47 products were found matching your search for Electrophysiology in 1 shops:
Electrophysiology and Fish Behavior
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.83 $The book, Electrophysiology and Fish Behavior embraces 19 chapters having two main parts, namely, electrophysiology and fish behavior. In the first part, the history and behavior of electric fishes were traced out together with the application of electricity for catching fishes. The response of fishes in an electric field and the physiological mechanisms and electrical principles involved in it were correlated thereafter. The empirical studies on the reactions of cold water fishes, warm water Indian and marine fishes and the hybrids in different forms of electrical field (DC, AC, Pulsed DC, Rectangular and Square wave form) by various investigators have been described in details along with the physical, chemical, biological and environmental factors responsible for the intensity of such reactions. The effect of electrical stimulation on the heart beat and body muscle of fish were determined and recorded in the book together with the harmful effect of electric exposure on fertilized and developing eggs, hatchlings, juveniles, older fishes and the man who handles the electric current during investigation and research in the laboratory and field. In the second part of the book, role of olfaction in fish behavior, especially for feeding, stimuli associated with danger, reproductive cues and social interaction been highlighted. Fish behavior in aquarium (in captivity) and in the wild describing their adaptation in different ecosystems were documented in the relevant chapters of the book. Diversity of fishes in different ecosystems and their cooperative behavior with special stress on learning and memory were given in the book. In the last chapter, examples were putforth for applied fish behaviors. The book will be useful for the students, teachers and researchers working on this line.
Cardiac Electrophysiology: From Cell to Bedside
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.92 $Here's today's most authoritative and up-to-date information on basic and clinical electrophysiology. The 4th Edition covers everything from fundamental explanations of currents and channels, through the theoretical and experimental bases of cardiac electrical activity and arrhythmias, to current clinical understandings of arrhythmias and their treatment―and features the most comprehensive updating and revision to date.Covers today's hottest topics, including HCN channels · stretch-activated channels · inward rectifier channels · contraction-excitation feedback · verve sprouting and arrhythmias · mechanisms of atrial fibrillation · mechanisms of ventricular fibrillation · transgenic and knockout models of cardiac arrhythmias · pharmacogenomics and cardiac arrhythmias · Brugada syndrome · and more.Features the expertise of 57 new contributors; and, existing contributors have revised and updated completely different chapters from previous editions.Presents 23 new chapters, including Stretch Activated Channels in the Heart · Biophysical Properties of Inward Rectifier Channels · Human Molecular Genetics and the Heart · Human Genetics of Channelopathies · and more.Includes revised and updated discussions of calcium channels · voltage regulated potassium channels · membrane pumps and exchangers · connexins · homomeric and heteromeric gap junctions · pharmacology of L-type and T-type channels in the heart · mechanisms of AV nodal excitability and propagation · theory of reentry · rotors and spiral waves in two dimensions · electrical remodeling and chronic atrial fibrillation · mechanisms of initiation of ventricular tachyarrhythmias · atrial fibrillation · ventricular tachycardia · long QT syndrome · Torsades de pointes · more!
