4367 products were found matching your search for Dr Siri und die in 2 shops:
The Woman Who Wouldnt Die (A Dr. Siri Paiboun Mystery)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.83 $The long-awaited follow-up to 2011's Slash & Burn and the ninth installment in Colin Cotterill's bestselling mystery series starring the inimitable Lao national coroner, Dr. Siri In a small Lao village, a very strange thing has happened. A woman was shot and killed in her bed during a burglary; she was given a funeral and everyone in the village saw her body burned. Then, three days later, she was back in her house as if she'd never been dead at all. But now she's clairvoyant, and can speak to the dead. That's why the long-dead brother of a Lao general has enlisted her to help his brother uncover his remains, which have been lost at the bottom of a river for many years. Lao national coroner Dr. Siri Paiboun and his wife, Madame Daeng, are sent along to supervise the excavation. It could be a kind of relaxing vacation for them, maybe, except Siri is obsessed with the pretty undead medium's special abilities, and Madame Daeng might be a little jealous. She doesn't trust the woman for some reason─is her hunch right? What is the group really digging for at the bottom of this remote river on the Thai border? What war secrets are being covered up?
Die Baureihe E11 und E42: Die erste Nachkriegsgeneration Elektrolokomotiven der DR
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 300.38 $Book is in Used-VeryGood condition. Pages and cover are clean and intact. Used items may not include supplementary materials such as CDs or access codes. May show signs of minor shelf wear and contain very limited notes and highlighting. 3.88
The Rat Catchers' Olympics (A Dr. Siri Paiboun Mystery)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.34 $The 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow is already rife with controversy, but when a Lao athlete is accused of murder, it escalates into a full blown international incident. In the twelfth entry to the series, Dr. Siri Paiboun and his quirky team of misfits are on the case in a city and country foreign to them, yet familiar in its corruption of justice. 1980: The People’s Democratic Republic of Laos is proud to be competing in its first-ever Olympics. Of course, half the world is boycotting the Moscow Summer Olympic Games to protest the Soviet Union’s recent invasion of Afghanistan, but that has made room for athletes from countries that are usually too small or underfunded to be competitive—like Laos.Ex-national coroner of Laos Dr. Siri Paiboun may be retired, but he and his wife, Madame Daeng, would do just about anything to have a chance to visit Moscow, so Siri finagles them a trip by getting them hired as medical advisers to the Olympians. Most of the athletes are young and innocent village people who have never worn running shoes, much less imagined anything as marvelous as the Moscow Olympic Village. As the competition heats up, however, Siri begins to suspect that one of the athletes is not who he says he is. Fearing a conspiracy, Siri and his friends investigate, liaising in secret with Inspector Phosy back home in Laos to see if the man might be an assassin. Siri’s progress is derailed when a Lao Olympian is accused of murder. Now in the midst of a murky international incident, Dr. Siri must navigate not one but two paranoid government machines to make sure justice is done.
Love Songs from a Shallow Grave: A Dr. Siri Investigation Set in Laos
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.78 $Three young Laotian women have died of fencing sword wounds. Each of them had studied abroad in an Eastern bloc country. Before he can complete his investigation, Dr. Siri is lured to Cambodia by an all-expenses-paid trip. Accused of spying for the Vietnamese, he is imprisoned, beaten, and threatened with death. The Khmer Rouge is relentless, and it is touch and go for the dauntless, seventy-four-year-old national—and only—coroner of Laos.
The Merry Misogynist: A Dr. Siri Investigation set in Laos (Mint First Edition) [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.00 $In poverty-stricken 1978 Laos, a man with a truck from the city was “somebody,” a catch for even the prettiest village virgin. The corpse of one of these bucolic beauties turns up in Dr. Siri’s morgue and his curiosity is piqued. The victim was tied to a tree and strangled but she had not, as the doctor had expected, been raped, although her flesh had been torn. And though the victim had clear, pale skin over most of her body, her hands and feet were gnarled, callused, and blistered. On a trip to the hinterlands, Siri discovers that the beautiful female corpse bound to a tree has already risen to the status of a rural myth. This has happened many times before. He sets out to investigate this unprecedented phenomenon—a serial killer in peaceful Buddhist Laos—only to discover when he has identified the murderer that not only pretty maidens are at risk. Seventy-three-year-old coroners can be victims, too.
