482 products were found matching your search for Das Kapital Marx Karl in 2 shops:
Karl Marx: Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Ökonomie. Erster Band, Hamburg 1890
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 161.95 $This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -die Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe ist die historisch-kritische Edition sämtlicher Veröffentlichungen, nachgelassenen Manuskripte und Entwürfe sowie der Korrespondenz von Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels. Zu den bereits bekannten Schriften, Artikeln und Briefen - erstmals auch der an sie gerichteten Briefe - kommen eine Reihe bisher unveröffentlichter bzw. neu entdeckter Arbeiten hinzu. Durch Autorenschaftsanalysen konnte die Urheberschaft von Marx oder Engels an zahlreichen Texten neu bestimmt werden. Die Textwiedergabe erfolgt auf Grundlage der Handschriften und autorisierten Drucke. Unvollendete Manuskripte werden in jenem Bearbeitungsstadium dargeboten, in dem die Autoren sie hinterlassen haben. Die MEGA dokumentiert die Werkentwicklung von der ersten Gedankenskizze bis zur Fassung letzter Hand mit Hilfe moderner Editionsmethoden. Die einzelnen Werke werden im Text-Band nach der Handschrift oder dem Erstdruck vollständig wiedergegeben. Die wissenschaftliche Kommentierung erfolgt in einem separaten Apparat-Band. Seit 1998 erscheint die MEGA im Akademie Verlag, über den auch die in den Jahren 1975 bis 1993 im Dietz-Verlag, Berlin, veröffentlichten Bände zu beziehen sind. 1332 pp. Deutsch
Karl Marx: Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Ökonomie. Dritter Band
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 215.95 $Der Band enthält die von Engels 1894 herausgegebene Druckfassung des dritten Bandes des ""Kapital"". Sie ist das Endprodukt eines langjährigen Redaktionsprozesses und fußt auf dem in Band II/4.2 veröffentlichten Marxschen Manuskript von 1864/65. Darüber hinaus hat Engels weitere Manuskripte in die Redaktion einbezogen, die aus dem Zeitraum zwischen 1867/68 und 1876 stammen und die demnächst in Band II/4.3 aufgenommen werden bzw. in Band II/14 bereits vorgelegt wurden. Der dritte Band des ""Kapital"" sorgte bereits seit seiner Veröffentlichung für grundsätzliche, zum Teil bis heute andauernde Kontroversen, etwa über die Transformation von Werten der Waren in Preise und die Tragfähigkeit der Arbeitswertlehre, über die mit dem tendenziellen Fall der Profitrate verknüpfte Frage nach der Zukunft des Kapitalismus, später auch über seine Thesen zu Geld und Kredit oder zu Konkurrenz und Konzentration. Durch den Vergleich zwischen den Manuskripten und der nun vorliegenden Druckfassung wird erkennbar, inwieweit Engels den Text von Marx veränderte, wo er eigene Akzente setzte und wie stark der Antrieb war, nicht nur als literarischer, sondern auch als politischer Nachlaßverwalter zu wirken. So gewinnt der Leser einen Eindruck von der Ambivalenz, durch die Engels' Redaktion gekennzeichnet ist. Auf der einen Seite steht sein Bestreben, einen authentischen Text des Autors Marx zu präsentieren. Andererseits sah er sich berechtigt, in den Text einzugreifen. So nahm er eine Reihe von terminologischen und inhaltlichen Korrekturen vor und stellte in einer Vielzahl von Fällen neue Zusammenhänge her, etwa durch Textumstellungen oder durch die Formulierung von Über- oder Einleitungen. Und selbst rein redaktionell anmutende Änderungen - wie Engels' detaillierte Gliederung des Abschnitts über den tendenziellen Fall der Profitrate - lassen zumindest Spielräume für Interpretationen offen.
Karl Marx's Das Kapital: A modern-day interpretation of a true classic
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.97 $Karl Marx's Das Kapital was first published in German in 1876 and is considered the most important contribution of Marx to the world of political economy. In it Marx gives a critical analysis of capitalism and its practical economic application and also a critique of other related theories. Today it is considered one of the most influential books ever written. Here, Marx's text is interpreted for the modern-day world of business and economics. Steve Shipside's interpretation is not a substitute for the original; its purpose is simply to illustrate the timeless nature of Marx's insights by bringing them to life through twenty first century examples.