Cardiac Electrophysiology: A Visual Guide for Nurses, Techs, and Fellows, Second Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 140.81 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Cognitive Electrophysiology of Attention: Signals of the Mind
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 98.75 $Cognitive Electrophysiology of Attention explores the fundamental mechanisms of attention and related cognitive functions from cognitive neuroscience perspectives. Attention is an essential cognitive ability that enables humans to process and act upon relevant information while ignoring distracting information, and the capacity to focus attention is at the core of mental functioning. Understanding the neural bases of human attention remains a key challenge for neuroscientists and psychologists, and is essential for translational efforts to treat attentional deficits in a variety of neurological and psychiatric disorders. Cognitive electrophysiology is at the center of a multidisciplinary approach that involves the efforts of psychologists, neuroscientists, neuropsychologists, psychiatrists, and neurologists to identify basic brain mechanisms and develop translational approaches to improve mental health. This edited volume is authored by leading investigators in the field and discusses methods focused on electrophysiological recordings in humans, including electroencephalography (EEG) and event-related potential (ERP) methods, and also incorporates evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Cognitive Electrophysiology of Attention illuminates specific models about attentional mechanisms in vision, audition, multisensory integration, memory, and semantic processing in humans.Provides an exhaustive overview of attention processes, going from normal functioning to the pathological, and using a combination of methodological toolsAn important reference for electrophysiology researchers looking at underlying attention processes rather than the methods themselvesEnables researchers across a broad range of cognitive-process and methodological specialties to stay current on particular hypotheses, findings, and methodsEdited and authored by the worldwide leaders in the field, affording the broadest, most expert coverage available
Cardiac Electrophysiology A Visual Guide for Nurses, Techs, and Fellows
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 75.04 $The Essential Visual Guide to Basic Cardiac Electrophysiology Cardiac Electrophysiology: A Visual Guide for Nurses, Techs, and Fellows fulfills the need of allied health personnel and new fellows for a practical, hands-on pictorial guide that clearly illustrates the essential concepts of clinical cardiac electrophysiology. More than 70 high-quality tracings, diagrams, fluoroscopic images, and electroanatomic maps accompanied by detailed discussions of each image offer a fundamental understanding of cardiac electrophysiology equipment, principles, and procedures: Catheter placement, hardware connections, and intracardiac signals Normal electrogram sequences associated with sinus rhythm Methodologies used to uncover the mechanisms of common clinical tachycardias In addition, commentaries provided throughout the book introduce more advanced principles for readers who want to delve further into the EP study. Authored by a team of experts,Cardi
Cardiac Electrophysiology Board Review and Self Assessment (pb 2022)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 81.13 $New. US edition. Expediting shipping for all USA and Europe orders excluding PO Box. Excellent Customer Service.
Clinical Arrhythmology and Electrophysiology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 167.49 $New. US edition. Expediting shipping for all USA and Europe orders excluding PO Box. Excellent Customer Service.
Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology in the Young 2ed (pb 2015)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 98.89 $New. US edition. Expediting shipping for all USA and Europe orders excluding PO Box. Excellent Customer Service.
Cardiac Electrophysiology And Arrhythmias (current Topics In Cardiology)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 59.77 $The recent explosion of knowledge about the physiology and pathophysiology of cardiac arrhythmias, and the accompanying progress in diagnostic and therapeutic methods, is covered in this comprehensive volume.
Cognitive Electrophysiology of Attention: Signals of the Mind
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 98.75 $Cognitive Electrophysiology of Attention explores the fundamental mechanisms of attention and related cognitive functions from cognitive neuroscience perspectives. Attention is an essential cognitive ability that enables humans to process and act upon relevant information while ignoring distracting information, and the capacity to focus attention is at the core of mental functioning. Understanding the neural bases of human attention remains a key challenge for neuroscientists and psychologists, and is essential for translational efforts to treat attentional deficits in a variety of neurological and psychiatric disorders. Cognitive electrophysiology is at the center of a multidisciplinary approach that involves the efforts of psychologists, neuroscientists, neuropsychologists, psychiatrists, and neurologists to identify basic brain mechanisms and develop translational approaches to improve mental health. This edited volume is authored by leading investigators in the field and discusses methods focused on electrophysiological recordings in humans, including electroencephalography (EEG) and event-related potential (ERP) methods, and also incorporates evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Cognitive Electrophysiology of Attention illuminates specific models about attentional mechanisms in vision, audition, multisensory integration, memory, and semantic processing in humans.Provides an exhaustive overview of attention processes, going from normal functioning to the pathological, and using a combination of methodological toolsAn important reference for electrophysiology researchers looking at underlying attention processes rather than the methods themselvesEnables researchers across a broad range of cognitive-process and methodological specialties to stay current on particular hypotheses, findings, and methodsEdited and authored by the worldwide leaders in the field, affording the broadest, most expert coverage available
