34 products were found matching your search for Erfolgreich steuern mit Market in 1 shops:
Beyond Budgeting, Better Budgeting: Ohne feste Budgets zielorientiert führen und erfolgreich steuern (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.28 $Beyond Budgeting verspricht, das Management-Thema der nächsten Jahre zu werden: Es bietet ein konsistentes Modell zur Unternehmenssteuerung, das Prinzipien und Tools für strategie- und wertorientiertes Management, Controlling und Planung umfasst. Bei Beyond Budgeting geht es um nicht weniger als "die Befreiung fähiger Menschen von den Ketten des Top-down Leistungsvertrages". Mit seiner Hilfe schafft eine Organisation die Voraussetzungen, um auf profitable Weise Kundenzufriedenheit zu erreichen und den Wettbewerb dauerhaft zu übertreffen. Beyond Budgeting ist ein neues, radikales Modell zur Unternehmenssteuerung „jenseits der Budgetierung". Dieses Buch gibt klare Antworten und zeigt, worauf es bei Beyond Budgeting ankommt. Lesen Sie, - warum die traditionelle Budgetsteuerung nicht funktioniert - und warum es so schwierig ist, das „Monster Budgetierung" zu zähmen, - wie Sie mit Beyond Budgeting und Better Budgeting eine flexible und dezentrale Steuerung etablieren können und wie Vorteile und Risiken aussehen, - wie erprobte Tools für alle Managementbereiche zur Steuerung beitragen - z.B. Balanced Scorecards, Wertmanagement, rollierende Forecasts, relative Zieldefinition und Vergütungssysteme. Durch die Gliederung in 9 Gestaltungfelder für den Wandel zu Beyond Budgeting und „Better Management" sind alle Vorschläge direkt umsetzbar.
Erfolgreich anlegen mit ETFs
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.39 $Neuware -Ihre einfache regelbasierte Geldanlage mit Exchange Traded FundsETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) sind eine günstigere Alternative zu aktiv gemanagten Fonds und erfreuen sich seit Jahren steigender Beliebtheit. Nicht nur aufgrund der geringen Kosten und ihrer hohen Transparenz werden sie für Sie als Privatanleger und Unternehmen immer interessanter. Doch auch bei ETFs gilt: Wer emotionsgesteuert handelt, verliert. Deshalb braucht es einfache Regeln, damit die Geldanlage in ETFs eine optimale Rendite bringt.Dieser Ratgeber führt leicht verständlich in die regelbasierte Geldanlage ein. Regelbasierte Anlagestrategien basieren auf Erfahrungswerten und unterscheiden sich damit grundsätzlich von klassischen Strategien, welche die künftigen Kursentwicklungen vorhersagen wollen. Sie als Anleger definieren die Regeln vor der Erstinvestition und setzen sie konsequent um. Das verhindert emotional bedingte Fehlentscheidungen.Im Buch zeigen fünf erfahrene Finanzexperten vom VZ VermögensZentrum und dem FinTech Unternehmen Dufour Capital erstmals, wie sich mit einer regelbasierten Anlagestrategie ein optimales Portfolio zur Geldanlage aufbauen lässt und wie Sie als Anleger mit einem regelbasierten Anlageprozess viele Fehler vermeiden können. »Erfolgreich anlegen mit ETFs« richtet sich sowohl an private Anleger als auch an Unternehmen und schafft die Grundlagen zu einer renditestarken Geldanlage.- Vermögen in Krisen schützen- Potenzial für Mehrrendite erschließen- Erfolgreich investieren ohne Emotionen 192 pp. Deutsch
Erfolgreich lernen mit ADHS und ADS
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.54 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Market Volatility (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 59.03 $Market Volatility proposes an innovative theory, backed by substantial statistical evidence, on the causes of price fluctuations in speculative markets. It challenges the standard efficient markets model for explaining asset prices by emphasizing the significant role that popular opinion or psychology can play in price volatility. Why does the stock market crash from time to time? Why does real estate go in and out of booms? Why do long term borrowing rates suddenly make surprising shifts? Market Volatility represents a culmination of Shiller's research on these questions over the last dozen years. It contains reprints of major papers with new interpretive material for those unfamiliar with the issues, new papers, new surveys of relevant literature, responses to critics, data sets, and reframing of basic conclusions. Included is work authored jointly with John Y. Campbell, Karl E. Case, Sanford J. Grossman, and Jeremy J. Siegel. Market Volatility sets out basic issues relevant to all markets in which prices make movements for speculative reasons and offers detailed analyses of the stock market, the bond market, and the real estate market. It pursues the relations of these speculative prices and extends the analysis of speculative markets to macroeconomic activity in general. In studies of the October 1987 stock market crash and boom and post-boom housing markets, Market Volatility reports on research directly aimed at collecting information about popular models and interpreting the consequences of belief in those models. Shiller asserts that popular models cause people to react incorrectly to economic data and believes that changing popular models themselves contribute significantly to price movements bearing no relation to fundamental shocks.
