52 products were found matching your search for Das Geld Zola Emile in 1 shops:
Nana, a Novel By: Zola Emile (world's Classics)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.26 $This item is printed on demand. New copy - Usually dispatched within 5-9 working days 508
The Complete Short Stories of Emile Zola, Volume II
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.26 $For the first time a publisher has put together in one set all the stories that Emile Zola wrote over his illustrious career as France's leading novelist and as perhaps the most influential writer of the nineteenth century. With new translations by contemporary scholars and a collation designed by Zola himself, the complete set in four volumes, edited by Stephen R. Pastore, a leading authority in Zola scholarship will become the foundation of the strudy of Zola's short fiction for years to come.
Emile Zola: L'Assommoir (Landmarks of World Literature)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 122.00 $This is a new introduction to Zola's masterpiece, published amid controversy in 1876-7. L'Assommoir is analyzed as a social and political novel, as a representative work of literary naturalism, and in the context of its repercussions in the history of the novel. Professor Baguley investigates its complex and sometimes ambiguous themes, its literary structures and its technical innovativeness. He provides a synthesis of the best research and criticism of the novel together with new insights into its interpretations. The biographical and historical context is given, and there is a guide to further reading.
Life of Emile Zola
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 62.08 $Item in good condition. Textbooks may not include supplemental items i.e. CDs, access codes etc.
Disappearance of Émile Zola : A Story of Love, Literature, and the Dreyfus Case
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.27 $The incredible story of Émile Zola's escape to London in the aftermath of the scandalous Dreyfus Affair.It is the evening of July 18, 1898 and the world-renowned novelist Émile Zola is on the run. His crime? Taking on the highest powers in the land with his open letter "J'accuse"―and losing. Forced to leave Paris with nothing but the clothes he is standing in and a nightshirt wrapped in newspaper, Zola flees to England with no idea when he will return. This is the little-known story of Zola's time in exile. Rosen has traced Zola's footsteps from the Gare du Nord to London, examining the significance of this year. The Disappearance of Émile Zola offers an intriguing insight into the mind, the loves, and the politics of the great writer during this tumultuous era in his life.
Emile Zola
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.13 $This is a new introduction to Zola's masterpiece, published amid controversy in 1876-7. L'Assommoir is analyzed as a social and political novel, as a representative work of literary naturalism, and in the context of its repercussions in the history of the novel. Professor Baguley investigates its complex and sometimes ambiguous themes, its literary structures and its technical innovativeness. He provides a synthesis of the best research and criticism of the novel together with new insights into its interpretations. The biographical and historical context is given, and there is a guide to further reading.
Emile Zola raconté par sa fille
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.23 $312 pages. French language. 7.40x4.65x0.71 inches. In Stock.
The Complete Short Stories of Emile Zola, Volume II
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.75 $For the first time a publisher has put together in one set all the stories that Emile Zola wrote over his illustrious career as France's leading novelist and as perhaps the most influential writer of the nineteenth century. With new translations by contemporary scholars and a collation designed by Zola himself, the complete set in four volumes, edited by Stephen R. Pastore, a leading authority in Zola scholarship will become the foundation of the strudy of Zola's short fiction for years to come.
The Disappearance of Émile Zola . Love, Literature, and the Dreyfus Case. First Printing [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.07 $The incredible story of Émile Zola's escape to London in the aftermath of the scandalous Dreyfus Affair.It is the evening of July 18, 1898 and the world-renowned novelist Émile Zola is on the run. His crime? Taking on the highest powers in the land with his open letter "J'accuse"―and losing. Forced to leave Paris with nothing but the clothes he is standing in and a nightshirt wrapped in newspaper, Zola flees to England with no idea when he will return. This is the little-known story of Zola's time in exile. Rosen has traced Zola's footsteps from the Gare du Nord to London, examining the significance of this year. The Disappearance of Émile Zola offers an intriguing insight into the mind, the loves, and the politics of the great writer during this tumultuous era in his life. 8 pages of B&W photographs
Emile Zola (Bloom's Modern Critical Views (Hardcover))
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.92 $A collection of critical essays discuss the works of the French author."