Auditory Electrophysiology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.91 $A practical laboratory-to-clinic guide on the basics of auditory electrophysiologyWritten primarily by audiologists familiar with cutting-edge research in a rapidly changing field, Auditory Electrophysiology provides a fresh perspective on the most current advances and practices in the specialty. Research and clinical information are presented separately to facilitate learning and provide a more practical organization of the material. In addition to clinical applications and case studies, this text includes sections on the foundational science and historical background of auditory evoked potentials as well as clinical practice and management.Key Features:Includes case studies written by clinicians who are experts in auditory evoked potentials, helping to highlight clinical applications in the specialty Discusses how auditory electrophysiology techniques are used in central auditory function testing Provides practical guidelines on how to write a clinical report, with easy-to-use templates, helping readers quickly master report writing Contains a chapter on the application of principles of evidence-based practice, to guide clinical technique and analysis of auditory evoked potentialsIdeal as an introduction to the field for graduate students in audiology and ENT residents, Auditory Electrophysiology is also a useful guide for clinicians who want to refresh their skills or add to their practice. It fills a gap in the literature for an up-to-date text and reference on all aspects of auditory evoked potentials.
Principles & Practice of Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (Second Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.00 $The long-awaited second edition of an authoritative reference on electrophysiologic vision testing, including detailed information on techniques and problems, basic physiology and anatomy, theoretical concepts, and clinical findings; with extensive new material.This authoritative text is the only comprehensive reference available on electrophysiologic vision testing, offering both practical information on techniques and problems as well as basic physiology and anatomy, theoretical concepts, and clinical correlations. The second edition, of the widely used text, offers extensive new material and updated information: 65 of the 84 chapters are completely new, with the changes reflecting recent advances in the field. The book will continue to be an essential resource for practitioners and scholars from a range of disciplines within vision science.The contributions not only cover new information―important material that is likely to become more important in the next decade―but also offer a long-range perspective on the field and its remarkable development in the last century. After discussing the history and background of clinical electrophysiology, the book introduces the anatomy of the retina and principles of cell biology in the visual pathways at the molecular, physiological, and biochemical levels. It relates these new findings to the techniques and interpretations of clinical tests, including the electro-oculogram (EOG), electroretinogram (ERG), and visual evoked potentials (VEP), which are discussed in detail, as are equipment, data acquisition and analysis, principles and protocols for clinical testing, diseases and dysfunction, and animal testing. Notable additions for this edition include chapters on the origin of electroretinogram waveforms, multifocal techniques, testing in standard laboratory animals, recent advances in analysis of abnormalities in disease, and the applications of these techniques to the study of genetic abnormalities.
Essential Introduction to Cardiac Electrophysiology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.72 $This book provides undergraduate and postgraduate students with an accessible and comprehensive overview of the fascinating area of cardiac electrophysiology. Using plain language and well-designed illustrations, it attempts to overcome the preconceptions of the subject as difficult to approach, given the complexity of intricate electrical cellular processes within the human heart. Based on lectures presented to intercalating Bsc medical students, this book has been designed with the undergraduate in mind, but offers enough scope to be worthwhile at the postgraduate level. Readers of this book will feel more confident and at ease with electrical concepts and the important physiological mechanisms that govern the initiation and regulation of the heartbeat. This volume intends to bridge that difficult region between basic undergraduate lecture notes and original papers in an approachable way. It will be useful to students studying medicine, physiology, pharmacology, pharmacy and biology, particularly where their curricula includes not only cardiac physiology, but also neurobiology and muscle physiology.