Capital Markets, Fifth Edition: Institutions, Instruments, and Risk Management (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 72.87 $The substantially revised fifth edition of a textbook covering the wide range of instruments available in financial markets, with a new emphasis on risk management.Over the last fifty years, an extensive array of instruments for financing, investing, and controlling risk has become available in financial markets, with demand for these innovations driven by the needs of investors and borrowers. The recent financial crisis offered painful lessons on the consequences of ignoring the risks associated with new financial products and strategies. This substantially revised fifth edition of a widely used text covers financial product innovation with a new emphasis on risk management and regulatory reform. Chapters from the previous edition have been updated, and new chapters cover material that reflects recent developments in financial markets.The book begins with an introduction to financial markets, offering a new chapter that provides an overview of risk―including the key elements of financial risk management and the identification and quantification of risk. The book then covers market participants, including a new chapter on collective investment products managed by asset management firms; the basics of cash and derivatives markets, with new coverage of financial derivatives and securitization; theories of risk and return, with a new chapter on return distributions and risk measures; the structure of interest rates and the pricing of debt obligations; equity markets; debt markets, including chapters on money market instruments, municipal securities, and credit sensitive securitized products; and advanced coverage of derivative markets. Each chapter ends with a review of key points and questions based on the material covered.
Foundations of Global Financial Markets and Institutions, fifth edition (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 91.99 $A thoroughly revised and updated edition of a textbook for graduate students in finance, with new coverage of global financial institutions.This thoroughly revised and updated edition of a widely used textbook for graduate students in finance now provides expanded coverage of global financial institutions, with detailed comparisons of U.S. systems with non-U.S. systems. A focus on the actual practices of financial institutions prepares students for real-world problems.After an introduction to financial markets and market participants, including asset management firms, credit rating agencies, and investment banking firms, the book covers risks and asset pricing, with a new overview of risk; the structure of interest rates and interest rate and credit risks; the fundamentals of primary and secondary markets; government debt markets, with new material on non-U.S. sovereign debt markets; corporate funding markets, with new coverage of small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurial ventures; residential and commercial real estate markets; collective investment vehicles, in a chapter new to this edition; and financial derivatives, including financial futures and options, interest rate derivatives, foreign exchange derivatives, and credit risk transfer vehicles such as credit default swaps. Each chapter begins with learning objectives and ends with bullet point takeaways and questions.
The Energy System: Technology, Economics, Markets, and Policy (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.87 $A comprehensive textbook that integrates tools from technology, economics, markets, and policy to approach energy issues using a dynamic systems and capital-centric perspective.The global energy system is the vital foundation of modern human industrial society. Traditionally studied through separate disciplines of engineering, economics, environment, or public policy, this system can be fully understood only by using an approach that integrates these tools. This textbook is the first to take a dynamic systems perspective on understanding energy systems, tracking energy from primary resource to final energy services through a long and capital-intensive supply chain bounded by both macroeconomic and natural resource systems.The book begins with a framework for understanding how energy is transformed as it moves through the system with the aid of various types of capital, its movement influenced by a combination of the technical, market, and policy conditions at the time. It then examines the three primary energy subsystems of electricity, transportation, and thermal energy, explaining such relevant topics as systems thinking, cost estimation, capital formation, market design, and policy tools. Finally, the book reintegrates these subsystems and looks at their relation to the economic system and the ecosystem that they inhabit. Practitioners and theorists from any field will benefit from a deeper understanding of both existing dynamic energy system processes and potential tools for intervention.
