435 products were found matching your search for Comparisons in 1 shops:
Comparisons of Stochastic Matrices with Applications in Information Theory, Statistics, Economics and Population Sciences
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 116.44 $The focus of this work is on generalizing the notion of variation in a set of numbers to variation in a set of probability distributions. The authors collect some known ways of comparing stochastic matrices in the context of information theory, statistics, economics, and population sciences. They then generalize these comparisons, introduce new comparisons, and establish the relations of implication or equivalence among sixteen of these comparisons. Some of the possible implications among these comparisons remain open questions. The results in this book establish a new field of investigation for both mathematicians and scientific users interested in the variations among multiple probability distributions. A great strength of this text is the resulting connections among ideas from diverse fields - mathematics, statistics, economics, and population biology. In providing this array of new tools and concepts, the work will appeal to the practitioner. At the same time, it will serve as an excellent resource for self-study or for a graduate seminar course, as well as a stimulus to further research.
Multiple Comparisons (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.37 $Multiple Comparisons demonstrates the most important methods of investigating differences between levels of an independent variable within an experimental design. The authors review the analysis of variance and hypothesis testing and describe the dimensions on which multiple comparisons vary. A feature is the use made of a famous experiment by Solomon Asch on group conformity. The authors demonstrate the statistical power of each method against this one experimental question.
Incredible Comparisons
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 77.07 $This new visual guide, with hundreds of illustrated comparisons of objects from the world around us, turns statistics into pictures through tangible evidence of sizes, heights, speeds, and numbers, while revealing a whole new world to young readers.
The Spectre of Comparisons: Nationalism, Southeast Asia, and the World
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.95 $Book is in NEW condition. 1.44
Interpersonal Comparisons of Well-Being (Studies in Rationality and Social Change)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 83.74 $In this volume a diverse group of economists, philosophers, political scientists, and psychologists address the problems, principles, and practices involved in comparing the well-being of different individuals. A series of questions lie at the heart of this investigation: What is the relevant concept of well-being for the purposes of comparison? How could the comparisons be carried out for policy purposes? How are such comparisons made now? How do the difficulties involved in these comparisons affect the status of utilitarian theories? This collection constitutes the most advanced and comprehensive treatment of one of the cardinal issues in social theory.
Interpersonal Comparisons of Well-Being
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.49 $In this volume a diverse group of economists, philosophers, political scientists, and psychologists address the problems, principles, and practices involved in comparing the well-being of different individuals. A series of questions lie at the heart of this investigation: What is the relevant concept of well-being for the purposes of comparison? How could the comparisons be carried out for policy purposes? How are such comparisons made now? How do the difficulties involved in these comparisons affect the status of utilitarian theories? This collection constitutes the most advanced and comprehensive treatment of one of the cardinal issues in social theory.
Making Comparisons Count
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 81.29 $This book attempts to answer two questions: Are alternatives for choice ever incomparable? and In what ways can items be compared? The arguments offered suggest that alternatives for choice no matter how different are never incomparable, and that the ways in which items can be compared are richer and more varied than commonly supposed.
The Book of Comparisons (Hardcover)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.53 $Please Read Notes: Brand New, International Softcover Edition, Printed in black and white pages, minor self wear on the cover or pages, Sale restriction may be printed on the book, but Book name, contents, and author are exactly same as Hardcover Edition. Fast delivery through DHL/FedEx express.
Research Comparisons and Medical Applications of Ericksonian Techniques (Ericksonian Monographs, No 4)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 73.99 $First published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Multiple Comparisons: Theory and Methods
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.12 $Multiple Comparisons introduces simultaneous statistical inference and covers the theory and techniques for all-pairwise comparisons, multiple comparisons with the best, and multiple comparisons with a control. The author describes confidence intervals methods and stepwise exposes abuses and misconceptions, and guides readers to the correct method for each problem. Discussions also include the connections with bioequivalence, drug stability, and toxicity studies Real data sets analyzed by computer software packages illustrate the applications presented.
Making Comparisons Count (Paperback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 64.99 $This book attempts to answer two questions: Are alternatives for choice ever incomparable? and In what ways can items be compared? The arguments offered suggest that alternatives for choice no matter how different are never incomparable, and that the ways in which items can be compared are richer and more varied than commonly supposed.
The Book of Comparisons [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.23 $This absorbing and surprising book measures and compares a huge variety of different subjects: the strongest animals, the biggest poopers and eaters, the amount of water in the oceans, the deadliest creatures and disasters, extreme journeys, altitudes and depths, the power of natural forces, and much, much more!
