10 products were found matching your search for Eskildsen in 1 shops:
Joakim Eskildsen: American Realities
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.35 $In 2010, more Americans were living below the poverty line than at any time since 1959, when the US Census Bureau began collecting this data. In 2011, Kira Pollack, Director of Photography at Time, commissioned Joakim Eskildsen to photography this growing crisis affecting nearly 46.2 million Americans. Based on census data, Eskildsen, together with journalist Natasha del Toro, travelled to the places with the highest poverty rates in New York, California, Louisiana, South Dakota and Georgia over seven months to document the lives of those behind the statistics. The people Eskildsen has portrayed―those who struggle to make ends meet, who have lost their jobs or homes and often live in unhealthy conditions―usually remain invisible in a society to which the myth of the American Dream still remains strong. Many of Eskilden's subjects hold there is no such dream anymore―merely the American Reality.
American Realities: Joakim Eskildsen
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.00 $In 2010, more Americans were living below the poverty line than at any time since 1959, when the US Census Bureau began collecting this data. In 2011, Kira Pollack, Director of Photography at Time, commissioned Joakim Eskildsen to photography this growing crisis affecting nearly 46.2 million Americans. Based on census data, Eskildsen, together with journalist Natasha del Toro, travelled to the places with the highest poverty rates in New York, California, Louisiana, South Dakota and Georgia over seven months to document the lives of those behind the statistics. The people Eskildsen has portrayed―those who struggle to make ends meet, who have lost their jobs or homes and often live in unhealthy conditions―usually remain invisible in a society to which the myth of the American Dream still remains strong. Many of Eskilden's subjects hold there is no such dream anymore―merely the American Reality.
Paul Strand: The World On My Doorstep
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.86 $Essays by Catherine Duncan and Ute Eskildsen.
Paul Strand: the World On My Doorstep (aperture)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 102.72 $Essays by Catherine Duncan and Ute Eskildsen.
William Eggleston: The Hasselblad Award 1998 [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 59.95 $Foreword by Gunilla Knape. A conversation with Eggleston by Ute Eskildsen. Essays by Thomas Weski e Walter Hopps. 112 color photography. Biography and bibliography . 8vo pp. 128 Rilegato pelle (leather binding) Rilegato in piena pelle con tavole a colori applicate ai piatti anteriore e posteriore / Black boards with tipped in plates to front and rear covers with gilt lettering on the spine Ottimo (Fine)
Daoism, Meditation, and the Wonders of Serenity: From the Latter Han Dynasty (25-220) to the Tang Dynasty (618-907)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 6.16 $An overview of Daoist texts on passive meditation from the Latter Han through Tang periods.Stephen Eskildsen offers an overview of Daoist religious texts from the Latter Han (25–220) through Tang (618–907) periods, exploring passive meditation methods and their anticipated effects. These methods entailed observing the processes that unfold spontaneously within mind and body, rather than actively manipulating them by means common in medieval Daoist religion such as visualization, invocations, and the swallowing of breath or saliva. Through the resulting deep serenity, it was claimed, one could attain profound insights, experience visions, feel surges of vital force, overcome thirst and hunger, be cured of ailments, ascend the heavens, and gain eternal life.While the texts discussed follow the legacy of Warring States period Daoism such as the Laozi to a significant degree, they also draw upon medieval immortality methods and Buddhism. An understanding of the passive meditation literature provides important insights into the subsequent development of Neidan, or Internal Alchemy, meditation that emerged from the Song period onward.