Foundations of Global Financial Markets and Institutions, fifth edition (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 64.86 $A thoroughly revised and updated edition of a textbook for graduate students in finance, with new coverage of global financial institutions.This thoroughly revised and updated edition of a widely used textbook for graduate students in finance now provides expanded coverage of global financial institutions, with detailed comparisons of U.S. systems with non-U.S. systems. A focus on the actual practices of financial institutions prepares students for real-world problems.After an introduction to financial markets and market participants, including asset management firms, credit rating agencies, and investment banking firms, the book covers risks and asset pricing, with a new overview of risk; the structure of interest rates and interest rate and credit risks; the fundamentals of primary and secondary markets; government debt markets, with new material on non-U.S. sovereign debt markets; corporate funding markets, with new coverage of small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurial ventures; residential and commercial real estate markets; collective investment vehicles, in a chapter new to this edition; and financial derivatives, including financial futures and options, interest rate derivatives, foreign exchange derivatives, and credit risk transfer vehicles such as credit default swaps. Each chapter begins with learning objectives and ends with bullet point takeaways and questions.
Sunk Costs and Market Structure: Price Competition, Advertising, and the Evolution of Concentration (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 75.15 $Sunk Costs and Market Structure bridges the gap between the new generation of game theoretic models that has dominated the industrial organization literature over the past ten years and the traditional empirical agenda of the subject as embodied in the structure-conduct-performance paradigm developed by Joe S. Bain and his successors. The new theoretical literature has engendered pessimism in recent years because many results turn out to depend on detailed features of the market that are difficult to measure. This has led many observers to argue that the new literature offers little basis for the kind of cross-industry studies that have formed the empirical base of the subject since the 1950s. Using current game-theoretic methods, John Sutton reexamines the traditional agenda. He argues that despite the "delicate" nature of many results, there are theoretical predictions that turn out to be extremely robust to reasonable changes in model specification, and these results should be taken into account when looking for statistical regularities across a broad spectrum of different industries. Sutton draws on a wide range of historical sources and on an intensive program of company interviews to assemble a matrix of industry studies relating to twenty markets within the food and drink sector, in six countries - France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. He combines theory, econometric evidence, and a detailed account of the various patterns of evolution of structure found in these industries in a rigorous evaluation of the strengths and limitations of a game-theoretic approach in explaining the evolution of industrial structure.
Sunk Costs and Market Structure: Price Competition, Advertising, and the Evolution of Concentration (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 75.04 $Sunk Costs and Market Structure bridges the gap between the new generation of game theoretic models that has dominated the industrial organization literature over the past ten years and the traditional empirical agenda of the subject as embodied in the structure-conduct-performance paradigm developed by Joe S. Bain and his successors. The new theoretical literature has engendered pessimism in recent years because many results turn out to depend on detailed features of the market that are difficult to measure. This has led many observers to argue that the new literature offers little basis for the kind of cross-industry studies that have formed the empirical base of the subject since the 1950s. Using current game-theoretic methods, John Sutton reexamines the traditional agenda. He argues that despite the "delicate" nature of many results, there are theoretical predictions that turn out to be extremely robust to reasonable changes in model specification, and these results should be taken into account when looking for statistical regularities across a broad spectrum of different industries. Sutton draws on a wide range of historical sources and on an intensive program of company interviews to assemble a matrix of industry studies relating to twenty markets within the food and drink sector, in six countries - France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. He combines theory, econometric evidence, and a detailed account of the various patterns of evolution of structure found in these industries in a rigorous evaluation of the strengths and limitations of a game-theoretic approach in explaining the evolution of industrial structure.
How Reform Worked in China: The Transition from Plan to Market (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 59.76 $A noted Chinese economist examines the mechanisms behind China's economic reforms, arguing that universal principles and specific implementations are equally important.As China has transformed itself from a centrally planned economy to a market economy, economists have tried to understand and interpret the success of Chinese reform. As the Chinese economist Yingyi Qian explains, there are two schools of thought on Chinese reform: the “School of Universal Principles,” which ascribes China's successful reform to the workings of the free market, and the “School of Chinese Characteristics,” which holds that China's reform is successful precisely because it did not follow the economics of the market but instead relied on the government. In this book, Qian offers a third perspective, taking certain elements from each school of thought but emphasizing not why reform worked but how it did. Economics is a science, but economic reform is applied science and engineering. To a practitioner, it is more useful to find a feasible reform path than the theoretically best way.The key to understanding how reform has worked in China, Qian argues, is to consider the way reform designs respond to initial historical conditions and contemporary constraints. Qian examines the role of “transitional institutions”―not “best practice institutions” but “incentive-compatible institutions”―in Chinese reform; the dual-track approach to market liberalization; the ownership of firms, viewed both theoretically and empirically; government decentralization, offering and testing hypotheses about its link to local economic development; and the specific historical conditions of China's regional-based central planning.
