8 products were found matching your search for Clodius in 1 shops:
The Patrician Tribune: Publius Clodius Pulcher (Studies in the History of Greece and Rome)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 44.38 $Publius Clodius Pulcher was a prominent political figure during the last years of the Roman Republic. Born into an illustrious patrician family, his early career was sullied by military failures and especially by the scandal that resulted from his allegedly disguising himself as a woman in order to sneak into a forbidden religious ceremony in the hope of seducing Caesar's wife. Clodius survived this disgrace, however, and emerged as a major political force. He renounced his patrician status and was elected tribune of the people. As tribune, he pursued an ambitious legislative agenda, winning the loyalties of the common people of Rome to such a degree that he was soon able to summon forceful, even violent, demonstrations on his own behalf.The first modern, comprehensive biography of Clodius, The Patrician Tribune traces his career from its earliest stages until its end in 52 B.C., when he was murdered by a political rival. Jeffrey Tatum explores Clodius's political successes, as well as the limitations of his popular strategies, within the broader context of Roman political practices. In the process, Tatum illuminates the relationship between the political contests of Rome's elite and the daily struggles of Rome's urban poor.
Patrician Tribune : Publius Clodius Pulcher
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 52.56 $Publius Clodius Pulcher was a prominent political figure during the last years of the Roman Republic. Born into an illustrious patrician family, his early career was sullied by military failures and especially by the scandal that resulted from his allegedly disguising himself as a woman in order to sneak into a forbidden religious ceremony in the hope of seducing Caesar's wife. Clodius survived this disgrace, however, and emerged as a major political force. He renounced his patrician status and was elected tribune of the people. As tribune, he pursued an ambitious legislative agenda, winning the loyalties of the common people of Rome to such a degree that he was soon able to summon forceful, even violent, demonstrations on his own behalf.The first modern, comprehensive biography of Clodius, The Patrician Tribune traces his career from its earliest stages until its end in 52 B.C., when he was murdered by a political rival. Jeffrey Tatum explores Clodius's political successes, as well as the limitations of his popular strategies, within the broader context of Roman political practices. In the process, Tatum illuminates the relationship between the political contests of Rome's elite and the daily struggles of Rome's urban poor.
The Patrician Tribune: Publius Clodius Pulcher (Studies in the History of Greece and Rome)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 150.00 $Publius Clodius Pulcher was a prominent political figure during the last years of the Roman Republic. Born into an illustrious patrician family, his early career was sullied by military failures and especially by the scandal that resulted from his allegedly disguising himself as a woman in order to sneak into a forbidden religious ceremony in the hope of seducing Caesar's wife. Clodius survived this disgrace, however, and emerged as a major political force. He renounced his patrician status and was elected tribune of the people. As tribune, he pursued an ambitious legislative agenda, winning the loyalties of the common people of Rome to such a degree that he was soon able to summon forceful, even violent, demonstrations on his own behalf.The first modern, comprehensive biography of Clodius, The Patrician Tribune traces his career from its earliest stages until its end in 52 B.C., when he was murdered by a political rival. Jeffrey Tatum explores Clodius's political successes, as well as the limitations of his popular strategies, within the broader context of Roman political practices. In the process, Tatum illuminates the relationship between the political contests of Rome's elite and the daily struggles of Rome's urban poor.
Lustrum (Book Two) (Cicero Trilogy)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.78 $Rome, 63 BC. In a city on the brink of acquiring a vast empire, seven men are struggling for power. Cicero is consul, Caesar his ruthless young rival, Pompey the republic's greatest general, Crassus its richest man, Cato a political fanatic, Catilina a psychopath, Clodius an ambitious playboy. The stories of these real historical figures - their alliances and betrayals, their cruelties and seductions, their brilliance and their crimes - are all interleaved to form this epic novel. Its narrator is Tiro, a slave who serves as confidential secretary to the wily, humane, complex Cicero. He knows all his master's secrets - a dangerous position to be in. From the discovery of a child's mutilated body, through judicial execution and a scandalous trial, to the brutal unleashing of the Roman mob, Lustrum is a study in the timeless enticements and horrors of power.
The Life of Cicero
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.42 $His first oration, as generally received, was made to the Senate in honor of his return. The second was addressed to the people on the same subject. The third was spoken to the college of priests, with the view of recovering the ground on which his house had stood, and which Clodius had attempted to alienate forever by dedicating it to a pretended religious purpose. The next, as coming on our list, though not so in time, was addressed again to the Senate concerning official reports made by the public soothsayers as interpreters of occult signs, as to whether certain portents had been sent by the gods to show that Cicero ought not to have back his house. Before this was made he had defended Sextius, who as Tribune had been peculiarly serviceable in assisting his return.
