1250 products were found matching your search for Critical Stability Constants in 8 shops:
Critical Stability Constants. Volume 3: Other Organic Ligands
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.63 $Over the past fifteen years the Commission on Equilibrium Data of the Analytical Division of the Inter national Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry has been sponsoring a noncritical compilation of metal complex formation constants and related equilibrium constants. This work was extensive in scope and resulted in the publication of two large volumes of Stability Constants by the Chemical Society (London). The first volume, edited by L. G. Sillen (for inorganic ligands) and by A. E. Martell (for organic ligands), was published in 1964 and covered the literature through 1962. The second volume, subtitled Supplement No. 1, edited by L. G. Sillen and E. Hogfeldt (for inorganic ligands) and by A. E. Martell and R. M. Smith (for organic ligands), was published in 1971 and covered the literature up to 1969. These two large compilations attempted to cover all papers in the field related to metal complex equilibria (heats, entropies, and free energies). Since it was the policy of the Commission during that period to avoid decisions concerning the quality and reliability of the published work, the compilation would frequently contain from ten to twenty values for a single equilibrium constant. In many cases the values would differ by one or even two orders of magnitude, thus frustrating readers who wanted to use the data without doing the extensive literature study necessary to determine the correct value of the constant in question.
Determination and Use of Stability Constants, Second Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 154.48 $This book describes potentiometric methods for determining stability constants and explains how these constants can be used to describe metal ion speciation in complex environmental and biological systems. It also provides three original computer programs on a disk for calculating stability constants and for using stability constants to calculate concentrations of molecular species in solution. The author gives examples of calculations for simple metal chelates, for metal complexes of large organic molecules, and for mixtures containing several metal ions and complexing agents in aqueous solution. They also describe common errors in calculating stability constants and how to avoid them. This carefully revised second edition is now even more useful to the reader, and, in particular, to those who make use of the program disk. Each program has been revised to improve speed, control, and error trapping.
Binding Constants: The Measurement of Molecular Complex Stability
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.46 $This unique book presents a systematic review of the methods for the determination of binding constants of complex formation in solution. Collects material that has been scattered throughout the literature of several separate fields. Offered here are methods from the areas of acid-base chemistry, metal-ion coordination compounds, hydrogen-bonding, charge-transfer complexation, hydrophobic interaction, and protein-binding. Discusses the relevant thermodynamics, modelling, statistics and regression analysis, and interpretation of data. Includes fresh discussions of random association (contact complexes), selection of standard states, and comparison of results. Treats all of the experimental methods useful for measuring these equilibrium constants, including those based on spectrophotometry, nuclear magnetic resonance, reaction kinetics, potentiometry, solubility, liquid-liquid partitioning, dialysis, chromatography, flourimetry, and many others.
Binding Constants Measurement of Molecular Complex Stability
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 423.04 $This unique book presents a systematic review of the methods for the determination of binding constants of complex formation in solution. Collects material that has been scattered throughout the literature of several separate fields. Offered here are methods from the areas of acid-base chemistry, metal-ion coordination compounds, hydrogen-bonding, charge-transfer complexation, hydrophobic interaction, and protein-binding. Discusses the relevant thermodynamics, modelling, statistics and regression analysis, and interpretation of data. Includes fresh discussions of random association (contact complexes), selection of standard states, and comparison of results. Treats all of the experimental methods useful for measuring these equilibrium constants, including those based on spectrophotometry, nuclear magnetic resonance, reaction kinetics, potentiometry, solubility, liquid-liquid partitioning, dialysis, chromatography, flourimetry, and many others.
Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids, Vol. 2
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 856.07 $This handbook--a sequel to the widely used Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids--contains critical reviews and tabulated values of indexes of refraction (n) and extinction coefficients (k) for almost 50 materials that were not covered in the original handbook. For each material, the best known n and k values have been carefully tabulated, from the x-ray to millimeter-wave region of the spectrum by expert optical scientists. In addition, the handbook features thirteen introductory chapters that discuss the determination of n and k by various techniques.* Contributors have decided the best values for n and k* References in each critique allow the reader to go back to the original data to examine and understand where the values have come from* Allows the reader to determine if any data in a spectral region needs to be filled in* Gives a wide and detailed view of experimental techniques for measuring the optical constants n and k* Incorporates and describes crystal structure, space-group symmetry, unit-cell dimensions, number of optic and acoustic modes, frequencies of optic modes, the irreducible representation, band gap, plasma frequency, and static dielectric constant
Dimensions of Madeleine L'Engle: New Critical Approaches
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.85 $Best known for her Newbery Medal-winning novel A Wrinkle in Time, Madeleine L'Engle (1918-2007) had a long and successful writing career. Her books enjoyed popular acclaim and she was in constant demand to give speeches, write forewords and advise and encourage younger authors. Yet her work--particularly her adult fiction--has been largely ignored by scholars. This collection of new essays gives overdue critical attention to L'Engle's complete body of work, from her familiar young adult fiction to her religious writings, poems and short stories.