Handbook of Cardiac Electrophysiology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 68.87 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Handbook of Cardiac Electrophysiology A Practical Guide to Invasive EP Studies and Catheter Ablation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 354.96 $Handbook of Cardiac Electrophysiology provides a comprehensive introductory-level guide to invasive cardiac EP studies. Its focus is to enable the reader to understand and interpret the recording and stimulation techniques used during an EP study. The primary emphasis is on tachyarrhythmia diagnosis, but the book also includes bradycardias, the principles of catheter ablation and new mapping techniques. The main concepts are explained diagrammatically in a 4 colour format with clinical multichannel intracardiac recordings being used to illustrate the concepts discussed. The book provides sufficient practical information to enable the reader to plan an EP study and interpret the intracardiac recordings of most common tachycardias.
An Introduction to Cardiac Electrophysiology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 70.62 $Knowledge of the basic mechanisms of cardiac excitation is a prerequisite to the understanding of cardiac arrythmias and their response to therapy. The goal of this book is to provide readers unacquainted with the matter with the information necessary to develop pathophysiologically oriented clinical reasoning in this area. Besides covering normal aspects of cardiac cellular and tissue electrophysiology, An Introduction to Cardiac Electrophysiology illustrates recently acquired information on electronic abnormalities associated with cardiac disease and on molecular mechanisms of anti-arrhythmic drug action. The language used is suitable to address non-specialists, and the reference to physics has been limited to very basic principles. Enclosed with the book is an interactive computer model for cardiac action potential, that can be easily run on any IBM compatible PC, thus allowing readers to test the effects of changes in individual ionic currents on the shape and properties of the cardiac act.
Clinical Arrhythmology and Electrophysiology (Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 165.79 $Good condition. This is the average used book, that has all pages or leaves present, but may include writing. Book may be ex-library with stamps and stickers. 7.15
Josephson School : A Legacy of Important Contributions to Electrophysiology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 334.39 $A collection of 50 of Dr. Mark E. Josephson's groundbreaking journal articles that demonstrate his important contributions as a pioneer and teacher of modern cardiac arrhythmology over the course of 42 years. Each article not only includes a discussion by a peer of the significance of the defining paper, but also includes personal impressions of Dr. Josephson as a clinical scientist, doctor, teacher, role model, and friend.
Principles & Practice of Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (Second Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.00 $The long-awaited second edition of an authoritative reference on electrophysiologic vision testing, including detailed information on techniques and problems, basic physiology and anatomy, theoretical concepts, and clinical findings; with extensive new material.This authoritative text is the only comprehensive reference available on electrophysiologic vision testing, offering both practical information on techniques and problems as well as basic physiology and anatomy, theoretical concepts, and clinical correlations. The second edition, of the widely used text, offers extensive new material and updated information: 65 of the 84 chapters are completely new, with the changes reflecting recent advances in the field. The book will continue to be an essential resource for practitioners and scholars from a range of disciplines within vision science.The contributions not only cover new information―important material that is likely to become more important in the next decade―but also offer a long-range perspective on the field and its remarkable development in the last century. After discussing the history and background of clinical electrophysiology, the book introduces the anatomy of the retina and principles of cell biology in the visual pathways at the molecular, physiological, and biochemical levels. It relates these new findings to the techniques and interpretations of clinical tests, including the electro-oculogram (EOG), electroretinogram (ERG), and visual evoked potentials (VEP), which are discussed in detail, as are equipment, data acquisition and analysis, principles and protocols for clinical testing, diseases and dysfunction, and animal testing. Notable additions for this edition include chapters on the origin of electroretinogram waveforms, multifocal techniques, testing in standard laboratory animals, recent advances in analysis of abnormalities in disease, and the applications of these techniques to the study of genetic abnormalities.
Pocket Guide for Cardiac Electrophysiology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 129.41 $This portable manual pulls together all the essential information on electrophysiology studies and therapeutic interventions in one, easy-to-consult source. You'll find guidance on everything from lab set-up, basic principles, and patient care through the evaluation of various tachycardias and syncope, working with permanent pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators, and more. For every arrhythmia, concise explanations of pathophysiology help readers understand what various findings mean and what clinical interventions are required.
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