22 products were found matching your search for Edwards Carolyn Teach Online in 2 shops:
Teach Yourself to Think
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.69 $Teach Yourself to Think is THE classic work of intelligent self-empowerment from world-renowned writer and philosopher Edward de Bono. Our happiness and success depend on clear thinking. But too many of us are compromised by confusion, trying to do too much at once, and not knowing what to do next. In Teach Yourself to Think, Edward de Bono shows that good thinking depends on a simple five-stage process that anyone can learn if they try. It will enable you to assess your goals, sort available information, identify the available choices, make a decision and, finally, turn thought into action. This book offers brilliant advice for anyone who needs to be able to respond to and deal with a vast range of situations at work and in life quickly, efficiently and intelligently. 'An inspiring man with brilliant ideas. De Bono never ceases to amaze with his clarity of thought' Richard Branson Edward de Bono invented the concept of lateral thinking. A world-renowned writer and philosopher, he is the leading authority in the field of creative thinking and the direct teaching of thinking as a skill. Dr de Bono has written more than 60 books, in 40 languages, with people now teaching his methods worldwide. He has chaired a special summit of Nobel Prize laureates, and been hailed as one of the 250 people who have contributed most to mankind. Dr de Bono's titles include classic bestsellers such as Six Thinking Hats, Lateral Thinking, I Am Right You Are Wrong, Teach Yourself How To Think, Teach Your Child How To Think, and Simplicity. www.edwdebono.com
The Well-tempered City: What Modern Science, Ancient Civilizations, and Human Nature Teach Us About the Future of Urban Life
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.16 $2017 PROSE Award Winner: Outstanding Scholarly Work by a Trade PublisherIn the vein of Jane Jacobs’s The Death and Life of Great American Cities and Edward Glaeser’s Triumph of the City, Jonathan F. P. Rose—a visionary in urban development and renewal—champions the role of cities in addressing the environmental, economic, and social challenges of the twenty-first century.Cities are birthplaces of civilization; centers of culture, trade, and progress; cauldrons of opportunity—and the home of eighty percent of the world’s population by 2050. As the 21st century progresses, metropolitan areas will bear the brunt of global megatrends such as climate change, natural resource depletion, population growth, income inequality, mass migrations, education and health disparities, among many others. In The Well-Tempered City, Jonathan F. P. Rose—the man who “repairs the fabric of cities”—distills a lifetime of interdisciplinary research and firsthand experience into a five-pronged model for how to design and reshape our cities with the goal of equalizing their landscape of opportunity. Drawing from the musical concept of “temperament” as a way to achieve harmony, Rose argues that well-tempered cities can be infused with systems that bend the arc of their development toward equality, resilience, adaptability, well-being, and the ever-unfolding harmony between civilization and nature. These goals may never be fully achieved, but our cities will be richer and happier if we aspire to them, and if we infuse our every plan and constructive step with this intention.A celebration of the city and an impassioned argument for its role in addressing the important issues in these volatile times, The Well-Tempered City is a reasoned, hopeful blueprint for a thriving metropolis—and the future.
Great Preachers : The Pursuit of God, All of Grace, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, Lord, Teach Us to Pray
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.97 $Great Preachers (Four great works!) Contents: A. W. Tozer: The Pursuit of God Andrew Murray: Lord, Teach us to Pray Charles H. Spurgeon: All of Grace Jonathan Edwards: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
Teach Your Child How to Think
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 10.15 $Edward de Bono, the leading pioneer in the direct teaching of thinking, and with over twenty-five years experience at all levels (from eight-year-olds to senior executives) shows in a simple and practical way how a parent can develop the thinking skills of his or her children so as to give them a better chance in life. Many highly intelligent people are articulate but poor thinkers. Argument and critical thinking are not enough. Today's world demands clear and constructive thinking; the ability to make decisions and choices; to design and plan initiatives; and, be creative.