Short Novels of John Steinbeck : Critical Essays With a Checklist to Steinbeck Criticism
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.23 $The Grapes of Wrath is generally considered Steinbeck’s masterpiece, but the short novel was the form he most frequently turned to and most consciously theorized about, and with constant experimentation he made the form his own. Much of the best—and the worst—of his writing appears in his short novels. This collection reviews what has been categorized as the “good” and the “bad,” looking beyond the careless labeling that has characterized a great deal of the commentary on Steinbeck’s writing to the true strengths and weaknesses of the works. The contributors demonstrate that even in the short novels that are most often criticized, there is more depth and sophistication than has generally been acknowledged.The essays examine the six most popular short novels—Tortilla Flat, The Red Pony, Of Mice and Men, The Moon Is Down, Cannery Row, and The Pearl—in addition to the three usually thought of as less successful—Burning Bright, Sweet Thursday, and The Short Reign of Pippin IV. Because most of Steinbeck’s short novels were adapted and presented as plays or screenplays, many of the essays deal with dramatic or film versions of the short novels as well as with the fiction. The collection concludes with a comprehensive checklist of criticism of the short novels.Contributors. Richard Astro, Jackson J. Benson, Carroll Britch, John Ditsky, Joseph Fontenrose, Warren French, Robert Gentry, Mimi Reisel Gladstein, William Goldhurst, Tetsumaro Hayashi, Robert S. Hughes Jr., Howard Levant, Clifford Lewis, Peter Lisca, Anne Loftis, Charles R. Metzger, Michael J. Meyer, Robert E. Morsberger, Louis Owens, Roy S. Simmonds, Mark Spilka, John Timmerman
Cartels (Volume 1) (International Library of Critical Writings in Economics)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.53 $`Salant and Levenstein have brought together a dominant position in the English-language literature on cartels. This collection should be on the bookshelf of every economist seriously interested in competition policy.' - F.M. Scherer, Harvard University, US `Issues of cartel formation, cartel stability and cartel detection have long been at the center of the study of industrial organization and the design and enforcement of regulatory policy. These volumes provide an invaluable collection of the most important articles in this field. They make accessible a number of important historical pieces and also provide a nice mix of theory and empiricism. They should form a standard reference for those interested in industrial organization in general and regulation in particular.' - George Norman, Tufts University, US 61 articles, dating from 1890 to 2005 Contributors include: D. Abreu, S. Borenstein, G. Ellison, J.E. Harrington, G.D. Libecap, R.H. Porter, P. Rey, M.E. Slade, J. Stiglitz, V.Y. Suslow
Pro-Ject Foucault's Critical Project: Between the Transcendental and the Historical (Atopia: Philosophy, Political Theory, Aesthetics)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.15 $This book uncovers and explores the constant tension between the historical and the transcendental that lies at the heart of Michel Foucault's work. In the process, it also assesses the philosophical foundations of his thought by examining his theoretical borrowings from Kant, Nietzsche, and Heidegger, who each provided him with tools to critically rethink the status of the transcendental.Given Foucault's constant focus on the (Kantian) question of the possibility for knowledge, the author argues that his philosophical itinerary can be understood as a series of attempts to historicize the transcendental. In so doing, he seeks to uncover a specific level that would identify these conditions without falling either into an excess of idealism (a de-historicized, subject-centered perspective exemplified for Foucault by Husserlian phenomenology) or of materialism (which would amount to interpreting these conditions as ideological and thus as the effect of economic determination by the infrastructure).The author concludes that, although this problem does unify Foucault's work and gives it its specifically philosophical dimension, none of the concepts successively provided (such as the épistémè, the historical a priori, the regimes of truth, the games of truth, and problematizations) manages to name these conditions without falling into the pitfalls that Foucault originally denounced as characteristic of the "anthropological sleep"—various forms of confusion between the historical and the transcendental. Although Foucault's work provides us with a highly illuminating analysis of the major problems of post-Kantian philosophies, ultimately it remains aporetic in that it also fails to overcome them.