Slash and Burn (A Dr. Siri Paiboun Mystery)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.14 $The eighth Dr. Siri Paiboun mysteryDr. Siri never really wanted to be Laos’s national coroner. And now that he is in his mid-70s, he longs to spend some time with his wife before the untimely death that is sure to befall him, according to the local transvestite fortune-teller. But retirement will have to wait (again) until he has completed one last job for the Lao government: supervising an excavation for the remains of a US fighter pilot who went down in the remote northern Lao jungle ten years earlier. And the stakes are high. The presence of American soldiers in Laos is controversial, and the search party includes high-level politicians and scientists. So when a member of the party is found dead, Dr. Siri suspects it may not have been an accident. Can Dr. Siri get to the bottom of the MIA pilot’s mysterious story before the body count rises and the fortune-teller’s prediction comes true?
Curse of the Pogo Stick: 5 (A Dr. Siri Paiboun Mystery)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.38 $The fifth Dr. Siri Paiboun mysterySeven female Hmong villagers kidnap Dr. Siri on orders from the village elder who hopes that Yeh Ming, the thousand-year-old shaman who shares the doctor’s body, will consent to exorcise the headman’s daughter. He fears that her soul has been possessed by a demon due to the curse of a mysterious Western artifact. Siri agrees to help and, in so doing, brings to pass a prediction of Auntie Bpoo, a transvestite fortune-teller.
Curse of the Pogo Stick (A Dr. Siri Paiboun Mystery)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.35 $In Vientiane, a booby-trapped corpse, intended for Dr. Siri, the national coroner of Laos, has been delivered to the morgue. In his absence, only Nurse Dtui’s intervention saves the lives of the morgue attendants, visiting doctors, and Madame Daeng, Dr. Siri’s fiancée. On his way back from a communist party meeting in the north, Dr. Siri is kidnapped by seven female Hmong villagers under the direction of the village elder so that he will—in the guise of Yeh Ming, the thousand-year-old shaman with whom he shares his body—exorcise the headman’s daughter whose soul is possessed by a demon, and lift the curse of the pogo stick.
Die Kleinen Und Die Bosen
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 20.93 $ (+1.99 $)Die Kleinen Und Die Bosen DAF - LP 5060238633567
Die Kestoi des Julius Africanus und ihre Überlieferung
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 203.71 $Der Christ Julius Africanus hat in der ersten Hälfte des dritten Jahrhunderts unter dem Titel "Kestoi" (Stickereien) ein Werk der Universalgelehrsamkeit verfasst, in dem er scheinbar disparate Wissensgebiete behandelt: von der Magie zur Militärtechnik, von der Veterinärmedizin zur Dichtkunst, von der Landwirtschaft bis zur Lehre von Maßen und Gewichten. Dieses Werk wurde von den Gelehrten lange mit spitzen Fingern angefasst: es passt nicht gut in die Kategorien moderner Literatur und erst recht nicht in die Vorstellungen vom antiken Christentum. Tatsächlich ist in den erhaltenen Teilen der "Kestoi" vom christlichen Glauben des Verfassers keine Spur zu finden. Außerdem sind Editionslage und Textüberlieferung sehr komplex. Im vorliegenden Band wird zum ersten Mal eine umfassende Analyse der verschiedenen Aspekte vorgelegt. Das Werk erweist sich als wichtiger Zeuge der neuen Kultur des Wissens unter den Severern und in der zweiten Sophistik.