Oeuvres complètes d'Emile Zola, tome 2: Le feuilletoniste (1866-1867)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.00 $34535. Micro défaut sur la couverture derrière déclasse ce livre neuf et tres bon etat. Voir ma photo, envoi rapide et soigne depuis la France et partout dans le monde avec le numéro de suivi
Das Geld : Was es ist, das uns beherrscht
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.85 $Neuware - Geld regiert die Welt, und die von ihm regierte Welt droht in einer Katastrophe zu enden - sozial und ökologisch. Doch warum bestimmt das Geld überhaupt über den Lauf der Welt Worin besteht seine Herrschaft, dass selbst die mächtigsten Regierungen vor ihm strammstehen und wir uns kaum vorstellen können, dass es je anders gewesen sein könnte In seiner grandiosen Schilderung, wie das Geld in die Welt kam, zeigt Eske Bockelmann entgegen den heute gängigen Überzeugungen, dass sich dieses besondere Tauschmittel erst im Europa des Spätmittelalters durchgesetzt hat - mag es davor auch Märkte und Münzen gegeben haben. Mit einem ungewöhnlich genauen Blick auf die Geschichte und Ethnologie des Wirtschaftens arbeitet er die Unterschiede zu vormonetären Gemeinwesen und ihrem sozialen Zusammenhalt ohne Geld heraus und beleuchtet die Etablierung der Marktwirtschaft in den freien Städten des späteren Mittelalters bis hin zum Platzen der ersten Finanzblase. Und mit dieser Herleitung des Geldes gelingt es endlich, auch das scheinbar ewige Rätsel zu lösen: was Geld überhaupt ist - und wie es zusammenhängt mit Wert und Kapital, Spekulation und Krise, Staat und Gesellschaft. Seine glänzend geschriebene Untersuchung ist revolutionär, noch über Marx hinaus: Gerade indem sie uns ein neues, tieferes Verständnis der Zwänge und der Allmacht des Geldes verschafft, eröffnet sie uns eine Perspektive auf eine zukünftige Welt, in der das Geld der Vergangenheit angehören könnte.
Das nächste Geld: die zehn Fallgruben des Geldsystems und wie wir sie überwinden
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.16 $German language. 8.59x5.76x0.74 inches. In Stock.
Zola a Life
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 64.00 $Emile Zola has been attributed with starting the French realist movement. This biography spans his novels and is also a history of social and literary France in the late-19th century, and the political and intellectual world which Zola inhabited. The book analyzes Zola's relationships with Cezanne, Flaubert and Manet, placing his novels in their cultural context. It also considers his impact on the Dreyfus affair with the work, "J'accuse".
Zola Photographer
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 105.88 $The French art director and book designer Massin has selected over 200 photographs by Emile Zola, known for his writing which had received world recognition by 1888 when his obsession with photography started. In addition to taking pictures of the world at large - the World's Fair of 1900, the then new and controversial Eiffel Tower, the streets, shops and people of Paris, as well as Medan, where Zola had a country house - Zola soon became fascinated by the art of portraiture - the book includes pictures of his friends, of his wife and his mistress and of his children. Paris at the turn of the century, Renoir-like images of the French countryside and pictures of Zola's self-exile in England are also included. Francois Emile-Zola, Emile's grandson, has provided extensive letters as well as Zola's diary entries, giving an intimate view and flavour of the period.
Cambridge Companion to Zola
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.09 $Emile Zola is a towering literary figure of the nineteenth century. His main literary achievement was his twenty-volume novel cycle, Les Rougon-Macquart (1870-93). In this series he combines a novelist's skills with those of the investigative journalist to examine the social, sexual and moral landscape of the late nineteenth century in a way that scandalized bourgeois society. In 1898 Zola crowned his literary career with a political act, his famous open letter ('J'accuse...!') to the President of the French Republic in defence of Alfred Dreyfus. The essays in this volume offer readings of individual novels as well as analyses of Zola's originality, his representation of society, sexuality and gender, his relations with the painters of his time, his narrative art, and his role in the Dreyfus Affair. The Companion also includes a chronology, detailed summaries of all of Zola's novels, suggestions for further reading, and information about specialist resources.