Hillel and Jesus: Comparisons of Two Major Religious Leaders [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 100.00 $An international group of scholars who met in Jerusalem in 1992 examined and compared the traditions that describe the historical figures Hillel (a prominent first century B.C.E. Rabbinic teacher) and Jesus (early first century C.E.). The fascinating results of the study are compiled in this magnificent work of interest to clergy, professors, students, libraries and general readers alike.
Method of Paired Comparisons (Statistical Monograph)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 16.97 $Revised and expanded, this popular text explores the basic methodology of paired comparisons, incorporating recent developments in research by statisticians, psychometricians, mathematicians, and economists. The emphasis continues to be on nonparametric procedures that are widely applicable, and on the analogy between comparisons and tournaments. Design, analysis, and the choice of probability models are fully discussed. The number of bibliographical references has nearly doubled since the book first appeared. This extensive reference work will interest readers from many fields, including statistics, psychometrics, epidemiology, and economics.
Drug Facts and Comparisons 2013
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 93.36 $Drug Facts and Comparisons provides up-to-date, comprehensive information on over 22,000 Rx and 6,000 OTC products grouped by therapeutic category for ease of comparison. Drug Facts and Comparisons answers questions about actions, indications and contraindications; warnings and precautions; drug interactions; adverse reactions; administration, dosage, and overdosage; pregnancy and lactation; and patient information. Comparisons include drug to drug; dosage forms; name brands to name brands and generics. Facts and comparisons are also provided for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention biologicals and antiparasitic drugs; IV solutions; therapeutic and diagnostic ophthalmic preparations; diagnostic aids; and combination cancer chemotherapy regimens.This hardbound edition includes the Drug Identifier 2013 CD-ROM, the premier tool for drug identification. Ensure accuracy by searching more than 10,000 color images in seconds. Search by drug name, imprint, NDC code, color, shape, manufacturer, coating, scoring, clarity, and flavor.
Self Psychology Comparisons and Contrasts
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.00 $This collection of "comparisons and contrasts" explores Heinz Kohut's self psychology in relation to a wide-ranging group of modern thinkers, both inside and outside of analysis. Separate sections analyze self psychology alongside Freud and the first generation of psychoanalytic dissidents; British object relations theorists; and contemporary theorists like Kernberg, Mahler, Lacan, and Masterson.
Drug Facts and Comparisons [With CDROM]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.35 $Drug Facts and Comparisons contains up-to-date, comprehensive information on over 22,000 Rx and 6,000 OTC items grouped by therapeutic category for ease of comparison. The book answers questions about actions, indications and contraindications; warnings and precautions; interactions between drugs; adverse reactions; administration, dosage, and overdosage; and patient information. Comparisons provided include drug to drug; different dosage forms; name brands are compared to name brands and to generics. Facts and Comparisons are also given on Centers for Disease Control biologicals and antiparasitic drugs; IV solutions; therapeutic and diagnostic ophthalmic preparations; diagnostic aids and radiographic contrast media and products; NCI investigational chemotherapeutic drugs; and combination cancer chemotherapy regimens. This hardbound edition includes the Drug Identifier 2009 CD-ROM, the premier tool for correct drug identification. Ensure accuracy by searching through more than 5,000 color images in seconds. Search by drug name, imprint, NDC code, color, shape, manufacturer, coating, scoring, clarity, and flavor.
Drug Facts and Comparisons 2013
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.86 $Drug Facts and Comparisons - Pocket Version is the indispensable portable drug reference for busy professionals. Derived from Drug Facts and Comparisons, the premier source of unbiased drug information for more than 65 years, its abridged monographs include the information most often needed "on the move" - an ideal compact reference for rounds and in the clinic. Revised annually.
The Method of Paired Comparisons. Second Edition, Revised
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 109.88 $Revised and expanded, this popular text explores the basic methodology of paired comparisons, incorporating recent developments in research by statisticians, psychometricians, mathematicians, and economists. The emphasis continues to be on nonparametric procedures that are widely applicable, and on the analogy between comparisons and tournaments. Design, analysis, and the choice of probability models are fully discussed. The number of bibliographical references has nearly doubled since the book first appeared. This extensive reference work will interest readers from many fields, including statistics, psychometrics, epidemiology, and economics.
Drug Facts and Comparisons 2017
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 499.74 $Drug Facts and Comparisons provides up-to-date information on over 22,000 Rx and 6,000 OTC products grouped by therapeutic category for ease of comparison. Drug Facts and Comparisons answers questions about actions, indications and contraindications, warnings and precautions, drug interactions, adverse reactions, administration and dosage, and pregnancy and lactation. Comparisons include drug to drug, dosage forms, and name brands to name brands and generics. Biologicals and antiparasitic drugs, IV solutions, and therapeutic ophthalmic preparations are also included.
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