden „fast alle Möglichkeiten der Deutung für Thomas Manns Zauberberg verbindlich zu machen gesucht." Bereits 1921, also noch während der Arbeit an seinem Werk, hat Thomas Mann den Zauberberg als einen „Bildungsroman" bezeichnet. Entsprechende Bemerkungen lassen sich häufiger finden. Auch wenn die Forschung diese Aussagen Manns zunächst dankbar aufnahmen und eine Reihe von Interpreten somit den Zauberberg zu den Bildungsromanen rechneten, wurde dieser Gattungsbezeichnung vielfach, wie bereits erwähnt, widersprochen. Diese Arbeit wird das Interpretationsmodell des Autors aufgreifen und versuchen diese Gattungszuordnung im Laufe der Arbeit zu rechtfertigen.
Thomas Mann: The Ironic German
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.57 $In this book, which was first published in 1958 and reissued in 1981, Professor Heller sees Mann as the late heir of the central tradition of modern German literature and also as one of the most ironic writers within that tradition. He offers a detailed study of the major works of fiction, Buddenbrooks, Tonio Kröher, Death in Venice, The Magic Mountain, Joseph and His Brothers, Doctor Faustus and Felix Krull, as well as a discussion of Mann's most significant political essay, 'Meditations of a Non-Political Man'. Beyond this, Heller's book is a profound commentary on Mann by a mind attuned to (and mouded by) precisely the intellectual and cultural traditions which are so much part of Mann's creative make-up.
Death in Venice, Tonio Kroger, and Other Writings Thomas Mann 63 The German library
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 188.68 $Thomas Mann (1875-1955) won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1929. This is a collection of his shorter works. "Death in Venice", later filmed by Lucion Visconti starring Dirk Bogarde, was published in 1911. It is a poetic meditation on art and beauty, where the dying composer Aschenbach (modelled on Gustav Mahler) becomes fixated by the young boy Tadzio. The other stories are: "Tonio Kroger"; the collection entitled "Tristan"; "The Blood of the Walsungs"; "Mario the Magician"; and "The Tables of the Law". A number of essays are also included.
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