41 products were found matching your search for Die Private Haftpflichtversicherung in 1 shops:
A Fine and Private Place
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 77.47 $This classic, mesmerizing tale from the author of The Last Unicorn is a journey between the realms of the living and the dead, and the eternal power of love. Michael Morgan was not ready to die, but his funeral was carried out just the same. Trapped in the dark limbo between life and death as a ghost, he searches for an escape. Instead, he discovers the beautiful Laura...and a love stronger than the boundaries of the grave and the spirit world. Praise for Peter S. Beagle: "Wit, charm, and a sense of individuality." -- New York Times Book Review "It's a fully rounded region, this other world of Peter Beagle's imagination...an originality...that is wholly his own." -- Kirkus Reviews "Both sepulchral and oddly appealing...[Beagle's] ectoplasmic fable has a distinct, mossy charm." -- Time "Delightful." -- San Francisco Chronicle
The Private Worlds of Dying Children
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.38 $"The death of a child," writes Myra Bluebond-Langner, "poignantly underlines the impact of social and cultural factors on the way that we die and the way that we permit others to die." In a moving drama constructed from her observations of leukemic children, aged three to nine, in a hospital ward, she shows how the children come to know they are dying, how and why they attempt to conceal this knowledge from their parents and the medical staff, and how these adults in turn try to conceal from the children their awareness of the child's impending death.
Duden Ratgeber Briefe, E-Mails und Kurznachrichten gut und richtig schreiben: Berufliche und private Kommunikation verständlich und korrekt gestalten
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.32 $Neu -Dieser umfangreiche Band ist Ratgeber, Nachschlagewerk und Sammlung von Mustertexten in einem! Er bindet die neue DIN 5008 ein und zeigt, wie Sie diese in Ihrer geschäftlichen Korrespondenz umsetzen können. Es wird aber auch vermittelt, wie Sie präzise, lebendig und zeitgemäß schreiben und welche Formulierungen Sie besser vermeiden. Nachrichten, die über Kurznachrichtendienste wie SMS und Messenger verschickt werden sollen, werden ebenfalls berücksichtigt. Das Buch enthält zahlreiche Mustertexte und Textbausteine für alle wichtigen Anlässe, z.B. Einladung, Glückwunsch, Kondolenz oder Reklamation. 736 pp. Deutsch
The Private Worlds of Dying Children
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.51 $"The death of a child," writes Myra Bluebond-Langner, "poignantly underlines the impact of social and cultural factors on the way that we die and the way that we permit others to die." In a moving drama constructed from her observations of leukemic children, aged three to nine, in a hospital ward, she shows how the children come to know they are dying, how and why they attempt to conceal this knowledge from their parents and the medical staff, and how these adults in turn try to conceal from the children their awareness of the child's impending death.
Private Peaceful (Hardcover)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.44 $As the enemy lurks in the darkness, Thomas struggles to stay awake through the night. He has lived through the terror of gas attacks and watched friends die by his side. But in the morning, Thomas will be forced to confront an even greater horror. As the minutes tick by, Thomas remembers his childhood spent deep in the countryside with his mother, his brothers, and Molly, the love of his life. But each minute that passes brings Thomas closer to something he can't bear to to think about--the moment when the war and its horrific consequences will change his life forever.
The Man With the Miraculous Hands: The Fantastic Story of Felix Kersten, Himmler's Private Doctor [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.00 $Physician to the high-demon of the Third Reich, Heinrich Himmler. Kersten could alleviate Himmler's severe stomach pains with his hands using massage and manipulation. In return, Kersten bargained with Himmler to order the release of innocent prisoners condemned to die.
