13 products were found matching your search for Dan Bulley Migration Ethics in 1 shops:
Living With(out) Borders: Catholic Theological Ethics on the Migrations of Peoples
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 44.61 $A collection of commissioned essays that seeks to deepen contemporary understandings of, and approaches to, immigration, globalization, refugee crises, and the ethical and moral conundrums presented by these phenomena. Including some of the leading ethicists in the world, this volume brings intellectual and theological analysis to bear on issues often removed from the worlds of theology or sustained academic analysis.
Migration in Political Theory: The Ethics of Movement and Membership
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.29 $Written by an international team of leading political and legal theory scholars whose writings have contributed to shaping the field, Migration in Political Theory presents seminal new work on the ethics of movement and membership. The volume addresses challenging and under-researched themes on the subject of migration. It debates the question of whether we ought to recognize a human right to immigrate, and whether it might be legitimate to restrict emigration. The authors critically examine criteria for selecting would-be migrants, and for acquiring citizenship, as well as the tensions between the claims of immigrants and existing residents, and tackle questions of migrant worker exploitation and responsibility for refugees. All of the chapters illustrate the importance of drawing on the tools of political theory to clarifying, criticize and challenge the current terms of the migration debate.
Living With(out) Borders: Catholic Theological Ethics on the Migrations of Peoples (Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.11 $A collection of commissioned essays that seeks to deepen contemporary understandings of, and approaches to, immigration, globalization, refugee crises, and the ethical and moral conundrums presented by these phenomena. Including some of the leading ethicists in the world, this volume brings intellectual and theological analysis to bear on issues often removed from the worlds of theology or sustained academic analysis.
Migration in Political Theory: The Ethics of Movement and Membership
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.12 $Written by an international team of leading political and legal theory scholars whose writings have contributed to shaping the field, Migration in Political Theory presents seminal new work on the ethics of movement and membership. The volume addresses challenging and under-researched themes on the subject of migration. It debates the question of whether we ought to recognize a human right to immigrate, and whether it might be legitimate to restrict emigration. The authors critically examine criteria for selecting would-be migrants, and for acquiring citizenship, as well as the tensions between the claims of immigrants and existing residents, and tackle questions of migrant worker exploitation and responsibility for refugees. All of the chapters illustrate the importance of drawing on the tools of political theory to clarifying, criticize and challenge the current terms of the migration debate.
The Ethics of Migration
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.58 $In The Ethics of Migration: An Introduction, Adam Hosein systematically and comprehensively examines the ethical issues surrounding the concept of immigration. The book addresses important questions, such as: Can states claim a right to control their borders and, if so, to what extent? Is detention ever a justifiable means of border enforcement? Which criteria may states use to determine who should be admitted into their territory and how do these criteria interact with existing hierarchies of race and gender? Who should be considered a refugee? Which rights are migrants who are present in a territory entitled to? Is there an acceptable way to design a temporary worker program? When, if ever, are amnesties for unauthorized migrants appropriate? Featuring case studies throughout, this textbook provides a philosophical introduction to an incredibly topical issue studied by students within the fields of political philosophy, applied ethics, global studies, politics, law, sociology, and public policy.
La Migration et l'Immigration dans le roman africain francophone
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.78 $La migration est un phénomène sociologique et historique aussi ancien que l’histoire de l’humanité. Dans son ouvrage Les Noirs de la diaspora, l’historien Ibrahima Baba Kaké souligne que « l’Homme est un animal terriblement voyageur. Il sort de sa patrie quelles que soient les barrières qui l’entourent afin d’aller à la rencontre de ses semblables et découvrir d’autres horizons, d’autres modes de vie ». Dans cette étude, Zakaria Soumare s’est particulièrement intéressé aux mouvements migratoires de la deuxième moitié du siècle dernier dans les romans africains francophones, à l’exception de quelques écrits, comme Force Bonté de Bakary Diallo, publié au début du siècle. L’objectif étant de questionner diverses œuvres afin de comprendre comment la migration et l’immigration des personnages sont décrites par les auteurs.
Economie et migrations au XIXe siècle: les stratégies de la reproduction familiale au Tessin
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.47 $A travers l'analyse de trois communautés tessinoises du XIXe siècle (Cevio dans le val Maggia, Aquila dans le val de Blenio et Arzo-Meride dans le Mendrisiotto), l'ouvrage explique le fonctionnement de la famille comme composante primaire et reflet du tissu démographique et d'un écosystème pauvre favorisant la recherche de ressources complémentaires à celles fournies par le milieu local. La présente étude, basée sur des sources démographiques et des archives notariales, décrit les multiplicités des vocations économiques. Elle démontre également dans quelle mesure les formes migratoires ont joué un rôle central pour la survie des familles et influencé ses modes et ses stratégies de reproduction et d'exclusion.