Dimensions of Madeleine L'Engle : New Critical Approaches
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.35 $Best known for her Newbery Medal-winning novel A Wrinkle in Time, Madeleine L'Engle (1918-2007) had a long and successful writing career. Her books enjoyed popular acclaim and she was in constant demand to give speeches, write forewords and advise and encourage younger authors. Yet her work--particularly her adult fiction--has been largely ignored by scholars. This collection of new essays gives overdue critical attention to L'Engle's complete body of work, from her familiar young adult fiction to her religious writings, poems and short stories.
Rotors mounted on Fluid Film Bearings: Dynamic Characteristics, Stability Analysis
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 137.36 $Stability analysis of high-speed machinery based on rigid rotor model mounted on rigid supports was found to be inadequate for stability predictions. But in actual practise bearings have some flexibility. Stiffness and damping properties of fluid film bearings alter the critical speeds of a rotor. Dynamic coefficients of fluid film bearing are dependent on speed, geometry of the bearing and other operating conditions. Plain circular bearings do not suit the stability requirements of high-speed machines and precision machine tools. Alternate bearing designs are sought to meet the new requirements. But a very little information is available in this field. In this work dynamic characteristics and stability of rotor-bearing system supported on circular and non-circular hydrodynamic bearings (short bearing and finite bearing) is studied. To demonstrate the worth of the study, it is proposed to take up models like bearings supporting rigid rotor and simplified flexible rotors for different bearing configurations. This study appears to provide a better understanding of this type of problem and the present results should be utmost importance to rotor-bearing system designers and analyst.
Reframing Financial Regulation: Enhancing Stability and Protecting Consumers
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.21 $The financial system is a critical engine that keeps the economy vibrant. Serving consumers faced with unanticipated expenses, investors planning their futures, and small businesses looking to expand, it creates economic opportunities for all participants in society. In recent years, however, worries about too-big-to-fail and too-small-to-borrow have led many to question whether financial markets are working the way they should. Designing a regulatory framework that ensures the resilience of the financial system and supports economic growth and individual prosperity has proven elusive to policymakers and interested observers. Every several years, policymakers scramble to re-regulate the financial system, particularly after a financial crisis has occurred. Too often, new “this time we really mean it” regulations are simply added onto existing ones, which makes for an unwieldy regulatory framework. Real reform requires reimagining the framework from the ground up, a task this book undertakes. Reframing Financial Regulation: Enhancing Stability and Protecting Consumers, edited by Hester Peirce and Benjamin Klutsey, brings together a diverse set of authors to provide alternative ways to regulate different aspects of the financial system. The chapters embody approaches that rely less on centralized, top-down regulations and more on market discipline and oversight. The book, which reflects a wide variety of viewpoints and approaches, seeks to initiate a lively conversation about how a thoughtfully regulated, market-based financial system can facilitate risk sharing, efficiently provide access to capital, and enable households to save for the future.
World Debt and Stability
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.78 $The constant and seemingly intractable problem of world debt is much in the news today, and, despite the Baker plan of the 1980s and the more recent Brady plan, the plight of third-world borrowing nations and their first-world creditors continues to worsen. Developing nations are stymied by the portions of their gross domestic product that must be given over to servicing debt, and money center banks continue to write down their third-world loans, damaging their own balance sheets as well as their credibility. In this study, a follow-up to his Monetary Reform and Cooperation Theory, George Macesich addresses the world debt crisis and proposes a method for overcoming the dilemma.Macesich develops a useful framework with which to approach the world debt problem, focusing on his cooperation theory, which calls for a bilateral approach on the part of both creditor and debtor countries. There are significant obstacles to this type of cooperation, however, and these difficulties and methods for overcoming them are discussed at length. Macesich begins the volume with a survey of the world debt problem, followed by a detailed examination of the theory and strategy of cooperation. In succeeding chapters he studies the barriers to cooperation: domestic constraints in debtor nations, domestic constraints in creditor nations, economic nationalism, and the nationalism of the bureaucratic and political elite. He concludes the work with a discussion of the relationship between debt burden and world monetary stability. This study will be a valuable resource for finance and banking professionals and for monetary policymakers, as well as for courses in banking, world finance, and international monetary policy. College, university, and public libraries will also find it a useful addition to their collections.