»Ein Drittes Reich, wie ich es auffasse« : Politik, Gesellschaft und privates Leben in Tagebüchern 1933-1939
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 52.65 $Neuware - Privates Leben und politischer Alltag: Die individuelle Verarbeitung des Nationalsozialismus in Selbstzeugnissen »gewöhnlicher« Menschen.Mit dem Beginn der nationalsozialistischen Diktatur erlebte Deutschland nicht nur eine tiefe politische Zäsur. Auch das private Leben der Deutschen veränderte sich grundlegend. Das NS-Regime hatte weitreichende Vorstellungen davon, wie der Einzelne von nun an denken und handeln soll.Janosch Steuwer hat insgesamt 140 Tagebücher aus den Jahren 1933 bis 1939 untersucht und zeigt daran, wie Durchschnittsbürger auf die Herausforderungen des Nationalsozialismus reagierten. Im Nachdenken über sich selbst und die Welt, in der sie nun lebten, positionierten sie sich zu den neuen Machthabern. Manche Deutsche drängte es, sich den politischen Umständen anzupassen. Andere sahen sich dazu gezwungen. Sie alle trugen so dazu bei die Vision einer homogenen, von Konflikten befreiten und »rassisch reinen« Gesellschaft zu verwirklichen.Detailgenau und mit überzeugendem Sinn für die großen Zusammenhänge verdeutlicht Steuwer, wie das spannungsreiche Bemühen der Menschen, sich einzufügen und zugleich bestehende Meinungen und Selbstvorstellungen zu bewahren, zu einer engen Verflechtung von Privatem und Politischem führte.Ein überraschend neuer Blick darauf, wie die ideologischen Visionen des Nationalsozialismus Eingang in die Lebenswirklichkeit der Deutschen fanden.»Ein Meilenstein für die Erfahrungs- und Emotionengeschichte der Jahre 1933/39« (Michael Wildt)
A Fine and Private Place
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.37 $This classic, mesmerizing tale from the author of The Last Unicorn is a journey between the realms of the living and the dead, and the eternal power of love. Michael Morgan was not ready to die, but his funeral was carried out just the same. Trapped in the dark limbo between life and death as a ghost, he searches for an escape. Instead, he discovers the beautiful Laura...and a love stronger than the boundaries of the grave and the spirit world. Praise for Peter S. Beagle: "Wit, charm, and a sense of individuality." -- New York Times Book Review "It's a fully rounded region, this other world of Peter Beagle's imagination...an originality...that is wholly his own." -- Kirkus Reviews "Both sepulchral and oddly appealing...[Beagle's] ectoplasmic fable has a distinct, mossy charm." -- Time "Delightful." -- San Francisco Chronicle
The Private Worlds of Dying Children
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 97.53 $"The death of a child," writes Myra Bluebond-Langner, "poignantly underlines the impact of social and cultural factors on the way that we die and the way that we permit others to die." In a moving drama constructed from her observations of leukemic children, aged three to nine, in a hospital ward, she shows how the children come to know they are dying, how and why they attempt to conceal this knowledge from their parents and the medical staff, and how these adults in turn try to conceal from the children their awareness of the child's impending death.
The Damned Don't Die (Original Title : The Gourmet)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 142.27 $Martin Windrow, a private detective, investigates the brutal murder and mutilation of a young woman
Das Egibi-Archiv: Die Felder Und Garten (Cuneiform Monographs, 20a)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 70.81 $The archive of the Egibi family from the 6th century BC originates in Babylon and covers a time span of more than 100 years and five generations. It is known as the largest and most important private archive from the Neo-Babylonian period. Although nearly 800 tablets were already published in cuneiform copies by the end of the 19th century, no comprehensive text edition and study of this archive has been completed so far. This book presents the first step and focuses on the purchase of land (date orchards and arable land) by the Egibi family. About 240 records (property titles and related debt notes, receipts, field plans, etc.) form the core of the archive and are closely interrelated with other aspects of the family's business. Nearly half of them were previously unpublished. The book provides transliterations ans translations of all texts, as well as copies of new material including hitherto unknown sealings of published tablets. The study shows how the Egibi family managed to accumulate considerable wealth in real estate over a relatively short period of time. The impact of inheritance and marriages and the way the estates were damaged are also examined.