Verkehrssicherungstechnik: Steuern, Sichern und Überwachen von Fahrwegen und Fahrgeschwindigkeiten im Schienenverkehr (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 63.35 $Die Bedeutung der Verkehrssicherungstechnik hat in den letzten Jahren deutlich zugenommen; gemeinsam mit den heutigen Automatisierungsmöglichkeiten liefert sie die Grundvoraussetzung für effektive und leistungsfähige Transportsysteme. Das Buch gibt eine Einführung in die Verkehrssicherungstechnik. Es erläutert deren Grundlagen, leitet sicherungsrelevante Bedingungen aus dem Transportprozeß ab, gibt Hinweise auf Verfahren zur Sicherheitsgestaltung und beschreibt sicherungstechnische Prinzipien anhand von Systemkomponenten moderner Verkerssicherungs- und Betriebsleittechnik wie elektronischen Stellwerken, automatischen Streckenblocksystemen, Zugbeeinflussungsanlagen und Betriebszentralen. Dabei werden sowohl Regelbetrieb als auch störungsbedingte Abweichungen behandelt. Geeignet ist das Buch für alle, die im Rahmen von Entwicklung, Einsatzplanung oder Instandhaltung tätig sind. Es eignet sich als grundlegende Einführung, zeigt aber auch erfahrenen Fachleuten Zusammenhänge zwischen den einzelnen Systemkomponenten sowie zwischen diesen und dem Prozeß auf. Durch seinen grundlegenden Aufbau ist das Buch auch eine wichtige Informationsquelle für Dozenten und Studenten.
Teamtrainings erfolgreich leiten: Fahrplan für ein dreitägiges Seminar zur Teamentwicklung und Teamführung
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.97 $Gut/Very good: Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit wenigen Gebrauchsspuren an Einband, Schutzumschlag oder Seiten. / Describes a book or dust jacket that does show some signs of wear on either the binding, dust jacket or pages.
Wirtschaftlich erfolgreich in der ambulanten Versorgung: Grundlagen der Betriebswirtschaft für Arztpraxen, Kooperationen, MVZ
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.98 $Gut/Very good: Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit wenigen Gebrauchsspuren an Einband, Schutzumschlag oder Seiten. / Describes a book or dust jacket that does show some signs of wear on either the binding, dust jacket or pages.
Digitale Modellbahn: Programmieren - Steuern - Gestalten
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.24 $Neu - Obwohl das Thema Software für sich genommen schon recht speziell ist, stellt es dennoch für den Modelleisenbahner eine Bereicherung seines Hobbys dar. Eines der wichtigsten Anwendungsgebiete ist dabei natürlich die Steuerung der Modellbahn für einen reibungslosen Betrieb, am besten mit zugehörigen Apps zur kabellosen Fernsteuerung. Und mit etwas Hintergrundwissen kann jeder Modellbahner mit frei erhältlichen Softwarewerkzeugen seine eigenen Modellbahn-Apps programmieren.Doch auch Programme, die als Werkzeug beim eigentlichen Anlagenbau helfen, sind für Modellbahner von großer Bedeutung, wenn es beispielsweise um die Beschriftung von Fahrzeugen oder Gebäuden geht oder selbige durch Fräsen oder im Laserschnittverfahren entstehen sollen.Im vorliegenden Buch findet der Leser eine Auswahl an Anregungen, sowohl für Hobbyeinsteiger als auch für fortgeschrittene Modelleisenbahner. Thematisch gegliedert präsentiert sich dem Leser hier gesammeltes Wissen von kompetenten Fachautoren der Fachzeitschriften MIBA und Digitale Modellbahn. Neben Marktübersichten zu Steuerungsprogrammen und -apps geben die hier zusammengestellten Beiträge Anleitung beim Installieren, Einrichten und Gebrauch des Programms Win-Digipet sowie der Programmfamilie Railroad & CO mit den Komponenten TrainCommander, TrainProgrammer und +4DSound.Ergänzt werden die Beiträge dieses Buches, die in die Themengruppen 'Programme & Apps', 'Anlagensteuerung', 'Programme als Werkzeug' und 'Programmierung' gegliedert sind, von ausgesuchten Steuerungsprogrammen und interessantem Bonusmaterial auf der beiliegenden DVD.
Erfolgreich im Beruf: Kompendium Wirtschaftsfachwirte-Prüfung - Kompaktwissen und Prüfungsfragen für die handlungsspezifischen Qualifikationen
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.91 $Befriedigend/Good: Durchschnittlich erhaltenes Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren, aber vollständigen Seiten. / Describes the average WORN book or dust jacket that has all the pages present.
