55 products were found matching your search for Draheim Michael Das Konzept in 3 shops:
GENETIC WORLD (volume 1): The next step beyond Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code, and Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park and West World
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.97 $Item in very good condition! Textbooks may not include supplemental items i.e. CDs, access codes etc.
John Ford (Da Capo Paperback) by Mcbride, Joseph, Wilmington, Michael (1975) Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 102.56 $In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title!
GENETIC WORLD: the Next Step Beyond Dan Brown's the Da Vinci Code, and Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park and West World
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.31 $New! This book is in the same immaculate condition as when it was published 3.46
Seychellen - Das Beste von Michael Friedel : Das Beste
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.28 $Neuware - Ein faszinierender Bildband von Michael Friedel, einem der bekanntesten Bildjournalisten Deutschlands. Die Seychellen im Indischen Ozean - die Reste eines versunkenen Kontinents, wildromantische Strände, einzigartige Pflanzen und Tiere, ein fruchtbares tropisches Paradies. Diese von der Natur aus so reich bedachten Inselwelten bereits der Fotograf seit über dreißig Jahren. Die Granitinseln der Seychellen sind ein einzigartiges geologisches Wunderwerk, die Fotos von Michael Friedel ein eindrucksvolles Dokument.
Der Vergleich im Kapitalanlegermusterverfahrensgesetz, Reformansatz für ein de lege lata nicht tragfähiges Konzept [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 158.05 $Das Buch befasst sich mit dem Vergleich im Musterverfahren nach dem Kapitalanleger-Musterverfahrensgesetz (KapMuG). Nach einleitender Darstellung der Grundlagen des Kollektiven Rechtsschutzes und des Mustervergleichs im Speziellen geht der Autor dazu über, Schwachstellen der Vergleichsregelungen aufzuzeigen, die er anschließend durch Unterbreitung eines Reformvorschlags auszubessern sucht. Die Praxis zeigt, dass das bestehende KapMuG den Beteiligten keine befriedigende Möglichkeit eröffnet, ein Musterverfahren gütlich beizulegen. Bislang wurde kein einziges Verfahren durch Mustervergleich beendet. Vor dem Hintergrund, dass die vergleichsweise Beilegung von Rechtsstreitigkeiten bei Massenschädigungen in fremden Rechtsordnungen, über die der Autor einleitend einen ausgewählten Überblick gibt, der Regelfall ist, gilt es zu untersuchen, woran die Vergleichsmüdigkeit im deutschen System liegt. Der Allgemeine Teil der Untersuchung dient dabei der Heranführung an das Thema "Kollektiver Rechtsschutz". Der Besondere Teil des Werkes zeigt das Zusammenspiel des KapMuG mit dem Vergleich und die sich daraus ergebenden Hindernisse für einen Vergleichsschluss auf. Dabei werden zunächst allgemeine Fragen im Zusammenhang mit mangelbehafteten Willenserklärungen bei Abschluss eines Mustervergleichs behandelt, um anschließend spezifische Probleme des KapMuG zu begutachten: Ungenügende Ausgestaltung des Quorenvorbehalts; mangelnde Zulässigkeit außergerichtlicher Vergleiche; Multilateralität der Interessen bei Vergleichsschluss; Unzulässigkeit von Teilvergleichen; Beendigungszwang bei Mustervergleich; "Trittbrettfahrerei"; Mangelnder Rechtsfrieden trotz Vergleichs; Institut der Anmeldung; Genehmigungsvorbehalt - Haftung des erkennenden Richters, mangelnde Vollstreckbarkeit des Mustervergleichs, mangelnde Anerkennungsfähigkeit des Vergleichs im EU-Ausland. Diese Unzulänglichkeiten bilden den Ausgangspunkt für den ...