Theognis und die Theognidea
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 243.33 $Die unter dem Namen des Theognis erhaltene Gedichtsammlung ist neben Homer und Hesiod der einzige handschriftlich üuuml;berlieferte dichterische Text aus der Zeit vor Pindar. Seine eigenartige Gestalt hat eine lange Diskussion um seine Echtheit und Entstehung hervorgerufen, die bis zu Zweifeln an der Existenz eines Dichters Theognis geführt hat. Wie ist das Theognideische Corpus entstanden und welchen Einfluss hatte Theognis darauf? Von dieser Frage geleitet, arbeitet die Untersuchung die umfangreiche Forschungsliteratur zum Thema auf und zeigt Möouml;glichkeiten und Grenzen einer Antwort.
Die Kapitulation der Hohen Schulen, Band 1: Das Jahr 1933 und seine Themen
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 203.71 $This Item Is Printed On Demand - It Takes 3-4 Days Longer - Neuware -kapitulation D. Hohenschulen Univ. U. Hakenkr. Ii/1 Elektronisches Buch 668 Pp. Deutsch
Die goldenen Sessel meines Vaters. Gustav Nebehay (1881-1935), Antiquar und Kunsthändler in Leipzig, Wien und Berlin. Mit 171 s/w-Abb.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.56 $Author's signature on front free endpaper, dated 5/19/92. One of an edition of 2,000 copies. Biography of the antiquarian and art dealer, Gustav Nebehay 1881-1935 , who was active in Vienna, Leipzig, and Berlin in the first third of the 20th century. Nebehay was known for his catalogs, which were printed by Carl E. Poeschel, and was himself the brother-in-law of the well-known bookbinder Carl Sonntag. The Kunsthandlung Nebehay dealt with many collectors, art historians, and other art dealers, as well as with various Austrian and German artists and literary figures of the early 20th century. Written by his son, who recounts some of his own experiences in the antiquarian business, for example, an unsuccessful attempt to sell a manuscript in person to the Morgan Library. A book for persons who read German and are interested in the European antiquarian book and art trade or in Viennese cultural life of the first three decades of the 20th century. With 171 black and white illustrations and index. Publisher's prospectus loosely inserted. 272 pages. boards.. small 4to..
Turbulente Strömungen : Eine Einführung in die Theorie und ihre Anwendung
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.58 $Die turbulente Flüssigkeitsbewegung stellt schlechthin das ungelöste Problem der Strömungslehre dar. Dabei handelt es sich hier um eine äußerst verbreitete Erschei nung, die die gesamte praktische Strömungsmechanik geradezu beherrscht. In be merkenswertem Kontrast hierzu steht die Feststellung, daß viele der Physiker und Ingenieure, die als hervorragende und keineswegs einseitige Experten der Strömungs lehre gelten, relativ wenig mit der Materie der turbulenten Strömungen vertraut sind. Ferner ist festzustellen, daß eine unübersehbare Fülle von Einzelveröffentlichungen existiert und daß laufend weitere Forschungsarbeiten zur Turbulenz erscheinen, daß es aber nur wenige Buchveröffentlichungen gibt, die als Lehrbuch geeignet sind. Im Vergleich zu den auf anderen Teilgebieten der Strömungslehre vorhandenen Büchern ist der Prozentsatz an Büchern über Turbulenz verschwindend gering. Ein deutsch sprachiges Buch, das die in den vergangenen drei Jahrzehnten erzielten Fortschritte der Turbulenz-Forschung angemessen behandelt, ist nicht verfügbar. Diese Sachlage mag den Versuch rechtfertigen, die bestehende Lücke zu schließen. Der Band soll eine Einführung in die Theorie vermitteln mit dem Ziel, die wesent lichen Tatsachen der turbulenten Strömungen dem Verständnis des Lesers nahezu bringen und ihn mit den Anwendungsmäglichkeiten der theoretischen Methoden vertraut zu machen. Der vorgegebene Umfang erforderte eine strenge Eingrenzung des Stoffes. Es werden nur sogenannte "ausgebildete turbulente" Strömungen behandelt. Auf die Stabilität der laminaren Strömungen und die Entstehung der Turbulenz wird nicht eingegangen.
