75 products were found matching your search for Equity Efficiency and Growth in 2 shops:
Evaluating the Healthcare System: Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Equity
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 174.48 $This upcoming third edition defines and illustrates the measurement and relevance of effectiveness, efficiency, and equity as criteria for evaluating healthcare system performance. Specific examples of the application of health services research in addressing contemporary health policy problems at the national, state, and local level are presented. This new edition will include a significant amount of new material. In particular, the book will draw upon a growing body of research on the social and economic determinants of population health, and explore the distinct and complementary roles of health services and public health research and policy in improving the health of individuals and communities. An important healthcare and public health problem area woven throughout the book in demonstrating the effectiveness, efficiency, and equity concepts in the context of these issues is breast and cervical cancer prevention and treatment and related cancer morbidity and mortality outcomes. This example provides a useful opportunity to explore the medical and non-medical predictors of health and healthcare disparities, the role of primary versus secondary prevention, and the utility of the effectiveness, efficiency, and equity benchmarks in guiding the design of state and federal policy to ameliorate disparities.
Reconciling Efficiency and Equity: A Global Challenge for Competition Policy (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.72 $Reconciling Efficiency and Equity: A Global Challenge for Competition Policy 1.39
Evaluating the Healthcare System: Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Equity, Fourth Edition (Aupha/Hap Book)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.64 $Instructor Resources: test bank, transition guide, PowerPoint slides, and websites of interest. To see a sample, click on the Instructor Resource sample tab above. Student Resources (click here for access) Now in its fourth edition, this book defines and illustrates the application of effectiveness, efficiency, and equity criteria for evaluating health services system performance. It integrates the theories, issues, approaches, and methods of health services research, providing an excellent framework for understanding health services systems and change. The authors take a broad and integrative look at the role of public health and personal care services in enhancing community well-being. This edition has been revised and updated throughout and includes the following new features: Two new discussions have been added on the nature of the health policymaking process and problems in health policy research. The section on populations at risk has been expanded to reflect recent literature on equity disparities related to predisposing, enabling, and need-related characteristics. The discussion of realized access has been revised to emphasize the mutable factors shown to contribute to disparities in health and in access to health services (such as insurance and education). Information about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has been incorporated throughout the text Pay for performance, accountable care organizations, and medical homes are introduced as newer payment and care delivery models designed to improve the efficiency and quality of health services in the United States. The book concludes with a comprehensive new case study illustrating the application and integration of the three perspectives of health services research in evaluating a recent policy change.
Alternatives to Growth: Efficiency Shifting
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.92 $The evidence is overwhelming that unlimited industrial growth is no longer possible. Our challenge now is to find ways to shrink the overall size of the economy without creating massive unemployment and poverty. This book examines the possibility of counter balancing efficiencies within the economy with certain key inefficiencies for the purpose of maintaining high employment in a shrinking economy.
Latin America to the Year 2000: Reactivating Growth, Improving Equity, Sustaining Democracy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.48 $Can the experience of the 1980s in Latin America be analyzed and evaluated to shed light on prospects for the 1990s? The central objective of this volume is to survey the development experience of the Latin American region in the 1980s and explore prospects for the coming decade. In this context, themes of crucial importance for the region are examined, including democratic consolidation, income distribution, the environment, hyperinflation, and the debt problem. Although socioeconomic and political aspects are emphasized, issues of equity and the environment are of special importance. Case studies of Peru, Chile, Mexico, Argentina, and Cuba provide fresh information on these issues in specific countries. The book focuses on the problem of development at a critical juncture in the evolution of the region. Not surprisingly, the contributors express differing points of view, but have in common the sense of the urgency of development problems that face Latin America.Central issues concerning the region's economy are the focus in the first part of the book. In the second part, key issue areas for the future are discussed. Of central concern in an exploration of the prospects for Latin America is the sustainability and improvement of democratization which proceeded in the 1980s. On the whole, the authors are not optimistic. The immense economic difficulties faced by the region--the debt overhang, the large and continuing overflow of financial and real resources, hyperinflation in some countries--will not be easy to manage. Although there are no guarantees that income distribution will be improved, among the positive developments foreseen for the 1990s are improved economic management, the addressing of environmental issues, and greater attention to issues of women's rights. This book should serve as a useful and timely guide to a complex region for both students and policymakers.
