11 products were found matching your search for Die Selbstmord Schwestern Eugenides Jeffrey in 2 shops:
Das Haus der Schwestern. (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 72.35 $Der Spiegel-Bestseller endlich im Taschenbuch! Westhill House, ein einsames Farmhaus im Hochmoor Yorkshires. Ehemals Schauplatz einer wechselvollen Familiengeschichte - und jahrzehntelang Hüter eines bedrohlichen Geheimnisses. Bis eine Fremde kommt und wie zufällig die Mauern des Schweigens zum Einsturz bringt...
Die Falsche Fahrte (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 98.23 $Der Selbstmord eines jungen Mädchens ist nur der Auftakt zu einer dramatischen Jagd nach einem Serienkiller, der in derMaske eines Indianers tötet. Kommissar Kurt Wallander steht vor einer der kompliziertesten Ermittlungen seiner Laufbahn: Welche Verbindung gibt es zwischen den Opfern, einem pensionierten Justizminister, einem bekannten Kunsthändler, einem kleinen Hehler und einem Finanzhai? Warum hat der Täter sie alle auf so grausame Weise ermordet? Schon bald stellt sich heraus: Nicht nur der Mörder agiert mit erschreckender Kaltblütigkeit, sondern auch die ermordeten Männer haben entsetzliche Verbrechen begangen. Und Wallander ahnt weder, welche Rolle er selbst in den rituellen Handlungen des Mörders spielt, noch, welches Entsetzen ihn mit der Enthüllung von dessen Identität erwartet.Wallanders sechster Fall
To Die in this Way: Nicaraguan Indians and the Myth of Mestizaje, 1880-1965 (Latin America Otherwise)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.21 $Challenging the widely held belief that Nicaragua has been ethnically homogeneous since the nineteenth century, To Die in This Way reveals the continued existence and importance of an officially “forgotten” indigenous culture. Jeffrey L. Gould argues that mestizaje—a cultural homogeneity that has been hailed as a cornerstone of Nicaraguan national identity—involved a decades-long process of myth building.Through interviews with indigenous peoples and records of the elite discourse that suppressed the expression of cultural differences and rationalized the destruction of Indian communities, Gould tells a story of cultural loss. Land expropriation and coerced labor led to cultural alienation that shamed the indigenous population into shedding their language, religion, and dress. Beginning with the 1870s, Gould historicizes the forces that prompted a collective movement away from a strong identification with indigenous cultural heritage to an “acceptance” of a national mixed-race identity.By recovering a significant part of Nicaraguan history that has been excised from the national memory, To Die in This Way critiques the enterprise of third world nation-building and thus marks an important step in the study of Latin American culture and history that will also interest anthropologists and students of social and cultural historians.
The Virgin Suicides (Criterion Collection)
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 29.95 $Writer/director Sofia Coppola's acclaimed debut feature, based on Jeffrey Eugenides' novel, traces the tragic ends of the five beautiful teenage Lisbon sisters in a '70s Michigan suburb. Through narration by a now-grown man who worshipped the girls from afar, the drama shows how their oppressive and overprotective parents (James Woods, Kathleen Turner) stifled the girls' growth and led the seemingly perfect family to self-destruction. Kirsten Dunst, Josh Hartnett also star. 96 min. Widescreen (
The Virgin Suicides (Criterion Collection)
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 39.95 $Writer/director Sofia Coppola's acclaimed debut feature, based on Jeffrey Eugenides' novel, traces the tragic ends of the five beautiful teenage Lisbon sisters in a '70s Michigan suburb. Through narration by a now-grown man who worshipped the girls from afar, the drama shows how their oppressive and overprotective parents (James Woods, Kathleen Turner) stifled the girls' growth and led the seemingly perfect family to self-destruction. Kirsten Dunst, Josh Hartnett also star. 96 min. Widescreen
Home Land
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.24 $Welcome to the most twisted high-school reunion imaginable, from a rising star of American satire. 'Sam Lipsyte is a gifted stylist, precise, original, devious, and very funny.' Jeffrey Eugenides, author of 'Middlesex' 'It's confession time, fellow alumni. Ever since Principal Fontana found me and commenced to bless my mail slot, monthly, with the Eastern Valley High School Alumni Newsletter, I've been meaning to pen my update. Sad to say, vanity slowed my hand. Let a fever for the truth speed it now. Let me stand on the rooftop of my reckoning and shout naught but the indisputable: I did not pan out.' The Eastern Valley High School alumni newsletter, 'Catamount Notes', is bursting with tales of success: we've got a bankable politician and a famous baseball star, not to mention a major label recording artist. And then there is the appalling, somewhat bitter and yet entirely loveable Lewis Miner, class of '89 -- who did not pan out. From perhaps the most gifted of the younger generation of US satirical novelists, 'Home Land' is a marvel of playful prose and sustained invention -- and very, very funny.