De mundi sensibilis atque intelligibilis forma et principiis / Über die Form und die Prinzipien der Sinnen- und Geisteswelt -Language: german
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.96 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Die Jazzmusiker und ihre drei Wünsche
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 60.58 $312 S. Gebrauchtes Exemplar in sehr gutem Zustand. KEINE Eintragungen/Markierungen. Um nicht von Sensation zu sprechen: Dieses Buch ist für jeden Jazzfan eine überaus freudige Überraschung, es rührt an und lässt wundern: Die fabulöse Nica, Baronesse Pannonica de Koenigswarter geb. Rothschild, Mentorin und Vertraute sozusagen aller Jazzer im New York der 50er und 60er Jahre, die Frau, in deren Wohnung Charlie Parker starb und Thelonious Monk neun Jahre lebte, namentlich verewigt in zwei Dutzend Jazzstandards, Nica also hat mit einer Polaroid-Kamera 300 ihrer Jazzmusikerfreunde fotografiert und ihnen allen die Frage gestellt, was sie sich wünschen würden, hätten sie drei Wünsche frei, um daraus irgendwann einmal ein Buch zu machen. Sie selbst ist nicht mehr dazu gekommen, ihre Großnichte Nadine hat den Schatz im letzten Jahr heben können und das Projekt zu einem späten glücklichen Ausgang gebracht. Und da sieht man sie alle, in rauen ungeschönten, teilweise zerfallenden, aber um so kostbareren Fotos: Monk und Sonny Rollins, John Coltrane, Charles Mingus, Miles Davis, Ornette Coleman, Horace Silver, Duke Ellington, Max Roach, Cannonball Adderley, Art Blakey, Ben Webster, Art Pepper, Kenny Clarke und so viele andere mehr. - Wir versenden aus unserem deutschen Lager heraus in plastikfreien oder wiederverwendeten Polstertaschen. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 839 Gebundene Ausgabe, Maße: 17.7 cm x 3.2 cm x 21.7 cm
Gotteslob. Katholisches Gebet- und Gesangbuch. Ausgabe für die Diözese Eichstätt
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.56 $Gotteslob, Diözese Eichstätt, rot Katholisches Gebet- und Gesangbuch. Hrsg. von den Bischöfen Deutschlands und Österreichs und dem Bischof von Bozen-Brixen Buch Mit 3 Zeichenbändern 1296 S. Deutsch 2014 Pustet, Regensburg EAN 9783791725178 Verantwortliche Person für die EU: Pustet, Friedrich Verlag, Gutenbergstr. 8, 93051 Regensburg, karlstetter[at]pustet[dot]de Anbieter: preigu
Das Egibi-Archiv: Die Felder Und Garten (Cuneiform Monographs, 20a)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 70.81 $The archive of the Egibi family from the 6th century BC originates in Babylon and covers a time span of more than 100 years and five generations. It is known as the largest and most important private archive from the Neo-Babylonian period. Although nearly 800 tablets were already published in cuneiform copies by the end of the 19th century, no comprehensive text edition and study of this archive has been completed so far. This book presents the first step and focuses on the purchase of land (date orchards and arable land) by the Egibi family. About 240 records (property titles and related debt notes, receipts, field plans, etc.) form the core of the archive and are closely interrelated with other aspects of the family's business. Nearly half of them were previously unpublished. The book provides transliterations ans translations of all texts, as well as copies of new material including hitherto unknown sealings of published tablets. The study shows how the Egibi family managed to accumulate considerable wealth in real estate over a relatively short period of time. The impact of inheritance and marriages and the way the estates were damaged are also examined.
Nietzsche und die Metaphysik
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 194.35 $Friedrich Nietzsche has emerged as one of the most important and influential modern philosophers. For several decades, the book series Monographien und Texte zur Nietzsche-Forschung (MTNF) has set the agenda in a rapidly growing and changing field of Nietzsche scholarship. The scope of the series is interdisciplinary and international in orientation reflects the entire spectrum of research on Nietzsche, from philosophy to literary studies and political theory. The series publishes monographs and edited volumes that undergo a strict peer-review process. The book series is led by an international team of editors, whose work represents the full range of current Nietzsche scholarship.
DDR-Literatur und die Avantgarden
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.26 $Unread book in perfect condition.
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