The Measurement of Productive Efficiency and Productivit Growth
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.33 $When Harold Fried, et al. published The Measurement of Productive Efficiency: Techniques and Applications with OUP in 1993, the book received a great deal of professional interest for its accessible treatment of the rapidly growing field of efficiency and productivity analysis. The first several chapters, providing the background, motivation, and theoretical foundations for this topic, were the most widely recognized. In this tight, direct update, these same editors have compiled over ten years of the most recent research in this changing field, and expanded on those seminal chapters. The book will guide readers from the basic models to the latest, cutting-edge extensions, and will be reinforced by references to classic and current theoretical and applied research. It is intended for professors and graduate students in a variety of fields, ranging from economics to agricultural economics, business administration, management science, and public administration. It should also appeal to public servants and policy makers engaged in business performance analysis or regulation.
The Wisdom of Bees: What the Hive Can Teach Business about Leadership, Efficiency, and Growth
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.77 $"It seemed to me that the bees were working on the very same kinds of problems we are trying to solve. How can large, diverse groups work together harmoniously and productively? Perhaps we could take what the bees do so well and apply it to our institutions." When Michael O'Malley first took up beekeeping, he thought it would be a nice hobby to share with his ten-year-old son. But as he started to observe these industrious insects, he noticed that they do a lot more than just make honey. Bees not only work together to achieve a common goal but, in the process, create a highly coordinated, efficient, and remarkably productive organization. The hive behaved like a miniature but incredibly successful business. O'Malley also realized that bees can actually teach managers a lot about how to run their organizations. He identified twenty-five powerful insights, such as: * Distribute authority: the queen bee delegates relentlessly, and worker bees make daily decisions based on local cues and requirements. * Keep it simple: bees exchange only relevant information, operate under clear standards, and use straightforward measures and feedback to guide their actions. * Protect the future: when a lucrative vein of nectar is discovered, the entire colony doesn't rush off to mine it, no matter how enriching the short- term benefits. Blending practical advice with interesting facts about the hive, The Wisdom of Bees is a useful and entertaining guide for any manager looking to get the most out of his or her organization.
Latin America to the Year 2000: Reactivating Growth, Improving Equity, Sustaining Democracy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.00 $Can the experience of the 1980s in Latin America be analyzed and evaluated to shed light on prospects for the 1990s? The central objective of this volume is to survey the development experience of the Latin American region in the 1980s and explore prospects for the coming decade. In this context, themes of crucial importance for the region are examined, including democratic consolidation, income distribution, the environment, hyperinflation, and the debt problem. Although socioeconomic and political aspects are emphasized, issues of equity and the environment are of special importance. Case studies of Peru, Chile, Mexico, Argentina, and Cuba provide fresh information on these issues in specific countries. The book focuses on the problem of development at a critical juncture in the evolution of the region. Not surprisingly, the contributors express differing points of view, but have in common the sense of the urgency of development problems that face Latin America.Central issues concerning the region's economy are the focus in the first part of the book. In the second part, key issue areas for the future are discussed. Of central concern in an exploration of the prospects for Latin America is the sustainability and improvement of democratization which proceeded in the 1980s. On the whole, the authors are not optimistic. The immense economic difficulties faced by the region--the debt overhang, the large and continuing overflow of financial and real resources, hyperinflation in some countries--will not be easy to manage. Although there are no guarantees that income distribution will be improved, among the positive developments foreseen for the 1990s are improved economic management, the addressing of environmental issues, and greater attention to issues of women's rights. This book should serve as a useful and timely guide to a complex region for both students and policymakers.
The Flexibly Grouped Classroom: How to Organize Learning for Equity and Growth (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.11 $The Flexibly Grouped Classroom: How to Organize Learning for Equity and Growth 0.6
IPOs and Equity Offerings (Securities Institute Global Capital Markets)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 114.22 $An initial public offering (IPO) is one of the most significant events in corporate life. It follows months, even years of preparation. During the boom years of the late 1990s bull market, IPOs of growth companies captured the imagination and pocketbooks of investors like never before. This book goes behind the scenes to examine the process of an offering from the decision to go public to the procedures of a subsequent equity offering. The book is written from the perspective of an experienced investment banker describing the hows and whys of IPOs and subsequent equity issues. Each aspect of an IPO is illustrated with plenty of international examples pitched alongside relevant academic research to offer a combination of theoretical rigour and practical application. Topics covered are: - the decision to go public- legal and regulatory aspects of an offering; marketing and research- valuation and pricing- allocations of shares to investors - examination of fees and commissions * Global perpective: UK, European and US practices, regulations and examples, and case studies* First hand experience written by an IPO trader with academic rigour* Includes the changes in the market that resulted from 1998-2000 equity boom
Handbook of Corporate Equity Derivatives and Equity Capital Markets
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.02 $Equity strategies are closely guarded secrets and as such, there is very little written about how investors and corporate can utilise equity vehicles as part of their growth strategies. In this much-needed book, industry expert Juan Ramiraz guides readers through the whole range of equity derivative instruments, showing how they can be applied to a range of equity capital market situations, including hedging, yield enhancement and disposal of strategic stakes, mergers and acquisitions, stock options plan hedging, equity financings, share buybacks and other transactions on treasury shares, bank regulatory capital arbitrage and tax driven situations. The book includes case studies to highlight how equity derivative strategies have been used in real-life situations.