Let Us Die Like Brave Men: Behind the Dying Words of Confederate Warriors
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.00 $Offers more than fifty dramatic, bittersweet accounts of the last moments and words of Southern soldiers, some famous, others virtually unknown, from the rank of general to private. Photographs of the soldiers, their graves, or the places where they fell illustrate the text. Each story was chosen to highlight a different aspect of the war, and every state of the Confederacy is represented by soldiers whose poignant stories are told here.
Das Egibi-Archiv: Die Felder Und Garten (Cuneiform Monographs, 20A)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.01 $The archive of the Egibi family from the 6th century BC originates in Babylon and covers a time span of more than 100 years and five generations. It is known as the largest and most important private archive from the Neo-Babylonian period. Although nearly 800 tablets were already published in cuneiform copies by the end of the 19th century, no comprehensive text edition and study of this archive has been completed so far. This book presents the first step and focuses on the purchase of land (date orchards and arable land) by the Egibi family. About 240 records (property titles and related debt notes, receipts, field plans, etc.) form the core of the archive and are closely interrelated with other aspects of the family's business. Nearly half of them were previously unpublished. The book provides transliterations ans translations of all texts, as well as copies of new material including hitherto unknown sealings of published tablets. The study shows how the Egibi family managed to accumulate considerable wealth in real estate over a relatively short period of time. The impact of inheritance and marriages and the way the estates were damaged are also examined.
The Damned Don't Die (Original Title : The Gourmet)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.54 $Martin Windrow, a private detective, investigates the brutal murder and mutilation of a young woman
To Live & Die in Dixie (Callahan Garrity, No 2)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.14 $From her time on the Atlanta police force, Callahan Garrity, house cleaner and private investigator extraordinaire, has excelled at mopping up messes -- of all kinds. But she has no idea what she's getting into when she agrees to work for infamous antiques dealer Elliot Littlefield.The first day on the job she and her crew discover the bloodied body of a young woman in a bedroom -- and are soon on the trail of a priceless Civil War diary stolen by the killer. As if two crimes aren't enough, deadly serious collectors, right-wing radicals, and impulsive teenagers make the case even more difficult to tidy up ... and more dangerous.
»Im Übrigen hat die Vorsehung das letzte Wort . « : Tagebücher und Briefe von Marta und Egon Oelwein 1938 - 1945
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 44.31 $Neuware - Das private Leben im »Dritten Reich«: Eine nationalsozialistische Familie 1938 bis 1945.Egon Oelwein begann sein Tagebuch als Führer im Reichsarbeitsdienst am 30. Januar 1938, dem Jahrestag von Hitlers »Machtergreifung«. Die Einträge spiegeln ein Leben, das sich zunehmend an NS-Vorstellungen orientierte, und eine Karriere, die ihn von Baden über das Sudetenland nach Oberschlesien und zeitweise an die Ostfront führte. Egon und seine Frau Marta dokumentierten zudem seit Juli 1938 die Entwicklung und Erziehung ihrer drei Kinder Folkhard, Reiner und Hiltrud in einem Familienbuch.Die Korrespondenz zwischen den Eheleuten sowie Briefe Marta Oelweins an ihre Mutter und an ein befreundetes Ehepaar ergänzen die Einblicke in dieses private Leben im »Dritten Reich«. Die Edition präsentiert seltene private Dokumente und fügt sich zu einer facettenreichen Geschichte einer Familie zusammen, die sich voll und ganz in die nationalsozialistische »Volksgemeinschaft« einfügte. Am Ende standen 1945 für Marta Oelwein und ihre Kinder die Flucht und für Egon Oelwein, als Freiwilliger der Waffen-SS, der Tod.
»Im Übrigen hat die Vorsehung das letzte Wort ... «: Tagebücher und Briefe von Marta und Egon Oelwein 1938 -1945
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.54 $Mit s/w Abbildungen. 637 S. (= Das Private im Nationalsozialismus; Band 4). - Gut erhaltenes, antiquarisches Exemplar. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 1030 15 x 22,5 cm. Blauer Original-Pappeinband mit Schutzumschlag.