Jonathan Edwards's "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God": A Casebook
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.82 $Including the authoritative edition of the famous sermon Designed specifically for the classroom, this volume presents the accurate and definitive version of Sinners, accompanied by the tools necessary to study and teach this famous American sermon. With an introduction aimed at students and teachers and commentary that draws on fifty years of team editorial experience of Yale’s Works of Jonathan Edwards, it provides both context and interpretation, and addresses the concerns and questions of a twenty-first century audience.The book contains questions for in-class discussion, a chronology of Edwards’s life, and a glossary. In addition, curricular materials and video mini-presentations are available on a dedicated Web site. This casebook represents a innovative contribution to the art of teaching Edwards to a new generation of readers.
Growing Up in Mississippi
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 134.12 $With contributions from Elizabeth Aydelott, Fred Banks, Jimmy Buffett, Edward Cohen, Maggie Wade Dixon, Ellen Douglas, W. Ralph Eubanks, Richard Ford, Gwendolyn Gong, Carolyn Haines, Lorian Hemingway, Samuel Jones, Robert Khayat, B. B. King, John Maxwell, Alberto Mora, Donald Peterson, Noel Polk, Jerry Rice, George Riggs, Robert St. John, Sid Salter, Constance Slaughter-Harvey, Elizabeth Spencer, Clifton Taulbert, Keith Tonkel, Sela Ward, Wyatt Waters, Jim Weatherly, and William Winter Growing Up in Mississippi shares experiences and impressions from a multifaceted group representing all areas of the state and many professions, talents, and temperaments. Parents, teachers, churches, communities, landscape, and historical context profoundly influenced these men and women when they were young. In his revealing foreword, Richard Ford explores the very essence of influence and illustrates his conclusions by recalling an indelible incident between his mother and himself in the front yard of their home on Congress Street in Jackson, Mississippi. The volume then showcases poignant memories of other distinguished individuals: a governor and statesman, journalists, a news anchor, a playwright, novelists, memoirists, a publisher, a minister, educators and scholars, judges and lawyers, a test pilot and astronaut, a renowned watercolorist, a celebrated actress, and many more.Spanning more than five decades, these essays give us a glimpse of the people and places that nurtured these outstanding individuals and their remarkable gifts.
The Sunken Sailor (A Serial Novel)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 77.55 $Fourteen masters of the mystery and suspense genre--including Jan Burke, Carolyn Hart, Simon Brett, and Edward Marston--each contribute an individual chapter to a round robin mystery about a weekend house party in a small English village that is turned upside down by the discovery of a body tied to a submerged statue of Neptune at the bottom of a pond. 15,000 first printing.
In the Light of the Moon: Thirteen Lunar Tales from Around the World Illuminating Life's Mysteries
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.94 $Throughout the year, as it moves inexorably through its phases, the moon is a source of wonder, inspiration, and knowledge for countless sky watchers. Now In the Light of the Moon, a companion to Carolyn Edwards' popular collection of stories about the winter solstice, presents thirteen lunar tales from around the world. Organized into four sections corresponding to the waxing, full, waning, and dark moons, the book collects stories from Australia, Britain, ancient Egypt, the Maya, Korea, Polynesia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, India, and the Amazon, among other lands and peoples. By seeking to explain the origins and cycles of Earth's nearest neighbor and our relation to it, each story entertains, instructs, and inspires curiosity about the eternal mysteries of the natural world. Perfect for Halloween and October's Hunter's Moon, In the Light of the Moon's spirited collection of fascinating stories are also wonderful for any time of year.
The Storytime Sourcebook II: A Compendium of 3,500+ New Ideas and Resources for Storytellers
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.84 $From new action rhymes and fingerplay ideas to creative crafts and songs that teach, this new resource belongs in every library that serves young children. Designed to work in tandem with Carolyn Cullum s popular The Storytime Sourcebook, this new resource keeps the same thematic collection of programs but provides new books, songs, videos, activities, and more-virtually doubling your programming possibilities when you use both books together! You ll discover new ideas for programs related to children's physical, emotional, and intellectual needs. Cullum focuses on the diverse themes that intrigue children and prepare them for their upcoming school experiences, such as the alphabet, body parts, animals, babysitters, bedtime, birthdays, boats, banners, the circus, locks, clothing, nature, fairy tales, food, friendship, kites, insects, safety, oceans, grandparents, glasses, and more. Storytime Sourcebook II includes: 145+ thematic ideas for storytimes 2,222 recommendations for books to use in storytimes 685 video suggestions 296 crafts 149 songs 146 musical movement ideas A total of 3,790 possible programs make this a must-have resource. With both The Storytime Sourcebook and The Stortyime Sourcebook II, you can have infinite possibilities for making the most of your children's collection (see special offer below).