Social Equity and Public Administration: Origins, Developments, and Applications
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 53.21 $This book is designed to be the definitive statement on social equity theory and practice in public administration. Social equity is often referred to as the "third pillar" in PA, after efficiency and economy. It concerns itself with the fairness of the organization, its management, and its delivery of public services. H. George Frederickson is widely recognized as the originator of the concept and the person most associated with its development and application. The book's introduction and chapters 1-4 offer general descriptions of social equity in terms of its arguments and claims in changing political, economic, and social circumstances, and trace the development of the concept over the past forty years. Chapters 5-9 provide applications of social equity theory to particular policy arenas such as education, or to specific public administration issues such as the range of administrative discretion, the legal context, the research challenges, and social equity in the context of time and generations. Chapters 10 and 11 describe the current state of social equity and look towards the future.
Handbook of Corporate Equity Derivatives and Equity Capital Markets
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.48 $Equity strategies are closely guarded secrets and as such, there is very little written about how investors and corporate can utilise equity vehicles as part of their growth strategies. In this much-needed book, industry expert Juan Ramiraz guides readers through the whole range of equity derivative instruments, showing how they can be applied to a range of equity capital market situations, including hedging, yield enhancement and disposal of strategic stakes, mergers and acquisitions, stock options plan hedging, equity financings, share buybacks and other transactions on treasury shares, bank regulatory capital arbitrage and tax driven situations. The book includes case studies to highlight how equity derivative strategies have been used in real-life situations.
Social Equity and Public Administration : Origins, Developments and Applications
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.04 $This book is designed to be the definitive statement on social equity theory and practice in public administration. Social equity is often referred to as the "third pillar" in PA, after efficiency and economy. It concerns itself with the fairness of the organization, its management, and its delivery of public services. H. George Frederickson is widely recognized as the originator of the concept and the person most associated with its development and application. The book's introduction and chapters 1-4 offer general descriptions of social equity in terms of its arguments and claims in changing political, economic, and social circumstances, and trace the development of the concept over the past forty years. Chapters 5-9 provide applications of social equity theory to particular policy arenas such as education, or to specific public administration issues such as the range of administrative discretion, the legal context, the research challenges, and social equity in the context of time and generations. Chapters 10 and 11 describe the current state of social equity and look towards the future.
A Vision for a Venture Capital: Realizing the Promise of Global Venture Capital and Private Equity
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.99 $A Vision for Venture Capital chronicles a distinguished career on the frontiers of international finance during the past half-century. Peter Brooke has been called "the Johnny Appleseed of venture capital" for his role in the industry's spectacular growth-- from a small base in the Northeastern United States in the 1960s, to today's highly visible role in economies all over the world. The key to Brooke's success--and his lasting legacy--is his vision for the industry as an essential element of economic growth and development. At a time when some believe that venture capital's best days are behind it, and private equity has come under harsh criticism in the United States and elsewhere, A Vision for Venture Capital offers a fresh look at why the industry exists and how it can fulfill its potential in the twenty-first century.
Inclusive Education : Examining Equity on Five Continents
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 56.62 $Despite the impressive growth of inclusive education around the world, questions and considerations about equity have been neglected. This edited volume makes a major contribution to the field of inclusive education by analyzing equity concerns that have emerged from the implementation of inclusive education models in nine nations on five continents. The authors examine how disparate approaches to inclusive education are mediated by the official and implicit goals of public education; by access to intellectual, human, and material resources; and by collective understanding of and educational responses to sociocultural differences. Inclusive Education provides critical reviews of research on this important education reform movement, as well as a refined theoretical understanding of the ways equity is addressed. It also offers lessons for future policy and research that are mindful of equity. Contributors include Roey Ahram, Girma Berhanu, Gottfried Biewer, Inés Dussel, Alan Dyson, Brian Edgar, Petra Engelbrecht, Edward Fergus, Lisa Jones, Roger Jeffery, Kirstin Kerr, Jessica M. Löser, Mikael Luciak, Ray McDermott, Kagendo Mutua, Nidhi Singal, Beth Scarloss, Carlos Skliar, Beth Blue Swadener, and Rolf Werning.