Die Einheit der Ordnung
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 72.88 $Neuware - Über das BuchCiceros Rede Pro Milone findet in der Forschung maßgeblich in Hinblick auf die rhetorischen Mittel Beachtung, mit denen Cicero die Tötung des Clodius durch Milo als Akt der Staatsverteidigung zu rechtfertigen sucht. Diese primär rhetorische Lesart lässt unbeachtet, dass hinter dem Mantel der Rhetorik staatstheoretische und philosophische Prämissen aufleuchten, die Ciceros Überzeugungen der Post-reditum-Zeit widerspiegeln. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die philosophischen Strukturen, auf denen Cicero die Verteidigung Milos aufbaut. Dabei soll gezeigt sein, dass Cicero nach seiner Rückkehr aus dem Exil auf der Grundlage eines holistischen Rechtsmodells argumentiert, in welchem Natur, Recht und res publica als vernunftgeprägte Einheit erscheinen. Aus diesem Einheitsmodell leitet Cicero das existenzielle Recht des Bürgers ab, im Moment der Not die republikanische Ordnung ohne Inanspruchnahme staatlicher Strukturen zu verteidigen. Eine solche Verteidigung steht für Cicero nicht jenseits des Rechts. Er zeichnet sie vielmehr als summa ratio, und damit als Kern des Rechts.Die Studie liefert keine abschließende Interpretation der Miloniana, sondern greift einen zentralen Aspekt heraus; ihr Fokus liegt auf dem Problem der Staatsverteidigung. Daneben analysiert sie die Formalstrukturen der Quaestio, die gegen Milo eingesetzt wurde. Der Blick auf die Verfahrensstrukturen soll helfen, das Recht als law in action zu erfassen: Die Studie will also nicht bei der Frage zu verharren, was die republikanischen Juristen dachten, sondern - beschränkt auf einen Teilbereich - die Frage aufwerfen, wie sie dachten. Dieser prozedurale Blick schließlich verfolgt den Zweck, den Platz philosophischer und gesellschaftlicher Elemente im Prozess republikanischer Rechtsfindung zu beleuchten.
Cicero Pro Milone
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.94 $This useful student text, first published in 1893, consists of anintroduction covering the historical background to Milo's trial for themurder of Clodius in 52 BC, the political significance of the trial,and Cicero's treatment of the case. The Latin text of the speech isfollowed by extensive notes, a short analysis of the structure of thespeech, and indexes. Finally, Asconius' commentary (in Latin) isincluded.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.68 $Neuware -Die dunkle Seite der MachtMichael Sommer erweckt eines der turbulentesten Kapitel der römischen Geschichte zum Leben: skupellose Politiker wie Caesar, Pompeius und Clodius, Bandenkriege und Tabubrüche. Er zeigt das alte Rom als aufregend-verstörendes Laboratorium, an dem sich paradigmatisch für alle Epochen zeigen lässt, wie »Populismus« politische Gewalt gebiert und wie Verführung genutzt wird, um eine bestehende Ordnung zu stürzen.Wie treibt man eine Republik in den Ruin Mit welchen Mitteln kann man eine politische Elite zwingen, dass sie kampflos ihre Positionen und die von ihr getragene Ordnung preisgibt Michael Sommer gewährt einen ungewöhnlichen Einblick in das Uhrwerk der römischen Politik und die Machenschaften ihrer Protagonisten: Er zeigt den Volkstribunen Publius Clodius als Virtuosen der Verführung. Im Auftrag des mächtigen Cäsar entfesselte er eine Orgie der Gewalt und verwandelte die Straßen Roms in ein Schlachtfeld. Er kontrollierte die öffentliche Meinung und verwandelte den republikanischen Freiheits- in einen Gewaltraum: Wer unter seinen Gegnern nicht das Opfer von Tätlichkeiten wurde, dem wurde so effektiv gedroht, dass er den Mund hielt. Doch Clodius agierte stets auch auf eigene Faust: Als Bandenführer mit unbändiger Energie und dem Vorsatz, seinen Willen gegen alle Regeln der Republik durchzusetzen, schrieb Clodius die Signatur der Epoche, die eine zeitlose Warnung an uns alle enthält: Zahlen sich Gewalt und die Verführung der Massen aus 336 pp. Deutsch
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