Die Pualinische Kapelle
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 201.13 $Number of pages: 188 Format: 24 x 30 cm Illustrations: 29 colour + 159 black and white / colour plates. in German. 'The Pauline Chapel, the private chapel of the Apostolic Palaces, built in 1537 at the behest of Paul III, has been reopened for worship with the solemn Vespers celebrated by Benedict XVI. This volume, available in five languages, accurately describes all the phases of the complex restoration works which began in 2002 with the preliminary scientific and archival research, and which have restored the Chapel to the best visual conditions possible, thus enabling a more advanced understanding of its historical, iconographic and stylistic value. Introduced by Benedict XVI's homily, which inaugurated the laborious restoration work carried out during the summer of 2009, and preceded with an interview with the Director of the Vatican Museums, Antonio Paolucci, the focus of the volume is the essay by Arnold Nesselrath examining the meaning and significance of the wall paintings (by Michelangelo, Lorenzo Sabbatini and Zuccari), revealing also the perfect coherence of the iconographic system with the functions assumed by the place. An art historical perspective is followed by an outline of the phases of the restoration project, faithful in its principles and intentions to the history of the Chapel. Maurizio De Luca then illustrates the methods of intervention used and Ulderico Santamaria presents the results of the scientific analyses. An appendix dedicated to the liturgical furnishings of the Pauline Chapel concludes the volume. Numerous images and tipped-in colour plates, linked to the essays, illustrate the development of the restoration works through images showing the chapel "before" and "after" intervention.'
Inro: Gürtelschmuck aus Japan. Die Sammlung Trumpf
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.86 $A comprehensive study of an impressive private collection of InroPresenting more than 250 Inro in large format illustrations and including approx. 150 marks reproducedThe sequel to the successful publication on Netsuke of the Trumpf Collection (ISBN 9783925369896)The richly illustrated publication presents about 250 Inro from the Anna and Christian Trumpf collection. These small, multipartite receptacles for seals and medicine, which were attached to a belt with the aid of a toggle (Netsuke), came into use in the sixteenth century and remained a prominent accessory in Japanese menswear until the late nineteenth century. The symbolic, often narrative decoration conveys a valuable insight into Japanese culture. Today the carefully and lovingly worked, mostly lacquered inro enjoy enormous popularity in collectors' circles. Following the inventory of the Trumpfs' significant Netsuke collection published in 2000, another comprehensively annotated standard work on Japanese belt decoration has now arrived.Text in English and German.Dr Uta Werlich is curator at the Lindenmuseum Stuttgart and responsible for the collections of Far East Asia.
Win, Place, or Die: A Milan Jacovich / K.O. O'Bannion Mystery (Milan Jacovich Mysteries)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.43 $The sudden death of a client leads private investigator Milan Jacovich (MY-lan YOCK-ovitich) and new associate Kevin “K.O.” O’Bannion behind the scenes at a harness racing track, where they find no shortage of odd characters, suspicious activities . . . and danger.Did wealthy horse owner/driver Glenn Gallagher make one too many enemies in the competitive racing world at Northcoast Downs? (Certainly the track’s owner, chilly Chloe Markham, isn’t mourning his loss.) Or did someone involved with Gallagher’s investment firm want him dead?Things get more complicated when Milan spots local mob boss Victor Gaimari at the funeral. Victor does have a legitimate investment business . . . but his henchman was seen lingering trackside at Northcoast Downs. Is there a connection?Though eager to learn the P.I. business, K.O. still has trouble staying out of trouble. Assigned to dig up some dirt in the horse barns, he tangles with hot-tempered trainer Del Fiddler, who’s jealous of his flirtatious and curvaceous wife—and handy with a horse whip.Another body turns up at the track, but the local sheriff’s office won’t share leads with a private investigator. Milan’s new flame, Cleveland police detective Tobe Blaine, can’t help; she’s out of her jurisdiction in Summit County. Milan finally confronts the killer alone—and once again finds himself in deep trouble!
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