Slack: Getting Past Burnout, Busywork, and the Myth of Total Efficiency
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.00 $To most companies, efficiency means profits and growth. But what if your “efficient” company—the one with the reduced headcount and the “stretch” goals—is actually slowing down and losing money? What if your employees are burning out doing the work of two or more people, leaving them no time for planning, prioritizing, or even lunch? What if you’re losing employees faster than you can hire them? What if your superefficient company is suddenly falling behind?Tom DeMarco, a leading management consultant to both Fortune 500 and up-and-coming companies, has discovered a counterintuitive principle that explains why efficiency improvement can sometimes make a company slow. If your real organizational goal is to become fast (responsive and agile), then he proposes that what you need is not more efficiency, but more slack. What is “slack”? Slack is the degree of freedom in a company that allows it to change. It could be something as simple as adding an assistant to a department, letting high-priced talent spend less time at the photo copier and more time making key decisions. Slack could also appear in the way a company treats employees: instead of loading them up with overwork, a company designed with slack allows its people room to breathe, increase effectiveness, and reinvent themselves.In thirty—three short chapters filled with creative learning tools and charts, you and your company can learn how to:∑make sense of the Efficiency/Flexibility quandary∑run directly toward risk instead of away from it∑strengthen the creative role of middle management∑make change and growth work together for even greater profitsA innovative approach that works for new- and old-economy companies alike, this revolutionary handbook will debunk commonly held assumptions about real-world management, and give you and your company a brand-new model for achieving and maintaining true effectiveness—and a healthier bottom line.
Venture Capital and Private Equity: A Casebook
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 78.32 $Over the past twenty years, the private equity industry has undergone tremendous growth and sweeping changes. With the growth of private equity investing, it is imperative that financial professionals fully understand this complex subject. The cases and notes in this updated edition are designed to provide you with a better understanding of the history of the private equity industry?s development and the workings of the industry today. Divided into four modules, the first examines how private equity funds are raised and structured; the second considers the interactions between private equity investors and the entrepreneurs that they finance; the third discusses the process through which private equity investors exit their investments; and the last considers the future of the private equity industry.
Growing Smarter : Achieving Livable Communities, Environmental Justice, And Regional Equity
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.21 $The smart growth movement aims to combat urban and suburban sprawl by promoting livable communities based on pedestrian scale, diverse populations, and mixed land use. But, as this book documents, smart growth has largely failed to address issues of social equity and environmental justice. Smart growth sometimes results in gentrification and displacement of low- and moderate-income families in existing neighborhoods, or transportation policies that isolate low-income populations. Growing Smarter is one of the few books to view smart growth from an environmental justice perspective, examining the effect of the built environment on access to economic opportunity and quality of life in American cities and metropolitan regions.The contributors to Growing Smarter―urban planners, sociologists, economists, educators, lawyers, health professionals, and environmentalists―all place equity at the center of their analyses of "place, space, and race." They consider such topics as the social and environmental effects of sprawl, the relationship between sprawl and concentrated poverty, and community-based regionalism that can link cities and suburbs. They examine specific cases that illustrate opportunities for integrating environmental justice concerns into smart growth efforts, including the dynamics of sprawl in a South Carolina county, the debate over the rebuilding of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, and transportation-related pollution in Northern Manhattan. Growing Smarter illuminates the growing racial and class divisions in metropolitan areas today―and suggests workable strategies to address them.
A Vision for Venture Capital: Realizing the Promise of Global Venture Capital and Private Equity
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 114.35 $A Vision for Venture Capital chronicles a distinguished career on the frontiers of international finance during the past half-century. Peter Brooke has been called "the Johnny Appleseed of venture capital" for his role in the industry's spectacular growth-- from a small base in the Northeastern United States in the 1960s, to today's highly visible role in economies all over the world. The key to Brooke's success--and his lasting legacy--is his vision for the industry as an essential element of economic growth and development. At a time when some believe that venture capital's best days are behind it, and private equity has come under harsh criticism in the United States and elsewhere, A Vision for Venture Capital offers a fresh look at why the industry exists and how it can fulfill its potential in the twenty-first century.
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