The Virgin Suicides
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.12 $Juxtaposing the most common and the most gothic, the humorous and the tragic, author Jeffrey Eugenides creates a vivid and compelling portrait of youth and lost innocence. He takes us back to the elm-lined streets of suburbia in the seventies, and introduces us to the men whose lives have been forever changed by their fierce, awkward obsession with five doomed sisters: brainy Therese, fastidious Mary, ascetic Bonnie, libertine Lux, and pale, saintly Cecilia, whose spectacular demise inaugurates "the year of the suicides." This is the debut novel that caused a sensation and won immediate acclaim from the critics-a tender, wickedly funny tale of love and terror, sex and suicide, memory and imagination.
I Used to Know That Literature: Inside Stories of Famous Authors, Classic Characters, Unforgettable Phrases, and Unanticipated Endings
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 97.57 $Bibliophiles, grab your glasses! Here is a compendium of interesting- and often scandalous-facts and quips about the literary world. Featuring authors and tomes of yesteryear and yesterday, from Tolkien's Middle-earth to Jeffrey Eugenides's Middlesex, I Used to Knew That: Literature includes sections such as: You Don't Say: Commonly-used words and phrases that were coined or popularized in classic words of fiction-sometimes with very different meanings. Gruesomely Ever After: The original endings of some of the world's most cherished fairy tales-Snow White, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, and more. Hip to be Square: Banned works of fiction and the controversy surrounding them. Anthropomorphized Characters: The real-life stories and inspirations behind beloved "leading creatures." Time to Make the Doughnuts: Odd jobs of famous authors. Parental Guidance Suggested: Dah
Second Skin
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.77 $“I felt right away, reading the first paragraph of Second Skin, that I was in the presence of the qualities Nabokov considered the hallmarks of art: curiosity, tenderness, kindness, ecstasy.” ― Jeffrey Eugenides Skipper, an ex-World War II naval Lieutenant and the narrator of Second Skin, interweaves past and present―what he refers to as his "naked history"―in a series of episodes that tell the story of a volatile life marked by pitiful losses, as well as a more elusive, overwhelming, joy. The past: the suicides of his father, wife and daughter, the murder of his son-in-law, a brutal rape, and subsequent mutiny at sea. The present: caring for his granddaughter on a "northern" island where he works as an artificial inseminator of cows, and attempts to reclaim the innocence with which he faced the tragedies of his earlier life. Combining unflinching descriptions of suffering with his sense of beauty, Hawkes is a master of nimble and sensuous prose who makes the awful and mundane fantastic, and occasionally makes the fantastic surreal.
Stephen lebt!
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 80.14 $Die Geschichte einer Mutter, die erst zu ihrem Sohn findet, als er aus dem Jenseits Kontakt mit ihr aufnimmt. Nach dem Selbstmord ihres 15-jährigen Sohnes Stephen wird Anne Puryear von ihrem Sohn aus dem Jenseits kontaktiert. Mutter und Sohn erhalten so die unverhoffte Gelegenheit, sich über die Vergangenheit auszusprechen. Die Mutter erfährt den Prozess als tiefe persönliche Heilung, findet durch die Krise zu neuer Stärke und Bewusstheit. Trotz seines tragischen Hintergrundes ein lebensbejahendes Buch, das Mut macht und Trost gibt.
Christoph Friedrich Heinle : Lyrik und Prosa
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.15 $Neuware - »Fritz Heinle war Dichter«, erklärte Walter Benjamin in seiner »Berliner Chronik« apodiktisch. Benjamins Begeisterung für die Gedichte seines früh verstorbenen Jugendfreundes Christoph Friedrich Heinle (1894-1914), der kurz nach dem Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkrieges mit 20 Jahren Selbstmord beging, rief bei seinen Weggefährten unterschiedliche Reaktionen hervor: Florens Christian Rang erinnerten Heinles Gedichte ebenso wie Benjamin an »Hölderlins letzte«. Beide hielten sie für »Entscheidungen über die deutsche Sprache«. Hugo von Hofmannsthal, in dessen »Neuen Deutschen Beiträgen« Benjamin die Gedichte Heinles nach dessen Tod publizieren wollte, konnte hingegen »die entscheidende Offenbarung des dichterischen Geistes, die im einmaligen herrlichen Wort, nicht erkennen«. Werner Kraft, dem zu verdanken ist, dass Heinles Gestalt nicht vollständig verdunkelt ist, stellte sich die Frage, ob Benjamins »große Urteilskraft vor Gedichten hier versagt hat«. Er ließ die Antwort jedoch offen: »Hatte er recht, wir wissen es nicht.« Denn zu Lebzeiten wurden nur wenige Texte Heinles gedruckt. Benjamins lebenslanges Bemühen, dessen Gedichte postum zu publizieren, blieb vergeblich. Zudem ging der von Benjamin gehütete Nachlass Heinles auf dessen Flucht vor den Nationalsozialisten verloren.Deshalb ist die Figur Heinle immer noch ein Rätsel, zu dessen Lösung dieser Band beitragen möchte. Er versammelt alle Texte Heinles, die in den Nachlässen seiner Freunde Walter Benjamin, Herbert Blumenthal, Philipp Keller, Ernst Schoen und Ludwig Strauß aufbewahrt wurden. Die gemeinsame Publikation dieses Materials ermöglicht es, sich ein Bild des jungen Dichters Heinle zu machen.
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