Das Münzgeld der alten Schweiz.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.35 $Münzwesen. Münze -- Schweiz -- Geschichte Neuzeit. Geld.
Das kommunistische Amerika : Auf den Spuren utopischer Kommunen in den USA
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.22 $Neuware - Sie waren kommunistischer als die Sowjetunion und kamen ohne Geld und Privatbesitz aus: Die utopischen Kommunen in den USA des 19. Jahrhunderts. 'Amana' zum Beispiel, eine religiöse Gemeinschaft mit deutschen Wurzeln in Iowa, existierte von 1855 bis 1932. Die rund 2.000 Mitglieder speisten in kommunalen Küchen und verfügten über eigene Produktionsmittel, sie arbeiteten je nach Bedarf in ihren Fabriken, in der Landwirtschaft oder im Handwerk. Was sie zum Leben brauchten, holten sie sich in den gemeinschaftlichen Warenhäusern. Wirtschaftlich waren diese utopischen Kommunen sehr erfolgreich. Das machte sie auch für den Journalisten Charles Nordhoff interessant, der sie 1874 auf einer Reise quer durch den amerikanischen Kontinent in Augenschein nahm. 2014 folgte Rudolf Stumberger seinen Spuren. In seinem Reisebericht, der zugleich eine soziologisch-historische Analyse ist, erzählt der Autor die Geschichte von acht Kommunen. In Zeiten des herrschenden Neoliberalismus wirken diese Schilderungen eines Lebens jenseits von Existenzangst und individueller Konkurrenz wie eine Kontrastfolie aus einer anderen Welt. Doch der Autor steht nicht für die Verklärung dieser Kommunen, sondern verortet sie in ihren historischen und ideologischen Bezügen. Darüber hinaus finden sich zu allen Stationen praktische Hinweise auf Anfahrtswege, Öffnungszeiten entsprechender Museen u.v.a.m.
Das Münzgeld der alten Schweiz : Grundriss
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.58 $Münzwesen. Münze -- Schweiz -- Geschichte Neuzeit. Geld.
Les Rougon-Macquart. I. Histoire naturelle et sociale d'une famille sous le Second Empire
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.97 $Homme complexe, romancier prolifique, intellectuel engagé, c'est peu dire qu'Emile Zola a marqué son époque, la seconde moitié du 19ème siècle, d'une empreinte considérable. De son vivant, pourtant, que d'insultes et d'avanies il lui fallut subir! Traîné dans la boue par la critique littéraire, snobé par l'Académie Française qui lui préféra systématiquement des nullités aujourd'hui sombrées dans l'oubli le plus total, forcé à l'exil pour avoir osé prendre la défense d'un innocent, il possède à mes yeux un mérite suprême: celui d'avoir su rester toujours fidèle à lui-même et aux idéaux de justice et de progrès social. Personnellement, je l'ai découvert aux alentours de mes seize ans, au lycée, en lisant Thérèse Raquin, qui posait avec brio les fondements de l'école naturaliste. D'emblée, sa prose m'avait séduite, ou plutôt happée, par sa puissance et son ampleur. Certes, Zola n'a ni l'élégance de Stendhal, ni le lyrisme de Balzac. Son style, comparé aux leurs, est plébéien, mais c'est là paradoxalement son atout principal. Telle la célèbre "Lison" de La Bête humaine qui emporte tout sur son passage dans un fracas d'acier, la phrase zolienne ne se veut ni raffinée, ni subtile. Non, c'est une formidable force en mouvement qui charrie son époque et en épouse la violence. Une époque que l'on retrouve ici minutieusement croquée au travers d'une famille, les Rougon-Macquart, dont les déboires illustrent de livre en livre les ravages du déterminisme. Tout comme la "Comédie Humaine" à laquelle il fait écho, ce cycle monumental est bien sûr inégal et l'on peut très bien n'en lire que les meilleurs volumes, comme celui-ci, celui-ci ou encore celui-là, qui est d'ailleurs mon préféré, mais les savourer tous l'un après l'autre, chronologiquement, leur confère la dimension fascinante d'une véritable fresque. Une fresque dont on resso
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