The King of Pirates Paperback
Vendor: Heritagereads.com Price: 6.95 $"The King of Pirates," attributed to Daniel Defoe, is an exhilarating tale that blends adventure with themes of ambition and the quest for freedom. The narrative follows the infamous pirate captain, Edward Teach, better known as Blackbeard, whose prowess and cunning in the treacherous waters of the Caribbean have made him a legend. Defoe's skillful storytelling immerses readers in the brutal realities of pirate life, exploring the moral ambiguities and the camaraderie among the crew amidst their rebellious pursuits. Through vivid descriptions and thrilling escapades, the novel delves into the complexities of piracy, challenging the notions of heroism and villainy. Defoe captures the allure of the pirate's life, juxtaposing it against the harsh consequences of lawlessness and violence. The book not only serves as an adventure narrative but also as a commentary on society's outcasts. "The King of Pirates" remains a captivating read that continues to resonate with audiences drawn to tales of adventure and freedom.
The Republic of Pirates
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.61 $For fans of Black Sails and Crossbones comes a new history of the Golden Age of Piracy. . . In the early eighteenth century a number of the great pirate captains, including Edward 'Blackbeard' Teach and 'Black Sam' Bellamy, joined forces. This infamous 'Flying Gang' was more than simply a thieving band of brothers. Many of its members had come to piracy as a revolt against conditions in the merchant fleet and in the cities and plantations in the Old and New Worlds. Inspired by notions of self-government, they established a crude but distinctive form of democracy in the Bahamas, carving out their own zone of freedom in which indentured servants were released and leaders chosen or deposed by a vote. They were ultimately overcome by their archnemesis, Captain Woodes Rogers-a merchant fleet owner and former privateer - and the brief but glorious Republic of Pirates came to an end.Meticulously researched and full of incident and adventure, The Republic of Pirates brings to life an extraordinary forgotten chapter of history.
The Green Body Cleanse: How to Live Green & Live Well!
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 118.03 $The Green Body Cleanse will teach you how to cleanse your body, home and office of harmful pollutants using organic methods. Dr. Edward Group III will provide you with more than twenty years of research, tips, recipes and facts so you can follow the path to manifesting a green body, green home and, most importantly, green life!
The Green Body Cleanse: How to Live Green & Live Well!
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.62 $The Green Body Cleanse will teach you how to cleanse your body, home and office of harmful pollutants using organic methods. Dr. Edward Group III will provide you with more than twenty years of research, tips, recipes and facts so you can follow the path to manifesting a green body, green home and, most importantly, green life!
The Last Days of Black Beard the Pirate
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.31 $What happened during Black Beard's last days that precipitated his demise? Who, truly, was Edward Teach, a.k.a. Black Beard, and from whence did he come? What was his true name? And what happened to his treasure? For more than 35 years, researcher, author and filmmaker, Kevin Duffus has followed the wake of the pirate captain's journey through history. Along the way, Duffus observed that many historical accounts describing the pirate's last days -- the six months following the wreck of his flagship, Queen Anne's Revenge at Beaufort Inlet -- were inaccurate, insufficiently researched, and, as it turned out, not nearly as interesting as the truth.