World Debt and Stability:
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 88.48 $The constant and seemingly intractable problem of world debt is much in the news today, and, despite the Baker plan of the 1980s and the more recent Brady plan, the plight of third-world borrowing nations and their first-world creditors continues to worsen. Developing nations are stymied by the portions of their gross domestic product that must be given over to servicing debt, and money center banks continue to write down their third-world loans, damaging their own balance sheets as well as their credibility. In this study, a follow-up to his Monetary Reform and Cooperation Theory, George Macesich addresses the world debt crisis and proposes a method for overcoming the dilemma.Macesich develops a useful framework with which to approach the world debt problem, focusing on his cooperation theory, which calls for a bilateral approach on the part of both creditor and debtor countries. There are significant obstacles to this type of cooperation, however, and these difficulties and methods for overcoming them are discussed at length. Macesich begins the volume with a survey of the world debt problem, followed by a detailed examination of the theory and strategy of cooperation. In succeeding chapters he studies the barriers to cooperation: domestic constraints in debtor nations, domestic constraints in creditor nations, economic nationalism, and the nationalism of the bureaucratic and political elite. He concludes the work with a discussion of the relationship between debt burden and world monetary stability. This study will be a valuable resource for finance and banking professionals and for monetary policymakers, as well as for courses in banking, world finance, and international monetary policy. College, university, and public libraries will also find it a useful addition to their collections.
Hoka Transport X Shoes 7.5 M/8.5 W White
Vendor: Fit2run.com Price: 199.95 $Features: Lightweight mesh upper 360-degree reflectivity Super critical midsole foam Dual-forked carbon fiber plate Smooth-riding rocker Low profile sticky rubber outsole Best for: Run Walking Lifestyle Specs: Weight - 8.8 oz Heel-to-Toe Drop 5 mm Stability - Neutral Cushion - Balanced Hoka Transport X Shoes 7.5 M/8.5 W White
Hoka Transport X Shoes 11.5 M/12.5 W White
Vendor: Fit2run.com Price: 199.95 $Features: Lightweight mesh upper 360-degree reflectivity Super critical midsole foam Dual-forked carbon fiber plate Smooth-riding rocker Low profile sticky rubber outsole Best for: Run Walking Lifestyle Specs: Weight - 8.8 oz Heel-to-Toe Drop 5 mm Stability - Neutral Cushion - Balanced Hoka Transport X Shoes 11.5 M/12.5 W White
Hoka Transport X Shoes 8.5 M/9.5 W White
Vendor: Fit2run.com Price: 199.95 $Features: Lightweight mesh upper 360-degree reflectivity Super critical midsole foam Dual-forked carbon fiber plate Smooth-riding rocker Low profile sticky rubber outsole Best for: Run Walking Lifestyle Specs: Weight - 8.8 oz Heel-to-Toe Drop 5 mm Stability - Neutral Cushion - Balanced Hoka Transport X Shoes 8.5 M/9.5 W White
Hoka Transport X Shoes 5.5 M/6.5 W White
Vendor: Fit2run.com Price: 199.95 $Features: Lightweight mesh upper 360-degree reflectivity Super critical midsole foam Dual-forked carbon fiber plate Smooth-riding rocker Low profile sticky rubber outsole Best for: Run Walking Lifestyle Specs: Weight - 8.8 oz Heel-to-Toe Drop 5 mm Stability - Neutral Cushion - Balanced Hoka Transport X Shoes 5.5 M/6.5 W White
Hoka Transport X Shoes 7 M/8 W White
Vendor: Fit2run.com Price: 199.95 $Features: Lightweight mesh upper 360-degree reflectivity Super critical midsole foam Dual-forked carbon fiber plate Smooth-riding rocker Low profile sticky rubber outsole Best for: Run Walking Lifestyle Specs: Weight - 8.8 oz Heel-to-Toe Drop 5 mm Stability - Neutral Cushion - Balanced Hoka Transport X Shoes 7 M/8 W White
Hoka Transport X Shoes 12 M/13 W White
Vendor: Fit2run.com Price: 199.95 $Features: Lightweight mesh upper 360-degree reflectivity Super critical midsole foam Dual-forked carbon fiber plate Smooth-riding rocker Low profile sticky rubber outsole Best for: Run Walking Lifestyle Specs: Weight - 8.8 oz Heel-to-Toe Drop 5 mm Stability - Neutral Cushion - Balanced Hoka Transport X Shoes 12 M/13 W White
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