How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.49 $On rear cover: "By capturing the very essense of Da Vinci's life and genius - the seemingly perfect intregration of mind, body, spirit, and soul - Michael Gelb guides us in a discovery and understanding of the boundlessness of our own full human potential." Deepak Chopra, author of The Path to Love and Ageless Body, Timeless Mind
Da Muffin Papers
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 63.47 $This book, 'Da MUFFIN Papers' was first printed in 2004 by eight individuals named; FirstKreator, Natt, Elysha, Michael T, Ken, Susan, Greta, Dorothy and Edward. Within the pages of this book you will be amazed at the information that can be researched and the experiments tried and tested - experiments with easy to follow instructions so that you can see clearly the sciences that can help you and others. The book carries in-depth Insights on technology from here on earth and beyond the stars. In life always seek the truth; the facts and the origin of where all things came from, that you may never misinterpret or be forced to accept misconstrued information about the true facts. Foreword by Dr. Kofi Sanko Williams PhD
Da Vinci Decoded: Discovering the Spiritual Secrets of Leonardo's Seven Principles
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.29 $Author Michael Gelb ignited the current fascination with all things Da Vinci with his runaway bestseller, How to Think like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day. Just as that book showed readers how to use the seven Da Vincian principles to develop their creative potential, his new book, Da Vinci Decoded, will help you use the same principles to cultivate your spiritual potential. Wonder. Appreciation. Awareness. Wholeness...In the Western world of the fifteenth century, these personal qualities were all boldly embodied in one extraordinary man. From art to botany, anatomy to mechanics, Da Vinci was a profoundly original thinker fully in tune with the world of man and nature, and with the divine spirit that bridges the two. In this bold new guide to awakening the soul, Michael Gelb draws on Leonardo’s writings, inventions, and works of art to show how you, too, can practice the seven essential principles by which Leonardo lived and worked:Filled with practical exercises that will help you put each of the seven principles into use, a series of reflective questions designed for self-assessment, and inspirational sayings drawn from the world’s great wisdom traditions, Da Vinci Decoded offers a wide range of tools to use in your spiritual quest. Now you can let Leonardo and this book be your personal guides to creating your own personal spiritual renaissance today.
The How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci Workbook and Notebook: Your Personal Companion to How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.00 $In the bestselling tradition of The Artist's Way Morning Pages Journal, The Simple Abundance Journal of Gratitude and The Don't Sweat the Small Stuff Workbook comes The How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci Workbook--the companion volume to Michael Gelb's 1998 Delacorte hardcover bestseller.Created to structure and motivate the reader's development of the seven da Vincian principles introduced in How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci, The How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci Workbook represents the natural extension of Gelb's da Vinci line. As any modern da Vinci student knows, Leonardo's notebook both served as the incubator and repository of his unique genius and provides the foundation of any modern-day student's attempt to emulate that genius on his own. From the very first exercise in the original How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci, Gelb encourages readers to keep their own personal notebooks in which to hone their da Vincian skills; now he provides that notebook for them, with the added bonus of tips on exercises they'll recognize and new suggestions and assignments that will build on the work they've already done.Designed to echo the inviting look of How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci, and structured to help readers focus on each of the seven genius principles, The How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci Workbook is a companion volume that truly complements and enhances the reader's experience of the original book on which it's based.
Das Nibelungenlied (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.32 $Anonym: Das Nibelungenlied Edition Holzinger. Taschenbuch Berliner Ausgabe, 2015, 4. Auflage Vollständiger, durchgesehener Neusatz bearbeitet und eingerichtet von Michael Holzinger Entstanden: Das Heldenepos eines unbekannten Verfassers entstand vermutlich um 1200 im Raum zwischen Passau und Wien. Es besteht aus 39 Aventiuren mit 2000 Strophen und ist in 11 vollständigen Handschriften und 23 Fragmenten aus dem 13. bis 16. Jh. überliefert. Die hier vorliegende Textfassung folgt der Übersetzung von Karl Simrock. Textgrundlage ist die Ausgabe: Das Nibelungenlied. Übers. v. Karl Simrock, Stuttgart: Alfred Kröner Verlag, 1954 Herausgeber der Reihe: Michael Holzinger Reihengestaltung: Viktor Harvion Umschlaggestaltung unter Verwendung des Bildes: Nibelungenlied Manuscript K, (1480-1490) Gesetzt aus Minion Pro, 10 pt.