Marx's Sophistries: The Fractured Logic of Das Kapital
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.18 $Marx's Sophistries, a revision of the author's earlier Why Marx Was Wrong, dissects the logic of Das Kapital, Karl Marx's central indictment of market economies and capitalist societies. It pronounces Marx's logic in that tome a sham of a particularly convoluted and impenetrable kind. His opaque language, his eccentric approach to "science," and his abstruse metaphysical arguments produce a text that is portentous and impressive-sounding, while being ambiguous and nearly incomprehensible. Marx's Sophistries seeks to identify the non sequiturs and logical fallacies by which Marx constructs his argument. Step by step and point by point, it challenges the assumptions and deductions by which Marx reaches his main conclusion: that capitalism is corrupt in its essential nature, and that capitalists gain wealth not by any legitimate means, but by appropriating unpaid "surplus value" from the working masses.
Marx's Das Kapital a Biography / Books That Changed the World [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.25 $In this brilliant book, as gripping and as readable as a first-rate thriller,” Francis Wheen, author of the most successful biography of Karl Marx, tells the story of Das Kapital and Karl Marx’s twenty-year struggle to complete his unfinished masterpiece. (The Sunday Telegraph) Born in a two room flat in London’s Soho amid political squabbles and personal tragedy, the first volume of Das Kapital was published in 1867, to muted praise. But after Marx’s death, the book went on to influence thinkers, writers, and revolutionaries, from George Bernard Shaw to V. I. Lenin, changing the direction of twentieth century history. In this exhilarating read,” Wheen shows that, far from being a dry economic treatise, Das Kapital is like a vast Gothic novel whose heroes are enslaved by the monster they created: capitalism. (The Times, London) Furthermore, Wheen argues, as long as capitalism endures, Das Kapital demands to be read and understood.
Das Kapital
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 53.79 $Karl Marx set about to analyze the development pf capital, the componets of capital and the modern day application of capital. As a political economy scientist he outlined the key human ingredient; the concept of the 'surplus value of labor'. This concept is the most difficult to understand of the three essential elements of what we now call Marxism, but it is the most important. As well, this work is the most important contribution of Marx to the world of political economy. Regardless of one's political and economic views it is necessary to comprehend what is put forward by Karl Marx's Das Kapital in order to have knowledge of how capital is created and used in the production of all goods and services. Of the 50 books I have published to date, Das Kapital is the best seller in the USA and the UK. A Collector's Edition.
Das Kapital (Illustrated)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.53 $“The value of a commodity represents human labor pure and simple.” ― Karl Marx — A Classic!— Includes Images of Marx and Scenes from His Life
Das Kapital (Capital): A Critique of Political Economy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.28 $English edition.Das Kapital (Capital) is a truly revolutionary book; it was forged during the political and industrial revolutions of the nineteenth century and became the keystone of many Communist revolutions of the twentieth century. In this comprehensive and carefully footnoted analysis of capitalist economics and expression of his theory of class conflict, Karl Marx (1818-1883) relentlessly argues that the accumulation of capital can only be achieved by bourgeoisie exploitation of the working classes.
Werke, 43 Bde., Bd.23, Das Kapital
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.52 $Gut/Very good: Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit wenigen Gebrauchsspuren an Einband, Schutzumschlag oder Seiten. / Describes a book or dust jacket that does show some signs of wear on either the binding, dust jacket or pages.
Das Kapital (Capital): A Critique of Political Economy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.92 $English edition.Das Kapital (Capital) is a truly revolutionary book; it was forged during the political and industrial revolutions of the nineteenth century and became the keystone of many Communist revolutions of the twentieth century. In this comprehensive and carefully footnoted analysis of capitalist economics and expression of his theory of class conflict, Karl Marx (1818-1883) relentlessly argues that the accumulation of capital can only be achieved by bourgeoisie exploitation of the working classes.
