4 products were found matching your search for Codeswitching in 1 shops:
Duelling Languages: Grammatical Structure in Codeswitching
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.00 $The goal of this book, a companion volume to Social Motivations for Codeswitching (Oxford, 1993) is to describe and explain intrasentential codeswitching--the production of two or more languages within the same sentence. Most linguists who do not study codeswitching think of it as belonging strictly in the domain of sociolinguistics. Most codeswitching studies do indeed have a social aspect, because they typically use naturally occurring performance data as their base. This book, however, is just as much a study in grammatical theory as a study of language in use. The specific research question addressed is this: when speakers alternate between two or more linguistic varieties, how free is this alternation from the structural point of view? Carol Myers-Scotton develops a model of the morphosyntactic constraints on codeswitching and concludes that the principles governing codeswitching are the same everywhere.
Duelling Languages: Grammatical Structure in Codeswitching
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 56.17 $The goal of this book, a companion volume to Social Motivations for Codeswitching (Oxford, 1993) is to describe and explain intrasentential codeswitching--the production of two or more languages within the same sentence. Most linguists who do not study codeswitching think of it as belonging strictly in the domain of sociolinguistics. Most codeswitching studies do indeed have a social aspect, because they typically use naturally occurring performance data as their base. This book, however, is just as much a study in grammatical theory as a study of language in use. The specific research question addressed is this: when speakers alternate between two or more linguistic varieties, how free is this alternation from the structural point of view? Carol Myers-Scotton develops a model of the morphosyntactic constraints on codeswitching and concludes that the principles governing codeswitching are the same everywhere.
Modern Arabic Sociolinguistics
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 71.56 $Modern Arabic Sociolinguistics outlines and evaluates the major approaches and methods used in Arabic sociolinguistic research with respect to diglossia, codeswitching, language variation and attitudes and social identity. This book: outlines the main research findings in these core areas and relates them to a wide range of constructs, including social context, speech communities, prestige, power, language planning, gender and religion examines two emerging areas in Arabic sociolinguistic research, internet-mediated communication and heritage speakers, in relation to globalization, language dominance and interference and language loss and maintenance analyses the interplay between the various sociolinguistic aspects and examines the complex nature of the Arabic multidialectal, multinational, and multiethnic sociolinguistic situation. Based on the author’s recent fieldwork in several Arab countries this book is an essential resource for researchers and students of sociolinguistics, Arabic linguistics, and Arabic studies.
Modern Arabic Sociolinguistics (Paperback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 68.99 $Modern Arabic Sociolinguistics outlines and evaluates the major approaches and methods used in Arabic sociolinguistic research with respect to diglossia, codeswitching, language variation and attitudes and social identity. This book: outlines the main research findings in these core areas and relates them to a wide range of constructs, including social context, speech communities, prestige, power, language planning, gender and religion examines two emerging areas in Arabic sociolinguistic research, internet-mediated communication and heritage speakers, in relation to globalization, language dominance and interference and language loss and maintenance analyses the interplay between the various sociolinguistic aspects and examines the complex nature of the Arabic multidialectal, multinational, and multiethnic sociolinguistic situation. Based on the author’s recent fieldwork in several Arab countries this book is an essential resource for researchers and students of sociolinguistics, Arabic linguistics, and Arabic studies.
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