Da Vinci Decoded: Discovering the Spiritual Secrets of Leonardo's Seven Principles
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.51 $Author Michael Gelb ignited the current fascination with all things Da Vinci with his runaway bestseller, How to Think like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day. Just as that book showed readers how to use the seven Da Vincian principles to develop their creative potential, his new book, Da Vinci Decoded, will help you use the same principles to cultivate your spiritual potential. Wonder. Appreciation. Awareness. Wholeness...In the Western world of the fifteenth century, these personal qualities were all boldly embodied in one extraordinary man. From art to botany, anatomy to mechanics, Da Vinci was a profoundly original thinker fully in tune with the world of man and nature, and with the divine spirit that bridges the two. In this bold new guide to awakening the soul, Michael Gelb draws on Leonardo’s writings, inventions, and works of art to show how you, too, can practice the seven essential principles by which Leonardo lived and worked:Filled with practical exercises that will help you put each of the seven principles into use, a series of reflective questions designed for self-assessment, and inspirational sayings drawn from the world’s great wisdom traditions, Da Vinci Decoded offers a wide range of tools to use in your spiritual quest. Now you can let Leonardo and this book be your personal guides to creating your own personal spiritual renaissance today.
Prierias: The Life and Works of Silvestro Mazzolini Da Prierio (1456?1527) (Duke Monographs in Medieval and Renaissance Studies)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.04 $The Italian Dominican friar Silvestro Mazzolini da Prierio (1456–1527), known as Prierias, is chiefly remembered as the church official designated to respond to Luther’s 95 theses of December 1517—a response blamed for fanning the flames of the Reformation throughout Europe. In Prierias, Michael Tavuzzi presents the first full biography of this little-known, yet eminent, sixteenth-century ecclesiastic, as well as an account of his wide-ranging literary works.Tavuzzi shows that, aside from being Luther’s first opponent, Prierias played a key role in significant early-sixteenth-century controversies such as the cases of Reuchlin, Erasmus, and Pomponazzi. Drawing on previously untapped primary sources, Tavuzzi traces Prierias’s early career as preacher, professor, inquisitor, and administrator, and places him in the context of the struggles fought between unreformed and observant friars during the Renaissance. Prierias’s activities as Master of the Sacred Palace, his long-standing and bitter conflict with Cardinal Cajetan, and especially his forceful writings warning against the threat of witches and witchcraft are also described. Focusing closely on Prierias’s clash with Luther, Tavuzzi accounts for its development and illuminates the ecclesiological issues at stake. Prierias reveals the little-known world of the friars on the eve of the Reformation.
Los Primeros 90 Das (the First 90 Days, Updated and Expanded Edition Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.49 $Michael D. Watkins ofrece estrategias comprobadas para vencer los desafíos de las transiciones, sin importar en qué parte de su carrera se encuentre. Watkins, un destacado experto en transiciones de liderazgo y asesor de líderes senior en todo tipo de organizaciones, también aborda el panorama profesional cada vez más exigente de hoy en día, en el que los gerentes se enfrentan no sólo a transiciones más frecuentes, sino también a expectativas más abrumadoras una vez que se incorporan a sus nuevos puestos de trabajo, ya sea que esté comenzando un nuevo trabajo, sea que lo asciendan desde el interior, se embarque en una misión en el extranjero o sea que le asignen un puesto de director ejecutivo (CEO), la forma en la que gestione la transición determinará si tiene éxito o fracasará. Michael D. Watkins offers proven strategies for conquering the challenges of transitions―no matter where you are in your career. Watkins, a noted expert on leadership transitions and adviser to senior leaders in all types of organizations, also addresses today's increasingly demanding professional landscape, where managers face not only more frequent transitions but also steeper expectations once they step into their new jobs.Whether you’re starting a new job, being promoted from within, embarking on an overseas assignment, or being tapped as CEO, how you manage your transition will determine whether you succeed or fail.