La migration des coeurs
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.23 $Maryse Condé avait toujours rêvé d’adapter à l’univers caraïbe le roman d’Emily Brontë Les Hauts de Hurlevent. La Migration des cœurs en est une libre variation, pleine de violence et de sensualité. Elle réincarne en Razyé le personnage de Heathcliff et fait de Cuba et de la Guadeloupe, dans le dernier quart du XIXe siècle, le cadre de la passion meutrière qui le lie à Cathy.Amours dévorantes, haines ancestrales, rivalités familiales, forces occultes de la religion, l’auteur nous offre un voyage exotique et luxuriant et nous révèle les émotions et les déchirements des âmes et des corps. L’écriture ? langue métisse, alliance charnelle de français et de créole ?, la structure inventive et subtile, la vérité tragique des personnages donnent à ce roman toute sa force d’envoûtement.
Global Ethics : An Introduction
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.84 $Global ethics addresses some of the most pressing ethical concerns today, including rogue states, torture, scarce resources, poverty, migration, consumption, global trade, medical tourism, and humanitarian intervention. It is both topical and important. How we resolve (or fail to resolve) the dilemmas of global ethics shapes how we understand ourselves, our relationships with each other and the social and political frameworks of governance now and into the future. This is seen most clearly in the case of climate change, where our actions now determine the environment our grandchildren will inherit, but it is also the case in other areas as our decisions about what it is permissible for humans beings to do to each other determines the type of beings we are. This book, suitable for course use, introduces students to the theory and practice of global ethics, ranging over issues in global governance and citizenship, poverty and development, war and terrorism, bioethics, environmental and climate ethics and gender justice.
Ethics and the School Administrator
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.07 $Here is a research-based book to help school administrators understand and more effectively deal with the ethical compromises that arise as a result of the complex organizational and interpersonal demands of their leadership roles. Dan Mahoney combines personal knowledge, candid revelations, and interview data from five dedicated school administrators to show how they are able to achieve the greater good. Ethics and the School Administrator tells the real-life story of educators' professional experiences and gives a practical examination of their decision-making process. Recommendations for professional practice are included. This book will be of interest to principals, superintendents, school board members, and professors and students in educational leadership programs.
Ethics and the School Administrator: Balancing Todays Complex Issues
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.86 $Here is a research-based book to help school administrators understand and more effectively deal with the ethical compromises that arise as a result of the complex organizational and interpersonal demands of their leadership roles. Dan Mahoney combines personal knowledge, candid revelations, and interview data from five dedicated school administrators to show how they are able to achieve the greater good. Ethics and the School Administrator tells the real-life story of educators' professional experiences and gives a practical examination of their decision-making process. Recommendations for professional practice are included. This book will be of interest to principals, superintendents, school board members, and professors and students in educational leadership programs.
Morality and the Movies : Reading Ethics Through Film
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.42 $Morality and the Movies presents the ideal introduction to philosophical ethics for film lovers. Dan Shaw uses a series of sixteen popular films, including Hotel Rwanda, Casablanca, Citizen Kane, A Clockwork Orange, Dead Man Walking and Full Metal Jacket, to illustrate all the major ethical theories and key contemporary moral issues. The book provides a brief summary and philosophical interpretation of each film, with reference throughout to primary philosophical sources. A unique pedagogical feature is that each chapter begins with a five-step summary of the theoretical position in question and a critical evaluation of its strengths and weaknesses through a specific film. Topics covered include:- divine authority- the social contract- moral relativism- virtue ethics- freedom and determinism- euthanasia- capital punishment- war and terrorism- abortion- business ethicsIdeal for undergraduate students coming to philosophical ethics for the first time, this book utilizes popular film to introduce a central topic in the study of philosophy.
Le Vol des cigognes
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.23 $377pages. poche. Broché. Un ornithologue suisse est trouvé mort d'une crise cardiaque. dans un nid de cigognes. Malgré cette disparition, Louis, l'étudiant qu'il avait engagé, décide d'assumer seul la mission prévue: suivre la migration des cigognes jusqu'en Afrique, afin de découvrir pourquoi nombre d'entre elles ont disparu durant la saison précédente. Parmi les Tsiganes de Bulgarie, dans les territoires occupés par Israël, puis en Afrique, Louis court d'énigme en énigme et d'horreur en horreur: observateurs d'oiseaux massacrés, cadavres d'enfants mutilés dans un laboratoire. Les souvenirs confus de son propre passé -ses mains portent des cicatrices de brûlures depuis un mystérieux accident -se mêlent bientôt à l'enquête. Et c'est au coeur de l'Inde, à Calcutta, que surgira l'effroyable vérité. Suspense, imagination, vérité documentaire: ce thriller captivant, véritable coup de maître, est le premier roman de l'auteur de best-seller Les Rivières pourpres.
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