Das Kapital. Sein Wesen, seine Geschichte und sein Wirken im 20. Jahrhundert.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.00 $8°. 423 S., Leinen (private Widmung auf Vortitel; Schutzumschlag hinten befleckt; sonst gut erhalten)
Das Kapital in the 21st century(Chinese Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 124.83 $French economist and professor at the Paris School of Economics Thomas wealth over the past 300 years. income European countries made a detailed inquiry. through a lot of historical data analysis . aims to demonstrate recent decades. inequality has been expanded. and soon will become more serious. He believes that we are a throwback to the inherited system of capitalism years. Under such a system. the commanding heights of the economy is not only determined by the wealth. but also determined by inherited wealth. and thus was born the day after tomorrow than hard work and can be more important. Pi Kaidi pointed out that the richest people about whom not because of labor to create wealth. but because they are already rich. Sentence: life and inequality. Since the return on capital tend to higher...
Das Kapital (Capital): A Critique of Political Economy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.91 $English edition.Das Kapital (Capital) is a truly revolutionary book; it was forged during the political and industrial revolutions of the nineteenth century and became the keystone of many Communist revolutions of the twentieth century. In this comprehensive and carefully footnoted analysis of capitalist economics and expression of his theory of class conflict, Karl Marx (1818-1883) relentlessly argues that the accumulation of capital can only be achieved by bourgeoisie exploitation of the working classes.
Das Kapital (Vollständige Gesamtausgabe): 3 Bände im Schuber
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.04 $German language. 8.74x7.01x5.35 inches. In Stock.
Karl Marx's 200th (Various Artists)
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 23.98 $ (+1.99 $)Karl Marx's 200th (Various Artists) Various Artists - CD 5050580689800
Karl Marx City
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 29.95 $Twenty-five years after the collapse of the German Democratic Republic (GDR), filmmaker Petra Epperlein returns to the proletarian Oz of her childhood to find the truth about her late fathers suicide and his rumored Stasi past. Had he been an informant for the secret police? Was her childhood an elaborate fiction? As she looks for answers in the Stasis extensive archives, she pulls back the curtain of her own nostalgia and enters the parallel world of the security state, seeing her former life
Karl Marx Greatness and Illusion [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.95 $As much a portrait of his time as a biography of the man, Karl Marx: Greatness and Illusion returns the author of Das Kapital to his nineteenth-century world, before twentieth-century inventions transformed him into Communism’s patriarch and fierce lawgiver. Gareth Stedman Jones depicts an era dominated by extraordinary challenges and new notions about God, human capacities, empires, and political systems―and, above all, the shape of the future.In the aftermath of the Battle of Waterloo, a Europe-wide argument began about the industrial transformation of England, the Revolution in France, and the hopes and fears generated by these occurrences. Would the coming age belong to those enthralled by the revolutionary events and ideas that had brought this world into being, or would its inheritors be those who feared and loathed it? Stedman Jones gives weight not only to Marx’s views but to the views of those with whom he contended. He shows that Marx was as buffeted as anyone else living through a period that both confirmed and confounded his interpretations―and that ultimately left him with terrible intimations of failure.Karl Marx allows the reader to understand Marx’s milieu and development, and makes sense of the devastating impact of new ways of seeing the world conjured up by Kant, Hegel, Feuerbach, Ricardo, Saint-Simon, and others. We come to understand how Marx transformed and adapted their philosophies into ideas that would have―through twists and turns inconceivable to him―an overwhelming impact across the globe in the twentieth century.
Social Thought of Karl Marx
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.12 $Part of the SAGE Social Thinkers series, this brief and clearly-written book provides a concise introduction to the work, life, and influences of Karl Marx, one of the most revered, reviled, and misunderstood figures in modern history. The book serves as an excellent introduction to the full range of Marx’s major themes—alienation, economics, social class, capitalism, communism, materialism, environmental sustainability—and considers the extent to which they are relevant today. It is ideal for use as a self-contained volume or in conjunction with other sociological theory textbooks.
Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution : Critique of Other Socialisms
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.47 $Much of Karl Marx's most important work came out of his critique of other thinkers, including many socialists who differed significantly in their conceptions of socialism. The fourth volume in Hal Draper's series looks at these critiques to illuminate what Marx's socialism was, as well as what it was not. Some of these debates are well-known elements in Marx's work, such as his writings on the anarchists Proudhon and Bakunin. Others are less familiar, such as the writings on "Bismarckian socialism" and "Boulangism," but promise to become better known and understood with Draper's exposition. He also discusses the more general ideological tendencies of "utopian" and "sentimental" socialisms, which took various forms and were ingredients in many different socialist movements.
Collected Works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, 1845-48, Volume 6
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 67.83 $Book by Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich
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