Danny Lyon: Photo, Film 1959-1990
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.32 $First edition, first printing. Soft cover. Photographically illustrated laminated stiff wrappers. Photographs, films and text by Danny Lyon. Interview with the artist by Daniel Jesse Wolff. Essays by Julian Bond, Ute Eskildsen, Jan-Christopher Horak and Daniel Jesse Wolff. Includes a biography, bibliography and exhibition checklist. Designed by Volker Heinze. 188 pp., with 120 black and white plates and numerous additional illustrations. 11-7/8 x 9-3/8 inches. Published on the occasion of the 1994 major retrospective exhibition "Danny Lyon: Photo Film 1959-1990" organized by the Center for Creative Photography, The University of Arizona, Tucson, and the Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany (traveled to the Museet for Fotokunst, Odense, Denmark, the Fotografiska Museet, Stockholm, The Photographer's Gallery, London, the Washington Project for the Arts, Washington, DC, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, The Art Institute of Chicago, the International Museum of Photography, Rochester, New York and the Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York).
Willi Ruge. Fotografien 1919-1953
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.86 $Testi di Ute Eskildsen, Felix Hoffmann e Malte Zierenberg. Illustrato con fotografie in bianco e nero . 8vo (27x20 cm). pp. 268. . Perfetto (Mint). . Prima edizione (First Edition). . Fotografie 1919-1953 appare in occasione della prima retrospettiva al mondo del fotografo Willi Ruge a Berlino. Corse automobilistiche sull'AVUS, sbarco in alta montagna, rivolta di Spartacus, sommosse nell'Alta Slesia, autoritratto in caduta libera. Che sia un reporter di guerra o un artigliere, un regista commerciale o un imprenditore, Ruge fa parte di sconvolgimenti sociali ed è affascinato dalle possibilità tecniche della modernità all'inizio del XX secolo.Non è un osservatore silenzioso ai margini, ma al centro dell'azione. Spesso così al centro che lui stesso entra in scena come attore. Con questo atteggiamento, Ruge non solo riqualifica il ruolo e l'immagine del fotogiornalista, ma sostituisce la presentazione fattuale e oggettiva con esperienze soggettive, apparentemente puramente casuali. I suoi esperimenti visivi e le sue relazioni soddisfano il desiderio del pubblico di intrattenimento e catastrofi e, grazie alla loro prospettiva personale, offrono allo spettatore una vasta area di identificazione.Nella sua serie fotografica più famosa, si mostra in azioni spettacolari, con vedute estreme, vertiginose vedute dal basso, vedute oblique, orizzonti inclinati, enormi primi piani e prospettive straordinarie su ciò che sta accadendo rivelano le conquiste della Nuova Visione. Con Willi Ruge, la politica, il fascino per la tecnologia, la gioia della sperimentazione, l'ironia dell'immagine e la narrazione sono eterogenee fianco a fianco.
Der Fotograf Otto Steinert
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.00 $237 S. : überw. Ill. Hrsg. von Ute Eskildsen. Museum Folkwang, Essen. Leichte Lese- und Lagerspuren / Gutes Exemplar / H222 56439 222 ISBN 9783882436983 Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 2387 30.5 cm, Ganzleinen mit Schutzumschlag
Daoism, Meditation, and the Wonders of Serenity: From the Latter Han Dynasty (25-220) to the Tang Dynasty (618-907)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.98 $An overview of Daoist texts on passive meditation from the Latter Han through Tang periods.Stephen Eskildsen offers an overview of Daoist religious texts from the Latter Han (25–220) through Tang (618–907) periods, exploring passive meditation methods and their anticipated effects. These methods entailed observing the processes that unfold spontaneously within mind and body, rather than actively manipulating them by means common in medieval Daoist religion such as visualization, invocations, and the swallowing of breath or saliva. Through the resulting deep serenity, it was claimed, one could attain profound insights, experience visions, feel surges of vital force, overcome thirst and hunger, be cured of ailments, ascend the heavens, and gain eternal life.While the texts discussed follow the legacy of Warring States period Daoism such as the Laozi to a significant degree, they also draw upon medieval immortality methods and Buddhism. An understanding of the passive meditation literature provides important insights into the subsequent development of Neidan, or Internal Alchemy, meditation that emerged from the Song period onward.
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