The Empire of Value: A New Foundation for Economics (The MIT Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.65 $An argument that conceiving of economic value as a social force makes it possible to develop a new and more powerful theory of market behavior.With the advent of the 2007–2008 financial crisis, the economics profession itself entered into a crisis of legitimacy from which it has yet to emerge. Despite the obviousness of their failures, however, economists continue to rely on the same methods and to proceed from the same underlying assumptions. André Orléan challenges the neoclassical paradigm in this book, with a new way of thinking about perhaps its most fundamental concept, economic value. Orléan argues that value is not bound up with labor, or utility, or any other property that preexists market exchange. Economic value, he contends, is a social force whose vast sphere of influence, amounting to a kind of empire, extends to every aspect of economic life. Markets are based on the identification of value with money, and exchange value can only be regarded as a social institution. Financial markets, for example, instead of defining an extrinsic, objective value for securities, act as a mechanism for arriving at a reference price that will be accepted by all investors. What economists must therefore study, Orléan urges, is the hold that value has over individuals and how it shapes their perceptions and behavior. Awarded the prestigious Prix Paul Ricoeur on its original publication in France in 2011, The Empire of Value has been substantially revised and enlarged for this edition, with an entirely new section discussing the financial crisis of 2007–2008.
Introduction to Industrial Organization (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.68 $This book provides an issue-driven introduction to industrial organization.Over the past twenty years, the study of industrial organization―the analysis of imperfectly competitive markets―has grown from a niche area of microeconomics to a key component of economics and of related disciplines such as finance, strategy, and marketing. This book provides an issue-driven introduction to industrial organization. It includes a vast array of examples, from both within and outside the United States. While formal in its approach, the book is written in a way that requires only basic mathematical training. Supplemental materials posted on the Web make more extensive use of algebra and calculus.
Working Minds: A Practitioner's Guide to Cognitive Task Analysis (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.68 $How to collect data about cognitive processes and events, how to analyze CTA findings, and how to communicate them effectively: a handbook for managers, trainers, systems analysts, market researchers, health professionals, and others.Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) helps researchers understand how cognitive skills and strategies make it possible for people to act effectively and get things done. CTA can yield information people need―employers faced with personnel issues, market researchers who want to understand the thought processes of consumers, trainers and others who design instructional systems, health care professionals who want to apply lessons learned from errors and accidents, systems analysts developing user specifications, and many other professionals. CTA can show what makes the workplace work―and what keeps it from working as well as it might.Working Minds is a true handbook, offering a set of tools for doing CTA: methods for collecting data about cognitive processes and events, analyzing them, and communicating them effectively. It covers both the "why" and the "how" of CTA methods, providing examples, guidance, and stories from the authors' own experiences as CTA practitioners. Because effective use of CTA depends on some conceptual grounding in cognitive theory and research―on knowing what a cognitive perspective can offer―the book also offers an overview of current research on cognition.The book provides detailed guidance for planning and carrying out CTA, with chapters on capturing knowledge and capturing the way people reason. It discusses studying cognition in real-world settings and the challenges of rapidly changing technology. And it describes key issues in applying CTA findings in a variety of fields. Working Minds makes the methodology of CTA accessible and the skills involved attainable.
Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy, third edition (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 66.76 $An approach to comparative economic systems that avoids simple dichotomies to examine a wide variety of institutional and systemic arrangements, with updated country case studies.Comparative economics, with its traditional dichotomies of socialism versus capitalism, private versus state, and planning versus market, is changing. This innovative textbook offers a new approach to understanding different economic systems that reflects both recent transformations in the world economy and recent changes in the field.This new edition examines a wide variety of institutional and systemic arrangements, many of which reflect deep roots in countries' cultures and histories. The book has been updated and revised throughout, with new material in both the historical overview and the country case studies. It offers a broad survey of economic systems, then looks separately at market capitalism, Marxism and socialism, and “new traditional economies” (with an emphasis on the role of religions, Islam in particular, in economic systems). It presents case studies of advanced capitalist nations, including the United States, Japan, Sweden, and Germany; alternative paths in the transition from socialist to market economies taken by such countries as Russia, the former Soviet republics, Poland, China, and the two Koreas; and developing countries, including India, Iran, South Africa, Mexico, and Brazil. The new chapters on Brazil and South Africa complete the book's coverage of all five BRICS nations; the chapter on South Africa extends the book's comparative treatment to another continent. The chapter on Brazil with its account of the role of the Amazon rain forest as a great carbon sink expands the coverage of global environmental and sustainability issues. Each chapter ends with discussion questions.
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