How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.42 $You don't have to be a genius to think like one. Each of us uses only a fraction of our brain power, explains Michael J. Gelb, who has helped thousands of men and women learn to put more of their minds to work--and play--than they ever thought possible.Drawing on Leonardo Da Vinci's notebooks, inventions, and legendary works of art, Gelb introduces the Seven Da Vincian Principles--seven essential elements of genius, named in Da Vinci's native Italian, that any of us can develop on our own. From the notebooks' celebration of an insatiably curious approach to life (curiositá) to the willingness to embrace uncertainty and paradox (sfumato) embodied in Mona Lisa's smile, these principles will seem at once intuitively familiar and surprisingly powerful. Offering an abundance of interactive, entertaining exercises to help you master each principle, Gelb also helps you see how you can use them at work, home, and everywhere else.Following Leonardo's lead, you'll learn powerful new strategies for tackling challenges both timely and timeless, including problem solving; creative thinking; self-expression; enjoying the world around you; goal setting and life balancing; and harmonizing body and mind."I wish to work miracles," wrote the young Leonardo. As you apply these principles to liberate your own unique intelligence, you may feel his miraculous tough enriching your life across the centuries, as you let his ageless example guide you toward becoming more of who you truly are.
Michael Ende. Der Anfang der Geschichte [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.37 $Published in German. Erstausgabe. Verlag Nymphenburger, München 1990. 8 vo., 290 S. "Das ist die erste Lebensbeschreibung Michael Endes, des Autors von 'Momo' und der 'Unendlichen Geschichte', der mit einer Weltauflage von mehr als drei Millionen Buch-Exemplaren als der wohl erfolgreichste deutsche Schriftsteller der Gegenwart gilt. Peter Boccarius, enger Freund der Familie Ende, schildert in diesem Buch, was Michael Ende noch in keinem Interview preisgegeben hat - sehr Privates, sehr Persönliches." Das Buch ist in sehr guten Zustand und hat einen unauffälligen Wasserfleck am oberen Ende des Buchrückens und des Schutzumschlags.
The Race Bugatti missed [Gebundene Ausgabe] Michael Ulrich (Autor)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.51 $Das legendäre Rennen Paris-Madrid von 1903Michael Ulrichs liebevoll recherchiertes und phantastisch bebildertes Buch begeistert nicht nur Bugatti-Fans sondern jeden, der sich für automobile Geschichte interessiert. Englisch mit deutschem oder französischem Beiheft. In englischer Sprache. 535 pages.
2015 Dean Michael Angelo Batio MAB3 Neck
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 130.00 $ (+25.00 $)Hals: L nnHals profil: C - (Michael Angelo Batio anpassad)Greppbr da: Rosentr Band: 24Inl gg: Pearl BlockScale l ngd: 25.5"Sadel: L sning
Das Klagende Lied
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 21.98 $ (+1.99 $)Das Klagende Lied Michael Tilson Thomas - CD 821936001721
Das Lied Von Der Erde
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 21.98 $ (+1.99 $)Das Lied Von Der Erde Michael Tilson Thomas - CD 821936001929
Das Lied Der Nacht 23
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 33.99 $After 1933 nobody had the opportunity to hear this opera. Then the Osnabrck Music Theater rediscovered Das Lied der Nacht by Hans Gl and performed it in 2017. This late-romantic opera to a text by Karl Michael von Levetzow premiered in 1926, but since it's composer was of Jewish origin, the Nazis prohibited stage productions of it. During his later years Hans Gl was doubly forgotten: as one of the many Jewish artists who were forced into exile by the Fascists and as a conservative "very-lates
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