A General History of the Pyrates
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 100.00 $Immensely readable history by the author of Robinson Crusoe incorporates the author's celebrated flair for journalistic detail, and represents the major source of information about piracy in the early 18th century. Defoe recounts the daring and bloody deeds of such outlaws as Edward Teach (alias Blackbeard), Captain Kidd, Mary Read, Anne Bonny, many others.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.38 $Climb aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge and sail with the most notorious pirate of all time, Blackbeard! No one has struck terror into the hearts of men more than Edward Teach, whose big black beard gave him his name. From merchant ships to naval vessels, no target was safe from Blackbeard's bloodthirsty desire to take prizes along the Atlantic coast and Caribbean. And now, the legend of Blackbeard will rise again as a main character in the upcoming film, Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides. The Disney series has already grossed over two billion dollars, and this new installment--featuring the greatest pirate of all time as Captain Jack Sparrow's nemesis--is sure to be a major blockbuster when it releases in Summer 2011.But first, bone up on the true history of this real American villain in our beautifully illustrated edition of Blackbeard, penned by world renowned pirate expert, Pat Croce.
An R Companion to Political Analysis
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 81.41 $Teach your students to conduct political research using R, the open source programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics. An R Companion to Political Analysis by Philip H. Pollock III and Barry C. Edwards offers the same easy-to-use and effective style as the best-selling SPSS and Stata Companions. The all-new Second Edition includes new and revised exercises and datasets showing students how to analyze research-quality data to learn descriptive statistics, data transformations, bivariate analysis (cross-tabulations and mean comparisons), controlled comparisons, statistical inference, linear correlation and regression, dummy variables and interaction effects, and logistic regression. The clear explanation and instruction is accompanied by annotated and labeled screen shots and end-of-chapter exercises to help students apply what they have learned.
The Republic of Pirates: Being The True and Surprising Story of the Caribbean Pirates and the Man Who Brought Them Down
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 80.46 $In the early eighteenth century a number of the great pirate captains, including Edward "Blackbeard" Teach and "Black Sam" Bellamy, joined forces. This infamous "Flying Gang" was more than simply a thieving band of brothers. Many of its members had come to piracy as a revolt against conditions in the merchant fleet and in the cities and plantations in the Old and New Worlds. Inspired by notions of self-government, they established a crude but distinctive form of democracy in the Bahamas, carving out their own zone of freedom in which indentured servants were released and leaders chosen or deposed by a vote. They were ultimately overcome by their archnemesis, Captain Woodes Rogers—a merchant fleet owner and former privateer—and the brief though glorious moment of the Republic of Pirates came to an end. In this unique and fascinating book, Colin Woodard brings to life this virtually unexplored chapter in the Golden Age of Piracy.
The Folding Star: A Novel [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.00 $Edward Manners - thirty-three, disaffected, in search of a new life - has come to an ancient Flemish city to teach English. Almost at once he falls in love with one of his pupils, the seventeen-year-old Luc Altidore, recently expelled from school for some mysterious offense. Condemned to a mounting but incommunicable obsession with the boy, Edward becomes involved in affairs with two other men: one a heartless but seductive fraud, the other a young drifter with a deeply possessive streak.Then Edward is introduced to the world of the enigmatic and reclusive Symbolist painter Edgard Orst. Gradually he is drawn toward an understanding of the artist's own obsession with a famous actress, drowned off Ostend at the turn of the century, and of the ambiguous circumstances of Orst's own death under Nazi occupation.The events of The Folding Star are played out amid the silent streets and canals of a city that seems locked in the past, and across the northern landscape of out-of-season resorts and abandoned houses that lies beyond. But in the central panel of the novel's triptych Edward returns home for a funeral and is caught up in memories of his own late adolescence and his first love affair: an English pastoral already threatened by the experience of betrayal and loss.
Villains of All Nations Atlantic Pirates in the Golden Age
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.00 $Villains of All Nations explores the 'Golden Age' of Atlantic piracy (1716-1726) and the infamous generation whose images underlie our modern, romanticized view of pirates.Rediker introduces us to the dreaded black flag, the Jolly Roger; swashbuckling figures such as Edward Teach, better known as Blackbeard; and the unnamed, unlimbed pirate who was likely Robert Louis Stevenson's model for Long John Silver in Treasure Island.This history shows from the bottom up how sailors emerged from deadly working conditions on merchant and naval ships, turned pirate, and created a starkly different reality aboard their own ships, electing their officers, dividing their booty equitably, and maintaining a multinational social order. The real lives of this motley crew-which included cross-dressing women, people of color, and the'outcasts of all nations'-are far more compelling than contemporary myth.
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